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Acclimation to NaCl and H2O2 develops cross

tolerance to saline-alkaline stress in Rice (Oryza
sativa L.) by enhancing fe acquisition and ROS

Rowland Maganizo Kamanga, Shohei Oguro, Mami Nampei & Akihiro Ueda

To cite this article: Rowland Maganizo Kamanga, Shohei Oguro, Mami Nampei & Akihiro Ueda
(2021): Acclimation to NaCl and H2O2 develops cross tolerance to saline-alkaline stress in Rice
(Oryza�sativa L.) by enhancing fe acquisition and ROS homeostasis, Soil Science and Plant
Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/00380768.2021.1952849

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Published online: 19 Jul 2021.

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Acclimation to NaCl and H2O2 develops cross tolerance to saline-alkaline stress in

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) by enhancing fe acquisition and ROS homeostasis
Rowland Maganizo Kamangaa, Shohei Ogurob, Mami Nampeia and Akihiro Uedaa
Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan; bSchool of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima
University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan


Plants are known to develop cross-tolerance in which plants tolerate to one stress following prior Received 19 May 2021
exposure to another stress. In this study, we investigated this phenomenon in rice (Oryza sativa L.) to Accepted 4 July 2021
elucidate the underlying physiological mechanisms. Twenty-one (21) day-old seedlings were pre- KEY WORDS
exposed to various concentrations of NaCl, NaHCO3, and H2O2 for 7 days and then subjected to saline- Saline-alkalinity; salinity;
alkaline stress (SAS) for 14 days. The present findings report that pre-exposure to 10 mM NaCl and oxidative stress; cross-
10 µM H2O2 develops cross-tolerance to SAS by triggering systemic physiological processes involved in tolerance; acclimation
Fe uptake and ROS homeostasis. While the mechanisms of this tolerance vary among pre-treatments,
a consensus suggests the relevance of the following processes: (1) the ability to maintain a lower growth
medium pH, (2) ability to suppress root K+ losses, (3) maintenance of a stable acquisition of Fe and P and
(4) regulated generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) via enhanced antioxidant enzyme activities.
Taken together, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that a crosstalk exists between salinity
stress, oxidative stress, and SAS, triggering adaptive physiological responses that develop tolerance to
SAS in rice, a phenomenon that offers a prospect for developing plants tolerant to multiple stressors.

1. Introduction hence, the choice of acclimating agents should aim at those that
may enhance defense responses against these stress factors.
Saline-alkaline stress (SAS) is a serious environmental threat
Studies have shown that plant leaves accumulate multiple folds
that limits agricultural productivity worldwide. It is character­
higher Na+ under SAS conditions compared to neutral salinity
ized by an inordinately high soil pH (Zhang et al. 2017), hyper­
stress (Cao et al. 2020; Jia et al. 2017). While it remains unclear, it
osmotic stress, ionic toxicity (Na+), and oxidative stress. High pH
is speculated that high pH either results in uncontrollable uptake
limits the bioavailability of some essential micronutrients, par­
of Na+ by roots or reduces the SOS1-mediated Na+ efflux in plant
ticularly iron, and most efforts aimed at increasing tolerance to
roots because of a deficiency in the transmembrane proton
high pH in rice entailed increasing iron uptake (Masuda et al.
gradient required for SOS1 activity (Haruta and Sussman 2012;
2008, 2009; Suzuki et al. 2008). Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a cereal
Yang et al. 2019). Therefore, to address the latter, the ability to
crop that is extremely sensitive to salt stress (Munns and Tester
maintain a lower growth medium pH is a prerequisite for the
2008) and exhibits poor iron uptake capacities under high pH.
regulation of leaf Na+ toxicity through root Na+ extrusion.
Therefore, SAS poses a much greater risk to rice growth than
Moreover, rhizospheric acidification is also necessary for iron
sole salinity stress, necessitating the identification of agro­
uptake in plants utilizing strategy I, solubilizing ferric iron (Fe3+)
nomic approaches that can increase the resistance of plants
to utilizable ferrous iron (Fe2+) for uptake by plant roots.
under mixed SAS conditions.
The key components in a typical stress-response relation­
Plants have remarkable abilities to acclimate to lethal stress
ship involve stress stimulus, perception of stress by signals,
events when subjected to prior mild stress (Pandolfi, Mancuso,
expression of stress-induced genes, and resultant changes at
and Shabala 2012). This is referred to as acclimation, which
morphological, biochemical, and physiological levels (Pastori
describes the physiological ability of plants to adapt to stressful and Foyer 2002). The signaling and response pathways have
events. Acclimation has been demonstrated as an effective and been reported to overlap during exposure to different abiotic
quicker way to improve plant tolerance to various abiotic stres­ stresses, including reactive oxygen species (ROS), hormones,
ses such as salinity stress (Kamanga et al. 2020; Sriskantharajah protein kinase cascades, and calcium gradients as common
et al. 2020; Umezawa et al. 2000). In a primed state, plants are elements (Atkinson and Urwin 2012). ROS are unstable mole­
typified by faster and stronger responses triggered by systemic cules inevitably produced by plants, both as a result of normal
defense systems that confer enhanced resistance. aerobic metabolism and in response to abiotic stresses.
Under SAS conditions, Na+ toxicity, osmotic stress, oxidative Meanwhile, more evidence suggests the beneficial roles of
stress, and high pH are key stress factors responsible for growth ROS, such as stress signaling (Apel and Hirt 2004; Mittler
inhibition and plant death (Yang et al. 2009; Zhang et al. 2019); 2017). Therefore, their fate relies on tight regulation of the

