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Expository Essay Topics For College Students

Writing an essay on the topic "Expository Essay Topics for College Students" can present its own set
of challenges. First and foremost, selecting the right topics that are not only relevant but also
engaging for college students requires careful consideration. The process involves researching various
subjects, assessing their suitability, and ensuring they align with the academic level and interests of
the target audience.

Once the topics are chosen, the next hurdle is to craft a compelling thesis statement that clearly
conveys the purpose and main idea of the essay. Developing a strong thesis is crucial, as it serves as
the foundation upon which the entire essay is built. It requires a deep understanding of the chosen
topic and the ability to articulate a clear and concise argument.

The body paragraphs of the essay demand a thorough exploration of the selected topics, supported
by relevant evidence and examples. Ensuring a logical flow between paragraphs and maintaining
coherence in the overall structure is essential. This requires a keen eye for detail and the ability to
seamlessly connect ideas to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Additionally, a successful expository essay must strike a balance between providing enough
information to educate the reader and avoiding unnecessary details that may lead to confusion.
Achieving this balance requires a refined writing style and the ability to communicate complex
concepts in a straightforward manner.

Lastly, crafting a compelling conclusion that summarizes the key points and leaves a lasting
impression is another challenge. The conclusion should tie together all the elements of the essay and
reinforce the significance of the chosen topics for college students.

In conclusion, writing an expository essay on the topic "Expository Essay Topics for College
Students" involves a multifaceted process, from topic selection to crafting a strong thesis,
developing well-supported arguments, and ensuring a cohesive structure. It requires a combination of
research skills, critical thinking, and effective communication. For those who find this task
overwhelming, there are resources available to provide assistance. Similar essays and much more can
be ordered on , where professionals can offer guidance and support in navigating
the complexities of essay writing.
Expository Essay Topics For College Students Expository Essay Topics For College Students
Performance Management Models

Performance Management

Executive Summary

This report is intended to assist with all the relevant information about the different types
of performance management models that companies can conduct in order to gain a
successful organisation. There are three main models being discussed throughout the
report that contain differences in the way they approach and implement things in an

Table of contents 1. Introduction.............................................................4 1.1

Purpose...........................................................4 1.2

2. Model Summary .......................................................5

2.1 360 Degree ... Show more content on ...
For example, maybe is just a tough phase the particular employee went through for
behaving in a particular way. It also mentions the disadvantage of not allowing every
person the chance to complete the survey, which lacks limited knowledge. However
throughout this study it does mention the advantages of 360 degree feedback and the
main one is the employer assessing her own self to find out what her strengths and
weaknesses are and how others around perceive them. This will help in performance
management as they can alter their relationships at work which can further help their
work performance and outcomes. REF

2.2 Article Two Summary: 360 degree appraisals are now a classic
Colin Newbold articles begins by describing how the 306 degree feedback model is a
powerful and positive tool if implented properly. He also states how many
organisations fail to do the 360 degree system without following the appropriate process
which doesn t leave it to a positive outcome. The article provides a five step checklist
that organisations must ensure to follow in order to not make a common mistake many
companies fail do to. It is often repeated throughout the article how the 360 degree model
is vital for performance management, as it assist managers to be more aware of their
actions and build relationships with others in the
Bus615 Midterm Essay
True / False Questions (2 points each/20 points total) 1. Top managers use social
intelligence to define the future of the business, analyzing markets, industries and
economies to determine the strategic direction the company must follow to remain
2. A variable is a business intelligence characteristic that stands for a value that cannot
change over time.
3. Business process management systems evaluate and improve processes that include
both person to person workflow and system to system communications.
4. BPM systems include advanced features such as enhanced process modeling,
simulation, execution, and monitoring, providing a high level of flexibility while
reducing costs.
5. ... Show more content on ...
Calculating, locking, and firewalls
C. Content prohibiting, and cookies
D. None of the above
Fill in the Blank Questions (2 points each/20 points total)
21. Michael Porter identified pressures that can hurt potential sales. Knowledgeable
customers can force __________ prices by pitting rivals against each other.

