The Phenomenon Times - 2008-6 (#2)

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Bimonthly Journal of the UFO & Paranormal Research Society of Australia

June 2008 Issue

President’s Report

UFO & Paranormal Research Society of Australia

Hello & welcome. PO Box 211 X, Leumeah NSW 2560

Since my last president’s report in April, UFO-PRSA has made Editor:

Attila Kaldy
significant progress.
You will find that our website has been
fully rebuilt and now appears as a professional and user friendly Website:
site, only detailing elements relevant to UFOlogy. Furthermore, a
new website has been developed exclusively for all paranormal
related information, and of course, paranormal research President: Attila Kaldy
0412 560 971
More about our new websites a little later on.
Vice President & Counsellor:
Larraine Cilia
Our ten part TV series PI – Paranormal Investigators &
Paranormal Investigators – The Challenge has been broadcasted Committee members:
every week on TVS (Channel 31). In addition Channel 31 (C31) Laszlo Novak, Darren Broadie, Kellie Pataky,
Dom McNamara, Darren Terry
Melbourne has also taken on the series – first going to air on
Saturday 7th June 2008 at 9.30pm. We are pleased that the series Secretary:
has reached such a level of popularity. TVS will be up to the third Dominic McNamara
Challenge (Ghost Town - Yerranderie) on 9th June. Treasurer:
Andrea Kaldy
We are now heading into the third month of our Support Group. Library:
Unfortunately, we found that most people who were hoping to Larraine Cilia
attend are not situated within reasonable proximity the Macarthur
Investigators & Assistance (affiliated AUFORN,
area. Therefore the Support Group will now be based online as a RACE & pr2d):
forum. For more information please contact our counsellor, Attila Kaldy, Larraine Cilia, Kellie Pataky, Frank Pataky,
Larraine Cilia (see Vice President’s report). Laszlo Novak, Darren Broadie, Dom McNamara
Darren Terry
Regards, Director of RACE (Research of Australian Close
Encounters) investigations:
Attila Attila Kaldy

President Australian Representative for the Hungarian Center of

UFO Studies:
Laszlo Novak
P.S: Our next meeting will be on 0425 262 491
9th July 2008.
Endre Kriston (STON 3D)

Paranormal Research Second Division (pr2d) led by:

Attila Kaldy

UFO & Paranormal Research Society of Australia –

formerly known as UFO Society of Western Sydney
Vice President’s Report

Greetings to all my Earthling and Alien friends. Index

In the last couple of months, I have tried to make
a support group available to those who have
experienced strange phenomena especially when
¾ Vice President’s
struggling to find an atmosphere conducive to report - (Pg 2)
speaking their truths. Unfortunately, I have to
announce that holding such a forum, although
best on a face to face basis, is clearly not viable
due to the location being remote from many who ¾ UFO-PRSA
would like to attend. Developments -
By Larraine Cilia Instead, a forum link will be opened and I will (Pg 3)
moderate the content where such individuals have
the opportunity to apply to join and therefore
have a unique environment in which to ‘speak
and be heard’ without value judgement. Many are
¾ Dom’s Corner -
uncomfortable with idea of others knowing (Pg 4)
exactly who they are, what they look like, etc,
“I will be your even though the need to speak out is great. In this
way, such anonymity is yours to keep.
moderator and I am ¾ Reports from
looking forward to a I will announce through the UFO-PRSA website
divisions one & two -
and subsequent meetings as and when this link is
much needed service
available. It is conceived through the secretary (Pg 6)
that such a web page address will not be a
becoming populated publicly accessed ‘link’. Members will be invited
with members who to join this group and the listings will not be
public – the Forum is restricted in this way and ¾ Products -
require more private
will not appear in general public directory
searches. I will be your moderator and I am
looking forward to a much needed service
(Pg 8)
about their own becoming populated with members who require
more private group discussions about their own
personal experiences.” personal experiences.

