One Flew - Worksheet

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One Flew Over The Cockoo’s Nest – Száll a kakukk fészkére

Part 01 - scene 01 (0’28)

McMurphy has just arrived at the sanatorium. He is
taken to the doctor. They meet and talk for the first
time. When he sits down, he looks at a photo on the
doc’s desk, which shows the doc with a big fish.

dandy – (US slang) - remek, klassz

chinook(er)=king salmon - királylazac

1. What does the doc say about the chinook(er)?

(several things)
2. What does the doc say about the picture?
3. What is the one expression used by McMurphy
that you can substitute for all the following
underlined words:
a) His room was in a huge a mess.
b) This holiday will cost very much money.
c) It must have been a great party.
d) It’s taken him incredibly long time to get here.

Part 02 - scene 01 – Cont. (1’16)

belligerent - 1. ellenséges 2.harcias mentally ill - szellemi fogyatékos
authority - hatóság penitentiary - börtön
authorise - felhatalmaz (vö: penitencia)
unauthorised - itt: engedély nélkül work farm - farm, ahol fegyencek
resentful - haragtartó dolgoznak
value(able) - érték(es) assault /əˈsɔːlt/ - támad(ás)
evaluate - értéket megbecsül
/ɪˈvæljueɪt/ itt: értékelést ír vkiről

1. a) What does the joke McMurphy says mean?

b) What does he want to express with it?
2. Why was McMurphy sent to the sanatorium
a) in McMurphy’s opinion? (several reasons)
b) officially? (several reasons)
3. What is the misunderstanding between the doc and McMurphy?
4. a) Who do you think Rocky Marciano is?
b) Why is his name mentioned?

Part 03 - scene 01 – Cont. (1’13)

statutory rape - kiskorú sérelmére elkövetett nemi erőszak
(be) willing (to do) - hajlandó (vmit tenni)
pants - (US) nadrág
sew / sewed / sewn - varr
resist - ellenáll
jail - börtön
goddamned - istenverte
It doesn’t make any sense (to me). - Ennek (számomra) semmi értelme.
senseless - értelmetlen
w(h)acko /ˈwækəʊ/ - őrült
fake - csal(ó)
the work detail - itt: munkarend, napirend

1. What does “went in (for)” mean here?
2. a) What does McMurphy say about the rape? – Answer in your own words briefly.
b) What do you think the three numbers (15, 35, 18) refer to?
3. “It don't make a bit of sense to me.” – What does not make sense to McMurphy? What can he
not understand?
4. What do the police suspect of him?
5. Does McMurphy admit that they are right?

Part 04 - scene 01 – Cont. (0’49)

to be honest / frank - őszintén szólva determined - eltökélt, határozott (ember)
marvel - (fn!) csodálatos make determinations - határozatot / döntést hoz
dolog / ember treatment - kezelés
determine - meghatároz

1. How clever does McMurphy say he is?

2. What synonym does McMurphy use for ”cooperate”?
3. Why is McMurphy willing to cooperate?

Part 05 – Scene 02 (1’24)

The patients are in the Discussion Group. This is a meeting where they sit in a circle and discuss their
problems. It is a kind of therapy for them.
Names: Mr. Harding, Nurse Ratched, Taber, Cheswick

concern(ing) - vmit érint(ő)

stare - bámul(ás)
she drew stares from men - magára vonta a férfiak “tekintetét”
to state st - I. állam (USA) 2. állapot II. állít vmit
seek something - keres vmit
betray - 1. elárul vkit 2. megcsal, elhagy
to speculate - spekulál, kigondol, agyal
require(ment) - elvár(ás), igény(el)

1. What makes Mr Harding uneasy? What is his problem?

2. What may the cause / the root of his problem be?
3. What did Mr Harding suspect?
4. a) Why, in the nurse’s words, is Mr Harding impatient with his wife?
b) What does this exactly mean?

Part 06 – Scene 02 (cont.) (2’24)

With the names of two child actresses, “Little Mary Ann + Little Marjorie Jane” people will hint here that
Mr. Harding is a homosexual.
exist(ence) - létezik – létezés
in terms of - vmivel kapcsolatban, a vmit illetően
juxtaposition - egymás mellé helyezés, mellérendelés
content - tartalom
interrelationship - kölcsönös kapcsolat
dumb - 1. néma 2. (szleng) ostoba, hülye
peculiar - 1. sajátságos, egyéni, különleges 2. furcsa, különös
queer - furcsa, különös, különc
crowding in on sb - vki ellen összefog, ellene fordul
gang - banda
gang up on sb - vki ellen összefog, ellene fordul
allusion (to st) - utalás (vmire)
(a morbid) asshole - (morbid) seggfej
on and on - folyton-folyvást

1. What is Mr Harding “talking about”?
2. What does Taber (the first person, the “loudmouth”) “suggest” to Mr Harding?
3. What is the favour Mr Harding is asking of his friend, Cheswick?
4. Why does he get so angry about those allusions? What are they?
5. Try to understand the group members’ attitude towards Mr. Harding:
a) What do you think Taber’s opinion is of him?
b) What does Cheswick think of him?
c) What can the others’ opinion be?

