Minamoto 2020

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Alteration of tooth movement by

reveromycin A in osteoprotegerin-
deficient mice
Chisato Minamoto,a Ken Miyazawa,a Masako Tabuchi,a Miyuki Hirano,a Manami Mizuno,a Mamoru Yoshizako,a
Yasuyoshi Torii,a Yuichirou Asano,a Takuma Sato,a Makoto Kawatani,b Hiroyuki Osada,b Hatsuhiko Maeda,c
and Shigemi Gotoa
Nagoya and Saitama, Japan

Introduction: Osteoprotegerin-deficient mice develop severe high-turnover osteoporosis with porous low-
density trabecular bone from an age-related increase in osteoclast activity and are useful alveolar bone
models of osteoporosis or frail periodontal tissue. Bisphosphonate (BP), a first-line drug for osteoporosis, is
bone-avid, causing side effects such as brittle and fragile bones and jaw osteonecrosis after tooth extraction.
In orthodontics, active movement is precisely controlled by temporarily suppressing and resuming movement.
BP impedes such control because of its long half-life of several years in bone. Therefore, we investigated the
novel osteoclast-specific inhibitor reveromycin A (RMA), which has a short half-life in bone. We hypothesized
that tooth movement could be precisely controlled through temporary discontinuation and re-administration of
RMA. Methods: Osteoprotegerin-deficient mice and wild-type mice were developed as tooth movement
models under constant orthodontic force. A constant orthodontic force of 10 g was induced using a nickel-
titanium closed coil spring to move the maxillary first molar for 14 days. We administered BP (1.25 mg/kg) or
RMA (1.0 mg/kg) continuously and then discontinued it to reveal how the subsequent movement of teeth and
surrounding alveolar bone was affected. Results: Continuous BP or RMA administration suppressed osteoclast
activity and preserved alveolar bone around the roots, apparently normalizing bone metabolism. Tooth move-
ment remained suppressed after BP discontinuation but resumed at a higher rate after discontinuation of
RMA. Conclusions: RMA appears useful for controlling orthodontic tooth movement because it can be sup-
pressed and resumed through administration and discontinuation, respectively. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial
Orthop 2020;157:680-9)

n bone tissue, bone resorption by osteoclasts and cells capable of destroying and resorbing calcified
bone formation by osteoblasts occurs continually bone tissue, and their differentiation, maturation, and
without interruption. Similarly, in orthodontic tooth function are strictly regulated by the receptor activator
movement, bone is resorbed by osteoclasts at the site of NF-kB ligand (RANKL) present on the membrane of
where compression is applied while bone is formed by osteoblasts or bone-marrow stromal cells.5 Upon the
osteoblasts at the tension site, so the alveolar bone is recognition of RANKL, osteoclasts and osteoclast pro-
continuously remodeled.1-4 Osteoclasts are the only genitors differentiate into mature osteoclasts. Osteopro-
tegerin (OPG) synthesized by osteoblasts is a member of
the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily and func-
Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Aichi Gakuin University, Na- tions as a decoy receptor for RANKL. OPG inhibits the
goya, Japan.
b differentiation and function of osteoclasts by strongly
Chemical Biology Research Group, RIKEN, Saitama, Japan.
Department of Oral Pathology, School of Dentistry, Aichi Gakuin University, Na- suppressing the interaction between RANKL and
goya, Japan. RANK. Overexpression of OPG in mice causes severe os-
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po-
teopetrosis through the suppression of bone resorp-
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported.
This study was partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI (No. JP 18K09870). tion.6-9 In contrast, bone resorption in
Address correspondence to: Ken Miyazawa, Department of Orthodontics, School osteoprotegerin-deficient (OPG KO) mice is increased
of Dentistry, Aichi Gakuin University, 2-11 Suemori-dori, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya,
because of the upregulated production of osteoclasts.
464-8651, Japan; e-mail, miyaken@dpc.agu.ac.jp.
Submitted, November 2018; revised and accepted, April 2019. In OPG KO mice, despite having normal bone tissue at
0889-5406/$36.00 birth, bone loss becomes apparent in trabecular bone
Ó 2020 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved.
at 1 week of age, and in cortical bone, mainly