During the last month, we conducted a night-

watch at the Barker’s Lodge road area in the
Southern Highlands districts for the simple reason
that many people have had reason to place calls
or emails with the society about strange sightings.
As ever, our purpose is to look for explanations
and barring any logical ones, present findings for
members to make up their own minds. In this
instance, a fairly quiet night sky was had by all –
but we can clearly see why people would notice
so much from a fairly well used main road. As a
result, we have published several such past
reports of note for you to see why we would look
for future events in this area; and remember, the
future is in all our hands.

Larraine Cilia
Vice President

UFO-PRSA Developments

You will find new pages such as

NSW Close Encounters Data
Base, Projects, Barkers Lodge
Road Encounters (which will
include reports from Razor
Back), Articles, Conference etc.

The New paranormal website
is solely dedicated to the
paranormal. This includes a full
introduction to our paranormal
division, a complete research
section, media information and
a whole lot more.

Both pages have been designed

to promote our organisation in Visit our website for more
We’ve been working on a
number of localised projects,
mostly to improve our
exposure and appearance. One The series PI – Paranormal
was to conduct some Investigators and Paranormal

maintenance on our main
source of information – that
being our website. An idea
an exclusive and unique way.
Feel free to check them out.
Investigators – The Challenge
has received good feedback and
compliments that an Australian
was put forward to separate Please note that some pages are paranormal series fas finally hit
the two divisions yet maintain
a link between the two. We
began by totally overhauling
still under construction. the air. TVS (Television
Sydney) and C31 (Channel 31
Melbourne) has taken on the 10
UFO-PRSA will be running a Paranormal Investigators course part pilot series. Although not
This was achieved by through the Australian College mainstream media, we are
reformatting and introducing of Mediumship on 30th August working on a few ideas that
our logo as a primary figure to 2008. Subjects will include: may one day see it broadcasted
the site. We also made the through one of the major
website more user friendly by • Historical overview channels. Our goal is to spread
applying additional dropdown • Type of phenomena -
menus to cater for more unexplained, natural &
information as well as side bar hoaxes
links to other pages. • Case studies
Furthermore, all details • Specialising areas
relating to the paranormal was • Preparation
removed and relocated to the • Research
new website. Links from • Identification to the • Field work and equipment
new website was introduced. • Methods of approach
This gave us a professional • Group session
and information rich website, • Investigation (limited
specifically dedicated to the numbers)
UFO field. Encounters

the word on Australian leads us every year to search for have faced a few over the years.
phenomena research. close encounters. So far, most of The location is new and we will
our expeditions have been be assessing a potential vantage
RACE (Research of successful. We have achieved this point at first hand – much like a
Australian Close Encounters) through preparation, dedication, reconnaissance mission.
team members are now in aspiration and hard work. The We endeavour to keep you
preparation for the next major team has always held together, updated of any further
expedition. These ventures even in dire moments – and we progress.
leed have faced a few

