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Essay Originality Check

Composing an essay on the subject of "Essay Originality Check" presents a unique set of challenges,
as it requires a delicate balance between creativity and adherence to established guidelines. The
difficulty lies in weaving together an insightful narrative while ensuring that the content remains
authentic and free from plagiarism.

To start, one must delve into the intricacies of the originality check process, exploring various
methods and tools employed to scrutinize written work. This involves understanding the importance
of maintaining academic integrity and the consequences associated with submitting plagiarized
content. Juggling these aspects demands a careful examination of one's own writing process and the
incorporation of strategies to ensure that ideas are presented in an original and compelling manner.

Moreover, tackling this topic necessitates a thorough exploration of the evolving landscape of
plagiarism detection technology. Discussing the challenges and advancements in this field requires a
keen understanding of the intersection between technology and academic ethics. As the essay delves
into the nuances of plagiarism prevention, it becomes imperative to highlight the importance of
cultivating one's unique voice and perspective in the academic arena.

Despite the complexity, the essay should also address the practical implications of originality checks,
such as their role in fostering a culture of academic honesty and intellectual growth. Balancing the
theoretical and practical aspects while maintaining the reader's engagement adds an additional layer
of difficulty to the writing process.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on the theme of "Essay Originality Check" demands a nuanced
approach, where the writer navigates the intricate landscape of plagiarism prevention, technology,
and academic integrity. It requires not only a comprehensive understanding of the topic but also a
skillful execution of ideas to ensure the essay is both informative and original.

For those seeking assistance with essays or exploring a variety of topics, similar essays and more can
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Essay Originality Check Essay Originality Check
Megan s Law Case Study
Jennifer, I enjoyed reading your post, especially when you mention employers hiring
sex offenders taking opposing employment action against that employee based on the
sex offender status. Megan s Law is different from state to state. Tennessee Megan s
Law says that within 48 hours upon release from prison the offender must register; can
one commit a crime within that 48 hour window. (Megan s Law for Tennessee, 2016)
Tennessee Megan s Law states if you move into Tennessee from another state and are a
registered offender you must register with Tennessee, who notifies Tennessee when an
offender relocates here. (Megan s Law for Tennessee, 2016) Offenders want the chance
to move back into society, but the Megan s Law needs more classification to make
offenders accountable. It seems as if the Fourth... Show more content on
A sex offender cannot live or work within 1,000 feet of parks or educational
institutions, and state laws say those who committed crimes against minors cannot live
with children. (TENN. CODE ANN. § 40 39 203, West, 2008) For example, a sex
offender in Nashville lived in a duplex next door to his son, daughter in law, and
grandchildren. He was kicked out of his house; therefore, he filed a lawsuit regarding his
right to live in the duplex and have his own children visit. Nashville Criminal Court
Judge Seth Norman ruled in 2013 that the law s ban on residing with a minor did not
include the duplex living arrangement nor overnight visits. (Barchenger, 2016) However,
the lawsuit challenges the retroactive application of the sex offender registry laws,
including those restrictions on contact with children, work, and residency. It argues those
restrictions violate the due process clause of the Fourteen Amendment and a
constitutional provision known as the ex post facto clause, which says laws cannot
retroactively enact punishment for previously legal
Apollo 13 Research Paper
Apollo 13 was the third NASA mission to attempt to land on the moon. Apollo 13 was
set to launch on April 11, 1970. A sequence of events caused the three astronauts to abort
their mission, and they were forced to return to Earth. Almost three days after launch
there was an explosion in the second oxygen tank in the service module. This explosion
caused the first tank to rupture a valve. Apollo 13 spacecraft began to lose oxygen
rapidly. The loss of oxygen lead to rapid loss of power and water. Astronauts Lovell,
Haise, and Swigert concerns were now, how are we going to get back to Earth?.
Key Terms
Fra Mauro: Crater (area) on the moon that Apollo 13 was going to land on and explore.
Lunar Module (LM): A small craft used for traveling between the moon s surface and an
orbiting spacecraft formerly known as lunar excursion module or LEM.
Service Module (SM): A detachable compartment of a spacecraft carrying fuel and
Command Module (CM): The detachable control portion of a manned spacecraft.
Main B Bus Undervolt: Source where devices share the same electricity. Allows signals
to be transferred.
Fuel Cells: A cell producing an electric current directly from a chemical reaction.
Purpose for Apollo 13 Apollo 13 was the third time a spacecraft was going to take
humans to our beautiful moon. NASA ... Show more content on ...
Because the middle motor of the spacecraft shut down two minutes early. This made
the rest of the motors run longer. The first two days, the group kept running into minor
problems, for the most part Apollo 13 was the smoothest flight of the program (Apollo
Program, 2017). At 46 hours, 43 minutes Joe Kerwin, the ground communicator, stated,
The spacecraft is in real good shape as far as we are concerned. We re bored to tears
down here, (NASA, 2009). It was the last time anybody would talk about boredom for a
Examples Of Pestle Analysis Of The Book Industry
The PESTLE analysis can be used to assess the strategic relevance of the six principal
components of the macro environmental: political, economic, social, technological,
environmental, and legal forces. It can be used as a tool by companies to better
understand of the macro environment they are operating in.

