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Lesson 1

Present Perfect Tense

*We use PPT when yesterday’s action gives a result today.
S + have/has + V3/ed (+)
I have stolen my keys.
S + have not/haven’t + V3/ed (-)
S + has not/hasn’t + V3/ed
I haven’t stolen my keys.
Have/Has + S + V3/ed? (?)
Have you stolen your keys?
Have/Has + S + not + V3/ed? (-?)
Haven’t/Hasn’t + S + V3/ed?
Hasn’t she stolen her keys?
What/Where/How long/ Why/When + have / has + S + V3/ed?
Why have you come here?
S + have/has + just + V3/ed Недавно/Только что
I have just explained the topic!
S + haven’t/hasn’t + V3/ed + C + M + yet Что-то ещё не случилось
yet always with negative
She hasn’t come yet.
S + have/has + V3/ed + C + M + recently/lately Недавно
She has blocked me recently.
How long + have/has + S + V3/ed? Как давно
How long has Rustam learnt the words?
For – period of time
Since – starting point/time.
My students have studied at Premium for 3 months.
I have started to study since 2020.
Key words:
Yet - ещё
still – до сих пор
already – уже
just – только что/недавно

ever – когда либо

I have already finished my work.
This is/It is + the superlative/the only/the first + S + have/has + ever + V3/ed
This is the worst book I have ever read.
It is the first job I have ever worked.
S + had better + Vsimple Было бы лучше

You had better study hard.

Lesson 2
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
 Present Perfect Continuous – время, которое показывает, что действие
началось в прошлом и продолжается на данный момент или только
что закончилось.
S+ + been + Ving (+)
I have been knocking your door since morning!
We have been preparing for the exam.

S+ + been + Ving (-)
She hasn’t been telling anything.

+ 𝑆 + been + Ving? (?)
Have you been cheating on me for all this time?

+ 𝑆 + not + been + Ving? (-?)

Have you not been learning words for 2 months?

 !!! У Present Perfect Continuous никогда не может быть итогового
I have been cooking 10 cakes. - Incorrect!
I have cooked 10 cakes. - Correct!
 Want – non-continuous verb, but we can use “Wanting” in Present Perfect
Lesson 3
Past Perfect Tense
 Past Perfect – это действие в прошлом которое произошло до Past
S + had + V3/ed (+)
I had lost my keys and I didn’t enter home.

ℎ𝑎𝑑 𝑛𝑜𝑡
S+ + V3/ed (-)
Nuriddin wasn’t upset, because I hadn’t forgotten about his birthday.

Had + S + V3/ed? (?)

Had you revised the grammar before you entered the exam?

Had + S + not + V3/ed? (?)

Had she not learnt the words before the exam?

Before + Past Perfect, Past Simple До того…

Before he had called, I turned off my phone.

After + Past Perfect, Past Simple После того…

After she had bought this dress, I appreciated it.

 Если действие произошло с паузами то мы используем Past Perfect.
I had entered the room and took my phone.
(Я зашёл в квартиру, чуть постоял поел, а потом взял телефон)
 Если действие произошло без пауз то мы используем Past Simple.
I entered the room and took my phone.
 Когда мы указываем точное время действия - Past Perfect.
I lost my wallet at the station. (Past Simple)
I had lost my wallet at the station at 5.30p.m. (Past Perfect)
 У Past Perfect нет связи с настоящим, т.е. не влияет.
Past Perfect Continuous
 Past Perfect Continuous это действие в прошлом, которое
остановилось из-за Past Simple.
S + had + been + Ving (+)
I had been eating, then she came.
(Я ел, затем она пришла, т.е. я перестал есть когда она пришла)

ℎ𝑎𝑑 𝑛𝑜𝑡
S+ + been + Ving (-)

 They hadn’t been passing exams till Muksin started teaching them.

Had + S + been + Ving? (?)

Had you been eating without me?

Had + S + not + been + Ving? (-?)

Had you not been eating without me?
Lesson 4
Future Perfect Tense
 Future Perfect – это время, которое показывает, что действие уже
будет выполнено к определённому моменту в будущем.
S + will + have + V3/ed
I will have done my h/w at 5. (В 5часов я уже закончу)

𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑛𝑜𝑡
S+ + have + V3/ed (-)
Even tomorrow, I won’t have fixed your car.