Part 07 – Scene 03 (1’12)

McMurphy is trying to teach the Indian guy (the Chief) to play basketball
non-restricted patients - nem korlátozott betegek (akik a szanatóriumban nagyobb szabadságot élveznek)
spot - 1. folt, paca 2. kis hely, terület
crush out - kiprésel, kinyom
ain’t - szleng (gyakran dupla tagadással):
am not / aren’t / isn’t / don’t / haven’t (got)
I ain’t no little kid. He ain’t got no money. We ain’t wanna
bust it up.

1. Who does McMurphy say invented basketball?

2. What does McMurphy say the name of the game is?
3. What’s wrong with the way the Chief is holding the ball?
4. What does the guard say to McMurphy?

Part 08 – Scene 04 (0’55)

Marini (one of the patients)
dime - tízcentes nickle - ötcentes

1. What are they doing? How do you know?

2. What do you get when you halve (=cut in half) a dime?
3. What do you think “hit me” means here? How do you know?

Part 09 – Scene 05 (1’48)

Be careful with the volume – there’s a sudden short scream at the beginning!
nurses’ station - nővérszoba ward - kórterem
ma’am /mæm/ (=madam) - (megszólítás) hölgyem orally - 1. szájon keresztül
stain - I. folt, paca II. maszatol 2. szóban (vizsgázik)
saltpeter - salétrom (nem: só péter)

1. What’s the scream for?

2. a) What does McMurphy want?
b) What synonym does he use for it (later)?
3. Why does the nurse say she refuses his request?
4. What does McMurphy call the medicine?
5. Why does he not want to take it?
6. How does the nurse persuade him to take it?
7. What do you think the “other way” is?

Part 10 – Scene 06 (0’28)

smart - (US) okos
God Almighty - Mindenható Isten, kb.: Atyaúristen
champ(ion) - bajnok
bug - bogár
ass - segg
to wind /waɪnd/ - felhúz (órát)

In this part even if you understand every word it is hard to find good Hungarian translation for them.
Sometimes even the above given Hungarian words will not be suitable. Still (having understood the
situation) do try to translate the underlined part – and fill in the gaps of course.

- You know that wasn't very smart. She ____1________ that.

- God Almighty, she's got you guys coming and going. What do you think she is? Some kind of a champ or
- No, I thought you were the champ.
- You want to bet?
- Bet on what?
- One week. I bet in one week I can put a bug so far up her ass she won't know whether to shit or wind
______2______________. What do you say to that?

Part 11 – Scene 07 (1’51)

Another Discussion Group

get it off your chest - vedd le a mellkasodról = öntsd ki a szívedet

the World Series - a két amerikai baseball-liga bajnokainak döntőmérkőzése, az egyik legnagyobb
sportesemény az USA-ban
schedule /ˈskedʒuːl/ - ütemterv, menetrend
vote - szavaz(at)
crap - szar
riot - lázadás

1. Does the nurse think the last meeting was successful? How do you know?
2. What does McMurphy want? Why?
3. What synonym do they use for ”schedule”?
4. What is the nurses first counter-argument?
5. What is McMurphy’s reply to this?
6. What is the second counter-argument?
7. a) What is McMurphy’s “strong” argument? (How important is the World Series?)
b) What do you think the “cooler” is?

Part 12 – Scene 08 (1’19)

Names: Sefelt (patient), Billy (the stammering patient)
McMurphy is still talking about the World Series. Mr Harding is standing there wet after a shower.
stammer - dadog
damn lunatic - átkozott idióta / elmebeteg
downtown - (US) belváros
chicken - tyúk
eggplant (US) = aubergine /ˈəʊbəʒiːn/ (Br) - padlizsán
wet one’s whistle - benedvesíti a sípját = iszik egyet
buck - (szleng) dollár

1. Why does McMurphy call the others “chicken shits”?

2. How does he want to get out of the sanatorium first?
3. How do some patients make fun of McMurphy /
ridicule his idea?
4. How does it become obvious that Sefelt is simple-

“I'll take this fucking thing, and put it through the


Part 13 – Scene 09 (1’26)
Some doctors are talking to McMurphy

learn - megtud, értesül gather - gyűjt; összegyűlik

rig - cinkel, meghamisít, megbundáz moss - moha
rolling - gördülő in public - nyilvánosan

1. What do we learn about Mrs Ratchet?

2. What do you think “put sb on” means?
3. What does the saying “A rolling stone gathers no moss.” mean?
4. What is McMurphy’s attitude towards these doctors like (compared to the first meeting with the Doc)?