i. Political factors

Government has introduced some policies to protect the publishing industry. According to
National Book Policy which adopted in 1985, it proposed that the book industry should
be recognized as an essential industry and, therefore, support must be given for its
development. Moreover, the Government policy towards local printing and publishing
industry was meant to give protection to the industry.

Yet, there are ... Show more content on ...

Technological factors

The prevalent of e books creates numerous platforms for the marketplace of books. For
example, when Steve Jobs announced the launch of the iPad iBooks, it created an
enormous opportunity for publishers.

According to Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group,
the sales of e books were skyrocketed from US$ 869 million in 2010 to more than double
in 2011 to bring in some US$2.07 billion for the US publishing industry. Another report
from the CNN website, it showed that e book sales have a 202% of increment from 2010
to 2011.

A problem with technology is that it is rapidly changing and publishing companies must
always look at innovative ways to survive and compete with other companies.

v. Environmental forces

Environmental protection has also influenced the operation of publishing industry in

recent times. People nowadays are more environmental conscious compared to last time.
Most people are aware and concerned about damage to the environment and want to do
something about it. People nowadays choose to buy fewer books or buy digital book to
reduce the things that would normally clutter up
Porphyria s Lover Tone
The poem Porphyria s Lover written by Robert Browning is a dramatic monologue
told in first person. The title is ironic, making the reader think the poem will be about
two happy lovers. Although the poem is, in fact, about two lovers, we learn that
Porphyria s lover is psychotic and the ending reflects this. The poem ends with the
narrator murdering Porphyria with her own hair and does it seemingly easy. He doesn t
change his tone when speaking of the murder, making the reader do a double take when
he/she first reads it. Robert Browningchooses specific elements to make his piece
effective. His choice of diction, voice, imagery, figures of speech, sound, sentence
structure and symbols are essential to understanding the poem s meaning.
The ... Show more content on ...
When the poem starts out describing the storm, the reader can find many examples of
enjambment. This is effective, because the sentences are continuing to go on, as well as
the storm. For example, The rain set early in to night,/ The sullen wind was soon awake,
/ It tore the elm tops down for spite,/ (1 3). Since the author chose to use commas instead
of ending the sentence, the reader feels the movement of the storm continuing on just like
the sentences are doing. Also, the use of end stop line is present when it says, When
glided in Porphyria; (6). When the sentence abruptly ends after the many preceding
sentences continue, the reader can conclude that Porphyria is someone to pay close
attention to. The author s choice to grab the reader s attention by ending the sentence, is
important because she is an essential character to the poem s plot and the reader can
predict this from the abrupt ending of the
The Road And City Of Thieves
Everyday people are put into tough situations, and how they get past these situations is
up to them. The choice is to overcome these challenges or give up and let the challenge
triumph. Cormac Mccarthy s novel The Road, takes place in a post apocalyptic world
in the present day. With ash covering the land, cannibal groups roaming and freezing
temperatures, a father and son manage to stay strong and survive. The father s main
goal is to keep his innocent scared son alive, and teach him life lessons while doing so.
David Benioff s novelCity of Thieves, occurs during World War II while the Nazis are
invading Russia. The two men who begin as strangers, have to perform a near
impossible task to be able to keep their lives. They must hide from Nazis, survive the
harsh winter and have the faith to complete their task. Both The Roadand City of Thieves
demonstrate that people can overcome difficult situations by having faith, and keeping
strong relationships. For starters, The Road displays that people can overcome tough
situations by having faith and never giving up. A father and son in the novel are
forced to survive and adapt to a new way of living that includes, searching for food and
shelter to survive, and always being on the lookout for evil people. Never giving up, and
having faith in these tough situations is how the pair survive and live the best life
possible. The manin the novel always believed in never giving up, and to keep moving
forward. After days without food

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