Will + S + have + V3/ed?

Will you have sent me documents by midnight?

Will + S + not + have + V3/ed?

Will she not have sent me a video by midnight?
 By the time + Present Simple, Future Perfect К тому времени как…
By the time + S + V + C, S + will + have + V3/ed
By the time you finish your grammar, I will have already got married.
 By + Future Perfect
By 2025 he will have already married.

Future Perfect Continuous

 Future Perfect Continuous – время, которое показывает, что действие
началось в прошлом и всё ещё будет продолжаться на определённый
момент в будущем.
S + will + have + been + Ving
On 27 June, Sevara’s sister will have been living for 26years.

S + will + not + have + been + Ving

We will not have been playing.

Will/Won’t + S + have + been + Ving?

Will I have been eating?
Won’t she have been reading?

Lesson 5
Союз (Conjunction) – это служебная часть речи, которая связывает два слова,
отдельные, независимые предложения или части сложного предложения.
Сочинительные союзы
Сочинительные союзы (coordinating conjunctions) соединяют одинаковые по
значимости слова, фразы, однородные члены предложения или независимые
предложения в одно сложносочиненное предложение.

 and – и but – но
 for – ибо, ввиду того, что nor – не, ни, также не
 or – или so – так что, поэтому, следовательно
 yet – однако, все же, но

 after – после того, как although – хотя, несмотря на то, что

 as – так как because – потому что
 before – перед тем, как how – как
 if – если once – как только (часто не переводится)
 since – так как, с тех пор, как than – чем, нежели, разве только
 that – что, чтобы though – хотя, несмотря на
 till – пока, до тех пор, пока until – до тех пор, пока
 unless – пока не, если не whenever – всякий раз, когда, когда бы ни
 whether – ли while – в то время, как
 where – где when – когда
Подчинительные союзы
Подчинительные союзы (subordinating
conjunctions) соединяют придаточное предложение с основным, от которого
оно зависит по смыслу, образуя сложноподчиненное предложение.

Подчинительный союз всегда ставится в начало придаточного предложения.

Перед ним не ставится запятая.

Парные союзы
Парные союзы (correlative conjunctions) служат для соединения слов, фраз
или однородных, одинаковых частей одного предложения.

 both ... and – и ... и  just as ... so – как ... так и ...
 either ... or – или ... или  neither ... nor – ни ... ни
 not only ... but (also) – не только ... но и  whether ... or – то ли ... то ли, или ...
 rather ... or – или ... или или

Союзные наречия

К союзам также относят союзные наречия, которые соединяют два

независимых предложения в одно сложносочиненное, или ставятся в начало
предложения для его логической связи с предыдущим предложением.
 after all – все же, тем не менее  in fact – на самом деле, фактически
 also – также, к тому же  in other words – другими словами
 as a result – в результате  meanwhile – тем временем, между
 besides – к тому же тем
 consequently – следовательно,  moreover – более того, к тому же
поэтому  on the other hand – с другой стороны
 for example – например  therefore – по этой причине
 however – однако  thus – так, таким образом
 in addition – в дополнение  then – потом, после

Виды союзов по образованию

Союзы английского языка по своему образованию можно разделить
на простые, сложные, составные союзы.
Простые союзы (simple conjunctions) состоят из
одного корня без суффиксов или префиксов.
 and – и  then – потом  till – пока
 as – так как  but – но  how – как
 or – или  if – если  so – так что
Сложные союзы (compound conjunctions) образованы от других частей речи,
других союзов, с помощью суффиксов, префиксов или части -ever (когда-
либо, всегда).
 although – хотя  because – так как, потому что
 until – пока не  however – тем не менее, однако
 unless – если не  whenever – всякий раз, когда
Составные союзы (composite conjunctions) состоят из двух и более слов,
служебных и самостоятельных частей речи. К ним также относятся парные
 as if– как будто  not only ... but also – не только ... но и
 in case – в случае, если  whether ... or – или ... или
 as well as – так же как  neither ... nor – ни ... ни