Part 14 – Scene 10 (0’09)

The group is on a ship. McMurphy and his girlfriend are talking.

can of coke / fish / paint - konzerv (kóla, hal, doboz festék)

quit (doing) st / quit(ted) / quit(ted) - (US) abbahagy vmit
He quit smoking / school last year. - Tavaly leszokott a dohányzásról / befejezte az iskolát.
(Just) quit it! - Hagyd már abba!
nuts - (szleng) bolond
you’re driving me nuts / crazy / mad - megőrjítesz
feeble (heartbeat / excuse / attempt to...) - gyenge (szívverés / kifogás / próbálkozás)
feeb = feeble-minded - gyengeelméjű

1. What American slang meaning do you think ‘can’ have here?

2. Why does McMurphy (not) want to quit (on) this?
3. What do you think McMurphy means by ”feeb farm”?

Part 15 – Scene 11 (0’28)

The men are fishing on a boat.

wheel - (kormány)kerék arrow - nyíl steady - stabil(an)

What is McMurphy telling Charley to do?

Part 16 – Scene 12 (2’00)

McMurphy is handing out hooks to the men and is trying to teach them to fish.

hand out - kioszt

(bottom-)hook - (fenekező) horog (ami nem egy úszón lóg a
víz felszínén, hanem lesüllyed a tó fenekére)
looney(bin) - bolond(okháza)
crunch - (foggal) ropogtat, rágcsál, (hó) csikorog
loop - hurok
grab - megragad, megfog (átv. is. = tetszik neki)

1. What are they going to do with the little fishes?

2. How? What are they supposed to do with the little fishes?
3. What do you think the “sting” “that little devil’s not gonna
even feel” refers to?
3. What does Billy, the stammering boy, say to a girl on the ship? (two things)

Part 17 – Scene 13 (0’13)
tip - hegy(e vminek), csúcs(a) handle - kezel (problémát)

What does McMurphy ask the guys to do? (When should they call him? When should they not?)

Part 18 – Scene 14 (1’18)

Some doctors are talking to McMurphy
name: Dr. Songee

overly psychotic - túlzottan / nagyon elmebeteg

relate to sb - megértést tanúsít vki iránt, azonosul vkivel
dislike - nem szeret
Can I disturb you for a minute? - Zavarhatlak egy percre?

1. What do the first two doctors think of him?

2. What does the “boss” want to do? Why?
3. Why does Mrs Ratchet disagree with him?
4. What do you think the two places “Pendleton” and “Disturbed” mean here?

Part 19 – Scene 15 (0’32)

McMurphy is talking to one of the attendants called Washington

buddy - (US szleng) pajtás jail - börtön

suck - szopni, szívni sucker - egy csúnyább szó a “looser”-re

1. So what does McMurphy “mean”?

2. Why is Washington not afraid of McMurphy?

Part 20 – Scene 16 (0'31)

McMurphy is talking to Billy, the stammering boy

convertible - nyitott sportkocsi (szó szerint: átalakítható)

bird-dog - I. vadászkutya II. vizslat, kutatva / fixálva néz vmit
bang beaver - puncit döngetni
I can’t stand you - ki nem állhatlak
complain - panaszkodni
have guts to do st - van mersze (=vannak belei) valamit tenni
the average asshole - (durva) az átlag seggfej

1. What does McMurphy suggest Billy should do? Try to explain it neatly in your own words.
2. Why is he angry about the others?
3. What is the other way of saying “you only / just complain”?

Part 21 – Scene 17 (0’37)

dorm(itory) - hálóterem
brood (on the meaning of life) - (átv) kotlik / tűnődik (az élet értelmén), magában ücsörög
therapeutic /ˌθerəˈpjuːtɪk/ - 1. gyógyászati 2. pihentető, gyógyító hatású
increase - növel; növekszik
separation - elkülönülés, elkülönítés, szeparáció

1. Why is the dormitory locked?

2. Why is it bad to be alone?

Part 22 – Scene 18 (0’36)
gamble - szerencsejáték(ozik)
(bath)tub - (fürdő)kád
tub room - itt: fürdőszoba, a betegek lefürdetésére
not to mention - vmiről / arról nem is beszélve(, hogy...)
privilege - előjog, kiváltság
ration /ˈræʃn/ - porció(z), adag(ol)
suspend - felfüggeszt, itt: megvon

1. Why have the patients’ privileges been suspended? (Try to write down exactly what the nurse says.)
2. What other change did they introduce?
3. What is Martini’s problem?

Part 23 – Scene 19 (0’19)

McMurphy is talking to a fellow patient (while chewing a gum). A guard’s name is: Randall.

(You,) son of a bitch. - szó szerint: (Te) szuka kölyke; jelentése: Kurva anyád!

1. What is McMurphy planning to do?

2. How? (What is he planning for the guards?)

Part 24 – Scene 20 (0’17)

The doctors are going to examine McMurphy. He is on a bed. They are going to take his shoes off.

attaboy / attagirl, thatta boy / girl = that’s the boy / girl - Ügyes fiú / (kis)lány! Bravó!
fluid - folyadék leak - szivárog speciment - minta(vétel)

McMurphy is being funny again. What is he suggesting?

