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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
The Notre Dame of Isulan, Inc.
Dapitan Street, Kalawag I, Isulan, Sultan Kudarat
Government Recognition No. 111 s., 1960


First Pre-Midterm Examination
September 20-21, 2022

Name: ___________________________________Grade & Strand: _ABM XI _____Score: _____________

 Strictly no erasure, Erasure means wrong and use permanent ink for your final answer.

Test I-IDENTIFICATION. Identify the following statements. Write the correct word / phrases of your answer on the
space provided before the number. Wrong spelling is wrong. (2 points each)

_____________1. It involves the “proficiency in the practical application of knowledge acquired through study,
experience, and observation”. It is also a body of knowledge dealing with a body of facts or
truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of acceptable standard and laws.
_____________2. What external business component/element is put into consideration when Labor laws related
to preventing employers from firing their employees without due process require the former to
allow the latter to exercise their right to present their position during disciplinary action before
their employment can be terminated.
____________ 3. What theory applies when you use the step by step, scientific methods for finding the
single best way of doing a job?
_____________4. What management philosophy do you apply when your approach involves the study of the
conduct, demeanor, or action of people at work.
______________5. What possible managerial skills does a manager uses when he/she is able to think of possible
solutions to complex problems. Through his/her ability to visualize abstract situations, he/she
developed a holistic view of their organization and its relation to the wider external
environment surrounding it.
_____________6. He is engaged in management activities. and supervises, sustains, upholds, and assumes
responsibility for the work of others in his work group, team, department, or the organization,
in general.
_____________7. Who do you think are the managers who are responsible for supervising the organization’s day-
to-day activities; they are the bridges between management and non-management employees?
_____________8. What possible managerial skills does a manager uses when he/she is able to think of possible
solutions to complex problems. Through his/her ability to visualize abstract situations, he/she
developed a holistic view of their organization and its relation to the wider external
environment surrounding it.
_____________9. They are also known as operational managers and are responsible for supervising the
organization’s day-to-day activities; bridges between management and non-management
_____________10. It refers to the factors/elements outside the organization which may affect either positively or
negatively, the performance of the organization. These forces and conditions may change in

Test II-FILL IN THE BLANKS. Using the following Comparison Diagram, indicate the characteristics pertinent to the
specific dimension of each form of business organization. Write your answer on the table provided.(10 points)



Resources He has limited resources. ---------- ----------

Taxes --------- ---------- It is tax at a flat rate.

Ownership --------- It is owned by two or more ----------

Test III- ENUMERATION.Answer each question intelligently and concisely. Write your answers on the space
provided. (2 points each)
1. The Scientific Management theory makes use of the step by step, scientific methods for finding the single best way of
doing a job. Present the Taylor’s Scientific Management Principles.





2. A typical organization is organized by section, department or division. Depending on the scope or sphere of influence a
manager has. These three levels are:



3. What are the components of external business environment?






4. What are the components of internal business environment?




“A manager sets objectives, organizes, motivates, and communicates, sets

yardsticks, and measures develops people”.
-Peter Drucker

Parents Signature over Printed Name

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:


Instructor SHS-OIC Principal
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
The Notre Dame of Isulan, Inc.
Dapitan Street, Kalawag I, Isulan, Sultan Kudarat
Government Recognition No. 111 s., 1960


Midterm Examination
October 24-25, 2022

Name: ___________________________________Grade & Strand: _ABM XI _____Score: _____________

 Strictly no erasure, Erasure means wrong and use permanent ink for your final answer.
Test I-True or False: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if the statement is wrong. Write your answer
on the space provided.
__________1. The planning process may differ from organization to organization or from plan to plan. For instance,
planning process for a big organization may not be similar for a small business. The significance of
planning has increased all the more in view of the increasing size of organizations and their
__________2. All planning types, without exception, make use of this planning tool. It can be used either
quantitative or qualitative. The name it implies means predictions. What do you call this type of
planning tools?
__________3. Participatory planning is a planning process that includes the people who will not be affected by
the plans and those who will be asked to implement them in all planning steps. While this
planning technique that generally involves external comparisons of a company’s practice and
technologies with those of other companies.
__________4. All Organizational charts have similar elements that allow them to be easily interpreted and understood
by people inside and outside of the organization. Charts consists of shapes and lines that represent work
units and their hierarchy.
__________5. Functional organizational design has a few departments, wide spans of control or a big number of
subordinates directly reporting to a manger; has a centralized authority figure and has a very little
formalization of work; usually used by companies that start out as entrepreneurial ventures.
Test II-FILL IN THE BLANKS. Write your answer on the table provided.(10 points for each table)
I. To enable you to differentiate the various types of plans, you are to complete a comparison diagram. Using
the given comparison diagram, indicate the characteristics pertinent to specific dimension of each type of
Plan Comparison Diagram
Dimension Strategic Plan Tactical Plan Operational Plan
Time Horizon