CONTACT Akihiro Ueda Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Hiroshima University, 1-4-4 Kagamiyama, Higashi-
Hiroshima 739-8528, Japan
© 2021 Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

equilibrium between their generation and detoxification. were maintained at a pH of 5.0–5.5 using 2.0 N HCl and 2.0 N
However, this delicate balance is upset under abiotic stress, KOH. After 7 days, pre-treated (PT) and non-pre-treated (NPT)
resulting in oxidative stress, one of the prime suspected factors plants were subjected to main SAS treatment (50 mM Na, pH
of lethality under SAS conditions (Guo et al. 2014; Zhang et al. 8.25) using a mixture of 0.75 mM Na2CO3, 25 mM NaHCO3, and
2017). Therefore, plants acclimated to oxidative stress may 23.5 mM NaCl. Growth medium pH was monitored every
show better resistance to SAS by activating systemic defense 24 hours but was left unadjusted except for control conditions
systems to counteract the stress. This illustrates the concept of adjusted to 5.0–5.5 daily. To evaluate whether pre-treatments
induced cross-tolerance in which priming of plants to one facilitate a quicker recovery after the disappearance of SAS con­
stress type enhances tolerance to another stress type (Foyer ditions, all PT plants were subjected to 50 mM Na, pH 8.25 for
et al. 2016; Perez and Brown 2014), offering a prospect for 14 days, at the conclusion of that all stressed plants were recov­
breeding crop plants resistant to multiple forms of stress. ered when exposed to 0 mM Na (1x Kimura B), pH 5.0–5.5 for
While studies of simultaneous stress exposure and subse­ 10 days. Shoot and root dry weight, chlorophyll concentration,
quent exposure to similar stress are widespread, little is known and membrane integrity were measured.
regarding one-at-a-time exposure to different stresses. It is
speculated that the crosstalk between multiple stresses partly
2.3. Determination of plant fresh and dry weight
involves the accumulation of ROS (Pastori and Foyer 2002;
Perez and Brown 2014). This recognition has led agronomists Seedlings were harvested in replicates of 4–5 after 7 days of pre-
to pursue chemical means to activate ROS-induced systemic treatment period, after 14 days of main stress, and after 10 days
resistance. This includes the direct application of ROS, particu­ of the recovery period. Plant height and root length were mea­
larly H2O2 (Fedina, Nedeva, and Çiçek 2009; Wahid et al. 2007), sured using a plant-measuring ruler. Fresh weight (FW) was
and the application of salts such as NaCl (Kamanga et al. 2020; measured immediately after dissecting plants into leaf blades,
Sriskantharajah et al. 2020) and NaHCO3 (Liu and Saneoka leaf sheaths, and roots. Dry weights (DW) were obtained after
2019), which are hypothesized to activate antioxidant defense oven-drying the samples for at least 72 hours at 70°C.
systems. Nevertheless, little is known about the physiological
mechanisms governing cross-tolerance between oxidative
2.4. Chlorophyll concentration (SPAD)
stress, salinity stress, and SAS. We hypothesized that acclima­
tion to either or a combination of the four key saline-alkalinity Leaf-blade chlorophyll concentration was determined using
stress factors, namely, Na+ toxicity, osmotic stress, oxidative a chlorophyll meter (SPAD – 502, Minolta Camera Co. Ltd.,
stress, and high pH, may trigger inter-stress crosstalk that may Japan) on three fresh fully expanded leaf blades of the same
upsurge resistance of rice seedlings to alkaline stress. positions in all plants according to Kamanga et al. (2020).

