Essays On Independence Day

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Essays On Independence Day

Writing an essay on the theme of Independence Day poses a unique set of challenges, requiring a
delicate balance between historical reverence, patriotic sentiments, and contemporary reflections. The
difficulty lies not just in presenting a chronological account of historical events but in weaving a
narrative that resonates with the reader's emotions and appreciation for freedom.

One challenge is avoiding clichés and generic statements. Independence Day is a well-celebrated
occasion, and many essays on this topic tend to fall into the trap of using common phrases and
platitudes. Crafting a truly engaging and original piece requires the writer to delve into the depths of
historical significance while finding a fresh perspective that captivates the reader's attention.

Moreover, striking the right emotional chord is crucial. A successful essay on Independence Day
should evoke a sense of national pride and unity, transcending the mere recounting of events. The
challenge lies in connecting the past struggles for freedom with the present, making the reader feel a
personal stake in the narrative.

Research is another aspect that adds to the complexity. While it's essential to provide accurate
historical information, the challenge is in presenting it in a way that is not overwhelming or overly
academic. Balancing factual content with a compelling narrative style is an art that requires
meticulous planning and execution.

Additionally, the writer must consider the diverse perspectives and experiences associated with
Independence Day. Addressing the cultural, social, and political aspects of the celebration requires a
nuanced approach to ensure inclusivity and relevance to a broad audience.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on Independence Day is no easy feat. It demands a synthesis of

historical knowledge, creative expression, and emotional resonance. A successful essay goes beyond
the surface-level celebrations and digs deep into the essence of freedom, making it a challenging yet
rewarding endeavor for any writer.

For those seeking assistance with essays or similar tasks, various resources are available. Websites like offer a platform where individuals can order custom essays, providing an option
for those who may need additional support in tackling challenging topics or meeting tight deadlines.
Essays On Independence Day Essays On Independence Day
The Health Belief Model And The Theory Of Planned
When considering health psychology it is important to recognise the various models it
is made up of. The basis of this essay will be to take a look at the health belief model
and the theory of planned behaviour, considering their historical origins, the positives
and negatives of applying these approaches and examples of when they have been used.
After some analysis it may offer some insight into possible improvements that could be
implemented from further research. Also included will be an overview of how the
models compare to each other and critical evaluation of research from this field.
Conner and Norman, 1995 describe the health belief model as the oldest and most widely
used model in health psychology . It originated in the 50 s and was developed further by
Hochbaum, Rosenstock and Kegals throughout the 1980 s for health education
programmes and to predict different health behaviours and responses to treatments. The
four terms that are the basis for the HBM are perceived susceptibility, perceived barriers,
perceived severity and perceived benefits. The behaviour of the individual depends on
their belief that they are susceptible to a health problem, how serious they deem it to be,
whether they think that treatment will benefit them and if there are barriers that may get
in the way.