Minamoto et al 681

consisting of cancellous bone, at 4 weeks of age. controlled through repeated cycles of administration,
Because of enhanced osteoclastic activity during discontinuation, and resumption of RMA.
development, mature OPG KO mice have severe high- In this study, using OPG KO mice with high-turnover
turnover osteoporosis with porous and low-density osteoporosis, we developed an animal model of experi-
trabecular bone compared with wild-type (WT) mental tooth movement under constant orthodontic
mice.10,11 Therefore, OPG KO mice are an instrumental force to investigate the movement of teeth and the sur-
animal model to simulate the condition of alveolar rounding alveolar bone. To verify our hypothesis that
bone in patients with osteoporosis or fragile periodontal tooth movement is suppressed by BP even after discon-
tissue. tinuation because of its long half-life and bone avidity
Increasingly often in recent years, young individuals but is resumed after discontinuation of RMA because
who are still developing, as well as older adults and of its short half-life, we administered BP or RMA contin-
elderly individuals, now undergo orthodontic proced- uously and then discontinued their administration to
ures for prosthetic pretreatment or prevention of peri- reveal their effects on tooth movement and the sur-
odontal disease. However, many adult patients who rounding alveolar bone.
request orthodontic treatment have fragile periodontal
tissue or show signs of systemic osteoporosis. MATERIAL AND METHODS
Osteoporosis is classified into low-turnover osteopo- Eight-week-old male OPG KO mice (n 5 24, experi-
rosis, caused by aging-related downregulation of bone mental group) and WT C57BL/6J mice (n 5 24, control
formation, and high-turnover osteoporosis, caused by group) were used in this study. All mice were purchased
upregulation of bone resorption due, for example, to from CLEA Japan (Tokyo, Japan) and were reared in the
menopause.12,13 Because bisphosphonate (BP) is the Animal Facility of Aichi Gakuin University School of
drug of choice for osteoporosis, the number of ortho- Dentistry under the same environmental conditions
dontic patients on BP is expected to increase. However, (room temperature, 22 6 2 C; humidity, 50 6 10%;
BP remains in bone for many years after administration and 12-h light/dark cycle). Animals were fed CE-2 solid
and is associated with side effects such as dense and diet (CE-2; CLEA Japan, Tokyo, Japan), and tap water
fragile bones14-16 and jaw osteonecrosis after tooth was provided ad libitum. This study was approved by
extraction.17-19 the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of
In orthodontic treatment, during active movement, our institution and was conducted following the Institu-
precise control is also necessary by temporarily suppress- tional Animal Care and Use Committee policies and pro-
ing and then resuming the movement. BP is a hydrolysis- cedures. This report complies with the Animals in
resistant PP1 derivative that has a high affinity for bone Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments guidelines.
and inhibits osteoclastic bone resorption.20 BP is used To move teeth experimentally, general anesthesia
clinically for the treatment of osteoporosis. However, was induced using inhalational diethyl ether in 8-
because of the long half-life of BP, it remains in bone week-old OPG KO or WT mice. A nickel-titanium closed
for several years after administration,21 which would coil spring with a force of 10 g was placed on the maxil-
likely interrupt the precision of orthodontic tooth move- lary incisors and left first molar (M1) to move the molar
ment. We, therefore, focused on the osteoclast-specific mesially for 14 days in experimental animals (loaded
inhibitor reveromycin A (RMA), an acid polyketide side). The right M1 was used as control (unloaded side;
recently isolated from actinomycetes.22 RMA is not Figs 1, A and B). Experimental reagents were RMA
readily taken up by most cells, but active osteoclasts, 3Na salt and alendronate sodium hydrate (Teiroc; Teijin
which dissolve bone by secreting acid, can take up Pharma, Tokyo, Japan).
RMA in acidic environments.23 RMA has a high potential Mice were divided into 3 groups (n 5 4 each) for the
to inhibit bone resorption by inducing osteoclast continuous administration of physiological saline (sa-
apoptosis via the suppression of isoleucyl-tRNA synthe- line) for 14 days (SA group), RMA (1.0 mg/kg body
tase in osteoclasts. In addition, RMA has an extremely weight) for the first 7 days followed by saline for the re-
short half-life and is taken up readily by osteoclasts maining 7 days (RMA1/ group), or RMA for the entire
that are actively resorbing bone but not by osteoclast 14 days (RMA1 group). Saline or RMA was administered
progenitors or osteoclasts not actively resorbing it (inac- intraperitoneally twice daily starting 3 days before the
tive osteoclasts). After uptake, RMA induces apoptosis in placement of the 10 g of force with nickel-titanium
the osteoclasts, thereby inhibiting bone resorption.20 By closed coil spring. BP (1.25 mg/kg body weight) was
taking advantage of these properties, we hypothesize administered intraperitoneally to 3 groups of animals
that orthodontic tooth movement can be precisely (SA, BP1/, and BP1), but the administration was