2. Materials and methods 2.5. Determination of macro and micronutrient elements

2.1. Plant materials and growth conditions Elemental analysis was performed on dried leaf blades and root
samples after 14 days of stress imposition using inductively
Seeds of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar Hinohikari were incu­ coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). For
bated, surface-sterilized, and germinated according to this purpose, 100 mg of dried leaf blades and roots were
Sriskantharajah et al. (2020). After one week, a slightly modified crushed using a freeze crusher (µT – 48, Taitec, Saitama,
Kimura B nutrient solution was added to the hydroponic cul­ Japan). Acid digestion was conducted using 2 mL of H2SO4
ture following Chuamnakthong, Nampei, and Ueda (2019). The followed by repetitive cycles of 1 mL of H2O2 addition and
nutrient solution was provided by immersing the plant roots heating in a heat block at 150–200°C until the sample turned
directly in the hydroponic solution. The experiment was con­ colorless. An extra hour of heating was performed to remove
ducted in a greenhouse at Hiroshima University’s Faculty of the remaining H2O2 after which the sample was filled to 25 mL
Biological Sciences Experimental Field. The hydroponic culture using Milli-Q water. ICP analysis was performed using iCAP –
temperature was maintained at 28°C, and the average day air 6300 (Thermo-Scientific, USA) at wavelengths 766.4, 818.3,
temperature was 30°C. After 18 days, seedlings were trans­ 177.4, 259.9, 249.7, and 213.8, for K, Na, P, Fe, B, and Zn,
planted from a nylon mesh wire to 20 L buckets. respectively. Quantification was performed using various ele­
mental standard solutions prepared in 1% HNO3.
2.2. Treatment conditions
2.6. K+ leakage and Na+ efflux experiment
Twenty-six (26) day-old seedlings were subjected to three con­
centrations of each of the following three sets (N = 20) of pre- In order to determine plant roots’ ability to retain K+, leakage of
treatments for 7 days: (1) NaCl (S) (2.5, 5.0, and 10 mM), (2) H2O2 K+ was assessed by a method previously described in Pandolfi
(OX) (1.0, 5.0, and 10 µM), and (3) NaHCO3 (SA) (0.5, 1.0, and et al. (2016) with slight modifications. Plants were pre-treated
2.5 mM). A fourth (4) set of plants was non-pre-treated and with various pre-treatments for 7 days, at the conclusion of
maintained as controls (N = 40). Out of these, after 7 days accli­ which, four uniform seedlings of pre-treated and non-pre-
mation period, half were subjected to saline-alkalinity (NPT) treated plants were transferred into 50 mL falcon tubes con­
while the remaining were maintained as control plants (no pre- taining 30 mL of 50 mM Na+, pH 8.5 (48 mM NaHCO3 + 1 mM
treatment and no saline-alkaline stress). Except for set 3, all sets Na2CO3) for 24 h. Four more seedlings were transferred into

30 mL deionized water as control plants. After 24 hours, solu­ Japan) using a 155 mM−1 cm−1 extinction coefficient according
tion was sampled for K+ analysis. to Hodges et al. (1999).
Efflux of Na+ from roots was assessed by a previously outlined
method (Pandolfi et al. 2016; Shabala et al. 2010) with some
2.9. Measurement of root and leaf cell viability
modifications. Pre-treated and non-pre-treated plants were sub­
jected to 30 mL of 50 mM Na+, pH 8.5 (48 mM NaHCO3 + 1 mM Root and leaf cell viability were assessed using Evans Blue
Na2CO3) for 24 hours, after which plants were transferred into staining procedure as previously described in Zhang et al.
bathing medium containing 0.1 mM CaCl2, 0.5 mM KCl and (2017). In brief, fresh root tips and leaf blades were cut into
50 mM Na+ of pH 8.5 (48 mM NaHCO3 + 1 mM Na2CO3). After 2 cm long pieces, 100 mg of which were infiltrated with 1.5 mL
1 hour, the solution was poured off and roots were rinsed with of 0.25% aqueous solution of Evans Blue for 30 min under room
10 mM CaCl2 three times. Then, the roots were transferred into temperature. Upon absorption of the stain, leaf and root sam­
10 mL bathing medium containing 0.1 mM CaCl2 and 0.5 mM KCl ples were rinsed with deionized water until no further blue dye
for 4 hours. The solution was then sampled and Na+ concentration was eluted from the samples. To quantify the Evans Blue stain
was measured. Both K+ and Na+ analysis were done using flame absorbed, the stain was solubilized by incubating in 4 mL of 1%
photometry (ANA – 135, Tokyo Photoelectric, Tokyo, Japan). (w/v) sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) prepared in 50% (v/v)
methanol at 50°C for 30 minutes, and measure absorbance at
600 nm using SDS as a blank. Stain absorption was then quan­
2.7. Na+ uptake in excised leaves tified using Evans Blue standard solutions.
In order to exclude contribution of Na+ exclusion from uptake
by roots, rice seedlings were pre-treated with various pre- 2.10. Determination of hydrogen peroxide concentration
treatments for 7 days, thereafter uniform leaf blades were
H2O2 concentration was determined using ground frozen sam­
excised under running water, and immersed into 30 mM Na+,
ples based on ferrous oxidation of xylenol orange (FOX) as
pH 8.0 at about the same depth (30 mm) for 3 days following
previously described in Suharsono et al. (2002). For this pur­
a method described in Shabala et al. (2010). Thereafter,
pose, 100 mg of leaf blade and root samples were homoge­
immersed cut ends of leaf blades were thoroughly washed
nized with 1 mL cold acetone. The homogenate was
using deionized water, and dried at 65°C for 72 hours. Then,
centrifuged at 8,000 x g for 15 minutes at 4°C, and 100 µL of
50 mg of leaf blades was agitated on a shaker in 1.0 N HCl for
the supernatant was added to 1 mL FOX reagent comprising
24 hours and measured for Na+ concentration using flame
0.25 mM FeSO4, 0.25 mM (NH4)2SO4, 25 mM H2SO4, 125 µM
photometry according to Kamanga et al. (2020).
xylenol orange, and 10 mM sorbitol. The reaction mixture was
left at room temperature for 1 hour and H2O2 concentrations
were determined spectrophotometrically at 560 nm and quan­
2.8. Determination of membrane integrity
tified using H2O2 standard solutions.
Membrane integrity was measured using electrolyte leakage
method and lipid peroxidation at the end of 14 days of main
2.11. Antioxidant enzyme activity essays
stress and 7 days of recovery. Freshly harvested leaf blade disks
and roots (200 mg) were cut into 2 cm pieces and fully To analyze antioxidant enzyme activities, 300 mg of frozen leaf
immersed into 25 mL deionized water in 50 mL falcon tubes blades and root samples were ground in the presence of liquid
and kept at room temperature for 24 hours. Electrical conduc­ nitrogen using a mortar and pestle, extracted using 3 mL potas­
tivity (EC) was then obtained (EC1) using an EC meter (CM-31P, sium phosphate (KPB) buffer (pH 7.0), and centrifuged at
DKK Toa Co., Tokyo, Japan). Immediately, the samples were 10,000 × g for 15 minutes at 4°C. Catalase (CAT, EC
killed by incubating at 100°C for 15 minutes, cooled and EC2 activity was measured as previously described (Mekawy,
was obtained. Electrolyte leakage rate was calculated according Abdelaziz, and Ueda 2018; Takagi and Yamada 2013). One
to Farooq and Azam (2006). unit of CAT activity was determined as mmol of H2O2 con­
Lipid peroxidation was determined by obtaining malondial­ sumed min−1 mg−1 protein using an H2O2 extinction coefficient
dehyde (MDA) concentration using the improved thiorbarbitu­ of 0.0436 mM−1 cm−1 at 240 nm. Ascorbate peroxidase (APX, EC
ric acid (TBA) reaction previously described in Hodges et al. was assayed according to Mekawy, Abdelaziz, and
(1999). For this purpose, 100 mg of fresh leaf and root samples Ueda (2018). One unit of APX activity was determined as µmol
were ground in presence of liquid nitrogen using mortar and of ascorbate oxidized min−1 mg−1 protein using an extinction
pestle and extracted with 3 mL 80% ethanol after incubating coefficient of 2.8 mM−1 cm−1 at 290 nm. Glutathione reductase
under room temperature for 20 minutes and centrifuging at (GR, EC activity was assayed according to the outlined
3,000 x g for 10 minutes. Thereafter, two sets of 1 mL of the method in Liu and Saneoka (2019). One unit of GR activity was
supernatant were transferred into two glass tubes respectively, determined as µmol NADPH oxidized min−1 mg−1 protein using
one containing 1 mL TBA (-) solution (20% trichloro acetic acid an extinction coefficient of 6.22 mM−1 cm−1 at 340 nm.
and 0.01% buthyl hydroxy toluene) and another containing Superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC. activity was assayed
1 mL TBA (+) solution (20% trichloro acetic acid, 0.01% buthyl based on its ability to inhibit photochemical reduction of nitro
hydroxy toluene and 0.65% thiobarbituric acid). MDA concen­ blue tetrazolium (NBT), as outlined in Beauchamp and Fridovich
tration was calculated from the absorbances of the samples (1971). One unit of enzyme activity was defined as the quantity
measured spectrophotometrically (U-3310, Hitachi, Tokyo, of enzyme that caused 50% inhibition of NBT photoreduction