Although there has been much support for the HBM, there has been two large scale
reviews carried out on studies using the HBM and Abraham and Sheeran (2005) reported
that although they
Eco Fiscal Policies And Carbon Pricing Policies
In the second evening lecture, Elizabeth Beale spoke about eco fiscal policies with a
focus on carbon pricing. According to Beale, increasing carbon emissions are not only
harmful to the environment but also create several negative externalities such as
damaging crops and higher health costs. For this reason, carbon pricing would help to
shift these costs back to those who are responsible. Beale proposes two options for
carbon pricing,, a carbon tax or a cap and trade system. A carbon tax is simpler as the
government sets a price for greenhouse gas emissions. A cap and trade system is more
complex as allowable emissions are capped, and then the government distributes
emissions permits, which are tradable. Beale claimed that no one system is more
superior than the other, especially as the differences between the two get blurred as
more jurisdictions are adopting more blended systems. Beale concluded her lecture
by looking at the current carbon pricing policies implemented throughout Canada. In
British Columbia, a carbon tax of $30/tonne was implemented in 2008, which caused
fuel use to drop by 16% from 2008 to 2013. In Quebec a cap and trade system was
implemented in 2012 that covered 85% of emissions with the goal to reduce emissions
to 25% below 1990 levels by 2020. However, despite the action on carbon pricing in
these provinces, the Atlantic Canadian provinces have yet to implement any type of
policy. As a neoliberalist, I would have to strongly disagree with Beale s
Persuasive Essay On Winter Blues
When the cold weather comes around, it s easy for the winter blues to take effect.
With snow on the ground, ice on the windshield, and below freezing temperatures to
battle with throughout the day, most people just want to get getaway from it all and
for good reasons too. If you haven t felt it yet, it might important to note that: the
winter blues typically sets in right after the holidays, when it s time to take down your
Christmas decoration, get back to work, take care of kids, and prepare yourself for the
upcoming year. That s because the vast majority of people find that winter is an
extremely difficult time of year to gather the strength to feel joy and excitement about
practically anything. Fortunately, a visit to any of your favorite warmer climate
destinations will have you forgetting about the slush, ice, snow boots, and dark season
in no time. So, if you find that you re unmotivated, checked out, and heavy hearted, try
to fight these feelings by taking steps towards the light even in the darkest part of
winter. That, of course, is easier said than done for some people. If you and your
family are in need of a winter vacation but if cost is a major factor, consider one of
these affordable and super fun destinations where your money will go a lot farther.
Dallas, Texas Some of you may have all heard that everything is bigger in Texas and
well, it is. Dallas isn t home to just the Cowboys, Rangers, Mavericks, and Stars, it s
also home to some of the
Concrete Lab Report
Engineering B45 Concrete Lab Report
Introduction: Concrete is a mixture of sand and rock or similar inert material
(aggregates) held together by a cementing material. Usually the cementing material is
Portland cement, but sometimes binders such as asphalt or gypsum are used, in which
case the concrete may be called asphaltic concrete or gypsum concrete.
Properties of concrete are governed not only by the properties of its ingredients (cement,
water, sand, and coarse aggregate) but also, to a great extent, by the relative proportions
of these ingredients. The proportions must be so selected as to produce a concrete
mixture of desired workability, strength, durability, and economy.
The most common aggregates are gravel and crushed stone, ... Show more content on ...
You may not need to add the full amount of water calculated. Be sure to use the gloves
provided as you mix your concrete. When adding the water note the concrete s
cohesiveness whether the concrete tends to hang together well or whether it tends to
crumble readily and the troweling workability if the concrete works smoothly and with
little effort when using a trowel. Continue to add water until you have a desirable
6. Perform the slump test. Fill the slump mold 1/3 full and tamp with the tamping rod 25
times; add more concrete until 2/3 full and tamp an additional 25 times; fill completely,
tamp 25 times and then top off. Do not tamp more than 25 times. Measure the height of
the concrete after removing the slump mold. The slump is 12 (the height of the mold)
minus the height of the concrete after removal of the mold. The greater the slump
usually means the greater the workability. Your slump should be about 2 inches.
7.Be sure to measure and record the temperature of the concrete and the outside
8.Fill the molds, tamp 25 times, top off, and cover with a plastic bag to setup.
9. After a day or two, cut off the mold. Note any cracking or pores in the test samples.
Put the concrete samples in a bucket, spray the concrete with water, and cover the bucket
tightly with plastic.
10. On the designated concrete crush lab day, perform the compression test according to
Questions to be addressed in the
Trade Show Canada
2.Sponsored programs for industry. Federal and provincial governments throughout
Canada have sponsored dozens of programs offered across Canada that were developed
to help Canadian organizations develop and enhance their competitive intelligence
skills. Some of these have been geographically focused (offered in one or more regions
to help develop and enhance the local economy) and some have been sectoral focused,
providing training and intelligence assistance to companies in multiple regions but in a
specific sector.
a.Introduction to CI/skills development: These type of programs introduce participants to
the concept of competitive intelligence and some of the skills required to successfully
conduct intelligence. This can be as short as ... Show more content on ...
Small community economic development: An approach to harness the knowledge within
communities to develop their own economic development plan using intelligence. In the
program, community leaders, local business owners, government officials and others
were brought together in a facilitated program, taught about competitive intelligence and
where then put in groups to develop the intelligence needed to support their regions
competitive advantage. All of this was then used to develop a regional economic
development plan designed by the program participants and then presented to the
community at large. The results have helped the small communities better identify their
true competitive advantage and the intelligence required to exploit it. Local community
media have written extensively about the success of the program in their region (see
Dalman 2005 for an example of the program in Humboldt Saskatchewan). A more
detailed description of the program can be found in Calof, Maroux and Robinson,

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