Type of Objectives Covered

Level of Management
Test III-CASE STUDY. Answer each question intelligently and concisely. Write your answers on the space provided.
(5 points for each question)
Case Study 1
You are the General Manager of the Thomasites RTW Manufacturing Company. As a known caliber CPA-
Lawyer in town the owner is very enthusiastic that you could help the company in terms of its financial
operations and legalities. You are task to:
1.1 Give at least three business forecast that may occur in Thomasites RTW Manufacturing Company three years
from now. (5points)






1.2 Outline the Thomasites RTW Manufacturing Company through SWOT Analysis or Matrix. (10points)

1.3 Formulate the Strategic plans for Onyx RTW Manufacturing Company Schermerhon 2008 Steps in Planning.
(10 points)





Parents Signature over Printed Name

Prepared by: Checked and Approved by:


Instructor Principal

Department of Education
Region XII
The Notre Dame of Isulan, Inc.
Dapitan Street, Kalawag I, Isulan, Sultan Kudarat
Government Recognition No. 111 s., 1960
Midterm Examination
Applied Economics
October 24-25, 2022

Name: ________________________________________________Grade & Strand: 12-_ABM Score: _____________

 Erasure means wrong.
Test I. Multiple Choice. Choose the correct letter of your answer. Write your answer in the space provide before
the number.
______1. What is a competing firm driven in the industry by the higher number of firms and the greater degree
of competition?
a. barrier to entry b. number of firms c. degree of competition d. bargaining power of consumers
______2. One of the aspects of market structure that refers to the ease which new firms can penetrate the
a. barrier to entry b. bargaining power of consumers c. number of firms d. degree of competition
______3. What market structure is closer to what occurs in reality also features many sellers but the sellers
typically have less capability and are smaller in size.
a. monopolistic competition b. oligopoly c. monopoly d. perfect competition
______4. It is the least competitive of the four structures. The firm is the price maker and consumers have no
bargaining power.
a. oligopoly b. monopoly c. monopolistic competition d. perfect competition
______5. The total number of people identified as employed and unemployed.
a. census b. seasonal unemployment c. labor force participation d. labor force
______6. What type of unemployment that results from the technology changes and upgrades that require
specialized skills?
a. frictional unemployment b. structural unemployment
c. cyclical unemployment d. seasonal unemployment
______7. It varies per region and across sectors in the Philippines that the firms must pay their employees as
mandated in least possible amount.
a. time wages b. cash wages c. minimum wages d. factor income
______8.Which of the following represent debts and these debts are largely traded over-the-counter or privately
through investment brokers.
a. stocks b. bonds c. liquidity d. store of value
______9. A person that earns income through dividends and entitled to vote on a company issues and policies
during a company's shareholder meetings.
a. stockholder b. bondholders c. employee d. financial market
______10. It means that the same amount of money is worth less after taking into account price adjustments.
a. inflation b. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) c. currency depreciation d. deflation

Test II. Identification. Identify the following statements. Write the correct word / phrases of your answer in the space
provided before the number. Wrong spelling is wrong.
______________1. What business type where the owner and the business are considered as separate entities?
_____________2. A type of business structures that refers to a business having a single owner.
_____________3. A type of business structures that has more than one owner.
_____________4. It is the first major step of a sole proprietorship business registration in the Philippines.
_____________5. What is the given range of the income tax rate?
_____________6. A type of tax that will assessed incrementally, it is also a tax on sale, lease, and importation.
_____________7. One of the highest costs that drive down the operating income of the business.
_____________8. A tax of a profit realized on the sale of non-inventory asset, also imposed on the sale of
capital assets such as real estate properties and stocks.
_____________9. A tax that is filed by employed and self-employed individuals or those who derive their
income from business of professional practices.
____________10 The total number of people identified as employed and unemployed.

Test III. Solving. Solve the given data. Show your complete solutions. Using the given data to calculate the
labor force, unemployment rate, and labor force participation rate.

