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Good Topics For A Descriptive Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic "Good Topics For A Descriptive Essay" can prove to be a challenging
endeavor. The difficulty lies not only in the broadness of the subject matter but also in the need for
creativity and originality. Selecting appropriate topics that can captivate the reader's imagination and
evoke vivid imagery requires a thoughtful and strategic approach.

One of the initial challenges is navigating the vast landscape of potential topics. The abundance of
choices can be overwhelming, and the writer must carefully sift through various options to identify
those that are not only interesting but also provide ample material for detailed description. The
difficulty intensifies as one strives to strike a balance between uniqueness and relatability, ensuring
the chosen topic resonates with a diverse audience.

Moreover, the process involves delving into the art of descriptive writing itself, a skill that demands a
keen sense of observation and an ability to articulate emotions and experiences vividly. Describing
scenes, characters, or events in a way that engages the reader's senses requires a mastery of language,
making it a formidable task for many.

The challenge extends to maintaining coherence and flow within the essay. Each description should
seamlessly connect to the next, creating a harmonious narrative that keeps the reader engrossed. The
risk of veering into tangential details or becoming overly verbose adds another layer of complexity.

In conclusion, the difficulty in writing an essay on "Good Topics For A Descriptive Essay" stems
from the need for a judicious selection of captivating topics, a mastery of descriptive writing
techniques, and the ability to maintain coherence throughout the essay. While the process may be
demanding, the reward lies in the creation of a compelling piece that transports the reader to a world
of rich imagery and emotions.

For those seeking assistance with such essays or looking for similar content, various resources are
available, including professional writing services. Similar essays and more can be ordered on
platforms like , where skilled writers can provide tailored assistance to make the
essay writing process more manageable.
Good Topics For A Descriptive EssayGood Topics For A Descriptive Essay
Ruth Benedict Summary
Ruth Benedict was an American anthropologist and folklorist who greatly influenced
philosophy through her studies of isolated societies. Her theory of cultural relativism has
met both great acclaim and vehement criticism as an explanation of morality and
behavior. Stepping away from the stance of ethical absolutism she calls us to take a
different and perhaps harrowing approach, examining morals as socially approved
customs rather than immovable and eternal cornerstones of all cultures. I argue that
Benedict, through her examination of indigenous cultures, provides a sound argument for
the relativity of moralityand the consequent lack of a universal moral standard to which
all humans can be held. Benedict focused principally on isolated tribes in her essay
Anthropologyand the Abnormal, stating Only among these simpler peoples has there
been sufficient isolation to give opportunity for the development of localized social
forms. (CR 134). She drew upon these studies to propose several key arguments to her
stance of moral relativism. The first of these is the observation of actions deemed as
normal action which falls within the expected behavior of a society. These normal
behaviors come about necessarily as a group polarizes in the presence of natural human
behaviors, as Benedict states [the behavior] confronts us with a choice of two
possible attitudes. One is to brand it as abnormal and reprehensible...The other is to make
it an essential attribute of ideal man.
George Gershwin s Opera Porgy And Bess
George Gershwin s opera Porgy and Bess is said to have been racist and outdated even
in the time that it was written in 1935. There are many aspects of this work that are
incorrect and prolong stereotypes about African Americans by depicting them as violent
and religious. Gershwin classified this opera as a folk opera, a term which was
offensive to African Americans. George Gershwin, arguably a great composer, composed
an opera that is considered to be controversial due to its negative representation of
African Americans. Porgy and Bessis a cultural artifact and when discussing it we bring
up complex issues of racefrom the time it was written and even to this day in the United
Gershwin based Porgy and Bess off of DuBose Heyward s novel Porgy written in 1925.
Gershwin had been waiting to write an opera that could meld classical and jazz
techniques and in 1926 he believed he had found the story that would allow for that.
Gershwin was commissioned by the Metropolitan Opera in 1930 to compose a great,
uniquely American opera. However, in order for his opera to be performed in
conjunction with the novel it had been based on, it needed an all Negro cast. At that
time the Metropolitan Opera didn t allow for Negro performers. All of the black roles
usually at that time were done in blackface and that was not what Gershwin wanted. So
Gershwin looked elsewhere and he and Heyward later found that it could be produced by
Theatre Guild with an all Negro cast.
At this time
Speech On The Truman Doctrine
It should be noted that Truman s doctrine, proclaimed in his speech to Congress, did not
initially imply a world scale. The speech begins with a description of the situation of
Greece and Turkey, which suffer political oppression from terrorist groups and
Then Truman explains that the UK is no longer able to provide Greece with financial
assistance. Truman talks about US support for the United Nations (in particular, support
for the goals of freedom and independence of all members of the world community),
which, in his view, can not be realized without Helping free people in maintaining their
free institutions and their national integrity against aggressive movements that seek to
impose a totalitarian regime on them. Truman says ... Show more content on ...
The unclear, ambiguous character of speech will acquire an increasingly broad
interpretation. For example, DF Fleming, a supporter of the revisionist school of
international relations (the proponents of this school blame the beginning of the Cold War
on the US), says that Truman s doctrine gave America the rationale to control the world
wherever and whenever. Everything including the language of the Truman Doctrine
made from an isolationist America that wanted to be left alone, a world policeman
Hans Morgenthau in his book The New US Foreign Policy talks about the changes that
the Truman doctrine has undergone over the course of time.
The Truman Doctrine has transformed the US s particular interest in a geographically
delineated part of the world into a moral principle of a global scale that could be applied
despite the limits of American interests and American power.
Thus, the doctrine of Truman, proclaimed by him in his speech before the Congress on
March 12, 1947, spoke about the global role of the United States, the responsibility of the
United States for the world order, the need to protect free peoples from any external
pressure and under pressure from the outside, of course, understood the
Christian Persecution In The Early Church
For the third year in a row, the modern persecution of Christians worldwide has hit
another record high according to Christianity Today (Persecution in the Early Church).
Right now, it is very dangerous to be a Christian in some countries of the world.
Countries in Asia and the Middle East show the most violence towards Christians. If
history really does repeat itself, Christianitywill grow in numbers and in faith. More
people will convert and the religionas a whole will be strengthened. This current issue can
be related to Christian persecution starting in 64 AD which became most prominent in
the Roman Empire. Christians have continued to be persecuted sporadically throughout
Christian persecution is more evident now more than ... Show more content on ...
One instance of the occasional persecution was in 112 AD when Pliny The Younger was
the Roman governor of Bithynia. ...Pliny condemned to immediate execution those who
confessed to being Christians. He believed that Christianity itself was punishable, but
the defiant, martyr attitude of the accused left [him] in no doubt that his action was
right (Persecution in the Early Church). He would give people three chances to deny
their beliefs, if they didn t they would be killed. They were sent to the same torturous
deaths as Nero used. Pliny the Younger began to send letters to the Emperor Trajan,
explaining his methods in hopes of approval. In one of his most famous letters, he
wrote, Meanwhile, in the case of those who were denounced to me as Christians, I have
observed the following procedure: I interrogated these as to whether they were Christians;
those who confessed I interrogated a second and a third time, threatening them with
punishment; those who persisted I ordered executed (Pliny on the Christians). Martyrs
were very common at this point in time. Granted, people would deny Christ in order to
keep their lives, but many more would hold firm in their beliefs until
The Effect Of Diffusion On A Controlled Environment