Dom’s Corner – Newton’s Apple

directly – perhaps even by black

The conservation of momentum holes.
is one of the basic laws of
physics; Newtonian Physics. But is there a means for
Some of us are currently allowing a bending of the
struggling to find a way of physical laws of space? What
breaking that law. The reason is would changing the very fabric
simple. In order to find a way of of space look like? Where can I
travelling to the stars, it is point to it? Perhaps we should
essential that we find a way cover the ideas of Albert
around space; literally! Einstein before we consider
By Dominic McNamara
changing things accordingly. I
For it is the vast separation of would imagine that most of you
distances – space – which is have heard of the idea of gravity
surely the final frontier. Until being an expression of mass
“Until more recent more recent times, there have warping space-time. No? Well
times, there have been many who would consider then let’s look at it.
the prospect of alien life
been many who
would consider the
prospect of alien life
travelling the universe somewhat
preposterous based solely on the
improbability of being able to
Layers of space
If you imagine a layer of cling
wrap stretched out between a
travel such vast distances and still
travelling the couple of chairs or something to
be alive at the other end. In other
support each end, then you
universe somewhat words, the very problems we
would have a taught area
ourselves would be faced with.
preposterous …” The current line of inquiry
suspended in space which
would represent a slice of space
involves the idea of changing the
fabric. If I place a ping-pong
fabric of the space-time
ball on this film surface, it will
continuum. There have been ideas
be supported without too much
along the lines of ‘portals’ and the
trouble. But without doubt,
like. They appear like a glimpse
there would have to be some
of another place right next door to
sort of depression in the clear
the here and now. Perhaps, it was
film, if only negligible. This
argued, there was an answer to be
then represents what happens
had in the idea known as ‘Swiss
when a body of little mass, not
cheese’ of space; where different
weight or size, imparts its
places could be linked more
existence on space-time.
you are travelling. The effect their synthetic creation, have
would be a ‘pull’ in the direction been brief and very often, a
of the space ahead. No exhausting little cataclysmic. According to
thrust would be required. So what The hunt for zero point (Cook,
would be the effect of a large 2002), as the allies were zeroing
distortion in any given direction! in on Germany, a number of
What about a tennis ball? That The theory I put forward is the scientists working in secret
would make an even bigger one you have heard of before – were taken out of the way of the
depression in the film. Now Folding space. advancing allies. They were
we approach the makings of literally silenced in the wake of
the Earth’s gravitational field. “I seen it” the work performed in the name
The thin film will almost wrap of science. Numbering 62 in all
itself around the lower half of For a long time, people have been and many of them German,
the ball and anything that is shown the analogy of space being these men had worked on
rolled out onto the surface folded in much the same way as a something involving the
nearby will be ‘caught’ by the newspaper being closed and then immersion of metallic liquids
curved space around the ball opened. Transferring print from into spinning containers. These
and sucked into orbit or one page to the other seemed to containers were then lowered
collision, ‘Roulette wheel’ be a likely analogy for instantly into shafts or wells, which then
style. ‘jumping’ from one place to glowed a luminous purple or
another. But in reality, it might be violet in the dark. What were
So what if we then placed easier to think of the depression in they working on? The
something like a melon upon time space ahead of a vehicle as codename of the experimental
our imaginary space-time ‘linking the two places; the research was given as

slice? This would behave like
an example of a strong source
of mass such as the sun.
stronger the link, the faster the
‘Laternentrager Chronos’.
They were reputed to be
experimenting in a torsion field

Enough curvature to bend
light was the prediction.
During a solar eclipse, an
With this idea in mind, many
individual witnesses describe the
ability of some objects to drift
generator of some kind and yes,
the name suggests the very
activity of a metallic liquid
experiment proved the ability silently against the background ‘suspended in a bell or lantern
of the sun’s gravity to bend
light rays without their being
sky whilst
interferences. Most obvious of
down a well. But it was the
name that

So what has all this to do with these interferences would be the Chronos – ‘time’. They were
propulsion physics? It has type enacted on a motor vehicle, trying to generate enough
been theorised that if we bend especially that of combustion curvature around the generator
space around an object far spark or alternator electrical that it would have a side effect -
enough, we can end up with activity. to bend time itself!
the ability to shield ourselves
from momentum and its The relationship between gravity Vortex
harmful effects at high speeds. and electromagnetism is growing There have been many
Also, by deflecting such a ever closer and stronger with researchers delve into the idea
‘warp’ in front of the vessel, every new ground that is broken of changing the levels of energy
we would be able to control in the search for answers. It’s the around them by changing their
the direction of travel. questions that have become ideas of gravity. They soon
Forward travel would be divergent. found themselves smack bang
obtained by merely making a With regard to Propulsion in the middle of an age-old idea
depression in space directly in physics, the research into the – the idea of spinning! After all,
front of the vessel in which existence of torsion fields and thei everything seems to do that