Part 25 – Scene 21 (0’43)

McMurphy is talking to a friend of his.

poppa - papa
cedar /ˈsiːdə(r)/ - cédrus(fa)
(blind in the cedars from drinking – tök részeg (nem bevett kifejezés, nem kell megtanulni)
shrink / shrank OR shrunk / shrunk – összemegy; elfonnyad
wrinkled - ráncos

1. What does this man say about his poppa?

2. How would you translate “work on him” into Hungarian?
3. You must have spotted that this guy’s English is not correct (=standard English). Please correct his
sentences and write down what he means to say.

Part 26 – Scene 22 (0’32)

McMurphy is standing at the window. Two girls are coming with lots of bottles. The night-guard (Turkle)
sees him looking out of the window and talks to McMurphy.

holy roller – olyan keresztény gyülekezet, szekta, ahol nagy érzelmi kitörésekkel,
a földön fetrengve (=roll) imádkoznak
prayer /preə(r)/ – ima pray /preɪ/ - imádkozik milyen szépen hallatszik a kiejtésbeli különbség!

1. What is McMurphy trying to do in this scene?

2. What do you think “It don’t send me.” means here in Hungarian?
3. How would you translate “You’re getting closer.” here?

Part 27 – Scene 23 (0’43)
The two girls are in. Turkle, McMurphy and the girls are talking.
names: Beaverton (town), (Miss) Candy

bra – melltartó facilities – itt: felszerelés (lehetőségek, berendezés, létesítmények)

stroll – I. lődörög, sétál, kószál II. lődörgés peep – 1. kukucskál, kukkant 2. cincog, csipog

1. What does one of the girls want to do?

2. What problem did one of the girls have with a maniac once?
3. What does “I got you.” mean here (in English)?

Part 28 – Scene 24 (0’19)

Turkle, the night-guard is talking to an old nurse.

lonesome = lonely – magányos emotion – érzelem

1. What is Turkle talking about?

2. What do you think happened?

Part 29 - Scene 25 (1’23)

name: Cheseroo

creep – I. kúszik, mászik, oson II. (ellenszenves emberre) patkány, görény

mental defective – szellemileg visszamaradott / sérült
bullgoose – az alfahím (nem bevett szó)
ding-a-ling – dilinyós
trot – üget
be hot to trot – 1. bizsereg a talpa, tűkön ül, buzog benne a tettvágy 2. fel van ajzva, be van gerjedve
pinball (machine) – flipper
gentle 1. lágy (szellő) 2. nyájas, szelíd
puppy (dog) – kutyus, kiskutya
proceed – folytat(ódik), (előre)halad

1. What do you think happened here? (Try to use your imagination!)

2. (How) has McMurphy’s attitude changed?

The End

Part 01 - scene 01 (0’28)
- R.P. McMurphy.
- That's a hell of a fish there, Doc.
- Isn't that a dandy?
-Yeah. It's about 40 pounds, ain't it?
-No, 32.
-Thirty-two. But I'll tell you, it took every bit of strength I had to hold it up there while the guy took the
- Every damn bit. Probably that chain didn't help it any, either. You didn't weigh the chain, did you, doc?
- No, I didn't weigh the chain. But I tell ya’, I'm awfully proud of that picture. That's the first Chinooker I
ever caught.
- It's a nice one.

Part 02 - scene 01 – Cont. (1’16)

- Randall Patrick McMurphy. Thirty-eight years old. What can you tell me about why you've been sent
over here?
- Well....I don't know. What's it say there? (a doki kezében levő papírokra utal) - Mind if I smoke?
- No, go right ahead. Well, it says several things here. It said you've been belligerent. Talked when
unauthorized. You've been resentful in attitude towards work, in general. That you're lazy.
- Chewing gum in class? He-he.
- Well, the real reason that you've been sent here is because they wanted you to be evaluated. To
determine whether or not you're mentally ill. Why do you think they might think that?
- Well, as near as I c’n figure out, it's 'cause I fight ’n’ fuck too much.
- In the penitentiary?
- No, no, no, you mean why....
- Why did you get sent over here from the work farm?
- Oh, well, I really don't know, Doc.
- It says here that you went around...
- It ain't up to me, you know.
- Let me just take a look....
- It ain't up to me, you know.
- You've got at least five arrests for assault. What can you tell me about that?
- Five fights, huh? Rocky Marciano's got 14, and he's a millionaire.

