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Definition Example Essay

Crafting an essay on the theme of "Definition Example Essay" presents a unique set of challenges.
Firstly, defining the topic itself can be intricate. It requires a thorough understanding of what
constitutes a definition essay and how examples play a crucial role in illustrating the defined concept.
This entails not only comprehending the technical aspects but also grasping the nuances of language
and context to ensure clarity and accuracy.

Moreover, selecting an appropriate concept to define can be daunting. It necessitates careful

consideration to pick a term that is both broad enough to warrant discussion and specific enough to
be effectively delineated within the confines of an essay. This involves extensive brainstorming and
research to identify a concept that is not only relevant but also engaging to both the writer and the

Once the concept is chosen, the task of providing examples to elucidate its meaning arises. This
requires creativity and critical thinking to select examples that encapsulate the essence of the defined
term comprehensively. Additionally, these examples must be presented in a coherent and logical
manner to facilitate understanding and reinforce the definition being elucidated.

Furthermore, organizing the essay poses another challenge. It demands structuring the content in a
way that flows logically, guiding the reader from the introduction, through the body paragraphs
containing the definition and examples, to a succinct conclusion that ties everything together.
Achieving this cohesion requires adeptness in crafting transitions and maintaining focus throughout
the essay.

Additionally, ensuring originality is paramount. With such a ubiquitous topic, there is a risk of falling
into clichés or reiterating commonly held notions without adding any meaningful insights. Therefore,
it is imperative to inject a fresh perspective or offer unique examples that elevate the essay beyond
mere regurgitation of information.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Definition Example Essay" demands a combination
of linguistic proficiency, critical thinking skills, creativity, and organizational prowess. Navigating
through the complexities of defining a concept, selecting appropriate examples, and presenting them
cohesively requires diligence and finesse. However, with careful planning and attention to detail,
crafting a compelling essay on this topic is undoubtedly achievable.