quite well from galaxies to been fully explained under All were ridiculed. We however
flushing the loo! Newtonian physics and all seem We were
shall uncover all not
that alone…
these men
The greatest to encompass the idea that a did and revealed to a world,
misunderstandings that we spinning device creates a torsion which does not listen.
currently have are responsible field albeit an incredibly small Slowly we shall explore the
for everything we hold dear - one. very argument of ordinary
the magnetic anomaly and the This then is an inclusion of the individuals who have directed
rotating spiral or wheel. remarks of one Viktor us rightly but without approval
Schauberger inventor of a of the authorities, a dangerous if
These surely are some of the repulsine generator involving not precarious position for any
most basic gifts and vortex swirls. Eric Laithwaite, the of us.
inventiveness we are able to inventor of the Maglev train used
point toward, but as a result of Gyroscopes and the nature of
this complacency, we appear reduced weight take us a step
to have missed something. further. Howard Johnson Sources:
The daring have stumbled into described magnets as room The Hunt for zero point, Nick
something that even BAE temperature superconductors and cook, Arrow, 2002
systems (formerly Marconi went on to propose that a motor Albert Einstein, General theory
and British Aerospace) and could be driven into circular of Relativity.
NASA cannot further deny is motion with magnets alone! He NASA Research and
of interest. There is a went further and built working Experiments on Gravity
fundamental principal in motors! He described these (Eclipse website)
magnetism and especially the notions as the result of electron
electromagnetic spectrums, spin of a difference to all other

some of which have never materials.

Reports from Divisions one & two

you’ll know that Barkers Lodge

When we overhauled the
Road begins from Burragornag
website, I thought it would be a Road, Oakdale. Even there,
good idea to add an additional people have reported strange
page that would specifically detail phenomena over the years.
the inexplicable events occurring Standing back in observation, it
around Barkers Lodge Road. The seems that this whole area is
page ‘Barkers Lodge Road encompassed by a series of
Encounters’ explains the type of close encounters. Most reports
phenomena reported, mostly by claim that the strange lights in
motorists in the early hours of the the sky originate from the west
“… it seems that morning. However, the page will – conveniently from the Blue
eventually digress to another area,
this whole area is that being Razor Back. From an
Mountains National Park.

encompassed by a aerial point of view, the two areas

Burragorang Road
of interest are within close
series of close proximity to one another. Once In January 2006 at 12.30am‘C’
you read the web page, you’ll see was driving to work along the
encounters.” an uncanny relationship forming Burragorang road. He was
between Barkers Lodge Road and heading towards traffic
the Razor Back region. lights when he noticed a string
If you are familiar with the area, of coloured lights that appeared
to be hanging in the air.
He estimated their combined “You're late for work! I saw you found. The back door to the
length to be approximately 15- sitting up there with your lights premises was left open. At one
metres. The lights displayed on for twenty minutes!” point, the three men were all in
red, blue, green and purple. ‘C’ the back room near the rear
turned right onto Burragorang ‘C’ then replied: door. Apparently they started
road and found himself moving hearing paper being torn to
underneath them. He looked “What are you talking about? shreds. Then a wad of paper,
into his rear vision mirror but shredded and bundled, was
I didn't sit around anywhere,
could no longer see them thrown in through the back
anywhere. in fact, if anything, I was door.
gunning it for the last few Despite the fact that the three
He was on his way to work at minutes!” witnesses were in the back room
that time hoping to arrive ten at the time, they could not see
minutes early. He said that it ‘C’ said he felt strange all who threw it. There was no
was around 12:30am when he morning, as though someone was scurrying away, no sound at all
sat at the lights. When he turned watching him - shadows in his but eerie silence.
and drove under the objects, he peripheral vision.
travelled on along Burragorang Reported by Larraine
Road and eventually reached On the following morning of the
Mount Hunter. He said that the 3rd of January, at around 3.00 -
journey could have been done in 3.30am, ‘C’ was standing at the
five minutes. Just past Mount back of his workplace when he
Hunter, he noticed two bright saw 12 yellow lights hovering in

