Artificial Intelligence Essay

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Artificial Intelligence Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be both intriguing and challenging.
The complexity arises from the vast and dynamic nature of the topic. AI encompasses a wide range
of subtopics, including machine learning, neural networks, robotics, ethical considerations, societal
impacts, and more. As a writer, navigating through this expansive field requires a solid
understanding of not only the technical aspects but also the ethical and philosophical dimensions.

Researching for such an essay demands a deep dive into the latest developments in AI, considering
both its promises and potential risks. Keeping up with the rapidly evolving field can be daunting, as
breakthroughs and advancements occur frequently. The writer must stay informed about the ethical
dilemmas surrounding AI, such as privacy concerns, biases in algorithms, and the potential impact on

Organizing the essay becomes challenging due to the interdisciplinary nature of AI. The structure
must be coherent, presenting a balanced view that encompasses the technological, ethical, and
societal perspectives. Striking the right balance between technical details and accessibility for a
general audience is crucial.

Moreover, the writer must grapple with predicting future trends and implications of AI, as the field is
in constant flux. Balancing optimism about the potential benefits of AI with a realistic
acknowledgment of its challenges requires careful consideration.

In conclusion, composing an essay on Artificial Intelligence demands a nuanced approach, blending

technical understanding with ethical considerations and societal impacts. It is a task that requires
continuous learning, adaptability, and a commitment to staying abreast of the latest developments in
this rapidly evolving field.

For assistance with similar essays or other academic writing needs, services like
can provide valuable support. They offer a range of writing services, making the process of tackling
complex topics more manageable.
Artificial Intelligence Essay Artificial Intelligence Essay
An Example Of A Private Sector Business
Business Organisations Task 1

A private sector business is a business that is part of the economy that is not state
controlled. It is run by individuals and companies who are mainly for profit. These
businesses are not owned or operated by government. An example of a private sector
business would be ASDA. Asda Stores limited is an American owned, British founded
supermarket retailer. The company has been a subsidiary of the American retail
company Wal Mart since July 1999, and is now the second largest supermarket chain
by market share (Corporate Watch 1996 2014). The company provides normal goods
for the public. They offer service to the public and strive for excellence business. I chose
this example because ASDA is a large company that is aiming for profit and it is a
private sector business.

A public sector business is a business that usually composed of organisations that are
owned and operated by the government (PrivacySense2015).
The primary difference between public and private sector businesses is who they for.
Public sector employees are who those work for government. An example of public
sector would be public schools. The purpose of schools is that they provide education
for the young people and public schools are funded by government to offer education to
students. I chose public schools business they are from public sector and because they
use government funding to offer education to the children. Public schools offer free
education and they are
Hydraulic Civilizations and the Philanthropic Industrialists
1. Historical Origins
For many planners and historians the origin of ancient cities has been a source of
fascination and the cause for much research and debate. One theory developed by the
German American historian Karl Wittfogel was that of hydraulic civilizations (Minnery
2010a). Hydraulic civilizations were described as those whose agricultural system was
reliant upon significant government directed water systems for irrigation and flood
management (Encyclopædia Britannica 2010). Wittfogel listed that Egypt, India,
Mesopotamia, Northern China and pre Columbian Mexico and Peru were examples of
hydraulic civilizations (Minnery 2010a). This paper will focus on the theories of the
Wittfogel s hydraulic civilization and then try to draw ... Show more content on ...
One other dissimilarity is that of Brisbane s environment. It isn t arid or semi arid in
fact it was once lined with sand covered beaches and the water was clear and blue (Our
Indooroopilly 2002). Therefore it is difficult to prove that Brisbane has similar qualities
to that of a hydraulic civilization and Wittfogel s theories can be left in the past with the
Old World . 3. The Philanthropic Industrialist
The United Kingdom in the late eighteenth and nineteenth century was home to the
bustling and demanding Industrial Revolution. Factories emerged all over the country as
technology advanced into an era of mass production. In many of these factories the
conditions were unclean, unsafe and ultimately appalling. Some factory owners
however, sought out to improve the quality of life for their workers. These few are
recognised as the Philanthropic Industrialists . They implemented what has become
known as the company town which saw the social and economic qualities of the
township under the control of the industrialist (Pollard 1964). This paper will discuss
one UK example in the town of New Lanark, in particular the philanthropy of Robert
Owen and will examine whether this town and Owen s theories have been influential up
until the present day.