22. The Porter s Five Forces Model analyzes the competitive forces within the
environment in which a company operates to assess the potential for __________ in an
_________ profitability _______________________________

23. Executive information systems are starting to take advantage of _____________

intelligence to support strategic decision making, by stimulating human thinking and
_______________ artificial _________________________

24. A shopping ______ bot _________ is software that will search several retailer
websites and provide a comparison of each retailer s offerings including price and

25. The main challenge to ebusiness is the lack of growth in some sectors due to product
or service _________.

26. One of the main challenges that ___________ face is ensuring consumer protection,
guarding them against unsolicited goods and invasion of privacy.
_________________ ebusiness _______________________

27. The
Should Young Offenders Be Tried As Adults
Are young offenders truly capable of understanding the consequences that their actions
might cause? Sometimes the crimes that juveniles commit are horrendous, but does
that mean they are no longer a child anymore? There are ways to investigate a child
mental development. However, we must ask questions like how is the child raise? Who
are their guardians? Is there any structure in their home? Is there any neglect and abuse?
These questions can help us understand the history and upbringing to configure the state
of mind of the child. When these question are answered we find out majority of the
young offenders come from dysfunctional families, where there is no type of structure
in their home. However, juvenile offenders should not be tried as adults because they
have not fully matured and such as they will suffer physical and psychological damage.
Young offender s brains are not fully developed yet until they reach their mid twenties.
Scientist has identified the region of the brain that is called the amygdala which is
responsible for instinctual reactions including fear and aggressive behavior. (AACAP)
The frontal cortex is the area of the brain that controls reasoning and help us think before
we act, this develops later. (AACAP)... Show more content on ...
(Lamm, 2009) Such as voting, serving on juries, and purchasing alcohol. (Lamm,
2009) These laws recognize that children do not have the emotional or maturity level
like adults do for good judgment and certain decisions. (Lamm, 2009) Such laws were
put in place both to protect children and for the food of the citizenry as a whole.
(Lamm, 2009) Vice versa, laws should protect children who make impulsive, criminal
decisions from being exposed to irreversible life sentences. (Lamm, 2009) According to
the American Medical Association, adolescents as a group are prone to engage in risky,
impulsive and sensation seeking behavior. (Lamm,
Information Technology ( It ) Is A Universal And Versatile...

Information Technology (IT) is a universal and versatile tool. It involves our life in
every aspect. For example, we used smart phone, WhatsApp, FaceTime to contact
people, used computer, e mail, video conferences to work. In fact, I prefer shopping
online to going to the mall. If I did not have a GPS, I would lose my way. In addition, I
can order pizza or anything else in the internet. In business, we cannot without it. We used
for information based system, intranet, and paperless system at work. We need a financial
management system to deal with the financial things, and Decision Support System can
help and support the decision and strategy.

Along with IT developing,it is more and more important in business. It can ... Show
more content on ...
In addition, IT also is an industry. Currently, IT industry continues to maintain a
sustained, steady, and rapid development momentum. Such as cloud computing, robotics,
3D printing, and video games, and more technologies and products are agents of change
and development of the global IT industry. IT continues impacts on the world economy,
there are not country would ignore its potential and influence.

In my opinion, information technology has been taking us into the information age. This
is a new period, we also known as the e Age or knowledge economy age. Used for
internet, we can connect all computers in the whole world, the earth turned to the global
village. We can pull people s distance with to speak freely and video tools. It amasses
many people s wisdom because we can get the all information at home and do business. It
drives to science and technology, culture, commerce, and human society keep improving.
IT technology has been changing the business model, market development, operations
management, technology innovation, human resources development in the business. We
expect it can have the new breakthrough.

What is IT? IT is the short for Information Technology . IT is a term that encompasses all
forms of technology used to create, store, exchange and utilize information in its various
forms, including business data, conversations, still images, motion pictures and
multimedia presentations (Source)

It also is a tool,
A Lecture About Salary Package And Investment
This week, we have a great honor to have Cass Chappell giving a lecture about salary
package and investment. Mr. Chappell, who is skilled in financial planning,
investment services, and insurance, is the CFP of Chappell Financial Group. Before
this class, I have never thought about investing and other factors in the salary package.
One reason is I am new here, and the other reason is I have never thought about
retirement. No one has ever told me or talked with me about investing in retirement. I
have learnt a lot from this class. Mr. Chappell told us stock is an excellent way to get
money from one company, because it means the ownership of the company. However,
it is also risky for an employee holding stock from his or her company. Bonds are much
safer investment for people. As for mutual funds, it is one of the most exciting
investments. Mutual funds have different focuses and ranges, and small companies
have more risks than big companies. If you are sure about your retirement date, you
can invest mutual funds related to that specific date in the future. One of the biggest
take away for me is three baskets. I did not know any of them or their factors. The first
basket is called Regular . No option limitation or minimum limitation for this choice.
People who invest this basket can pull out their money at any time. Moreover, they do
not need to pay tax. The second basket is Roth . It does not have option limitation, but
you have to put at least $5,500 in your accounts. In

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