Part 03 - scene 01 – Cont. (1’13)

- Of course, it's true that you went in for statutory rape. That's true, is it not, this time?
- Absolutely true. But, Doc, she was 15 years old going on 35, Doc, and she told me she was 18. She was
very willing, you know what I mean? I practically had to take to sewing my pants shut. But between you
and me she might have been 15. When you get that little red beaver right up there in front of you, I don't
think it's crazy at all. And I don't think you do, either.
- I hear what you're saying.
- No man alive could resist that. And that's why I got into jail to begin with. And now they're telling me
I'm crazy over here 'cause I don't sit there like a goddamn vegetable. It don't make a bit of sense to me. If
that's what being crazy is then I'm senseless, out of it, gone down the road, whacko. But, no more, no less.
That's it.
- Well, to be honest with you, McMurphy what it says here is that they think, they think you've been
faking it in order to get out of your work detail. What do you think about that?
- Do I look like that kind of guy to you, Doc?

Part 04 - scene 01 – Cont. (0’49)

- Let's just be frank for a minute. All right, Randall, if you would. Tell me, do you think there's anything
wrong with your mind, really?
- Not a thing, Doc. I'm a goddamn marvel of modern science.

- Well, you're gonna be here for a period, for us to evaluate you. We're gonna study you. We'll make our
determinations as to what we're going to do and give you the necessary treatment as indicated.
- Doc, let me just tell you this. I'm here to cooperate with you a hundred percent. A hundred percent. I'll be
just right down the line with you. You watch. 'Cause I think we ought to get to the bottom of that R.P.

Part 05 – Scene 02 (1’24)

- All right, gentlemen, let's begin. At the close of Friday's meeting we were discussing Mr. Harding's
problem concerning his wife. Mr. Harding stated that his wife made him uneasy because she drew stares
from men on the street. Is that correct, Mr. Harding?
- Yes, … uhm, … yes, that's correct.
- He also thinks he may have given her reason to seek sexual attention elsewhere, but he wasn't able to say
how. Mr. Harding has been heard to say to his wife: "I hate you. I don't ever want to see you again. You've
betrayed me." So, does anyone care to touch on this further? … You mean there's not a man here who has
an opinion on this matter? All right. Mr. Harding, you've stated on more than one occasion that you've
suspected your wife of seeing other men.
- Oh, yes! Yes, very …, I suspect her. I suspect her.
- Well, maybe you can tell us why you suspect her.
- Well, I can only speculate as to the reasons why.
- Have you ever speculated, Mr. Harding that perhaps you are impatient with your wife because she
doesn't meet your mental requirements?
- Perhaps.

Part 06 – Scene 02 (cont.) (2’24)

- But you see, the only thing I can really speculate on, Nurse Ratched is the very existence of my life with
or without my wife in terms of the human relationships, the juxtaposition of one person to another, the
form and the content.
- Harding, why don't you knock off the bullshit and get to the point?
- This is the point. This is the point, Taber. It's not bullshit. I'm not just talking about my wife, I'm talking
about my life! I can't seem to get that through to you. I'm not just talking about one person, I'm talking
about everybody! I'm talking about form! I'm talking about content! I'm talking about interrelationships!
I'm talking about God, the Devil, Hell, Heaven! Do you understand finally?
- Yeah, Harding, you're so fucking dumb I can't believe it.
- It makes me feel very peculiar, very peculiar when you throw in something like that.
-Why? What does that mean, "peculiar," Harding?
- I'm gonna tell you guys something. You just don't want to learn anything. You just don't want to listen to
anybody. He's got intelligence!
- Wait a minute! Wait a minute! You've never heard the word "peculiar"? Say, what are you trying to say?
You trying to say I'm queer? Is that it? Little Mary Ann? Little Marjorie Jane? Is that it? Is that what
you're trying to tell me? Is that your idea of communicating something to me? Is it? Well, is it?
- They're all crowding in on you, Mr. Harding. They're all ganging up on you.
- Is that news?
- They sometimes want to gang up on me, too, but l--
- Cheswick, do me a favor. Take it easy. And stay off my side.
- But I only wanna, I only wanna, I only wanna help you.
- I understand
- But don't you want me to...?
- Please!
- But I only wanna....
- Please!
- But I only wanna help you.
- Please! You see, the other day you made some allusions, both of you to sexual … yes, allusions.
Allusions. Not illusions. Allusions to sexual problems I might be having with my wife. All right, let's say

it's true! Let's say I know what to be true, but you don't! If that's your idea of trying to tell me something,
you’d better …
- # I think you're some kind of morbid asshole or something!
-"Peculiar! "
-"Asshole" again.
- It makes you feel "peculiar."
- All I’ve ever heard ever since I can remember! You know, she's on your mind, and blah, blah, blah on
and on and on …....
- I'm not talking about my wife! Can’t I get that through to you? [shouts]
- Please!
- I don't wanna hear it!
-I'm tired.
-I don't wanna hear it! [shouts, cries]

Part 07 – Scene 03 (1’12)

- Recreation time, gentlemen. The bus is waiting. All non-restricted patients please report to the bus.
- Ever played this game, Chief? C’m on, I'll show you. Old Indian game. It's called "put the ball in the
hole." Now, that ought to be just.... Hold it right there. All right. Now, that's your spot. Don't move. Never
move. That's your spot, you understand? Right there. You don't move. Now, take the ball. Here, take the
ball! That's it. Hold on to it. Not too hard, Chief. You'll crush all the air out of it. We're gonna put her in
the basket. You understand? All right. Now, raise up your arms. Raise the ball up in the air, Chief. Raise it
- McMurphy? What are you talking to him for? He can't hear a fucking thing.
- I ain't talking to him. I'm talking to myself. It helps me think.
- Yeah, well, it don't help him none.
- Well, it don't hurt ’im, either, does it? Don't hurt you, does it, Chief? See? Don't hurt ’im.

