Nursing Ethics Essay

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Nursing Ethics Essay

Crafting an essay on nursing ethics poses a unique set of challenges, requiring a delicate balance
between the technicalities of healthcare and the moral intricacies inherent in nursing practice. One
must delve into the multifaceted world of medical ethics, navigating through the principles of
autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. The task involves a meticulous exploration of
real-world scenarios, ethical dilemmas, and the often blurred lines between right and wrong in the
healthcare domain.

Understanding nursing ethics necessitates a comprehensive grasp of the professional standards,

codes of conduct, and legal frameworks that govern the nursing profession. Addressing ethical
principles within the context of patient care, confidentiality, informed consent, and end-of-life
decisions adds another layer of complexity to the essay. It requires a writer to delve into case studies,
historical perspectives, and contemporary issues to provide a nuanced and informed perspective.

Furthermore, the essay should not merely be an academic exercise but a reflective piece that engages
with the emotional and moral dimensions of nursing. It involves grappling with the emotional toll of
ethical decision-making, the moral distress faced by healthcare professionals, and the challenges of
upholding ethical standards in a demanding and often unpredictable healthcare environment.

In addition to these intellectual and emotional challenges, writing a nursing ethics essay demands a
commitment to maintaining a respectful and empathetic tone. The subject matter involves the lives
and well-being of individuals, requiring sensitivity to cultural, religious, and personal beliefs. The
ability to articulate complex ethical concepts in a clear, concise, and accessible manner is paramount.

In conclusion, navigating the intricacies of nursing ethics to create a compelling and insightful essay
requires a blend of technical knowledge, ethical reasoning, emotional intelligence, and effective
communication skills. It is a task that demands intellectual rigor, empathy, and a profound
understanding of the ethical landscape in healthcare.

For assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing needs, services like
can provide professional support, ensuring that your essays meet the highest standards of quality and
academic integrity.
Nursing Ethics Essay Nursing Ethics Essay
Examples Of Cimorene Being A Dragon
In the novel,Dealing with Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede, the main character Cimorene
has an unusual adventure being a dragon s princess.Cimorene is the youngest princess of
the normal kingdom Linderwall,but Cimorene hates the kingdom and her own life of
being a princess.Then all that changes when a talking frog comes into the picture and
tells her that she can escape the misfortune of fate that awaits her in the future by running
way to the enchanted forest where she would find help.Cimorene then decides that she
will go to the enchanted forest and take the chance at having a better life.Knowing all of
this my thesis is that Cimorene is definitely not acting how a princess should
act.Although,Cimorene is indeed justified to take these actions.For... Show more content
on ...
A princess volunteering.Out of the question! said Woraug.(pg.#18)As you can see this
shows that Cimorene is not displaying princess like behavior.In other words,this also
shows that Cimorene does have more than plenty reasons to be acting in this
Harlem Poetry Countee Cullen Analysis
Comparison of Harlem Poetry The Harlem Renaissance was a time of great racial
reform in the United States that fully began in the twentieth century. This movement
brought a change in the U.S. and formed may new styles of writing and ways of
expressing feelings. Many great authors and poets emerged during this time of
alteration. One such author is Countee Cullen. In the two poems, Saturday s Child and
From the Dark Tower , mutually written by Countee Cullen, he explains how race
governs the lifestyle lived in a particular era, as well as the significance of it toward the
Harlem Renaissance. In Cullen s, Saturday s Child , he states, Some are teethed on a
silver spoon, / with the stars strung for a rattle; / I cut my teeth as the black raccoon
/for implement of battle /...Some are swaddled in silk and down, / And herald by a star,
/ They swathed my limbs in sack cloth gown / on a night that was black as tar (5 8). This
reveals how African Americans were treated throughout American history.... Show more
content on ...
During this time, many prominent authors began to emerge with poems, papers, and
stories that portrayed how life was shifting for African Americans, as well as how life
was before this movement. It was more tolerable for African Americans to become
educated during the Harlem Renaissance, and writing about how life was for them
became a true art form. It is stated by Harden, Jackson, and Pitts, that The Harlem
Renaissance is a product of African American culture and history, as Gates and McKay
describe it as the irresistible impulse of blacks to create boldly expressive art of a high
quality as a primary response to their social conditions, as an affirmation of their dignity
and humanity in the face of poverty and racism (8). This movement was a major turning
point for
An Extraordinary Man From Demark
On October 7, 1885, an extraordinary man from Demark was born. A baby boy, who was
yet to find out the impact he would have on this world. This man was Niels Bohr, and he
made fundamental contributions in the way one can understand the atom s structure. In
addition to the structure, he also had an impact in the early development in quantum
mechanics. His impact not only made a change in history, but also changed the way
people looked at the atoms structure. We can now build and learn from Niels Bohrand his
Originating from Denmark, reigns an intelligent man from a well educated family. Neil
s Bohr is the son of Christian Bohr, who was a professor of physiology at The University
of Copenhagen. Bohr s mother, Ellen, came ... Show more content on ...
With this remarkable paper, he was the recipient of the medal from the Royal Danish
Academy of Sciences. According to Oppenheim, his research topic was based on his
analysis of vibrations of water, due to surface tension. After this, he completed his
doctorate in 1911, under the physicist Christian Christiansen. For his post doctoral
education, Bohr moved to England. He conducted his experiments at Trinity College, and
then moved on to the University of Manchester. While at the University of Manchester,
he began his interest in the structure of the atoms. He wanted to know what was going on
inside an atom. Bohr studied the way atoms behaved and came up with a model that gave
an explanation.
In addition, Bohr studied the models of the atom that were already used by scientists and
improved on them with a new model. This model would give better explanations on how
atoms worked. His new model, Bohr, was named after him. In the Bohr model, positively
charged protons and neutral neutrons are securely detained in the nucleus of the atom.
Negatively charged electrons move around the nucleus in defined orbits. The motion of
the electrons in the Rutherford model was not reliable due to the classical mechanics and
electromagnetic theory. These theories state, any charged particle moving on a curved
path releases electromagnetic radiation. Therefore, the electrons would lose energy and
coil into the nucleus. Bohr modified the Rutherford model and stated that the electrons
move in
Australian Voice Essay
Hi everyone! How are you today? Nice to see all you guys here. Let s me introduce
myself first. My name is Jane Kennedy. I am one of writers of the film The Castle . I m
sure that everyone has watched The Castle , right? I m invited to be here and tell you
about this movie as well as how I and my team have built up and shown the ideas about
the voice of Australians through it. As you know, everyone including Australians have
their own way of understanding and an opinion of the world and people in it. That s
called their voice . However, the way Australians view and understand the world is
unique. Let s come back to The Castle , this is a story about the Kerrigan family who
together stand up to fight against the government for their... Show more content on ...
It gives them love and they love it too. The next thing I want to say which explores
Australians unique ways of thinking is their belief in what is right or wrong no matter
who is involved. Because the house means everything to Australians people, they will do
everything they can to protect it. My fellow worker also director of The Castle , Rob Sitch
has cleverly and effectively used many film techniques to express this idea. Do you
remember when Darryl and Dennis stand in the Federal court? There is a big contrast
between the underdog and the authorities. The close up and the medium shots were taken
to show his confidence in the facial expression and body language. On the other hand,
the low angel camera shot up to the judge emphasis the power of the law. These both
reveal Darryl s determination of battling even when he knows that he is fighting against
the government. By these techniques, it s clear to see that no matter how hard the
situation is, no matter how limited individuals ability is, Australians people will still be
brave to stand up, fight for their right and protect their family.
And, last but not least, the very important thing I have to tell you is Australians
willingness to help and fight for underdogs. Later in the movie, Hammil comes to Darryl
and asks to help him to keep the house. In the scene when they went to the High Court,
the costume status has been
Vinson Syn A Christian Scholar And Dean Emeritus
Vinson Synan is a Christian scholar and Dean Emeritus at Regent University in Virginia
Beach. In this work, he describes the most remarkable historical events that shaped the
Pentecostalism in America and worldwide. Synan points out specific characteristics that
clarifies the origins of the Pentecostal church in America. His main purpose is to present
a historical analysis of the Pentecostalismand its roots. According to him, the reader
needs to be aware of the Pentecostal traditions developed during the twentieth century in
order to understand Pentecostalism as a major Christian tradition. The problem is that
traditional Christians do not consider Pentecostalism as significant as should be. Synan s
thesis is that the Pentecostalism... Show more content on ...
Synan explains the link between the Fire Baptized Holiness Church and the modern
Pentecostal movement (59). In the next section, the author defines the Churches of God
and their main developments and the doctrine of Sanctification (69). Synan also points
out the revival meeting occurred in Los Angeles at the beginning of the twentieth
century. According to him the Azusa Street Revival in 1906 was fundamental for the
expansion of Pentecostalism in America and Europe. In chapters six and seven, Synan
explains the expansion and the influence of the Pentecostal churches in the south of the
United States and in the world. According to him, during that time period, the principles
of the Azusa Street Revival was still very strong in the United States, which also
influenced the growth of the missionary work. The issue of speak in tongues was a major
concern in this period (111). In the next chapter, Synan elucidates the main controversies
that produced new Pentecostal denominations (166). In chapter nine, the author analyses
the historical developments in America and its relation to African America Pentecostals.
He also points out the influence of Parham and Seymour as main founders of modern
Pentecostalism (170). Synan describes in details the relationship between the
Pentecostals and the American society in chapter ten (208). In the following chapter, the
author explains the origins of the Neo Pentecostal Movement and its major
Bechdel Test
The Bechdel Test is a well known measuring tool for gender bias in movies. The test
was made in an 1985 comic Dykes to Watch out For by Alison Bechdel. For a film to
pass the test, it has to have at least two female characters that are preferably named.
Moreover, the characters should also be talking with each other. Lastly, the subject of
their conversation should be something other than a man (Waletzko, 2017).

