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Best Custom Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Best Custom Essay" presents a unique challenge due to the
subjectivity involved. Defining what constitutes the "best" custom essay can vary greatly depending
on individual preferences, academic standards, and the specific criteria being considered. This topic
demands thorough research, critical analysis, and the ability to articulate a well-supported argument.

Firstly, determining the criteria for evaluating custom essays is crucial. Factors such as originality,
adherence to instructions, coherence, depth of analysis, relevance of sources, and overall quality are
often considered. However, different individuals may prioritize these criteria differently, making it
challenging to establish a universally accepted definition of the "best" custom essay.

Additionally, assessing custom essay services adds another layer of complexity. With countless
online platforms claiming to offer top-quality custom essays, distinguishing between genuine
providers and scams requires careful investigation. Factors such as reputation, customer reviews,
pricing, guarantees, and sample essays must be thoroughly scrutinized to make an informed decision.

Moreover, crafting an essay on this topic necessitates a balanced approach. While it's essential to
highlight the benefits of reputable custom essay services, acknowledging potential drawbacks such as
ethical concerns, plagiarism risks, and varying quality standards is equally important. Balancing these
perspectives while presenting a coherent argument can be daunting.

Furthermore, addressing the evolving landscape of custom essay services adds another dimension to
the complexity. With advancements in technology and increasing demand for academic assistance,
new platforms and practices constantly emerge, necessitating ongoing research to provide accurate
and up-to-date insights.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Best Custom Essay" requires navigating through
subjective evaluations, evaluating diverse service providers, maintaining a balanced perspective, and
staying abreast of industry developments. Despite its challenges, exploring this topic offers valuable
insights into academic support services and their impact on education.

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Best Custom Essay Best Custom Essay
Herpes Simplex Virus Analysis
Herpes simplex virus is epidemic in the United States; however, precise statistics are
unknown as it is not a reportable disease and 50 70% of recurrent infections are
asymptomatic (McCance, Huether, Brashers, 2014, p. 932). Furthermore, it is
estimated that 80% of infected individuals do not know that they are positive for HSV
(McCance et al., 2014, p. 932) There are two serotypes of the virus: HSV 1 and HSV
2. HSV 2 is what commonly causes genital herpes and recurring infections (McCance
et al., 2014). HSV 1 more commonly causes cold sores but there is increased incidence
of genital herpes caused by HSV 1 due to transmission during oral sex (however, this
could be due to increased screening and testing rather than a rise in oral sex rates)
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2015). HSV is transmitted by
mucosal contact with an individual who has a lesion that is shedding the herpes virus;
however, the virus can also be transmitted when an individual who is infected with
HSV is shedding the virus asymptomatically and this is presumed to be when most
transmission occurs (McCance et al., 2014, p. 933). A 22 year old female comes to
your primary care clinic with genital itching for 3 4 days and upon inspection you notice
an open sore on her labia and... Show more content on ...
What s most important is that you treat it just like any other aspect of the health history.
Standardize your questions for every patient and reassure them that you have to ask
everyone these questions because, odd are, they are uncomfortable too. Start out with
open ended questions and at the end always ask if there s anything that you didn t talk
about that they think is important (CDC, 2005). But if you find yourself feeling
uncomfortable, talk to another nurse about your feelings and see if they have any
advice or have had similar experiences. Part of good nursing care is taking care of and
supporting each other (Swanson, 1993, p.
The Pros And Cons Of Budget Cuts
School boards across the country have been struggling to fully fund art, music, and
culture programs that without a doubt serve to round out the education of the country s
youth. States such as California have faced major budget cuts. In 2008, California
projected a shortcoming of $42 billion. (California Schools Girding for cuts under fiscal
Plan) During a signing ceremony the governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger
stated, During a down economy and facing an historic budget deficit we have to make
some very difficult decisions... He later warned local schooldistricts that the cuts will
impact the students (I ll be back). California is not the only state who has faced budget
cuts. When put up against struggling budgets brought... Show more content on ...
Michigan, is one of them. Michigan s Lekbery School District also faced budget cuts.
Lekbery s budget cuts led Lekbery School District s administrators to make a decision
regarding whether or not they would cut the music department. Lekbery School
District examined their schools in order to keep their music department. In some
schools, programs such as art were cut while other schools allowed their teachers to
take on more responsibilities or workload. (How They Decide: A case study
examining the Decision Making Process for keeping or Cutting Music in a K 12 Public
School District) Lekbry also spent some of its funding in order to make money. Some of
the expenses include redesigning their website and advertising in newspapers. In
addition, Lekbery School District administrators teamed up with realtors in a home
improvement fair. The fair was designed to convince current residents to upgrade and
improve their home instead of them relocating out of the school district. Lekbery School
District also rented out its facilities to local organizations and individuals to generate
revenue. Renting out facilities also brought exposure to the district and what the district
provided for its students. Another way administrators generated funds was by teaming up
with private schools in the area. The partnership allowed programs to place a licensed
public school teacher into a private school to provide instruction in non state required

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