at 560 nm. Protein concentration in the enzyme extract was

measured using the Bradford reagent (Bradford 1976) with
bovine serum albumin as a standard.

2.12. Statistical analyses

The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized
design (CRD). Each measurement was performed using four to
five biological replicates. Inferential statistics were performed
using analysis of variance (ANOVA) at a significance level of
0.05. Multiple comparison tests were performed using Tukey’s
test. All data were analyzed using R Studio.

3. Results
3.1. Effectiveness of pre-treatments on plant growth
After 7 days of pre-treatments, no significant differences in
growth were recorded among pre-treated and non-pre-treated
plants (Figure 1A). At the end of 14 days of main stress, shoot
and root dry weights were considerably decreased in NPT plants
(Figure 1B). However, pre-treatment with 5 mM and 10 mM NaCl,
and all concentrations of H2O2 (1, 5, and 10 µM) significantly
increased shoot DW. Interestingly, acclimation to mild NaHCO3
(SA) pre-treatments was not effective (Figure 1B), decreasing
growth except for 0.5 mM NaHCO3, which slightly increased
both shoot and root growth. Overall, 10 mM NaCl, 10 µM H2O2,
and 0.5 mM NaHCO3 were the most effective in their respective
groups; hence, these pre-treatments were chosen for subse­
quent experiments and will be the main focus of this study.