Part 08 – Scene 04 (0’55)

- All right. Make the bets.
- What's this?
- Make the bets. It's a dime, Martini.
- I bet a nickel.
- A dime's the limit, Martini.
- I bet a dime.
- This is not a dime, Martini. This is a dime. If you break it in half you don't get two nickels, you get shit.
Try and smoke it. You understand? You don't understand! All right, here they come. Queen to the
Chesser, Big Bull to Tabulations, ten to Billy to match his whang, and the dealer gets a three.
- Hit me. Hit me.
- I can't hit you because it ain't your turn yet. You understand? You see these other people? These are the
real ones. These are real people here.

Part 09 – Scene 05 (1’48)

- Stay back!
- Excuse me, ma'am. I just wanted to…
- Stay back! Patients aren't allowed in the nurses' station.
- Well, I just wanted to turn....
- When you're outside, we'll discuss whatever problem you have, okay? The patients are not allowed in the
nurses' station. All right?
- Yes, ma’am. Excuse me, miss. Do you think it might be possible to turn that music down so maybe a
couple of the boys could talk?
- That music is for everyone, Mr. McMurphy.
- I know, but do you think we might ease it down a little so maybe the boys didn't have to shout? Huh?
- What you probably don't realize is that we have a lot of old men on this ward who couldn't hear the
music if we turned it lower. That music is all they have. Your hand is staining my window.

- Sorry, ma'am.
- All right.
- Mr. McMurphy, your medication.
- What's in the horse pill?
- It's just medicine. It's good for you.
- Yeah, but I don't like the idea of taking something if I don't know what it is.
- Don't get upset, Mr. McMurphy.
- I'm not getting upset, Miss Pilbow. It's just that I don't want anyone to try and slip me saltpeter. Know
what I mean?
- It's all right, Nurse Pilbow. If Mr. McMurphy doesn't want to take his medication orally I'm sure we can
arrange that he can have it some other way. But I don't think you'd like it, Mr. McMurphy.
- You'd like it, wouldn't you? Give it to me.
- Good.

Part 10 – Scene 06 (0’28)

- You know that wasn't very smart. She could have seen that.
- God Almighty, she's got you guys coming and going. What do you think she is? Some kind of a champ
or something?
- No, I thought you were the champ.
- You want to bet?
- Bet on what?
- One week. I bet in one week I can put a bug so far up her ass she won't know whether to shit or wind her
wrist watch.

Part 11 – Scene 07 (1’51)

- Last time we were discussing Mr. Harding and the problem with his wife and I think we were making a
lot of progress. So who would like to begin today? Mr. McMurphy?
- Yeah, I've been thinking about what you said about, you know, getting things off your chest. Well,
there's a couple of things that I'd like to get off my chest.
- Well, that's very good, Mr. McMurphy. Go ahead.
- Okay. Today, as you may or may not know, it doesn't matter, is the opening of the World Series. What
I'd like to suggest is that we change the work detail tonight so that we can watch the ball game.
- Well, Mr. McMurphy, what you're asking is that we change a very carefully worked out schedule.
- A little change never hurt, huh? A little variety?
- Well, it's not necessarily true, Mr. McMurphy. You know, some men on the ward take a long, long time
to get used to the schedule. Change it now, and they might find it very disturbing.
- Well, fuck the schedule! I mean, they can go back to the schedule after the Series. I'm talking about the
World Series, Nurse Ratched, huh?
- Well, anyway, this is no way to proceed about this. How would it be if we had a vote and let the majority
- Great. Let's vote on her.
- So, all those in favour raise your hands.
- What is this crap? I watch the Series. I haven't missed the Series in years. Even in the cooler. When I'm
in the cooler they run it there or they'll have a riot.

Part 12 – Scene 08 (1’19)

- Is that what your schedule does for you, Hard-on?
- Damn lunatic! I don't know what you're talking about.
- No? Well, then stay all wet, Harding, huh?
- 'Cause I'm going downtown to watch the World Series, anyway. Anybody want to come with me?
- I do, Mac. I want to go with you!
- Ches, all right. Anybody else?
- Where?
- Any bar downtown.

