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Essay About Summer

Crafting an essay about summer may initially seem like a breeze, given the seemingly boundless
scope of experiences associated with this season. However, as one delves into the task, the challenge
becomes apparent. The difficulty lies not in the scarcity of material but in navigating through the
plethora of vivid memories, sensory impressions, and diverse perspectives that the summer season

The paradox of abundance can be overwhelming, making it challenging to decide which aspects to
highlight and which to omit. Should the focus be on the warmth of the sun, the coolness of
refreshing swims, or the symphony of nature during long, lazy afternoons? Each avenue of
exploration opens up a multitude of possibilities, making the process akin to selecting the most
vibrant colors from an artist's palette.

Moreover, the challenge extends beyond mere description. Crafting a compelling narrative requires a
delicate balance between personal reflection and relatable universality. It demands the ability to
transform individual summer experiences into a narrative that resonates with a broader audience.
This requires finesse in language, a keen understanding of human emotions, and the skill to evoke
nostalgia or anticipation through words.

The essay's structure also poses its own set of challenges. How does one weave together various
elements of summer – the vacations, the festivals, the leisure, and the adventure – into a cohesive
and engaging narrative? Finding the right sequence and pacing to maintain the reader's interest
throughout the essay becomes a meticulous task.

Additionally, there's the risk of clichés and banalities that often accompany discussions about
summer. Steering clear of overused tropes while still capturing the essence of the season demands a
delicate dance between creativity and originality.

In essence, writing an essay about summer is like embarking on a journey through a lush, varied
landscape with the challenge of encapsulating its richness in a limited space. It requires the ability to
distill a myriad of experiences into a narrative that is not only personal but also universally relatable.

For those finding this task too daunting, there is assistance available. Similar essays and a plethora of
writing services can be accessed on , providing a helping hand for those seeking to
articulate the beauty and complexity of summer without getting lost in the abundance of details.
Essay About Summer Essay About Summer
Essay on Mountaintop Removal Mining
Appalachia, a vast, beautiful panoply of lush green mountains. At least, most of the thin
line of peaks that make up the Appalachian Mountains used to be that way. Currently, the
continued spread of a method of coal extraction known as mountaintop removal mining
has plagued areas of the eastern United States, mainly including the state of West
Virginia. Throughout its increasing stages of implementation, mountaintop removal
mininghas caused numerous hampering effects, including causing serious harm to nearby
residents, and polluting a once pure environment. Because of this, mountaintop removal
mining needs to be limited in order to preserve the natural state of the Appalachian
Mountains. Mountaintop removal mining has been around for... Show more content on ...
Additionally, the damage has already been done to the mountain and nearby streams, and
thereby the reclamation process is only performed in an attempt to make the mountain
look slightly nicer, but still a far cry from the peak s original grandeur.
Valleys aren t the only natural landscaping to be affected though; streams that had once
been clean have now been polluted with waste, or have been buried completely by
mountain rock. And when water becomes corrupt, nearby life begins to suffer as well.
Take the people living near mountain removal sites as an example. As the nearby water
becomes dirtied, humans must watch as their clean, flowing tap water turns to a murky
brown or even black substitute (Burning the Future: Coal in America). And think about
it, this is the water they use every single day to bathe, drink, clean dishes, wash
surfaces, sanitize hands, and cook with. When the water is this unclean, is it really
doing its job? Is this really the water a living being deserves to be using?
Regardless of the negative affects mountaintop removal mining is causing, what kind of
people are the perpetrators behind this method? As one example, there is a coal mining
company called Massey Energy based in Central Appalachia which provides a fair sum of
the nation s coal reserves ( About Us ). Through their mountaintop mining exploits, they
cause widespread damage to the environment around them. Evidence of this is
Patient Satisfaction Is An Important Element Of The...
Patient satisfaction is considered an important element of the quality of healthcare, a
leading indicator of patient outcomes and a top priority for hospitals and providers.
There is an increased need to improve quality in the delivery of healthcare services,
partly due to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services pay for performance
reimbursement methods. Adjustments increasing to 2% in 2017 will affect more than
3000 acute nursing facilities nationwide. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
uses the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems survey
that measures ten specific aspects of a patient s care, and results are reported publicly.
There has been a great deal of discussion for and against the survey on all levels of
healthcare. Research indicates that a customer service approach is the leading indicator
of patient satisfaction. A better customer service approach is the product of satisfied
employees. Nurses play a significant role in the customer service approach, including
advanced practice nurses.

Improving Patient Satisfaction

[Patient Satisfaction]. Patient satisfaction is a patient s level of contentment with the
comfort, quality and perception of overall well being in regards to the healthcare they
obtain. Patient satisfaction is subjective and often multifaceted making it very difficult to
define (Morris, Jahangir, Sethi, 2013). A patient s anticipated expectations compared to
his or her

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