Given: Employed individuals = 228,500,000

Unemployed individuals = 52,500,000
Working labor force population = 528,500,000
1. Labor Force

2. Unemployment Rate

3. Employment Rate
4. Labor Force Participation Rate

Test IV. ESSAY. Write something about the question in three to five sentences. Write your answer on the space
provided. Rubrics: (Content/ Grammar 5, Organization of Ideas 5)

1. What are the effects of having contemporary economics issues affecting Filipino entrepreneurs?

Tes ______________________________________

Parents Signature over Printed Name

Prepared by: Checked and Approved by:


Instructor Principal
The Notre Dame of Isulan, Inc.
Dapitan Street, Kalawag I, Isulan, Sultan Kudarat
Government Recognition No. 111 s., 1960


Pre-Final Examination
November 28-29, 2022

Name: ___________________________________Grade & Strand: _ABM XI _____Score: _____________

 Strictly no erasure, Erasure means wrong and use permanent ink for your final answer.
Test I-True or False: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if the statement is wrong. Write your answer
on the space provided.
__________1. Downward communication involves communication flow between people belonging to different
organizational levels.
__________2. To conduct fair performance appraisals, a manager should communicate the responsibilities of the job
when an employee is hired.
__________3. During the separation of the employee from the company, the separating employee need to return all
property of the company that was under his/her custody.
__________4. The purpose of directing is to channel the behavior of all personnel to accomplish the organization’s
mission and objectives while simultaneously helping them accomplish their own career objectives.
__________5. Communication may be classified as formal or informal. Communication is informal when employees
talk to their friends in the office about a weekend party or a vacation which they plan to take.
__________6. A compensation and rewards system is designed to boost company performance by stimulating employees
to perform well and to strengthen employee morale
__________7. Expectancy theory states that an individual tends to act in a certain way, based on the expectation that the
act will be followed by an outcome which may be attractive or unattractive to him or her.
__________8. It is a manager’s duty to ensure that the employee gets integrated into the company as smoothly as
possible. The new member should be able to adjust well and consequently, feel comfortable, and perform
well at work.
__________9. To narrow down a pool of prospective employees, for which purpose recruitment is done, the nature of
the job position has to be known to the recruiter. The nature of the job position is made clear by a job
__________10. A manager who is in a very bad mood when he receives good news may not see the positive aspect or
beneficial effect of that said good news because his rational thinking process is affected by his
emotional judgment is an example of a barrier to communication in an organization.
Test II-Problem Solving: . Answer each question intelligently and concisely. Write your answers on the space provided.

Organization of ideas 5 points Content 10 points

Case Study 1
Our Lady of Peace Publishing House is a publishing company. Its book on Organization and Management for class
XI is in great demand. As a result, the employees in the marketing department are always racing against time. The
employees have to work overtime and on holidays to cater to the demand.
Managers in the marketing department are under stress as they have to handle more than two territories. The work stress
has led to dissatisfaction among the employees and managers.
1. Given the situation above, name and explain the step of staffing process which has not been performed properly.
2. Upon identifying the aspect of staffing in the first question, state the next two stages immediately following the
step identified.
Case Study 2

Princess Diana is the associate director of a nonprofit agency that provides assistance to children and families.
She is the head of a department that focuses on evaluating the skill-building programs the agency provides to families.
She reports directly to the agency leadership. As a whole, the agency has been cautious in hiring this year because of
increased competition for grant funding. However, they have also suffered high staff turnover. Two directors, three key
research staff, and one staff person from the finance department have left.
Princess Diana has a demanding schedule that requires frequent travel; however, she supervises two managers
who in turn are responsible for five staff members each. Both managers have been appointed within the last six months.
Manager 1: Riza manages staff who provide research support to another department that delivers behavioral health
services to youth. Ana supports her staff and is very organized; however, she often takes a very black and white view of
issues. Ana is very motivated and driven and expects the same from her staff.
Manager 2: Liza is known as a problem solver and is extremely supportive of her staff. She is very organized and has a
wealth of experience in evaluation of family services. Fe is very capable and can sometimes take on too much.
The managers are sensing that staff are becoming overworked as everyone takes on increased responsibilities due
to high staff turnover. Staff have also mentioned that Princess Diana’s "glass half-empty" conversation style leaves them
feeling dejected. In addition, Princess Diana has not shared budgets with her managers, so they are having difficulty
appropriately allocating work to staff. Princess Diana said she has not received sufficient information from the finance
department to complete the budgets. The finance department said they have sent her all the information they have
As staff become distressed, the managers are becoming frustrated. They feel like they are unable to advocate for
their staff or solve problems without key information like the departmental budget.