- Mac, you can't ...can't get out of here.
- Anybody want to bet? Chicken shits!
- Maybe he'll just show Nurse Ratched his big thing, and she'll open the door for him.
- Yeah, maybe I will, and then maybe I'll use your thick skull and knock a hole in the wall. Sefelt, see?
- Why? My head would squash like an eggplant.
- Fuck Sefelt's head, I don't need Sefelt's head! I'll take this fucking thing, and put it through the window
and me and my buddy, Cheswick will go out through the hall downtown, sit down in a bar, wet our
whistles and watch the ball game. And that's the bet. Now, does anybody want any of it?
- I'll bet a buck.
- Taber, $1.

Part 13 – Scene 09 (1’26)

- Do you like it here?
- Well, that fucking nurse, man!
- What do you mean, sir?
- She … she ain't honest.
- Well, now let … Miss Ratched's one of the finest nurses we've got in this institution.
- Well, I don't wanna break up the meeting or nothing but she's something of a cunt, ain't she, Doc?
- How do you mean that?
- She likes a rigged game, you know what I mean?
- Well, you know, I've been observing you here now for the last four weeks and I don't see any evidence of
mental illness, at all. I think that you've been trying to put us on, all this time.
- Have you ever heard the old saying, "A rolling stone gathers no moss"?
- Yeah?
- Does that mean something to you?
- It's the same as "Don't wash your dirty underwear in public."
- I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
- I'm smarter than him, ain't I? Well that, sort of, has always meant is: it's hard for something to grow on
something that's moving.
- How did you feel about what happened yesterday?
- I wanna kill.

Part 14 – Scene 10 (0’09)

- You’d better quit on this. They'll throw you in the can again, you know?
- No, they won't. We're nuts! They'll just take us back to the feeb farm, see?

Part 15 – Scene 11 (0’28)

- Aye-aye, sir. Well, I mean, yes, Mac.
- Take it easy, Charlie. Have you ever driven one of these things?
-Driven one of....
- No, Mac.
- Well, it's a lot of fun. Come on over here. Put your hands on the wheel. Put your hands on.
- I've never done this.
- Put your hands on the wheel so you don't fall down. All right. Just hold it steady right there, like that.
- Steady?
- Steady, yeah. Now just go straight. Straight as an arrow, Charlie.
- Straight, Mac?
- Just straight. That's right.
- But Mac!

Part 16 – Scene 12 (2’00)

- Little fishes.
- Dead fishes.
- That's right. Now what are we gonna do with these little fishes?

- Catch big fishes.
- That's right. That's right, Mr. Martini. All right. Hooks. Hooks. (Horgokat oszt mindenkinek) Now, hold
on to your hooks 'cause here are the fishes. Tabes. Get a fish here. There, for you, Martini. All right, now
we, each one of us has got a fish. What are you laughing at, Martini? You're not an idiot, huh? You're not
a goddamn looney now, boy, you're a fisherman. Now, take your bottom hook. You got it? You take it and
you push it all the way through, like that. Wait a second. Get it through the eyes, here. Right through here.
- In the eye?
- Don't worry about it! He's dead, Martini. Jesus Christ, just put it through his eyeball, here. That's it.
Crunch it right through. All right. Now you got it, see? Now, you just pull that baby through. You see
what I mean? And you wrap it around. You pull this so it's a little loop. That's very good. That's very
good, Mr. Fredrickson! Very good eye work. Good eye work. That little devil's gonna not even feel the
sting, is he, boy?
Billy: You got beautiful hair.
Girl: Thank you.
- And you got beautiful eyes.
- Thank you.
- Billy, what's the matter? Fishing don't grab you?
- Yeah, they do.

Part 17 – Scene 13 (0’13)

- Now, just keep watching the tip here. If you get a strike, let me know. Understand? Just keep fishing,
guys! Don't call me unless you get something really big you can't handle yourselves.

Part 18 – Scene 14 (1’18)

- I think he's dangerous. He's not crazy but he's dangerous.
- You don't think he's crazy?
- No, he's not crazy.
- Dr. Songee?
- I don't think he's overly psychotic. But I still think he's quite sick.
- Do you think he's dangerous?
- Absolutely so.
- Well, John, what do you want to do with him?
- Well, I think we've had our turn. I'd like to send him back to the work farm, frankly.
- Is there anybody that you have on your staff, that could relate to him? Maybe understand him. Help him
out with some of these problems?
- The funny thing is that the person that he's the closest to is the one he dislikes the most. That's you,
- Well, gentlemen, in my opinion, if we send him back to Pendleton or we send him up to Disturbed, it's
just one more way of passing on our problem to somebody else. You know, we don't like to do that. So I'd
like to keep him on the ward. I think we can help him.

Part 19 – Scene 15 (0’32)

- I'll be seeing you on the outside. You know what I mean?
- By the time you get out of here you'll be too old to even get it up.
- Sixty-eight days, buddy. Sixty-eight days.
- What the fuck you talking about, 68 days! That's in jail, sucker. You still don't know where you're at?
- Yeah, where am I at, Washington?
- With us, baby, you're with us. And you're gonna stay with us until we let you go.