Because + S + P Потому что

Because of + noun Из-за
I didn’t come because I had some difficulties.
I didn’t come because of you!
Trouble Overcome
difficulty cope with
barrier Problem deal with Struggle
obstacle work out

majestic Mandatory
splendid Wonderful compulsory (We have to do it)
amazing obligatory
I wasn’t able to come to the lesson on time, because I had financial difficulties.
However + S + P Однако
I called him, however he didn’t pick up.
However + adj/adv Как бы ни/Какой бы ни
However hard the quiz was, I could pass.
So + S + P Поэтому
He was prepared well, so he was accepted for it.
So + adj/adv Так/Такой
He drove so fast that soon afterwards he lost control.
Not only…..but also Не только…..но и
It was not only amazing, but also dangerous.
Besides – Более того/кроме того
I had overslept, besides left my passport at home.
Otherwise - Иначе
Do not touch it, otherwise I will beat you.
That’s why - Поэтому
I had $1000 that’s why I bought a new phone.
Although/though - Хотя
It seems to be risky, although he desires to try.
Moreover = Besides
He doesn’t show his best, moreover he can’t stand people.
Nevertheless – Тем не менее/Но
This is a very complicated book, nevertheless I have been reading it up to now.
Or else = Otherwise
You should deal with this this problem, or else it is going to become bigger.
So = Very
The room was so bright.
So = Therefore = That’s why
The students are getting more and more lazy, therefore something must be done.
Still/Yet – Всё же/Всё равно/Тем не менее
The apple production is very expensive, yet/still people buy it.

𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑛
* + 𝑉𝑖𝑛𝑔 - Не смотря на
𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑛
In spite of heavy rain, we can walk.
Despite having some illnesses, he works best.
He managed to finish topic in spite of it
Lesson 6
Direct and Indirect Object (Complement)
Direct – Что?
Indirect – Кому?
 Мы можем менять позиции Complement в предложении.
S + V + Direct Complement + + Indirect Complement
I gave a laptop to Kamila.
(что?) (кому?)
S + V + Indirect Complement + Direct Complement
I gave Kamila a laptop.
(кому?) (что?)
 Если Direct Complement у нас идёт в роле “it”, “this”, он идёт всегда в
𝑖𝑡 𝑡𝑜
S+V+ + + Indirect Complement
𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟
Give it to me.
Give me it.
 Если Direct Complement слишком большой, то он всегда используется в
S + V + Indirect Complement + Long Direct
She advised me the book which I had been searching everywhere.
Ind. Long Direct
She advised the book which I had been searching everywhere to me.
 Если Indirect Complement большой, то он тоже ставится в конце.
S + V + Direct Complement + + Long Indirect
We bought some buildings for the people who were assigned as the
direct long indirect
principals of this old town.
We bought the people who were assigned as the principals of this old town
some buildings.
 To
Bring hand offer pay
give lend pass promise
sell send show sing
take tell play
I don’t want to sell it to/for you.

