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Essay About Arts

Writing an essay about the arts is no simple feat. It requires a delicate balance of creativity, analytical
thinking, and a deep understanding of the subject matter. The challenge lies not just in expressing
personal opinions and interpretations but also in weaving a coherent narrative that captivates the

The arts encompass a vast spectrum, including visual arts, performing arts, literature, and more. Each
of these branches requires a unique approach, and delving into the nuances of any one can be
overwhelming. One must navigate through the rich history, diverse styles, and the ever-evolving
nature of artistic expression. It's like embarking on a journey through a labyrinth of colors, sounds,
and emotions, trying to distill the essence of human creativity into words.

Furthermore, writing about the arts demands a certain level of subjectivity. While objectivity is
crucial in analysis, the very nature of art invites personal interpretation. Balancing these perspectives
without veering into mere opinion or losing academic rigor is a tightrope walk.

Research becomes a crucial companion in this endeavor. Understanding the historical context, the
cultural influences, and the evolution of artistic movements adds layers to the narrative. Yet, too
much information can be overwhelming, and selecting the right pieces to include in the essay is an art
in itself.

Crafting an essay about the arts also means confronting the challenge of conveying emotions through
words. Describing the ethereal beauty of a painting or the raw intensity of a musical composition
requires a linguistic finesse that not all writers possess. It's an attempt to translate the ineffable into
the tangible, a task that is inherently complex.

In conclusion, writing an essay about the arts is a demanding task that requires a combination of
research skills, analytical thinking, and a flair for language. It's a journey through the vast and
intricate realms of human creativity, attempting to distill the essence of art into a coherent and
engaging piece of writing.

For those seeking assistance in navigating this challenging terrain, it's worth noting that help is
available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on , providing a resource
for those looking to explore the world of art through the written word.
Essay About Arts Essay About Arts
Sister Helen Prejean Heroes
The definition of a hero is a person who, in the opinion of others, has special
achievements,abilities, or personal qualities and is regarded as a role model or ideal
( A hero is anyone who can show courage when faced with a
problem. A hero is able to help other in many ways. A person can become a hero by
saving someone who is in danger or influencing another or someone who gave up his
or her life so another could live . A hero is there to help others and give them strength
in life s difficulties. A hero does not always have to show courage they can be afraid.
There are many types of heros in the world. Heros come in all shapes and sizes, some
can be shy while others can be outgoing. Whatever hero people may be, they all have
one goal, and that goal is to help others. The first... Show more content on ...
Why the World Needs Heroes

Sister Helen Prejean is a Roman Catholic nun that is member of the Congregation of
St. Joseph, as well as an advocate for the abolition of the death penalty. Prejean is not
only a hero for the accused that have no voice, but many members of the catholic
church look up to her as an inspiration for serving her faith as well as being a genuine
well hearted person. Prejean is a hero because she doesn t seek publicity in her acts.
She truly wants to help people no matter of the severity of their past actions. For many
years, Prejean has devoted her life to serve her faith that millions of people share. She
sacirficed Marriage, money, children, and time to help and comfort people in need like
the ones on death row. The important thing is that when you come to understand
something you act on it, no matter how small that act is. Eventually it will take you
where you need to go (Sister Helen Prejean). Pejean naturally brings out missing
qualities in her supporters and by doing so, it causes a ripple effect that causes more and
more people to catch the contagious kindness and pass it on generation to generation,
race to race, and gender to
Transformation in Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong Essay
Transformation in Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong

In Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong, Tim O Brien gives a dynamic example of how
even the deep roots of ones culture can be modified. The focus is on the young lady,
whose boyfriend manages to have her shipped over to Vietnam from the U.S. She is then
thrown into a completely foreign culture that thousands of American GI s were
experiencing. This change in culture affected the strongest and most skilled of America s
ground troops. The affects on a civilian are almost unfathomable.

The sweetheart of the story is a young, American girl whose description identifies her as
the stereotypical girl of the late 60 s early 70 s. A tall, big boned blonde,/long legs and
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No cosmetics, no fingernail filing. She stopped wearing jewelry, cut her hair short
and wrapped it in a dark green bandana. Hygiene was a matter of small consequence.
(98). The bush had done to her what it had done to so many American soldiers. She
had no idea how to survive in the conditions that she had taken on, but she learned. She
learned how to disassemble an M 16, how the various parts worked,/ how to use the
weapon/ she had a real knack for it./ In many ways she remained naïve and immature,
still a kid, but Cleveland Heights now seemed very far away. (98). These changes were
dramatic, but not extreme or drastic. However, the next few changes would be too much
for Mark to handle.