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics May 2020  Vol 157  Issue 5
682 Minamoto et al

Fig 1. A, Schematic diagram showing the placement of a closed coil spring and the direction of tooth
movement. B, Closed coil spring mounted on M1. C, Time schedule in experimental tooth movement
(n 5 4, each group). BP administration intraperitoneally once daily started 5 days before initiation of
experimental tooth movement. RMA administration intraperitoneally twice daily starting 3 days before
the initiation of experimental tooth movement. BP1, bisphosphonate administration group; BP1/, bi-
sphosphonate discontinuation group; RMA1, RMA administration group; RMA1/, RMA discontinu-
ation group; SA, saline administration group. D, Site of remaining alveolar bone height measurement.
a, M1 total alveolar bone height; b, M2 total alveolar bone height; a0 , M1 remaining alveolar bone height;
b0 , M2 remaining alveolar bone height. E, Site of bone density measurement. M1M, M1 mesial root;
M1DP, M1 distopalatal root; M1DB, M1 distobuccal root.

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Minamoto et al 683

Fig 2. A, Micro-CT images showing experimental tooth movement after 14 days of BP or RMA admin-
istration. BP1, bisphosphonate administration group; BP1/, bisphosphonate discontinuation group;
RMA1, RMA administration group; RMA1/, RMA discontinuation group; SA, saline administration
group. B, Distance, (mm) between M1-M2 in the BP administration. C, Distance, (mm) between M1-
M2 in the RMA administration. Statistical significance: n.s., not significant. *P \0.05; **P \0.01.

once daily starting 5 days before placement of the 10 g use in small laboratory animals (R_mCT; Rigaku, Tokyo,
of force with nickel-titanium closed coil spring (Fig 1, C). Japan), with tube voltage and current set at 90 kV and
Regarding the dose of RMA and BP, this experiment was 88 mA, respectively, run time at 2 min, and pixel size
conducted with reference to studies by Tanaka et al24 at 20 3 20 3 20 mm. Under inhalational anesthesia, an-
and Shoji et al,25 respectively. These studies demon- imals underwent imaging 7 days after initiation of
strated that RMA and BP are both effective in reducing experimental tooth movement, and the maxillary bone
tooth movement. was excised and scanned after 14 days of experimental
Microcomputed tomography (CT) was performed us- tooth movement (Figs 1, C and 2, A). Movement dis-
ing a 3-dimensional micro x-ray CT device developed for tance (Figs 2, B and C) was measured using TRI/3D-

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684 Minamoto et al

Fig 3. A, Interradicular septa in the alveolar crest after 14 days of BP or RMA administration in exper-
imental tooth movement. B, Remaining alveolar bone height in the BP administration. C, remaining
alveolar bone height in the RMA administration. D, Hematoxylin and eosin staining of periodontal tissue
(alveolar bone surrounding the M1 root) taken after 14 days of BP or RMA administration in experi-
mental tooth movement. E, Bone density in the BP administration (BV/TV). F, Bone density in the
RMA administration (BV/TV). BP1, bisphosphonate administration group; BP1/, bisphosphonate
discontinuation group; BP, non-bisphosphonate administration group; RMA1, RMA administration
group; RMA1/, RMA discontinuation group; RMA, non-RMA administration group. Statistical signif-
icance: n.s., not significant. *P \0.05; **P \0.01.