 For
book call get make
fetch find boil order
bake knit fry
cook reserve buy
leave build keep
It will make some problems for/to you.
Lesson 7
 Rule! Inversion is used in order to intensify the sentence and emphasize it.
Для того чтобы сделать Inversion нам нужно поставить key word вперёд, а
дальше Aux verb и т.д.
S + V + C + M = Key word + Aux verb + S + V
You will never be the same = Never will you be the same.
I can find you nowhere = Nowhere can I find you.
 The Key words are:
Hardly ever…. (почти никогда)
Under/In no circumstance (ни при каких обстоятельствах)
No sooner….than….
Not only….but also….
Not till
On no account
Only by
Only in this way
Only then/when
Scarcely ever (hardly ever)
Scarcely….when (едва…как)
You should fail the exam in no circumstances.
In no circumstances should you fail the exam.
You mustn’t lie in any circumstances.
In no circumstances must you lie.
 [ no circumstances] = [on no account]
 Hardly ever – Почти никогда
We go outside hardly ever. Hardly ever do we go outside.
 Hardly…when….
My mum allowed me hardly when I promised.
Hardly did my mom allowed me when I promised.
 Nowhere - Нигде
We can find those roses nowhere. Nowhere can we find those roses.
 Never - Никогда
People will never stop humiliating.
Never will people stop humiliating.
 No sooner…than – Не раньше….чем
I entered home immediately when/after my cat started meowing.
No sooner did I enter home than my cat started meowing.
 Not only – Не только
He is not only clever but also humble.
Not only is he clever but also humble.
 Not till (replacing until)
We must pass all the topics until the exam comes.
Not till the exam comes must we pass all the topics.
 Seldom - Редко
They are quite seldom. Seldom are they quite.
 Only by – Только (так)
You can learn English only by working hard.
Only by working hard can you learn English.
 Only by this way – Only by
It should have happened only in this way.
Only in this way should it have happened.
 Only then/when – Только когда
Your studying will get better only when you start learning the words.
Only when you start learning the words will your studying get better.
 Only + then/when/by They can be inverted only in the second sentence.
 Scarcely ever = Hardly ever
 Scarcely…when = Hardly when
S + Neg.Aux. + expect Little + Aux.Verb + S + V
words of mental activity

I didn’t know anuthink about her.

Little did I know about her.
I don’t know much.
Little do I know much.
 [So + adj + a/an + noun]
So beautiful a car. So a beautiful car.
 [Such + a/an + adj + noun]
Such a beautiful car. Such beautiful a car.
I drove such a beautiful car.
Such a beautiful car/So beautiful a car did I drive.

Lesson 8
• Наречия делятся на 6 видов:
1) Adverbs of manner (Наречия образа действия) Как? Каким образом?
Bravely, happily, quickly, slowly, easily, fast, hard, well.
2) Adverbs of time (Наречия времени) Когда?
Now, then, when, tomorrow, soon, today, sometimes, still, yet, recently.
3) Adverbs of place (Наречия места) Где?
By, down, here, near, there, up, above, inside, nowhere, somewhere.
4) Sentence Adverbs (Наречия описывающие целые предложения)
Certainly, definitely, surely, luckily, perhaps, indeed, obviously, maybe,
5) Adverbs of frequency (Наречия частоты) Как часто?
Always, never, often, twice, seldom, occasionally.
6)Adverbs of degree (Наречие степени)
Fairly, hardly, quite, too, scarcely, almost, rather, very, enough, somewhat.
Adverbs of Manner
 Adverbs of Manner используют для того чтобы показать КАК
происходит действие.
They argued dangerously and awfully.
 RULE. Если в предложении нет Complement, то adverb of manner
ставится после verb.
S + P + Adverb of Manner
He dances beautifully.
 Если же Complement есть, то adverb of manner ставится после
S + P + C + Adverb of Manner
They speak english fluently.
 Если же Complement слишком большой, то adverb of manner ставится
после Subject.
S + Adverb of Manner + P + a long complement

He angrily built down what he had built up 2 years ago.

 Если в предложении 2 глагола, то смотря на то, куда вы поставите
adverb of manner будет зависеть смысл предложения.
They decided to leave the country secretly (The leaving is secretly)
They secretly decided to leave the country. (The decision is secretly)

 Если у глагола есть Preposition, то

S + P + Preposition + C + Adverb of manner
They looked at me suspiciously.
S + P + Adverb of Manner + Preposition + C

 They looked suspeciously at me.

