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Reflective Essay Introduction

Crafting a reflective essay introduction can prove to be a challenging endeavor. The difficulty lies
not only in introducing the reader to the essence of your reflective journey but also in striking the
right balance between personal expression and maintaining a formal tone. The introspective nature of
reflective essays requires a delicate dance between self-disclosure and maintaining a coherent

To embark on such an essay, one must delve into personal experiences, thoughts, and emotions,
making the writing process an introspective and often emotionally charged one. Balancing the
subjective nature of reflection with the objective expectations of academic writing adds an additional
layer of complexity. Finding the right words to convey one's thoughts while adhering to the
conventions of formal writing can be a formidable task.

Moreover, constructing an engaging introduction involves capturing the reader's attention and setting
the tone for the entire essay. It requires a keen understanding of the purpose of reflection and the
ability to weave a narrative that draws the audience into the writer's contemplative world. Crafting a
compelling opening that not only introduces the reflective topic but also creates a sense of curiosity
demands a refined skill set.

In essence, writing a reflective essay introduction entails navigating the intricacies of self-expression,
maintaining an academic tone, and captivating the reader's interest—a challenging feat that requires
a thoughtful and skillful approach. It's a process that invites writers to embrace vulnerability and
authenticity while adhering to the structural expectations of academic discourse.