3.2. Acclimation to NaCl and H2O2 avert chlorosis under

SAS conditions
At the end of the pre-treatment period, chlorophyll concentra­
tion was significantly reduced by NaHCO3 pre-treatment,
whereas no differences were observed between controls, NaCl,
and H2O2 PT plants (Figure 1C). After 14 days of main stress,
chlorophyll concentration was significantly reduced in NPT and
NaHCO3 PT seedlings. However, the chlorophyll concentration Figure 1. Vegetative growth and physiological data showing dry weight after
a 7-day acclimation period (A) and dry weight (B) and leaf chlorophyll concentra­
was unchanged in NaCl and H2O2 PT plants (Figure 1C). tion shown as SPAD units (C) after 14 days of exposure to main saline-alkaline
stress (SAS) treatment (B). plants were pre-treated with various concentrations of
NaCl (S) (2.5, 5.0, and 10 mM), H2O2 (OX) (1.0, 5.0, and 10.0 µM), and NaHCO3 (SA)
3.3. NaCl and H2O2 pre-treatments suppressed rise of (0.5, 1.0, and 2.5 mM) for 7 days and subjected to 50 mM Na, pH 8.25 for 14 days.
growth medium pH the data represents means ± standard errors from five biological replicates.
different letters indicate significant differences by tukey’s multiple comparison
During the onset of stress, growth medium pH generally pro­ tests at P < 0.05.
gressively increased, reaching 8.45, by the end of 14 days of
stress from the initial 8.0, in NPT plants (Figure 2). In compar­
ison to NPT, pre-treatments with NaCl were the most effective
in suppressing growth medium pH (Figure 2A), followed by H2 pronounced in roots (Figure 3A). However, in leaf blades,
O2 pre-treatments (Figure 2B). Strikingly, PT with 1.0 and PT with 10 µM H2O2 and 0.5 mM NaHCO3 significantly
2.5 mM NaHCO3 had considerably higher growth medium pH increased K concentration, whereas, all pre-treatments sig­
of up to 8.7, by the end of the 14-day stress period, whereas nificantly increased K concentration in roots (Figure 3A).
0.5 mM NaHCO3 did not significantly change it (Figure 2C). This was coincidental with a significant increase in Na con­
centration, especially in the roots. In leaf blades, PT with
10 mM NaCl significantly reduced Na accumulation, as did
3.4. Pre-treatments regulate accumulation of K+, Na+ and NaHCO3, but H2O2 PT led to the highest accumulation of Na
p in roots and leaf blades (Figure 3B). However, in roots 10 mM NaCl and 10 µM H2O2
Significant reductions in K concentration were observed in pre-treatments significantly reduced the Na concentration.
both leaf blades and roots, which were particularly P concentration was significantly reduced in both leaves

Figure 2. Rhizosphere acidification data showing daily pH changes in the growth medium during a 14-day period of main saline-alkaline stress (SAS) treatment in
plants pre-treated with various concentrations of NaCl (A), H2O2 (B), and NaHCO3 (C) versus non-pre-treated seedlings. plants were pre-treated with various
concentrations of NaCl (S) (2.5, 5.0, and 10 mM), H2O2 (OX) (1.0, 5.0, and 10.0 µM), and NaHCO3 (SA) (0.5, 1.0, and 2.5 mM) for 7 days and subjected to 50 mM Na,
pH 8.25 for 14 days.

Figure 3. Macro and micronutrient analyses showing concentrations of potassium (A), sodium (B), phosphorus (C), iron (D), boron (E), and zinc (F) in leaf blades and
roots after 14 days of exposure to main saline-alkaline stress (SAS) treatment. plants were pre-treated with 0 (NPT), 10 mM NaCl (S10), 10 µM H2O2 (OX10), and 0.5 mM
NaHCO3 (SA0.5) for 7 days and subjected to 50 mM Na, pH 8.25 for 14 days. the data represents means ± standard errors from four biological replicates. different letters
indicate significant differences by tukey’s multiple comparison tests at P < 0.05.

Figure 4. Physiological experiments for studying K+ and Na+ homeostasis. K+ leakage in roots of 7-day pre-treated (PT) and non-pre-treated (NPT) seedlings subjected
to 50 mM Na, pH 8.50 for 24 h (A). Efflux of Na+ from roots of 7-day PT and NPT seedlings, subjected to 50 mM Na, pH 8.50 for 24 h and deionized water for 2 h (B).
Concentrations of Na+ (C) and chlorophyll (D) in excised leaves from 7-day PT and NPT plants subjected to 30 mM Na, pH 8.0 for 3 days. Plants were pre-treated with 0
(NPT), 10 mM NaCl (S10), 10 µM H2O2 (OX10), and 0.5 mM NaHCO3 (SA0.5) for 7 days and subjected to the above experiments. the data represents means ± standard
errors from four biological replicates. different letters indicate significant differences by tukey’s multiple comparison tests at P < 0.05.