Twice/ she came in late at night. Very late. And then finally she did not come in at all.
(99). Mark became worried that she might be sleeping with someone else. He woke up
Rat and him go check out the barracks to see if Mary Anne was with any of the guys.
All accounted for. No extras. (101). Then they got the idea that she was with the
Greenies and she was, in a way. Mary Anne was out on Ambush with the Green Beret
s. Poor Mark Fossie tried to talk some sense into her, but it was to no avail. Before long
Mary Anne was gone again, this time there would be no reckoning with her. She had
made her decision to be where she felt she belonged. When Mark finally realized this, he
was hit with an emotional artillery shell that could have taken
Capturing the Friedmans Essay
Steward 1
Melissa Steward
Research Essay
English 367.01
Capturing the Friedmans

Home movies are about innocence our lost fuzzy, glowing personal pasts, all horseplay,
and funny hats and the promise of youth (Cooper, 23). Andrew Jarecki s remarkable film,
Capturing the Friedmans captured just what is clearly a case study of extreme family
dysfunction through such home videos. At first Andrew Jarecki just wanted to do a nice
little documentary about clowns. He decided to try film making and thought he would
cut his teeth on something easy like birthday party clowns. He had met David Friedman a
top childrens birthday party clown from Manhattan, New York. Much to his surprise
David ... Show more content on ...
It was also in this search that the inspectors began to have suspicions that the crimes
could have involved local children who came to the room for music lessons and
computer classes. Jarecki successfully emphasizes the situation leading up to Arnold s
arrest that he gives the audience such imagery of what was in Arnold s house that we
start to believe that he is guilty of sex crimes. With notable skill, Jarecki and his editor
Richard Hankin, have interwoven the family movies with interviews of the
Friedmans, relevant police officials, postal inspectors, some lawyers, and specialists of
several kinds (Kauffmann, 25). Jarecki uses editing for persuasion. As the film begins
and starts to get going we are exposed to numerous interviews that both support and
oppose Arnold and Jesse. Jarecki favorably edits opposing points of view together in
order to emphasize the complexity and moral underpinnings of the case. For example
the shots when Arnold and Jesse are arrested, during those scenes we see and hear
from their lawyer Peter. From there we see views of their trial and views of the lawyer.
Andrew Jarecki also keeps the issue of guilt and innocence darkened with the use of
editing. As in the part of the film David talks about how his
The Second World War Essay
The Second World War The Second World War had three major axis powers. They
were Germany, Italy, and Japan. The Axis were the countries that had expansionist
plans. Only Japan was not a fascist regime in the Axis. Adolph Hitler, the German
Nazi leader, was the one who called upon the creation of an Axis in 1936. Italy and
Japan accepted Hitler s offer. Japan recognized the leadership of Germany and Italy in
establishment of a new order in Europe. Furthermore, Germany and Italy respected
Japan s leadership in East Asia. They also agreed that they would assist each other with
political, economical and military means. The main cause of World War II goes back to
World War I, where Germany was defeated and humiliated. World War .I.. Show more
content on ...
That was the beginning of the World War II. Since Germany had the most efficient
army they conquered Poland with the help of the Soviet Union. Resulting in more
problems with the allied nations, France and Britain. While this was going on,
Japanese forces pushed down into northern China. They conquered two Chinese
provinces rich in coal and iron. They were successful against the Chinese communist
party, People s Republic of China. After invading China, Japan conquered Taiwan and
most of the Pacific Islands. Japan was ruled by a military dictatorship. Italy had been
humiliated in World War I. Where they lost many battles and needed to be rescue by
France and British forces. So the fascist party in Italy took over the government. They
were lead by Benito Mussolini, who became Italy s prime minister. He was determined
to make Italy a formidable and feared power. In 935, Italy invaded the African nation of
Ethiopia. They also conquered Albania while Germany was invading Austria. The Axis
were gaining more and more power but the Allies would gain a important member, the
United States of America. 2 European Allies There were three major European Allies;
Soviet Union, France, and Britain. Britain and Soviet Union were the major forces. Since
France was occupied by Germany after the invasion of Poland. But

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