1. What theory of motivation Princess Diana could use to build staff confidence?


2. Given the situation above, what advice would you give Princess Diana on improving her leadership skills
and to the managers on improving their management skills?


Parents Signature over Printed Name

Prepared by: Checked and Approved by:


Instructor Principal
The Notre Dame of Isulan, Inc.
Dapitan Street, Kalawag I, Isulan, Sultan Kudarat
Government Recognition No. 111 s., 1960
Pre –Final Examination
Applied Economics
November 28-29 2022

Name: ________________________________________________Grade & Strand: 12-_ABM Score: _____________

 Erasure means Wrong
Test I. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

________1. It is an analytical framework that can help a company meet its challenges and identify new markets.

a. Buyer power b . Number of competitor c. Supplier d. SWOT

________2.Buyers will switch to alternatives in case of price increases.

a. Buyer power b . Possibility of Substitution ` c. Supplier power d. SWOT

________3. It is an assessment of how easy it is for suppliers to drive up prices.

a. Buyer power b. Number of competitor c. Supplier power d. SWOT

________4. It is a number and capability of competitors in the market will also impact on the attractiveness of the

a. Buyer power b. Number of competitor c. Supplier d. SWOT

________5.It is a group of companies that are related based on their primary business activities.

a . Business b.Company c. Enterprise d. Industry

________6.It refers to business sector encompassing farming and farming-related commercial activities.

a. Agribusiness b. International trade c.Retail Industry d. Service

________7. It is an industry that produces value which is primarily intangible such as customer service,

management, advice, knowledge, design, data and experiences.

a .Manufacturing b. Retail c. Service d. Wholesale

________8.The exchange of goods and services between countries is called _____________.

a. Agribusiness b. International trade c.Retail Industry d. Wholesale

________9. It is the process of raw materials into finished goods through the use of tools and processes.

a.Agribusiness b.Manufacturing c. Service d. Retail

________10. Which of the following statement is correct.

a .A product that is sold to global market is an import.

b. Export is an international trade whereby the goods/services are brought into one country from another.

c. Import is an international trade whereby goods produced in one country are shipped to another

country for future sale or trade.

d .International trade gives countries the opportunity to be exposed to goods and services not available

in their own countries.

Test II. Identification. Directions: Identify which type of industries are the following statements can be associated with.
Choose your answer from the given choices below.Write the letter that corresponds to your answer in the space provided
a. Agriculture b. International trade c. Manufacturing d. Retail e. Service
______________1. My friend, Lorna, owns a boutique. She buys her stocks in bulk and sells it by piece.
______________2. Anna works in a Spa and Beauty Salon in the city.
______________3. San Miguel Corporation is the largest corporation in the Philippines in terms of
______________4. Minda bakes cupcakes and sells them at a reasonable price.
______________ 5. My parcel was delivered by LBC on time.
______________ 6. Production of livestock and poultry are done mostly by poor households as backyard and
livelihood ventures.
____________ 7. The long coastlines of the Philippines are endowed with marine resources for fisher folks to
harness for fish production.
____________ 8. The import of auto parts from Japan is considerable.
____________ 9.Vegetable oil is one of the Philippines top export.
____________10.7 Eleven continues to boom year after year.
Test III. Compare and Contrast. Using Venn diagram compare and contrast of the General and Limited Partnerships.
Write your answer in the space provided below (10 pts.).

Test IV. Matching Type. Match Column A with Column B, write your answer on the space provided for:


________ 1. Supplier power A. An assessment needs to be made on how

easy it is for buyers to drive prices down.

________2. Buyer power B. An assessment of how easy it is for supplier

to increase the prices.

________ 3. Possibility of substitution C. Buyers will switch to alternatives in case of

price Increases.

_________4. SWOT D. it is the number and capability competitors

in the market will also impact on the
attractiveness in the market.

_________5. Number of competitors E. Is an analytical framework that can help a

company meet its challenges and identify new

F. Barriers to entry.

Test V. ESSAY. Write something about the question in three to five sentences. Write your answer on the space
provided. Rubrics: (Content/ Grammar 5, Organization of Ideas 5).
Why is it that the SWOT analysis is important in evaluating a business?


Parents Signature over Printed Name

Prepared by: Checked and Approved by:


Instructor Principal

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