and roots, whereas NaHCO3 and H2O2 PT significantly 3.7. Na+ uptake in excised leaves
increased it in roots (Figure 3C).
When we eliminated the ability of the plant roots to control Na+
uptake, 10 mM NaCl and 10 µM H2O2 significantly reduced leaf
blade Na+ concentration, whereas NPT and 0.5 mM NaHCO3 PT
3.5. Stable micronutrient acquisition was critical for
plants accumulated significantly higher amounts of Na+
tolerance to SAS conditions
(Figure 4C). Chlorophyll concentration in the excised leaves
All three pre-treatments significantly increased Fe concentrations showed significantly lower chlorophyll concentrations in NPT
in both organs; however, this was most pronounced in roots and 0.5 mM NaHCO3 PT leaf blades (Figure 4D), which could be
(Figure 3D). The same was observed for boron (B) in both leaf attributed to the higher Na+ accumulation.
blades and roots (Figure 3E). In leaf blades, Zn concentration was
significantly reduced by SAS treatment, except in plants accli­
mated using 0.5 mM NaHCO3, which accumulated nearly two- 3.8. Oxidative stress, membrane integrity and cell
fold higher Zn than NPT, NaCl, and H2O2 PT plants (Figure 3F), viability
whereas, Zn concentration was significantly increased by SAS
In this study, leaves of NPT plants exhibited considerably higher
treatment in the roots of all PT plants (Figure 3F).
leakage of electrolytes (Figure 5A), whereas, no significant
differences were detected in the roots of PT plants, albeit
with higher values than leaf blades (Figure 5A). This was further
3.6. Root K+ leakage and Na+ efflux
verified by measurement of MDA, a marker of lipid peroxidation
Plant roots’ K+ leakage was extremely high under SAS conditions that showed significant reductions in leaf blades, particularly by
regardless of pre-treatments (> 60-folds higher) (Figure 4A). The NaCl and H2O2 pre-treatments, whereas, only NaCl PT reduced
efflux of Na+ was studied in a 4-hour period, and showed that MDA levels in roots (Figure 5B). Cell viability was significantly
saline-alkaline stress triggered significantly higher Na+ efflux enhanced in the leaf blades of all PT plants (Figure 5C). In the
(Figure 4B); however, this was more pronounced in pre-treated roots, cell viability was enhanced only by NaCl and H2O2 pre-
plants, particularly by 10 mM NaCl in part, elucidating its lower treatments (Figure 5C). The H2O2 concentration was signifi­
leaf blade and root Na+ concentrations. cantly reduced in leaf blades by 10 µM H2O2 and 0.5 mM

Figure 5. Oxidative stress, membrane integrity, and cell viability parameters showing leakage of electrolytes (A), malondialdehyde concentrations (B), Evans Blue
staining (C), and concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (D) in leaf blades and roots after 14 days of main saline-alkaline stress (SAS) treatment. Plants were pre-treated
with 0 (NPT), 10 mM NaCl (S10), 10 µM H2O2 (OX10), and 0.5 mM NaHCO3 (SA0.5) for 7 days and subjected to 50 mM Na, pH 8.25 for 14 days. The data represents means
± standard errors from four biological replicates. different letters indicate significant differences by Tukey’s multiple comparison tests at P < 0.05.

NaHCO2 pre-treatments, whereas, the H2O2 concentration in 3.10. H2O2 pre-treatment facilitates a quicker recovery
roots was significantly reduced by all pre-treatments upon withdrawal of SAS conditions
(Figure 5D).
The control plants grew approximately three times faster dur­
ing recovery than during the stress period (Figure 7
3.9. Enzymatic ROS antioxidant capacities (A-Figure 7B)). However, in previously stressed plants, despite
subjecting them to similar recovery conditions, growth rates
CAT activity was significantly increased in the leaf blades of did not significantly change. However, both shoot and root
NaCl and H2O2 PT plants, whereas it was significantly increased growth rates were considerably increased in H2O2 PT plants
in the roots of NaCl and NaHCO3 PT plants (Figure 6A). APX (Figure 7(A-Figure 7B)). Therefore, 10 µM H2O2 PT facilitates
activity was considerably increased in both the leaves and roots quicker recovery and resumption of growth when stress is
of NaCl and H2O2 PT plants (Figure 6B). Strikingly, the activities concluded. Strikingly, in roots, NaHCO3 PT significantly reduced
of APX were much higher in roots than in leaves (Figure 6B). the root mean growth rate during recovery (Figure 7B), sug­
Furthermore, GR activity was significantly induced in leaf gesting that irreparable damage was inflicted in NaHCO3 PT
blades; however, it was significantly induced only in PT plants and NPT plants. Chlorophyll concentration was recovered in PT
(Figure 6C). In roots, no GR activity was detected in any of the plants but not in NPT plants (Figure 7C). Furthermore, mem­
samples. Finally, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was brane integrity was recovered in all plants, regardless of PT
assayed; no significant differences in SOD activity were (Figure 7D). These observations imply that during the recovery
observed in the leaf blades among PT plants, except for H2O2 period, some plants could physiologically recover, despite the
pre-treatment, which considerably decreased its activity inability of some plants to resume rapid growth.
(Figure 6D). However, SOD activity was significantly increased
in the roots of PT plants. In NPT plants, SOD activity was con­
siderably suppressed (Figure 6D). In leaf blades, NPT and NaCl 4. Discussion
PT plants had significantly higher protein concentrations,
whereas, in roots, NaHCO3 PT plants had the highest protein Rice is extremely sensitive to salt stress, although it is one of
concentration. Comparatively, the protein concentration was the prominent staples in the world. Hence, it remains impera­
significantly higher in leaf blades than in roots (Figure 6E). tive to identify quicker, yet effective means to increase rice

Figure 6. Antioxidative enzyme activities showing activities of catalase (A), guaiacol peroxidase (B), ascorbate peroxidase (C), glutathione reductase (D), and superoxide
dismutase (E) and protein concentration (F) in leaf blades and roots after 14 days of exposure to main saline-alkaline stress (SAS) treatment. Plants were pre-treated
with 0 (NPT), 10 mM NaCl (S10), 10 µM H2O2 (OX10), and 0.5 mM NaHCO3 (SA0.5) for 7 days and subjected to 50 mM Na, pH 8.25 for 14 days. The data represents means
± standard errors from four biological replicates. Different letters indicate significant differences by Tukey’s multiple comparison tests at P < 0.05.