 Adverbs concerned with Character and Intelligence.
kindly generously foolishly
stupidly sensibly ridiculously
bravely selfishly carelessly
cruely unreasonably
 The meaning changes in favoor of the position.
S + P + C + Adverb of Character/Intelligence
He answered to the question foolishly (The question is foolish)
S + Adverb of Character/Intelligence + P + C
He foolishly answered to the question. (Т.е. глупо ответил)
Lesson 9
Adverbs of Time
 Adverbs of time use either:
1) At the beginning of the sentence:
Adverb of Time + S + P + C
Eventually he came.
2) Or At the end:
S + P + C + Adverb of Time
He came eventually.
 В повелительных наклонениях Adverb of Time ставится лишь в конце (в
начале нельзя!!!)
P + C + Adverb of Time
Write today.
Wash the floor now.
 В вопросительных предложениях Adverb of Time ставится лишь в конце (в
начале нельзя!!!)
Auxiliary Verb + S + V + C + Adverb of Time
Will we have our lesson today?
 Если в предложении есть Auxiliary Verb, то такие Adverb of Time: soon,
recently, now, eventually можно использовать после Aux.Verb
(Aux обязательно!)
𝑠𝑜𝑜𝑛, 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑙𝑦
S + aux + +V
𝑛𝑜𝑤, 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦
I have eventually come.
I eventually come. No aux. Нельзя!
 Слова before, early, immediately, late всегда используются в конце!
(Если они идут в значении adverb)
I will go immediately.
I have never seen her before.
Before I have never seen her.
 BUT! Before and Immediately, ишрающие роль Conjunction имеет другое
значение и может использоваться в начале.
Before – до того как/прежде чем
Immediately – как только
Before you leave, turn off the lights.
Immediately the rain stops, we will go outside.
Lesson 10
 Yet – Ещё – используется только в негативных предложениях и только в
Present Perfect.
He hasn’t come yet.
He has come yet.
 Обычно YET ставится в конце предложения.
S+ + V3/ed + C + yet
He hasn’t finished his homework yet.
 Но если Complement слишком большой есть два варианта постановки
S+ + (yet) + V3/ed + (yet) + a long complement
He hasn’t (yet) bought (yet) the book which I have asked for yet.
 We can use YET in short answers
Have you taken IELTS?
Not yet.
 Still – всё ещё/до сих пор
Still можно использовать в двух tenses.
1) Present Perfect (ONLY in negative!)
S + still + + V3/ed + C
I still haven’t come.
2) Present Continuous
S + to be + still + Ving
I am still learning English.
 Still and Yet также могут иметь другие значение как Conjunction.
Still – Однако/Не смотря на
Yet - Всё же…/Но…
You are not rich, still you can help them.
Apple Production is far too expensive, yet people buy it.
 Just – Только что/Всего лишь/Только
1) Present Perfect
S+ + just + V3/ed
I have just woken up.
2) Present Continuous
S + to be + just + Ving
I’m just kidding

Lesson 11
Adverbs of Frequency
 Adverbs of Frequency показывает как часто происходит действие.
I seldom listen to music.
A) always periodically
continually repeatedly
frequently sometimes
occasionally usually

B) ever
hardly ever
rarely Эти слова уже содержат в себе отрицательное
scarcely значение
 Если есть Aux Verb and Main Verb в предложении, то Adverb of frequency
ставится между ними.
S + Aux Verb + Adv of Frequency + Main Verb
I can never conceive.
They are always reproaching.
 Если есть просто глагол, то Adv of Frequency ставится до него.
S + Adv of Frequency + V
We occasionally met him at work.
S + Adv of Frequency + have to/used to + Vs
I rarely have to come here.
I have to rarely come here.
 В коротких ответах Adverb of frequency используют сразу после Subject.
S + Adverb of frequency + Aux
Can you get money?
Yes, I usually can.
 “Always” in imperative sentences всегда стоит в начале.
I always do my homework.
Imperative – [Always + P + C]
Always do your homework.
 “Often” ставится как обычный Adverb of frequency
I often sleep before working.

BUT!!! “Often” можно поставить в конце, но нам нужно использовать

S + V + C + very/quite + often

 I sleep before working very/quite often.

 Adverbs of frequency с колонки А можно и как обычно и в начале.
S + Adv of Frequency + V + C
Adv of Frequency + S + V + C
We usually go by car.
Usually we go by car.
 Adverbs of frequency с колонки B можно и как обычно и в начале, но мы
обязаны использовать Inversion.
I seldom come to school.
Seldom do I come to school.
Exception: ever
Lesson 12
Adverbs of Place
 Adverbs of Place показывает где произошло/происходит/произойдёт
He went away.
Go upstairs and find a free room.
 Adverbs of Place ставится последним, но до Adverbs of Time.
S + V + C + Adv of Place + Adv of Time
The lesson is here everyday.