lights which he presumed to be
a truck coming toward him. As
the lights came closer, he
mid air. He said they looked like a
handful of yellow smarties
thrown into the air. As he
became alarmed as the lights watched, it became obvious that
were on his side of the road.
Metres before an inevitable
head on collision, the lights
these objects were making
movements in a triangular form
above the mountains. The following report from
parted and Victoria was submitted to our
ascended vertically into the air. The objects were bright – similar
magnitude to Venus. On this paranormal division in March
Immediately he pulled up, got
out of the car and looked up – occasion his employer came out 2008. Apparently the event was
there was nothing there. He then and saw the same thing. They classified as a Category 1, 2, 4,
drove off. Just before arriving to watched for around 10 minutes 5, 6 and 7 haunting.
work two lights came up behind until work beckoned. Half an hour
him, this time parting some later, the objects were I am writing to ask assistance or
twenty metres behind him. The gone. anything that we can afford,
lights ascended and again about the poltergeist/abnormal
disappeared. Instead of On the third night (4th January)
around 1:30am, ‘C’ was just activities that have been
stopping, ‘C’ accelerated away.
starting his shift when his happening in our home since
Accounting for a momentary employer called out: “Your UFO's 2006.
stop on the road, ‘C’ should back!” So ‘C’ and another We have had these ‘neighbours’
have arrived at work around employee went outside. All three that have taken a dislike to us.
12:45am. He had lost little or no witnessed a bright orange ball of These ‘neighbours’ have since
time on the road but ended up light descending to the ground. moved to the next suburb, but
being He said it floated like a feather
and appeared to land near the we are still targeted in one
late - he didn't arrive until particular area of our house;
1:10am. His boss approached road. When they investigated the
him and asked landing site, nothing could be especially at night, when my
him a number of unusual found. teenage daughter is trying to
questions: sleep in her bedroom and in our
The three men claimed seeing hallway and bathroom/toilet
“What were you doing sitting shadows in the car park shortly area.
up on the side of the road?” after the encounter. Expecting to These occurrences started
find kids playing around, no trace
of anyone or anything could be gradually in 2006, from noises,

that we thought were either Clocks were flying off the walls;
possums in the roof, or rats or TV was flying off the benches.
something like that in the walls. The computer was going crazy
Then we discovered the noises and the TV wasn't working
were playing tunes and copying properly. Fires were started in the
us when we played tunes to bathroom in a tissue box and one
them. It was quite unnerving. We was started outside in the dogs
have had three lots of cushion (rubber).
professionals through the house, This went on until the neighbours
and also one that made quite large moved to the next suburb, but
holes in the walls to check what then the noises started again -
was going on. One of these especially when my daughter has
persons mentioned the activities been very ill and in and out of
to there friends and they were hospital. At the moment she is on
advised not to come back into the the mend, but we do not have the
house. After the noises got worse sense of security in our home.
and louder and louder, pictures
started banging on the wall every Tunnel apparition
night, louder and louder. Then While visiting an old tunnel
noises in the roof. Then noises in sometime in 2006, a small group
the walls, especially where we of amateur investigators decided
were sleeping. Things started to to take a series of random photos.
fly around the kitchen and
bathroom and bedrooms and
lounge room. Our cupboards were
After going through the images
they took, an incredible addition
to their presence emerged. The

flying open and cutlery and
crockery was flying out of the
cupboards. Our food was flying
image was assessed using various
filters (looking for additional
layers). It is believed to be a
off our plates and benches. genuine article.


An Introduction to For more information visit: Reconnective Healing ® Darren Broadie … Reconnective
Paranormal Investigations: or see Attila during our meeting.
This course will provide participants Practitioner ™
with a basic to intermediate The Reconnection ™
understanding of paranormal research. Gypsy Reading Party
The course will cover a broad range of Get together with your friends for a Currans Hill NSW
studies in the paranormal field and how cuppa and have your cards read by Email:
to distinguish between natural Andrea.
phenomena and potentially paranormal Phone:
phenomena. Participants will be shown Now only $30 per person for a 20 02 4647 2938
several methods of approach and an minute reading, with complimentary
opportunity will be available to conduct 0412 076 827
reading for the host or hostess.
an investigation at a haunted location
(limited numbers). Please note that the
Invite 5-7 people, plus host
investigation is only available for those
who complete the initial course. Any, or no occasion at all …

For more information or to book your party

The course will run for a full day on 30th now call Andrea on 0402961972 or
August 2008, and the investigation will
be conducted on the same night.

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