BON software (Ratoc System Engineering Co, Ltd, To- the occlusal view with the narrowest gap between M1
kyo, Japan) to determine how far the teeth had moved. and M2 was observed. To observe the state of the alve-
The images were rotated and adjusted to ensure that olar crest of the left M1 interradicular septum, we

May 2020  Vol 157  Issue 5 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Minamoto et al 685

observed the roots of M1 and the surrounding alveolar RESULTS

bone in a sagittal view at 14 days after the appliance
was inserted (Fig 3, A). Representative micro-CT images were taken after
The remaining alveolar bone height was measured as 14 days of experimental tooth movement, as shown
described by Mizuno et al26 with minor modifications. in Figure 2, A. After 7 and 14 days of experimental
Total alveolar bone height was defined as the height tooth movement, the movement distance in the SA
from the cementoenamel junction line to the root apex group was significantly greater in OPG KO mice
line. The ratio of the remaining alveolar bone height be- than in WT mice (Figs 2, A-C). In OPG KO mice, the
tween M1 and M2 was calculated by the average of M1 movement distance in the BP1/ and BP1 groups
and M2 (remaining alveolar bone height/total alveolar after 7 and 14 days of experimental tooth movement
bone height). In addition, the ratio of the remaining was significantly shorter than that in the SA group,
alveolar bone height between the left M1 and M2 was with values similar to the BP1/ and BP1 groups af-
compared with that in the right maxilla (Figs 1, D and ter 7 days and the BP1/ group after 14 days seen in
3, A-C). the SA group of WT mice. After 14 days, tooth move-
After 14 days of experimental tooth movement, the ment in the BP1/ group of OPG KO mice was
maxillary bone was excised, fixed with 10% neutral buff- significantly shorter than that in the SA group of
ered formalin solution, and decalcified in 10% ethylene- WT mice. There was no significant difference in the
diaminetetraacetic acid (pH 7.2) at 4 C for 4 weeks. distance between the BP1/ and BP1 groups (Figs
Then, the jaw bone was embedded in paraffin using 2, A and B).
the conventional method and was cut into 5-mm serial In contrast, after 7 days of experimental tooth move-
horizontal sections. The section located at one-third of ment in OPG KO mice, the movement distance tended to
the dental root (between the furcation site and apex) be suppressed in both the RMA1/ and RMA1 groups
was examined and subsequently stained with hematox- compared with the SA group, but the 3 groups did not
ylin and eosin. Periodontal tissue was examined under a significantly differ. After 14 days of experimental tooth
light microscope. Bone volume was measured in the in- movement in OPG KO mice, movement distance was
terradicular septum as described previously by Sprogar significantly shorter in the RMA1 group than in the
et al,27 with minor modifications. The borders of the tis- SA group, with the values getting closer to those in the
sue area examined were defined by the maxillary first SA group of WT mice. In OPG KO mice, movement dis-
molar mesial root, the maxillary first molar distopalatal tance in the RMA1/ group ranged between the dis-
root, and the maxillary first molar distobuccal root, tance observed in the RMA1 and SA groups (Figs 2, A
and expressed as a percentage of the bone volume in and C).
the interradicular septum vs the total volume of the After 14 days of experimental tooth movement, the
area (Fig 1, E). SA group of OPG KO mice developed osteoporosis at
Blood was collected from OPG KO and WT mice un- the M1 root furcation site and significant alveolar
der diethyl ether anesthesia. Serum alkaline phospha- bone resorption around the M1 distopalatal root and be-
tase (ALP) activity was measured using the Liquitech tween M1 and M2 teeth on the loaded side, compared
ALP kit (Roche Diagnostics KK, Tokyo, Japan), and with the SA group of WT mice (Figs 3, A-C). Among
the blood concentration of tartrate-resistant acid phos- OPG KO mice, bone resorption at the M1 root furcation
phatase was measured using an enzyme-linked immu- site, around the M1 distopalatal root, and between M1
nosorbent assay kit (Immunodiagnostic Systems, and M2 teeth were significantly suppressed in the
Ontario, Canada). BP1/ and BP1 groups compared with the SA group
(Figs 3, A and B).
OPG KO mice showed a widening of the periodontal
Statistical analysis ligament space at the tension site and narrowing of the
Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad space at the compression site on the loaded side after
Prism software (version 6, GraphPad Software, San 14 days of experimental tooth movement. In addition,
Diego, Calif). Normality tests for each group were per- alveolar bone resorption was significant, and trabecular
formed using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Multiple compari- bone was sparse compared with the unloaded side (Fig 3,
sons of the mean and standard deviation of the D). Unlike the SA group, bone resorption in the interra-
experimental data were made using Kruskal-Wallis and dicular septa as well as trabecular bone loss was sup-
Mann-Whitney U tests with Bonferroni correction. In pressed in the BP1/ and BP1 groups of OPG KO
all analyses, a probability of P\0.05 was considered sig- mice, with no significant difference between the 2
nificant. groups (Figs 3, D and E).