 Nowhere – Нигде/Никуда
1) In short answers
-Where do yo live?
-Where are you going?
2) At the beginning of the sentence (but it must be inversion)
I found those flowers nowhere.
Nowhere did I find those flowers.

 Get nowhere – Ни к чему не приведёт

Teaching people will get you nowhere.
Beating people will get you nowhere.
𝐻𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒
 + 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 + S Когда кто-то только что появился или только что
Asadbek is here. Here is Asadbek.
There goes Diyora! Here comes Rauf.
𝐻𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒
+ they + 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒
Here there are! There you go! Here we are!

 Adv of Place + V + Subject

away over
down round Для усмления значения
in up Для эмоциональной окраски
out of
The birds flew away (Птицы улетели прочь)
Away flew the birds (Прочь улетели птицы)
 Off you go - Отвали
The planes got of round (Взлетели)
Round got off the planes
 А если pronoun, то следующая структура
Adv of Place + Pronoun + V
It flew away.
Away it flew.
Away flew it.
 Если у нас есть следующие глаголы:
crouch, hang, lie, sit, stand, sie, live, то Modifier of Place можно
поставить вперёд.
The man with a gun stands at the doorway.
At the doorway stands the man with a gun.
I go to SPC. To SPC I go.
Lesson 13
Sentence Adverbs
Наречия описывающие целые предложения
 Sentence Adverb - Наречия, которые описывают целые предложения и
дают ему определённый смысл.
- Actually, living your own life is far better.
- Unfortunately, she is going to pass for free.
Actually Obviously
Presumably Probably
Apparently Undoubtedly
Clearly Definetly
Evidently Unfortunately
Clearly, they’re going to lose.
 Sentence Adverbs нужно ставить:
1) После “to be”
He is obviously clever
2) До “main verb”
They actually live in Namangan.
 В отрицательных предложения Sentence Adverbs ставится:
1) До negative aux.
You apparently didn’t come.
2) После negative aux.
You didn’t apparently come to the lesson.
 А также все Sentence Adverbs можно ставить в начале предложения
(кроме Definetly)
We will certainly come to the lesson.
Certainly, we will come to the lesson.
They are definetly fast.
Definetly they are fast
 Следующие Sentence Adverbs:
Frankly honestly naturally
Admittedly (un)luckily officially
Если поставить в конец, то это уже будет Adverb of Manner и значение
Honestly, I didn’t take money. (Честно говоря, я не брал деньги)
I didn’t take money honestly. (Я не взял деньги, честно)

Lesson 14
Adverbs of Degree
 Adverb of Degree – наречие, которые в основном описывают adjectives and
absolutely just hardly little very
almost entirely much only
barely extremely nearly quite
completely fairly scarcely really
enough rather too so
She was nearly unconscious.
You are absolutely right.
 Adverbs of Degree используется перед adjectives and adverbs.
Adv of Degree +
He is really frank.
He runs really fast.
 Adverbs of Degree описывающие verbs:
almost enough just
barely hardly little
much nearly quite
rather really scarcely
He just fell (Он почти упал)
We are hardly speaking (Мы едва говорили)
!Они все ставятся до Main Verb! Кроме «Much»
Much – всегда ставится после Main Verb.
Thank you very much.
They hate me much.
 Only ставится до Adjective, Verbs and Adverbs.
only + verb
It costs $5
It only costs $5
He is only clever.
 Just - ставится до Adjective, Verbs and Adverbs.
just + verb
I will just buy it
 Enough - Достаточно
[enough + noun]
I have enough money to buy this. Money enough
Adjective/Adverb + enough Достаточно
He is good enough (enough good)
I draw well enough (enough well)
 + comparative form Намного
It is far better to live your own life.
This lesson is much more interesting than old one.
𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒
 Too + Слишком
𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑑𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑏
You are too clever.
He studies too well.
𝑓𝑎𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒
 + too + Черезчур
𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑑𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑏
It is far too hot nowadays.

𝐹𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑦 𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒
 +
𝑅𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑑𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑏
Перевод одинаковый, но:
 Fairly – Нам нравится
The water is fairly cold.
 Rather – Нам не нравится
The water is rather cold.

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