It should be noted that the Bechdel test is a useful test in checking for gender bias in
films. In fact, it was one of the very first tools that sparked dialogue between film critics
and typical moviegoers and urged the film industry to recognize and solve gender
diversity in films. (Minamore, 2017)

However, despite its effectiveness ... Show more content on ...
As such, there is a need for an improved version of the Bechdel Test a test that would
encompass more feminist values such as equal employment opportunities in the
production process and non discriminatory and derogatory portrayal of women in movies.

Both of these important values can be found in the Philippine s Magna Carta of Women
(R.A 9710). The law lists down the numerous rights that women has. In this case, a
woman has the right to equal treatment in employment as well as non discriminatory and
derogatory portrayal of women in media and film. Consequently, the Republic Act wishes
to use media to raise the consciousness of the general public in recognizing the dignity of
women and the role and contribution of women in family, community, and the society .
(Magna Carta of Women (R.A 9710), 2010)

With this, as long as gender bias in films continues to propagate in our society, a
localized version of Bechdel Test that considers the proponents of the Magna Carta of
Women (R.A 9710) will be formulated as part of this research. It will offer a yardstick
for not only proper female representation but also empowerment in films while the work
of changing society s women objectification and rape culture moves
Eddie s Monologue
When I was younger, Me and My Mother had i close relationship,So close that when I
came home from a bad Day at school , or I got a bad grade on one of my tests I HAD to
Ace, She knew that i was in a bad mood, even when i tried to hide it. Ever since i was 5
I have had problems Focusing, So therefore it had made me bad at remembering things
for school, even if i wanted to Ace the Test the next day, and I would Study, I always
seemed To get bad grades on the test, and It always seemed to upset my mother.The
reason it upset her was because she knew that I could Do better,She saw it inside of
me! She saw it Through my work!, But even though She was trying to help me,she
always seemed to be mad at me. I would always assume That she was Very mad and go
to my room sad and Vow to myself That my mother was Very evil and NEVER talk to
her again. But I would always in 30 minutes, forgive my mother for what she did to make
me feel so Mad. Like Eddie and His Father, eddie had to get over the fact that his father
was rude and mean to him, He needed forgive His father for the things he did. Even if it
took Eddie to when the day of eddie s death was to forgive his father... Show more
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INTRO In the Story The Five People You Meet In Heaven,Author Mitch Albom Used
the Theme of Love and And Acceptance to relate to the Eddies dad and his Feelings
Across to the reader, And he did it by Showing and Reflecting on Eddie s
Hinduism and Buddhism’s Influence of Indian Culture in...
The way Hinduism and Buddhism entered Southeast Asia was not the same, as well as
when it entered and its influence of Indian culture that emerged into the area.
Civilizations in Southeast Asia focused on an appreciation to nature, which resulted in a
harmonious and equal relationship between man and nature. Southeast Asiahad been
depicted and known as the golden island. These Southeast Asian civilizations were
characteristically composed from Hindu and Buddhist ways of life that influenced its
people greatly. As Buddhismprocessed its way into Southeast Asia, the religion became
culturally grounded once the people practiced it. Hinduismand Buddhism in Southeast
Asia were influenced by Indian culture, which was accepted by the rulers... Show more
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Scholars stressed that the role of Indian colonizers brought Hinduism to reflect the
ideology that emphasizes on Southeast Asia. Hinduism spread throughout India by
certain people and territory (Strayer, 183). Hinduism became part of the Indian
civilization for the different people that migrated or invaded into Southeastern Asia
(Strayer, 133).
Hindus were divided by their social status, called the caste system. This made Hindus
fall under one of the varnas such as Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra and the
Untouchables (Strayer, 150 168). Priests and teachers were classified as Brahmins,
warriors and kings were Kshatriya, merchants and landowners were known as
Vaishya, peasants and serfs were classified as Shudras, and those that didn t have a
place on the caste system were defined as the untouchables because they had no social
status. Hindus were unable to change their position in the caste system, until after
reincarnation (Strayer, 150 168). There are scriptures such as the sacred text, The
Vedas, and it leads to the fact that Brahmins empowered and dominated the top of the
caste system and played specific roles in the religious lives of the people even from the
start of India s influence. Hindus became adjusted with these scared texts and grew used
to it. They learned to follow religious values and traditions to have a better after life.
Buddhism originated in Nepal, India approximately around 600 B.C.E. 300 B.C.E. and it
is a monotheistic religion that

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