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics May 2020  Vol 157  Issue 5
686 Minamoto et al

Fig 4. A, Serum TRAP levels after 14 days of BP administration in experimental tooth movement. B,
Serum ALP levels after 14 days of BP administration in experimental tooth movement. BP1, bi-
sphosphonate administration group; BP1/, bisphosphonate discontinuation group; BP, non-
bisphosphonate administration group. C, Blood TRAP levels after 14 days of RMA administration in
experimental tooth movement. D, Serum ALP levels after 14 days of RMA administration in experi-
mental tooth movement. RMA1, RMA administration group; RMA1/, RMA discontinuation group;
RMA, non-RMA administration group. Statistical significance: n.s., not significant. *P \0.05;
**P \0.01.

In OPG KO mice, bone resorption in alveolar bone at In the SA group, the serum tartrate-resistant acid
the M1 root furcation site, near the M1 distopalatal root, phosphatase (TRAP) level was significantly higher in
and between M1 and M2 teeth was suppressed in the OPG KO mice than in WT mice. In OPG KO mice, the
RMA1 group, compared with the SA group. In the TRAP level was significantly lower in the BP1/ and
RMA1/ group, bone resorption at these locations BP1 groups than in the SA group, with no significant
was similar to that observed in the SA group (Figs 3, D difference between the former 2 groups (Fig 4, A).
and F). In addition, serum ALP level in the SA group was
After 14 days of experimental tooth movement on significantly higher in OPG KO mice than in WT mice.
the loaded side in OPG KO mice, bone resorption in In OPG KO mice, serum ALP level was significantly lower
the interradicular septa and trabecular bone loss were in the BP1/ and BP1 groups than in the SA group,
suppressed, and alveolar bone was preserved in the with no significant difference between the former 2
RMA1 group, compared with the SA group. In contrast, groups (Fig 4, B).
bone resorption in the interradicular septa did not differ In OPG KO mice, serum TRAP level in the
significantly between the RMA1/ and SA groups (Figs RMA1 group was significantly lower than that in the
3, D and F). SA group, with values being closer to those in the SA

May 2020  Vol 157  Issue 5 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Minamoto et al 687