Figure 7. Effect of pre-treatments on recovery of plants after exposure to saline-alkaline stress. Comparative mean growth rates during and after stress in shoots (A) and
roots (B). Chlorophyll concentration (C) and membrane integrity assessed by the electrolyte leakage method in shoots (D) at the end of the 10-day recovery period.
‘Stress’ group represents mean growth rate of plants during the 14 day growth period under main saline-alkaline stress (SAS) (50 mM Na+, pH 8.25) after pre-treatment
with 0 (NPT), 10 mM NaCl (S10), 10 µM H2O2 (OX10), and 0.5 mM NaHCO3 (SA0.5) for 7 days. ‘Recovery’ group represents the growth rate of the same plants upon
completion of main saline-alkaline stress (SAS) and subjecting them to recovery under normal conditions (0 mM Na+, pH 5.5) for 10 days. The data represents means ±
standard errors from five biological replicates. different letters indicate significant differences by tukey’s multiple comparison tests at P < 0.05.

growth and yield in such environments. Plants are adept at present study, pre-treatment with NaCl and H2O2 maintained
acclimating to salt stress, characterized by quicker and stron­ a higher root K concentration (Figure 3A). Separate experi­
ger responses to subsequent lethal exposure to the same ments revealed extremely high root K+ leakage under SAS
stress (Kamanga et al. 2020; Liu and Saneoka 2019; (Figure 4A), which could however not be alleviated by pre-
Sriskantharajah et al. 2020). While acclimation studies are treatments. Therefore, while root K+ leakage was the primary
widespread, the physiological processes governing responses cause of K deficiency under SAS, its contribution to the
of plants to multiple exposures of different stresses are observed differences among various pre-treatments could not
unclear. Here, we have shown that plants pre-exposed to be verified. Nonetheless, considering the extreme loss of K+ in
lower concentrations of NaCl and H2O2 show improved roots under SAS conditions, these results suggest that even the
growth and physiological characteristics under SAS condi­ slightest improvements in root K+ retention may be beneficial
tions. Contrary to the hypothesis, the failure of NaHCO3 pre- under saline-alkaline stress, primarily for osmotic adjustments
treatment to enhance growth suggests that the concentra­ and maintenance of root growth as also suggested by Chen
tions used were too high for pre-treatment in rice, likely et al. (2007). Additional benefits of acclimation included
causing physiological injuries. However, a similar concentra­ increased P uptake and accumulation especially in roots.
tion of 1 mM NaHCO3 in Rye (Secale cereale) effectively Uptake of P is driven by H+ gradient across the plasma mem­
improved tolerance to SAS conditions (Liu and Saneoka brane, such that when the rhizospheric pH is lower than root
2019). Overall, 10 mM NaCl and 10 µM H2O2 were the most cytosolic pH, P uptake is promoted (Cao et al. 2020). Hence,
effective (Figure 1B). These latter results illustrate the concept under saline-alkaline stress, maintenance of P uptake is an
of cross-tolerance, wherein pre-exposure to one stress, such as extremely important attribute for plant growth and develop­
salinity or oxidative stress, promotes tolerance to another ment, and also dependant on plant roots ability to lower rhizo­
stress, such as saline-alkaline stress, as previously described spheric pH through H+ ATPases mediated proton efflux.
(Foyer et al. 2016; Perez and Brown 2014). In light of a myriad However, further studies are required to elucidate the physio­
of abiotic stresses as currently faced, this critical attribute logical mechanisms underlying this enhanced P uptake.
offers a prospect for generating plants tolerant to multiple Fe deficiency, which is a typical feature of plants growing
abiotic stresses. under high pH conditions, is characterized by chlorosis.
Under SAS conditions, the first line of defense entails acid­ Although iron is a naturally abundant element, it forms insolu­
ification of the rhizosphere through H+ ATPase-mediated pro­ ble ferric compounds that are non-bioavailable (Marschner
ton efflux by plant roots (Li, Yang, and Zhang 2016). In the 1995; Nakanishi et al. 2004) for uptake under high pH condi­
present study, the failure of NaHCO3 PT plants to suppress rise tions. As shown in Figure 1C, NPT plant leaves were chlorotic,
in growth medium pH (Figure 2C) may partly elucidate their which is a typical sign of Fe deficiency (Marschner and
inability to effectively promote tolerance to SAS conditions Marschner 2012). However, in NaCl and H2O2 PT plants, leaves
(Figure 1B). In contrast, plants pre-treated with NaCl and H2O2 were healthier (Figure 1C) and accumulated higher Fe concen­
maintained a much lower growth medium pH throughout the trations (Figure 3D). Therefore, it is tempting to attribute the
growth period compared to the NPT plants, indicative of higher high Fe concentration to the ability of plant roots to suppress
root activity. Lower rhizospheric pH is also advantageous for rise in growth medium pH, as observed in Figure 2A, B. Lower
maintaining the transmembrane proton gradient required for growth medium pH is thought to increase the solubility of ferric
SOS-mediated efflux of Na+ by roots SOS1 (Cao et al. 2020; ions or support the reducing capacity of ferric Fe on the root
Moriyama 2015). Experiments on Na+ efflux showed that all surface (Kobayashi and Nishizawa 2012). However, similar
pre-treated plants had higher root Na+ efflux than non-pre- increases in Fe concentration were also observed in NaHCO3
treated (Figure 4B) including NaHCO3. Therefore, whether pre-treated plants (Figure 3D) which otherwise did not show
higher root Na+ efflux and resultant lower leaf blade Na+ accu­ different growth medium pH from NPT plants (Figure 2C), rais­
mulation (Figure 3B) were as a result of lower growth medium ing doubts on the causality between Fe concentration and
pH are difficult to untangle. Furthermore, when we eliminated lower rhizospheric pH. Alternative causes for the variations in
the contribution of Na+ uptake by roots using experiments on Fe uptake could relate to differences in key enzyme activities
Na+ accumulation in excised leaf blades, both 10 mM NaCl and involved in Fe uptake (Nakanishi et al. 2004; Kobayashi and
10 µM H2O2 PT plants accumulated significantly lower Na in the Nishizawa 2012), however, further studies to elucidate the phy­
leaf blades (Figure 4C). In H2O2 PT plants, notwithstanding siological and molecular bases of this acclimation induced
higher leaf blade Na+ accumulation, the deleterious effects of increase in accumulation are imperative. In NaHCO3 pre-
Na+ were ameliorated and leaf photosynthetic competency treated plants (SA0.5), despite having higher leaf blade and
(Figure 1C) was preserved. Moreover, despite the ‘statistical’ root Fe concentration (Figure 3D), leaf blades were relatively
significance of leaf blade Na+ accumulation among PTs, this chlorotic (Figure 1C), similar to non-pre-treated plants, incon­
result suggests that the observed differences may not have sistent with our expectations. This might have been as a result
been ‘biologically significant.’ of considerably reduced chlorophyll concentration during the
Na and K have similar physicochemical properties; hence, 7-day acclimation period (Figure 1C), such that enhanced Fe
they exhibit competitive uptake systems (Marschner and uptake and accumulation during the main stress could not fully
Marschner 2012). Moreover, rice plant roots are leaky (Munns recover chlorophyll concentration by the sampling time.
and Tester 2008), potentially losing significant amounts of K+ Several reports have implicated the lethality of SAS to ROS-
under SAS conditions. Retention of root K+ has been cited as mediated damage. In an alkaline tolerant (ALT1) rice mutant,
a principal trait for salt tolerance (Chen et al. 2007). In the Guo et al. (2014) credited tolerance to enhanced defense