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Definition Example Essay Definition Example Essay
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have never used this social media site before. Facebook lead me to Organisational sites
that enabled me to uncover detailed information, not only on my subject but on the
Authors and other supporting Organisations for my subject. Within the Facebook site
I reviewed, there were well over 1,000,000 likes and more than 13,000 visitors. The
page is updated on a daily basis, with visitors posting directly to their page with
questions and support. I found the page to be very uplifting and easy to navigate.
Social constructivism was evident as users were sharing their knowledge whilst also
learning from others. I found it to be like a community of people with the same
interest. The page had direct links to web pages so users could click and continue their
exploration via their website. This made the learning process very easy and flexible, as
the website followed up with more detailed information, videos and pictures. The social
interaction between users was very supportive and encouraging, with each sharing their
own experiences and knowledge they had acquired through their experiences. I found the
Social Constructivism on the page to be very fluid in the way people shared and
acquired new information, with so many different points of views
The Volkswagen Beetle
The people #8217;s car #8211; generically, Volkswagen in German #8211; is almost as
old as the automobile, and the type was familiar in Germany long before the advent of
the Volkswagen. Usually these #8220;popular #8221; cars were minimal cars, though
size and simplicity did not necessarily bring them within the reach of the ordinary man
in the street. Henry Ford did build a successful universal car, to sell at a low price, but
his Model T with its 2.9 litre engine was by no means a small car, nor was the Model A
that followed it. When it was in production in the late 1920s, small #8220;proper
#8221; cars in Germany ranged from the 700 cc DKW to the 1 litre Opel, with small
Adlers, the BMW Dixi (a license built Austin Seven) and... Show more content on ...
So in 1954 they got rid of the starter button and made it easier by putting it in the
ignition. In 1960 500,000 beetles are shipped to the U.S. and you start to see more and
more of them when on the road. In 1970 they invent the annoying buzzer that goes off
when the door is open and the beetle is first to install it. In 1974 the first VW plant
was shut down in Wolfsberg. Then in 1976 the metallic paint and sport style rims were
added to make the beetle look a little better which wasn #8217;t to bad for a cost of
$3,599. In 1978 the last beetle was produced in Germany and the only remaining
beetle production is in Mexico. (Beetle) Concept I was the sensation of the Detroit
Show in January 1994 when Volkswagen executives quite clearly stated that it was not
the forerunner of the production model. By the next motor show, at Geneva in March
1994, the strong public reaction had led to corporate change of mind, and chairman
Ferdinand Piech decided that it would be developed as a production model. Beetle had
never been an official VW name, but the public inevitably saw Concept I as
#8220;Beetle II #8221;, and on the Volkswagen stand at the 1996 Geneva Motor Show
it was presented as #8220;the new Beetle #8221;. The aim was 1998 production for sale
in the United States first with models arriving in European show rooms in the autumn.
Concept I had started
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In 2016 there where more deaths due to firearms in American then due to car accidents,
according to the National Centers for Disease control. It can happen anywhere, anytime,
and anyplace. It can happen to anyone, young old, black and white. It can be an accident,
it can be on purpose. Gun deaths happen everywhere, even right here in Iowa. In the
editorial featured in the Iowa City Press Citizen, Students, Families Deserve Common
Sense GunSafety Laws, the author uses logos, pathos, and ethos to convince legislators
to pass common sense gun laws. He believes Iowans deserve these laws passed to better
protect us.
The writer appeals to ethos by explaining some of the gun laws in place now. He
explains that if your gun is stolen that
Marco Polo Background
Marco Polo
Marco Polo was born around 1254 in Venice wich is a city in Italy . He was born into an
affluent and cosmopolitan Venetian merchant family. He learned arithmetic and
bookkeeping and studied the classical authors. Also, he had knowledge of Italian and
Marco Polo s father name is Niccolò and uncle name is Maffeo, were jewel merchants.
In 1260, They set out on their first trip to the Far East, When Marco Polo was six years
old, In 1265 arrived at the court of Kublai Khan ,the Mongol ruler of China. he
requested Nicolo and Maffeo Polo to return to Europe in order to bring back 100
Europan to explain Christianity to him. They arrived back in Venice in 1269.
Khan requested Nicolo and Maffeo Polo to return to Italy in order to bring back 100
Europan ... Show more content on ...
He visited Karakorum and part of Siberia . Marco often visited Hangzhou another city
close to Yanzhou .He studied in Kublai Khan s court for 17 years , getting great wealth
in jewels and gold .In this time , Polo wanted to return to Venice because he was afraid
of death out his country and not able to get a fortune out of the country , but Khan was
not able to let them go .
When Marco Polo and his family arrived Venice In 1295 , Venice was at war with rival
Italian city state , Genoa .after three years he became commander of the galley because
he had knowledge ,leadership , and skill needed to command a ship in a naval battle and
finances required to equip one .next year , Marco polo was confined in Genoese prison .
there was in prison Rustichello of Pisa who was a skillful writer . when Marco had told
his stories, he wrote book wich name is The Travels of Marco Polo . in that time , there
was nobody believed his stories .
Around 1299 , the war ended and Marco had exited the prison and returned to Venice