group of WT mice. TRAP level in the RMA1/ group and administered BP locally for 12 consecutive days to
tended to remain between the levels in the SA and reduce tooth movement, the number of osteoclasts,
RMA1 groups, with no significant intergroup difference and root resorption associated with orthodontic tooth
(Fig 4, C). In addition, in OPG KO mice, the ALP level in movement. In addition, using the Waldo method in 7-
the RMA1 group was significantly lower than that in the week-old male rats, Kim et al31 induced experimental
SA group, whereas the ALP level in the RMA1/ group tooth movement and prevented backward movement
remained between levels observed in the SA and by continuously administering BP via the tail vein.
RMA1 groups (Fig 4, D). Even though the species, injection site, and concentra-
tion of BP in these examined animals differed from those
used in our study, their findings still support ours that
DISCUSSION continuous administration of BP suppresses tooth
Among the methods developed to facilitate tooth movement.
movement, the Waldo method, in which an elastic The present findings also revealed that even after
band is placed between M1 and M2,28 is commonly discontinuation of BP, the effects were similar to those
used to move teeth in mice and rats. Using this method, observed after the 14-day administration of BP, presum-
Shoji et al25 showed that BP administration suppressed ably because of the deposition of BP with its long half-
alveolar bone resorption and normalized tooth move- life in the bone matrix. In a study using nickel-titanium
ment in OPG KO mice. However, because of the long coil springs in 12-week-old female rats, Kaipatur et al32
half-life of BP in bone, Yabumoto et al29 used RMA suppressed tooth movement by administering BP for
with a relatively short half-life and obtained results 12 weeks even though the administration was discontin-
almost identical to those with BP administration. In a ued before commencing experimental tooth movement.
study using a nickel-titanium coil spring in OPG KO Although the timing of experimental tooth movement
mice, Tanaka et al24 reported that continuous adminis- and BP administration in their study was different
tration of RMA suppressed tooth movement and alveolar from ours, the findings are in agreement that tooth
bone resorption. To expand on their findings, we used movement is inhibited even after discontinuation of
the same method to simulate actual orthodontic treat- BP. It is therefore likely that the administration of BP
ment in the present study. Experimental tooth move- will interfere with orthodontic tooth movement even af-
ment was continued even after discontinuation of the ter its discontinuation.
drugs to verify our hypothesis that tooth movement re- As to the effect of RMA administration on bone
sumes after discontinuation of RMA but remains sup- metabolism turnover in OPG KO mice, a significant
pressed after discontinuation of BP. In this way, we decrease in TRAP and ALP levels, which are usually
could simulate actual clinical settings in orthodontic high as seen in the SA group, suggests that RMA normal-
treatment, with continuous administration of RMA in izes the activity of osteoclasts and osteoblasts systemi-
cases requiring no tooth movement and discontinuation cally. In addition, continuous administration of RMA
of RMA in cases requiring tooth movement. The findings for 14 days in experimental tooth movement suppressed
of this study will contribute to determining whether the trabecular bone loss and alveolar bone resorption in the
movement of teeth with the administration of drugs can interradicular septa and between M1 and M2 teeth in
be planned with precision. OPG KO mice. Furthermore, the movement distance
After continuous administration of BP for 14 days, was also significantly reduced to a level similar to that
M1 tooth movement in OPG KO mice reduced signifi- observed in WT mice, suggesting that tooth movement
cantly to a level similar to normal tooth movement in was normalized to some degree in OPG KO mice. In
WT mice. In addition, alveolar bone resorption in the in- contrast, the TRAP level in the RMA1/ group was be-
terradicular septa or between M1 and M2 teeth was sup- tween that in the SA and RMA1 groups with no signif-
pressed significantly, thereby maintaining the trabecular icant intergroup difference, whereas serum ALP level in
bone. Moreover, the TRAP level in OPG KO mice was the RMA1/ group was between that in the SA and
significantly lower in the BP1 group than in the SA RMA1 groups with significant intergroup differences.
group, with significant downregulation in systemic oste- In addition, in the RMA1/ group, trabecular bone
oclastic activity in the former group. Administration of loss and alveolar bone resorption in the interradicular
BP reduced serum ALP level, which is usually extremely septa and between M1 and M2 teeth were significant af-
high in OPG KO mice, suppressing overactive osteo- ter 14 days of RMA administration, and the extent of
blasts. Previously, Fujimura et al30 induced experimental tooth movement was somewhere between those in the
tooth movement using 10 g of force with nickel- SA and RMA1 groups. These findings reflect the phys-
titanium coil springs in 8-week-old WT C57BL/6 mice ical and pharmacological properties of RMA, including

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics May 2020  Vol 157  Issue 5
688 Minamoto et al

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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics May 2020  Vol 157  Issue 5

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