against oxidative stress. Oxidative damage to membrane lipids common signals and pathways that trigger adaptive physio­
causes peroxidation, which is analytically deduced from the logical responses, thereby developing cross-resistance to sal­
concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA), an aldehyde by- ine-alkalinity. Moreover, H2O2 pre-treated plants quickly
product of lipid peroxidation (Ayala, Muñoz, and Argüelles recover physiologically and resume rapid growth upon the
2014). In the present study, NaCl and H2O2 pre-treatments conclusion of stress (Figure 7A). This may be related to lower
considerably alleviated SAS-induced membrane damage and accumulation of H2O2 in the leaf blades (Figure 5D), as a result
cell death (Figure 5(A–Figure 5C)). These results, in part, indi­ of higher antioxidant enzyme activities specifically CAT, APX
cate mitigated oxidative stress, owing to the enhanced ROS and GR (Figure 6(A–Figure 6C)) that detoxify cellular H2O2.
scavenging capacity in PT plants. ROS generation in plants is Rapid resumption of growth after withdrawal of a stressor is
an inevitable consequence of aerobic metabolism. Until apparently a fundamental attribute for recurrent stresses with
recently, the traditional paradigm that considers ROS as dele­ prolonged recovery periods. Therefore, pre-treatment with
terious to plant cells is gradually fading owing to recent optimal NaCl and H2O2 may be a recommended option for
revelations of their critical role as secondary messengers quick improvements in tolerance to SAS conditions in rice.
(Apel and Hirt 2004; Mittler 2017). We hypothesized that pre- This trait also offers a prospect for developing crop plants
treatments would spark a mild generation of ROS, which tolerant to multiple stressors.
would eventually activate systemic antioxidant defense
responses. In agreement, H2O2 generation was significantly
reduced in roots in all PT plants, whereas only H2O2 and
NaHCO3 pre-treatments were effective in leaf blades. In NaCl This research was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers 15KK0283
PT plants, despite having exceptional growth and lower Na and 20KK0129 to AU.
concentration in leaf blades, the higher H2O2 in tandem cau­
tions against the inevitable expectation that ROS results in Disclosure statement
poor growth, harmonizing with notions earlier expressed in
Mittler (2017). Perhaps the crucial aspect is maintaining No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
a delicate balance between ROS generation and detoxifica­
tion. Given that NaCl PT plants had higher antioxidant activ­ Funding
ities of CAT, APX, and GR (Figure 6(A– Figure 6C), this balance
might have been attained, cushioning against vicious func­ This work was supported by the JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 15KK0283,
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activities were also observed in H2O2 PT plants, in agreement
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