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Thanksgiving Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of Thanksgiving may seem like a straightforward task at first glance,
but delving into the intricacies of the subject can prove to be a challenging endeavor. Thanksgiving,
while traditionally associated with expressions of gratitude and a festive feast, encompasses a rich
tapestry of historical, cultural, and personal dimensions. Crafting a compelling essay requires
navigating through these layers to provide a nuanced and insightful perspective.

One of the difficulties lies in striking a balance between the historical origins of Thanksgiving and its
contemporary significance. Exploring the roots of the holiday, tracing back to the Pilgrims and Native
Americans in the 17th century, demands careful research and a nuanced understanding of historical
contexts. Simultaneously, addressing the modern-day celebrations and the diverse ways people
observe Thanksgiving in the present adds a layer of complexity to the narrative.

Moreover, the personal aspect of Thanksgiving introduces another challenge. Reflecting on one's own
experiences and sentiments associated with the holiday requires a delicate balance between
introspection and relatability. This emotional connection adds depth to the essay but also demands a
thoughtful approach to avoid becoming overly sentimental or clichéd.

Additionally, addressing the cultural diversity surrounding Thanksgiving presents a challenge.

Different regions and communities may have unique traditions and perspectives on the holiday, and
acknowledging this diversity while maintaining a cohesive narrative can be demanding.

In conclusion, writing a Thanksgiving essay involves navigating historical intricacies, exploring

personal reflections, and addressing the diverse cultural aspects of the holiday. Striking a harmonious
balance between these elements is the key to creating a well-rounded and engaging essay on this

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similar essays and more can be conveniently ordered on . Their professional
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Thanksgiving Essay Thanksgiving Essay
The Problem Of Cover Songs
There is a belief in today s society that grew from the past that a cover song is merely a
copy or rip off of the original. This dilemma is discussed in an article by a man named
Don Cusic, who has taught courses in the music business industry since the year of 1982
and is known as a pioneer in music business education. Cusic s other accomplishments
and credibility come from being an historian on country music, a scholar and writer
known worldwide, author of over 209 books and 500 articles, and having appeared on
CMT programs, TNN shows, and two BBC series (Belmont University). The reason
that cover songs are an important discussion in today s society is because there is an
increase presently in cover song creation and also a steady increase of criticism on
cover songs. This is due to the creation of increasingly popular video uploading sites on
the internet like YouTube, where any person can go in, view a cover song and assert
that it s bad because it isn t the original song. The article In Defense of Cover Songs is
a strong argumentative article with weak points due to providing strong historical
information on a cover song s influence on the creation of major known songs and
artists and that it conveys a weak unprofessional bias opinion from the author Cusic,
who argues that cover songs are a person s own interpretation of a song and that critics
and fans should not belittle a cover song compared to an original song. First, in the
article he discusses the loss of
Microaggression Essay
Hi classmates,

Here is my respond to the following questions:

1.Describe a time you committed a microaggression: I remember the incident during my

stay in Spain. My friends introduced me to their friends and their families. My reaction to
the greeting first alerted them, and then became the general fun, but I understand that for
my part it was exactly a microaggression. At the moment of greeting, a person leanin
towards you and thrice touches your cheek with his/her cheek, imitating a kiss, and you
should greet this way with everyone. My first reaction I pulled away. The closest friend
of my acquaintances perceived my reaction as a personal dislike.
a)What was the underlying message?
Please, do not touch me. It is my personal space. I do not cuddle, kissing with people I do
not know.

b)How did ... Show more content on ...

Plus, I asked my friends about whether there are any other things I should know about to
react properly.

d) How have you changed?

At the other days, I had to communicate with a large group of people in business and in
a more informal atmosphere and I was glad that I had prepared for this in advance and
was ready to respond to the situation. Regardless of which country I am in, if possible I
try to learn as much as possible about the very small things that really mean a lot.
Ordinary greetings with new people, a good example of what I mean.

2.Describe a time you experienced a microaggression:

Because English is my second language; most microaggressions are associated with this.
Oh, you got an accent, are not you an American? Do you live in this country and do not
speak English? Often in my face people express their attitude to the whole nation, to
which I belong.

a) What was the underlying message?

You are not like us. What are you doing here? You are less intelligent. You are from a
wild strange country

b) How did you

Food Labeling And Consumer Associations With Health,...
Do you know what is happening with your eggs? According to Food Labeling and
Consumer Associations with Health, Safety, and Environment, as consumers become
more increasingly aware of where and how their food comes from, consumers have
demanded for a larger need of labels in their products. Labels, for the most part, give
consumers insight on any given product but have evolved as a way to mislead consumers
into buying their products. This type of misleading information is easily seen in the egg
market; using labels to advertise certain aspects of their products that is considered true
throughout the industry as a whole, the use of double speak in wording regarding labels,
the labeling of certain type of eggs being perceived by consumers... Show more content
on ...
An increase in the price of eggs due to labels that reinforces a common practice among
the whole egg industry is problematic. Companies are taking advantage of consumers by
making it seem that their product is distinctly different than their competitors by adding a
label. This label essentially raises the price of their product, exploiting the consumers and
taking their hard earned money. This system, that puts costumers at a disadvantage for a
profit, can also be seen with vague labeling.
Labels on any food product, including eggs, should be clear for consumers to
understand. In many cases, this is not accurate, companies use terms that are covered
in double speak when labeling to ensure consumers purchase their products. William
Lutz defines double speak as a form of communication that hides information and
mislead the receiver of the message. In this case, the receiver of this message are
consumers. The USDA has allowed companies to use double speak in their labels with
terms that do not have a clear meanings and have a meaning that are different from what
consumers believe. For instance, When companies use the term fresh on their labels, it
is not exactly what consumers may believe. The USDA defines the term fresh for
poultry as never reaching twenty six degrees Fahrenheit but never clarifies how many
days it has been on display nor when it was slaughtered. Which means as consumers, the
probability of buying a poultry
Mission Command (Husky)
The Anglo American invasion of Sicily, code named HUSKY, marked the Allies first
direct assault on Europe and second attempt at coalition operations. The Allies
inexperience in coalition operations is evident through inadequacies in command and
control (C2) and integration of fires and maneuver at the operational level. When
evaluated against the attributes of mission command: commander s intent, mutual trust,
and understanding, the planning and execution of HUSKY reveal significant shortfalls.
First, Eisenhower and Alexander fail to provide clear guidance and intent to their
subordinate commanders. Second, a dearth of shared planning, training, and combat
experience limits opportunities for Allied commanders to build mutual trust. Third,...
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JP 3 09 points out that a critical component of integrating joint fires into an operation is
the development of a fire support plan. This plan describes the operational
environment and identifies priorities and objectives regarding the use of joint fires
capabilities. Specifically, air planners refuse to cooperate with ground and naval force
planners to synchronize fires capabilities to achieve desired objectives. Throughout the
planning and execution of HUSKY, Allied air forces independently establish priorities
and objectives. Air forces planners prioritize the neutralization of Axis air forces at the
expense of support functions such as the protection of naval assets or close air support
of ground forces. Even after achieving air superiority, Allied air forces fail to deny
airspace over the operational area to Axis air

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