Diffusion is defined as a type of passive transport and is the movement of particles

across the membrane of the cell. There are three types of diffusion. They are simple
diffusion, facilitated diffusion and osmosis. The type of diffusion that this experiment
focuses on is osmosis. Osmosis can be demonstrated in a controlled environment. A
controlled environment is an environment in which the conditions have specifically set
by the experimenter. And vice versa, an uncontrolled environment is one in which the
conditions are not manipulated. Osmosis can be defined as the movement of water
across a semipermeable membrane. As mentioned in the article that was excerpted from,
High flow porous membranes for separating water from ... Show more content on ...
Corn syrup converts over to a mixture of six Carbon, twelve Hydrogen and six Oxygen
in addition to one hydrogen and two oxygen which is shortened to the formula of
C6H12O6 + H2O. The last solution , isotonic, will be actually be demonstrated by all
three solutions including the water, corn syrup, and apple cider and white vinegar. This
due to how all three solutions will become a equilibrium, or balance in particles because
of osmosis. But in order to perform this experiment the shell of the three experimental
eggs must be removed before the eggs can be placed in their substances. This is done
when calcium carbonate breaks down it creates carbon dioxide,water, and calcium acetate
thus dissolving the calcium carbonate shell. In which this information is vital in the way
that it must be done in order to conduct this experiment correctly. Therefore the research
question that is to be evaluated is What is the effect of osmosis on cells in a controlled
environment? This research question was significant to the researcher due to the fact that
osmosis is an essential in order to aid in research for the detection of new remedies for
infectious diseases. Additionally the hypothesis tested in this experiment will
furthermore investigate the effect of osmosis in a controlled environment. Osmosis is
proven to be able to move across a semipermeable membrane throughout this forthcoming
experiment. In a controlled

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