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Achieving The American Dream Essay

Writing an essay on the topic "Achieving The American Dream" can be quite challenging. The
concept of the American Dream is multifaceted and deeply ingrained in the cultural and historical
fabric of the United States. As such, approaching this topic requires a nuanced understanding of its
various interpretations and implications.

Firstly, defining what constitutes the American Dream itself is a complex task. Is it solely about
financial success and upward mobility? Or does it encompass broader ideals such as freedom,
equality, and opportunity? Moreover, the perception of the American Dream has evolved over time,
shaped by socio-economic factors, political ideologies, and individual experiences.

Furthermore, exploring the attainment of the American Dream involves grappling with issues of
privilege, inequality, and systemic barriers. While some may argue that hard work and determination
are the keys to success, others point to structural inequalities that hinder certain groups from realizing
their aspirations.

Moreover, the American Dream is often intertwined with notions of identity and belonging.
Immigrants and marginalized communities, for instance, may have unique perspectives on what it
means to achieve success in America, highlighting the complexities of the Dream's universality.

Additionally, analyzing the contemporary relevance of the American Dream requires consideration of
current socio-political realities. Economic instability, widening wealth gaps, and socio-cultural
divisions all shape individuals' perceptions of their opportunities for advancement.

In crafting an essay on this topic, one must navigate these complexities with care, drawing from a
diverse range of perspectives and scholarly sources. Balancing historical context with contemporary
insights, and acknowledging the diversity of experiences within the American populace, is essential
for providing a comprehensive analysis.

In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Achieving The American Dream" can be challenging due to
its multifaceted nature and evolving significance, delving into its complexities offers valuable
insights into the ideals and realities of American society.

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Achieving The American Dream EssayAchieving The American Dream Essay
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The tutorial class was filled with anticipation. Something was going to happen. Every
Muslim friend of mine lamented at how slow the clock was ticking or so it seemed. As
the time drew nearer, many just halted their tasks and began to countdown. Suddenly,
the clock struck five. The quiet and dull atmosphere was transformed to a noisy and
exciting one. This marked the class ended and they were ready to break their fast soon.
I was invited by my course mates to experience Bazaar Ramadan. A thought of Jalan
Masjid India and Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman Bazaar Ramadan came to my mind. Thus,
I suggested to bring along my friends from Penang to witness the exciting and fun filled
circumstances from the bazaar of Kuala Lumpur.

I can hardly remember when I was still a kid, my father was mine of information about
the history of Ramadan. This is because he lived in a Malay village during his childhood
time. My father made friends and communicated with other ethnics of children not only
Chinese ethnic. His friends of Malay ethnic shared all the knowledge about Ramadan
with my father. Ramadan is the month of fasting practiced by the most observant
Muslims. Everyday during the month of Ramadan, Muslims around the world get up
before dawn (6:00 a.m.) to eat the Suhoor meal and perform their Fajr prayer. They break
their fast when the ... Show more content on ...
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patiently to his daughter that murtabak is one of the most popular street food and it is a
type of Indian stuffed pancake that layers of dough with minced meat curry filling, eggs
and onions to create a savoury parcel. There is variety of murtabak depending on the
area or country. Its appearance is just like Indian roti canai. I was so anxious to have a
try with it. It just costs RM2.50 per piece. Murtabak is usually cut into portions and
served with curry
The North Africa Conflict
While analyzing the North Africa conflict, a combination of service capabilities would
be required to achieve the desired end state of deterring and if necessary, the defeat of
Algerian guerilla aggression to prevent regional and global destabilization. Taking into
account the current military landscape that exists today, a joint task force (JTF) would
be the ideal military response of the United States and collation partner s while
utilizing the regional military assets. Intelligence suggests guerilla forces are capable
of a full scale offensive into Morocco in less than 36 hour notice, bringing the factors
of time, force and space into consideration. The United States Air Force controls and
operates numerous satellites for global positioning, missile warning, communication
and meteorological purposes along with reconnaissance aircraft. Through a
combination of satellite imagery and reconnaissance aircraft, identifying and
collecting intelligence on guerilla military targets and movements would be the first
objective in the conflict. Once targets are identified, bombing campaigns could
commence from regional Air force bases in the Area of Operations (AO), softening up
guerilla forces in advance of the next stage of the military engagement, the ground
campaign. Air force tankers such as the HC 130, KC 135 and KC 10 would need to be
deployed to offer in flight air refueling for the F 15, F 16, F 22 and A 10 s departing
from regional Air force bases. The Air Force also
Cognitive Dissonance And Its Effects On Behavior
Cognitive Dissonance is refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or
behaviors. This produces a feeling of discomfort leading to an alteration in one of the
attitudes, beliefs or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and restore balance etc. The
research on cognitive dissonance was done by Festinger and Carlsmith in 1959. It gives a
background history of the time when Cognitive Dissonancewas investigated by Leon
Festinger. However, In the case being discussed in this paper, participants are given a
boring task to start with. After the experiment, participants are paid different amounts to
pursue other participates who are waiting to start with task. The participants who are
done with the task feel dissonance when they were asked to pursue someone that the task
was fun. There can many other ways and situations were one can experience dissonance.
Also in the discussion there is inclusion for how to reduce cognitive dissonance which
could help one to make better decisions. An obvious implication of cognitive dissonance
theory is that if one wants to change someone s attitude, one could try to create
dissonance concerning that person s attitude and hope that desired attitude change would
result. However, there are other implications of Cognitive Dissonance as well. Much of
the research on dissonance has focused on decision making, counter attitudinal advocacy,
forced compliance, and selective exposure to information.

Cognitive Dissonance
How and Why

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