Part 20 – Scene 16 (0'31)

- I mean, you're just a young kid! What are you doing here? You ought to be out in a convertible bird-
dogging chicks and banging beaver. What are you doing here, for Christ's sake? What's funny

about that? Jesus, I mean, you guys do nothing but complain about how you can't stand it in this place, and
then you haven't got the guts just to walk out? What do you think you are, for Christ's sake? Crazy or
something? Well, you're not. You're not! You're no crazier than the average asshole out walking around on
the streets. And that's it.

Part 21 – Scene 17 (0’37)

- Mr. Scanlon?
- I wanna know why is that the dorm is locked in the daytime and on weekends?
- You know very well that if we left the door open, you'd just go right back to bed after breakfast. Am I
- So what?
- Remember, Mr. Scanlon, we've discussed many times that time spent in the company of others is very
therapeutic. While time spent brooding alone only increases a feeling of separation. And you remember
that, don't you?
- Do you mean to say, it's sick to wanna be off by yourself?

Part 22 – Scene 18 (0’36)

- Now, as you all know, Mr. McMurphy has been running a small gambling casino in our tub room. Now,
most of you lost all your cigarettes to Mr. McMurphy not to mention a tidy sum of money to Mr.
McMurphy. And that's why your tub room privileges have been suspended and your cigarettes have been
rationed. - Mr. Martini?
- How are we gonna win our money back?
- You're not going to win your money back, Mr. Martini. That's all over.

Part 23 – Scene 19 (0’19)

- What are we doing in here? Huh? What's us, two guys, doing in this fucking place? Let's get out of here.
Canada. We'll be there before these son of a bitches know what hit 'em. This Randall and this one.

Part 24 – Scene 20 (0’17)

- Would you sit up, please?
- Sure, I'd love to.
- Thatta boy.
- There might be a little fluid in them boots, you know what I mean, boys? Just a little leak. A light shine,
boys, and send the specimen to Nurse Ratched. You know what I mean.

Part 25 – Scene 21 (0’43)

- My poppa's real big. He did like he pleased. That's why everybody worked on him. The last time I seen
my father he was blind in the cedars from drinking. And every time he put the bottle to his mouth he don't
suck out of it. It sucks out of him until he shrunk so wrinkled and yellow, even the dogs don't know him.
- Killed him, huh?
- I'm not saying they killed him. They just worked on him, the way they're working on you.

Part 26 – Scene 22 (0’32)

- McMurphy, stop all this Holy Roller shit and get your ass back in bed. Do you understand?
- Well, my prayers have been answered, Turkle. Come on and see. You'd take 20$ to get down on your
knees and pray, wouldn't you, Turkle?
- No, it don't send me, don't send me.
- It don't?
- Don't do nothing to me, no.
- Well, you know there'll be more. I mean, they'll be bringing a couple of bottles with ’em, and....
- You're getting closer, brother. You're getting closer.

Part 27 – Scene 23 (0’43)

- Hey, can I take a bath?
- Sure, you can take a bath. Sure. Just don't drown your pretty little self.

- You know, Rose was married to a maniac once, up in Beaverton.
- Oh, really, miss? What seemed to be the problem?
- Oh, nothing, he used to put frogs in my bra all the time.
- Very interesting. Very interesting.
- Ahm, Mr Turkle, Rose is very interested in hospitals, and hospital facilities.
- I am?
- Yes. Oh, yes, you are. I'm going to take Miss Candy …
- Where you going?
- I'm gonna take Candy for a stroll.
- I got you, I got you. But just don't make too much noise.
- Oh, no, not a peep, not a peep.

Part 28 – Scene 24 (0’19)

- I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry, ma'am, but, you know, a man gets awfully lonesome at night. You understand what I mean,
don't you? You understand? I'm sure you understand.
- I want that woman off this ward, immediately.
- Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am.

Part 29 - Scene 25 (1’23)

- How about it, you creeps, you lunatics, mental defectives. Let's hear it for Bullgoose Randall, back in
action. Nice shirt, Cheseroo. Look at the faces on you! Look at you! The feeb's brigade, you ding-a-lings!
The mental defective league in formation. How are you, Nurse Ratched? I'm happy to be back.
- We're happy to have you back, Randall.
- Thank you.
- Would you like to rest today, or would you like to join the group?
- I'd love to join the group....I'd like....I'm proud to join the group, Mildred.
- How's it going, Mac?
- Perfect, Billy Boy, absolutely perfect. They were giving me, 10.000 watts a day, you know, and I'm hot
to trot. The next woman who takes me on will light up like a pinball machine and pay off in silver dollars!
- That's an amusing thought, Randall but when you came in we were talking to Jim. He has a problem with
his medication and we'd like to get back to that.
- Oh, I don't...l don't mind at all, Nurse Ratched, I'm as gentle as a puppy dog and... Please proceed. Thank


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