And if you find yourself grappling with the complexities of crafting a reflective essay introduction or
any other academic writing task, remember that assistance is readily available. Various resources and
services, such as , can provide the support needed to navigate the challenges of
essay composition. Whether you seek guidance on structuring your reflective piece or desire a
professionally crafted essay, such services can offer valuable assistance on your academic journey.
Reflective Essay Introduction Reflective Essay Introduction
The Death Of A Funeral
It all started with a murder and it all ended with a funeral. When you spend your whole
life being molded into a predator, half of your free time is spent trying to avoid prison.
Why else would I be attending the funeral of this overweight, unsightly mayor? It wasn
t because I cared or that I loved my city, instead it was because I loved my freedom,
and my job. Well, sometimes. When you murder a respected, notorious man in town,
it would be suspicious if you didn t show up to his very lovely service. A bolt of
lightning flashed across the sky, and it began to weep for the scandalous politician, yet
everyone remained under the melodramatic canopy. It made you wonder if the sky was
weeping from joy or sorrow. It also made you wonder about... Show more content on ...
No one moved an inch towards the podium. They were either too uncomfortable or
they lacked the interest to bother speaking. But then the boy began to walk very
slowly out from underneath the tent with his shoulders hunched, a muscular man
following behind with an umbrella over his head. He stood awkwardly at the podium,
adjusting the microphone down to his short body. Good morning, the microphone
cracked and he cringed from his voice being projected for the huge audience to hear, to
judge. He cleared his throat, setting his folded hands on top of the wet wood. Thank
you all for coming. He straightened his expensive suit free from all wrinkles. His skin
seemed baby smooth from even miles away and his hair was perfectly styled, not a
hair out of place. My father I crinkled my nose. Of course. No one else would bother
speaking nicely about a corrupt mayor. Only his spoiled son would. Of course, he
loved his father, he probably received everything he asked Daddy for. I gazed down at
my nails, picking at the cracked polish and attempted to tune out the whiny rich boy. I
did him a favor. He didn t say much before thanking everyone once again and
stumbling away from the podium. For a rich guy, you d think he d have more
confidence in front of an audience. Everyone politely clapped for his effort as him and
his bodyguard stiffly walked back into their places. The priest nodded at the boy as he
walked off, giving a small encouraging smile before
Compare And Contrast King Of The Bingo Game And The
In most of the societies, there is discrimination. There are many reasons for it, for
instance based on religion, race, caste, sex, etc. If people are treated unfairly or
overlooked they tend to become anti social or possess criminal behavior. They feel
frustrated of the system because they can not even get what they deserve. This statement
applies precisely on King of the Bingo Game and The Cask of Amontillado . In both
stories, protagonists are overlooked or treated unfairly which make them anti social and
force them to commit crime. To begin with, in both of these stories the protagonist were
not at their native place, they both were at different places. In The Cask of Amontillado
the character, Montresor, had a French name which reflects that he might be a French but
living in Italy between Italian community. Fortunato, the other character in the story, as
the name specifies is an Italian. Montresor does not like Italians. .... Fortunato, like his
countrymen, was a quack.... (Poe 11). He laughed and threw the bottle upwards with a
gesticulation I did not understand. I looked at him in surprise. He repeated the
movement a grotesque one. You do not comprehend? he said Not I, I replied... Show
more content on ...
On the other hand, in King of the Bingo Game protagonist was an African American
who left his state in south to find a better future. He was from minority community and
his grandparents were slaves of white people. They were not having equal rights and
were treated unfairly, even his name was given by a white. Like Montresor, the unnamed
protagonist of King of the Bingo Game felt alienated among the whites. Folks down
South stuck together that way; they didn t even have to know you. But up here it was
different. Ask somebody for something and they d think you were crazy. (Ellison
DNR Order (Do Not Resuscitate)
A controversy that I personally face is a DNR order (Do not Resuscitate). It is an
order written by a licensed physician. DNR is usually decided in a consultation with a
patient or a surrogate of the patient such as a parent. This choice decides whether a
patient will receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR in case of cardiac and
respiratory arrest. Many people struggle with the idea of someone not wanting to be
saved but what some people don t understand is that it s not about saving the patient but
allowing them to pass peacefully without problems.
A DNR is one of the most debated legal contracts practiced in the medicine field.
Basically, it means that if something happens to you and the situation calls for medical
intervention in order to reclaim consciousness and remain alive, you have the power to
dictate whether or not that intervention actually occurs. EMT s, doctors, nurses and other
medical personnel must stand by your wishes. If they fail to do so they could be lawfully
A strong number of people who have a DNR are elderly. Another solid number of people
who have a DNR have a very ... Show more content on ...
Many see it as a proxy for euthanasia. But many others also see it as a way of suicide,
due to the belief that it does not take advantage of the uses of medical personnel and
some of the tools available in medicine.
A do not resuscitate order is a complex, ethical and moral dilemma. From a medical
personnel point of view, when his/her patient is put into a situation where death is
highly likely or already reached, they will do whatever is necessary to make you
survive in that moment. But that doesn t mean that you will continue to survive long
term. Sometimes when a doctor saves you in that instance its only for an allotted time,
maybe even a couple of hours, sometimes they break your ribs in order to make sure you
survive a couple of more
Ethics Of Duty And Deontological Ethics
Ethics of duty (ethics of principle, deontological ethics)
From the Greek for duty (deontos), ethics based in duty and one that reasons from
foundational principles which tell us what our duties are. Hence, actions are right and
wrong for reasons other than their consequences. Deontological ethics or deontology is
the normative ethical position that judges the morality of an action based on the action
s adherence to a rule or rules. It is sometimes described as duty, obligatory or rule based
ethics, because rules bind you to your duty (Bentham, J., 1789 (1948). Deontological
theories are better understood in contrast to consequential theories; a look at
consequentialism and a survey of the problems with it that motivate its deontological
opponents provides a helpful prelude to taking up deontological theories themselves.
Consequentialists hold that choices, acts or intentions are to be morally assessed solely
by the distillate or states of affairs they produce or the end.

There are many possible grounds for knowing duty: natural laws, the social contract,
reason. Contrary to common opinion, this theory is not inherently absolutist. According
to Kant, morality is based on a rational respect for persons (moral agents) as the
foundation of value. Kant s ... Show more content on ...
It provides for moral reasoning, such that an individual may decide not to tell a lie not
because it breaks some moral law or because it s an obligation but because it is dishonest.
Virtue ethics places focus on moral agents and their lives rather than on actions or
outcomes (Crisp, Slote 1997). For example a good cricket player will play the game
well not just to win; he has qualities or excellences (arête) which are virtues such as good
sportsmanship, fidelity, perseverance and

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