New Lanark in Scotland was initially founded by David Dale in 1785 (The Open
University 2009). The Clyde River which ran along New Lanark s location provided
water to power the four
The Importance Of Water In Southwest Kansas
Living in Southwest Kansas there is always a need for water no matter what it is for.
The importance of water in Kansas is getting dramatic due to the Ogallala Aquifer
shrinking in size on a daily basis. There are thousands of things that can possibly go
wrong because of our diminishing water supply. The impact that water has on our town
is significant, hundreds of possible predicaments can occur because we would no longer
have the aquifer, however, there are many ways we can prolong our water supplylife in
our generation that we are currently living. Small communities in Southwest Kansasrely
on our water supply heavily. We have many uses for the water everyone uses on a
regular basis. On a regular basis occupants are using water in order to water their grass
and gardens, everyone needs water in order to survive, and farmers rely on water for
their crops. The impact that water has on Southwest occupants is enormous. Without our
water supply Kansas would slowly die out having to leave in order to find sources...
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A few options would have to be considered to limit the use of water no matter where
anyone lives in order to delay the complete depletion of our water supply. A simple
start would be to start limiting water usage in homes. People are guilty all over Kansas
area of taking twenty to thirty minute showers which is completely unnecessary.
Cutting the length of showers to once a day and a fraction of that shower time would
save millions of gallons of water expeditiously. Another valid option would be to
consider the amount of water used to water household yards. Yes, everyone wants a
luscious front yard with healthy trees and a beautiful garden but the use of water can
be regulated to help save. Hundreds of gallons of water are used in towns every where in
order to make their grass green again. It is beautiful but the water can be shaved down in
order to
What Should the Price of a Gallon of Fuel Oil Represent to...
What should the price of a gallon of fuel oil represent to a customer? What do you get
for that price?
Purchase decisions are based on how consumers perceive prices and what they consider
the current actual price to be not on the marketer s stated price states Kotler (2012). He
further goes on to explain that customers may have a lower price threshold at which
prices means inferior or unacceptable quality, while a high price threshold at which prices
are refused determine that the product is not worth the money. The price of a gallon of
fuel should represent what the money customers could have spent using to buy
something else. The price a customer is willing to pay represents the value or worth of
that product is to the customer. ... Show more content on ...
What should Bellemore s management do relative to matching the rebate? How would
you approach this if you were at Bellemore?
The customer s perceived value of doing business with Fuller s company has gone up.
Bellemore has two options. Bellemore can either increase their customer perceived
value above that of Fuller s company or prove that Fuller s perceived value is incorrect
and is less than Bellemore. If I were a member of the leadership team at Bellemore, I
would opt for the first option. I would create and promote the following Ultimate
Loyalty Guaranteed Price program: 1. Customers are to receive for the next 12
months a guaranteed price of $0.44 per gallon for fuel oil. 2. These customers will
receive a $75 for every customer they refer at the end of the term or 5 cents off the
price per referrals starting the month of the referral and ending the 12th month of the
term. The referred customer will get the same price of $0.44 per gallon for fuel oil for
the first 3 months. 3. The following conditions must apply: a. Customer must have had
paid more than $0.599 per gallon in February 1999 b. Customer must not have any break
in service between that time and present day.
I would encourage customers to look to the future for savings and expect a display of
appreciation for their loyalty to the company with a price that cannot be beat. With our
customers given 15 cents off what Fuller s customers paid in the past over the next
Hippie Movement Research Paper
The definition of a Hippie is: a person of unconventional appearance, typically having
long hair and wearing beads, associated with a subculture involving a rejection of
conventional values and the taking of hallucinogenic drugs. The Hippie Movement
began in the 1960 s with the height of the movement being in 1967. This movement
was a result of people feeling alienated from the middle class society or rejecting it, as
well as the critical historical events like the Vietnam War. The origins had its start in San
Francisco, California and slowly made its way across America. The term hippieoriginally
derived from the term hipster and was used nationally and internationally by mass media
as a label to describe the community of young people... Show more content on ...
Public gathering, music festivals, and protests were all important to the movement. The
Hippie movement only comprised 10% of youth , but the fact that the culture was so
strange allowed it to gain a lot of media coverage. The biggest issues society had with
the hippies were their public protests, meetings and discussions that would flood the
streets. The hippie scene on Haight Street in San Francisco attracted photographers,
reporters, and opportunists. The first large congregations of Hippies that was noticed by
media was the Summer of Love . The Summer of Love was a social phenomenon that
occurred during the summer of 1967, when as many as 100,000 people crowded San
Francisco s neighborhood Haight Ashbury. College and high school students found their
way into Haight Ashbury for spring break, but by the time summer came around local
government officials tried to stop the influx of young. These efforts brought even more
attention to the scene, and articles in local papers alerted the national media to the
hippies growing numbers. Haight Ashbury residents even gave the occurrence its name.
The media s reportage included other cultural events in California, such as the Fantasy
Fair, Magic Mountain Music Festival and the Monterey Pop Festival, both of which
happened in June of 1967. The Woodstock music festival came two years after the
Summer of Love phenomenon but still brought in close to half a
Shooting Of Malala Research Paper
The shooting of Malala captured many people s attention around the world which led to
Malala gaining support. Also from celebrities such as Angelina Jolie and Beyonce. There
were different viewpoints,values and perspectives towards the shooting of Malala. But
for the Taliban, they saw the shooting of Malala a warning to those who goes against

The Taliban follows a pure islamic ideology, but their violent actions towards others and
the way they treat women is something that Muslims don t believe in. Women in Pakistan
have been treated really terribly and their human rights have been taken away from the
Taliban. For the Taliban believes that a woman doesn t need an education because they
believe that a woman belongs at home. Which is why they don t value education for girls
that much. Not only does the Taliban don t value education for girls, but they also not
value education for ALL MUSLIMS. This is because they believe that education is the
source that is brainwashing muslims from their Islamic religion.

Due to a letter from the Taliban to Malala, this letter shows the viewpoint of the ... Show
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Despite the threats that him and his daughter is getting he is still encouraging Malala
to keep going because he believes that once you start something good, don t stop. The
shooting of Malala by the two men s from the Taliban, Ziauddin s point of view
towards the shooting is that he saw it as a cowardly move from the Taliban. He believed
that Taliban had no other choice to stop a girl fighting for the rights of education for girls
in Pakistan so they thought they could kill her. When Malala was in hospital fighting
for her life, Malala s father thought that he was going to lose his daughter, but he
believed that God was going to save her. And ever since that day Malala and Ziauddin
has never stopped fighting for the rights of girls. With the support of millions around the
world Malala and her father have no fear against the

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