where he soon became a wealthy merchant . In 1300 he married Donata Badoer .they
had three female children .he died in 1324 when he was 70 years
The Importance Of The Film Inception
Planning and shooting play key roles in creating a work of art through film that has
meaning and can provoke emotions in an audience. Cinematography encompasses these
tasks and other factors that contribute to a film s production, ranging from styling
variables like color and contrast to the types of camera lenses used to camera positions
used while filming. While a director or producer has the primary voice in determining
what a filmwill consist of, the cinematographerdoes more than any other person working
on the film to mold a director s vision into reality. These individuals have the crucial
task of creating and framing every visual that will appear in a movie.
There are few cinematographers who do this in as compelling of a way as the
cinematographer for the film Inception, Wally Pfister. Pfister has worked on many
notable films and has been nominated for several awards, but he won his Academy
Award for Best Cinematography for the 2010 film.
Despite the controversy and debate that surround the film, one can easily see the merits
of the film s cinematography that earned Inception the Oscar. The film contains visual
elements that leave the audience in awe, as it takes the viewer into a dream world that
has not been explored by many other big motion pictures. The dream sequences we
observe are in every way larger than life, yet the cinematography makes them also seem
tangible to the viewer. In the scene of the dream sequence that takes place in Paris, Cobb
Essay on Weapons of World War 2
Weapons and Artillery of World War II The result of World War II was affected by
many different factors. One major factor which affected the war was the weapons and
artillery used during the war. Since the beginnings of time, weapons have always been
around. From swords and knives to nuclear weapons and missiles, weapons have
evolved greatly throughout the years. The weapons and artillery used in World War II
basically were evolved types of weaponry that were used during World War I (Military
History 1). World War II began in 1939 when the German armies decided to invade
parts of Europe, therefore causing Europeans to retaliate against the Germans (World
War 1). World War II began because those countries which were defeated in World War I
... Show more content on ...
A pistol, at times, could have decided whether a soldier would live or die in combat
depending on the situation. Another factor which made the pistol a very important
weapon was the fact that the pistol could be reloaded much faster than a rifle (Slayton
12). Another very powerful gun that was used in World War II was the Submarine
guns. The submarine guns are much stronger and better than normal guns due to the
fact that they have better firing distances (Military History 7). The submarine gun was
built mainly for endurance and for accuracy. This gun had the accuracy to fire from
800 to at least 1,000 yards away and delivers a powerful blow to its victims. One
problem which the gun had was the fact that it could dislocate a soldiers arm whenever
it was fired. But finally the submarine gun was improved and is now less powerful
which makes it easier for firing full automatic rounds along with pistol rounds (8).
Another very important weapon used in World War II was the rifle. Most infantrymen
were defined by their rifles (Slayton 34). To most men, this gun was the most important,
due to the fact that it was their main protection against the enemy. Also, they were around
their rifle more than any other weapon which gives the soldiers a more comfortable
feeling around their rifles. Another gun which branches from the rifle is the machine
gun. The Germans were mainly the ones who would take the credit for the invention of
the machine
Kotter s Change Model
Change Model The organization I would like to examine today is XYZ, Inc. This
organization is attempting to move abroad to open up for the extension of their
business that can bring achievement or be a fiasco. In addition, I will talk about how
utilizing organizational life cycle model for short and small scale change for opening
stores in Shanghai, China and for long haul I would like to utilize Kotter s eight stage
model of progress for the beginning for additional stores to be opened in Brazil, Russia,
India, and China locations. Organizational life cycle utilizes five phases of development
for any association for change. These five stages are creativity, clear direction, delegation,
coordination, and collaboration. Since opening... Show more content on
The communication between these two stages will be still stayed formal as managers
accept more power with key choice. The third phase; delegation will occur when more
responsibility is given to managers and employees to accomplish organizational goals and
their work (Weiss, 2.2). In this phase the bonuses and profit centers are created and
managers stop micro managing and will move into larger market faster and begin to
innovate. Fourth phase is coordination, the organization can accomplish growth with this
phase is by utilizing the formal system to increase more prominent coordination through
more proficient distribution of the corporate and nearby assets. A greater amount of staff
parts are enlisted in this stage which will give more representatives to work and have
better administration given to the clients. This will likewise help investment
opportunities in global business sector. The last but not least is the fifth phase;
collaboration. In this stage, development happens and initiative is more adaptable and
behavioral. At this state, the quick problem solving by cross functional teams, reduction
and reintegration of headquarters staff members, matrix types of structures with the right
teams solving appropriate problems, conferences of key managers frequently held to
solve significant problems, educational programs used for managerial training,

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