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Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What was the purpose of applying colors on fingernails among the Chinese
during ancient times?
a. To look fashionable
b. To maintain good hygiene
c. To represent their social class
d. To attract a possible partner/spouse

2. During the Renaissance period, what did European women use to lighten their

skin, known as “The Mask of Youth,” and later discovered toxic?

a. Barley flour c. White lead paint

b. Galena mesdemet d. Zinc oxide

3. Why weren’t beauty salons accepted widely during the 19th century?

a. Beauty salon services were expensive.

b. Only aristocrats can afford to avail of beauty salon services.

c. Women did not admit that they could improve their appearances by using

cosmetic products.

d. The use of cosmetics in beauty salons intensified the division among people

into social classes.

4. Which of the following is NOT a reason to consider viscosity in formulating

cosmetic product form?

a. To make it presentable c. To make it easy to apply

b. To make it easy to dispense d. To suit a customer’s perception

5. Which of the following cosmetic product forms is used in eye shadow, blushes,

talc, and mineral-make up?

a. cream c. lotion

b. gel d. powder

6. Which of the following cosmetic product forms is commonly used in making

perfume, cologne and body mist?

a. cream c. liquid

b. gel d. serum

7. Which type of cream tends to have a light-after feel on the skin after


a. Water in oil emulsion cream

b. Oil in water emulsion cream

c. Both of them, since they have a water content

d. None of them, since they have an oil content

8. How do cosmetics best promote proper and healthy hygiene?

a. Perfume can mask terrible body odors.

b. Skincare products can soften and whiten skin.

c. Make-ups can enhance one’s facial appearance.

d. Soap, shampoo, and toothpaste can kill microorganisms on our bodies.

9. How do toothpaste, shampoo, and body wash become unique among other

cosmetic products?

a. They are made up of emulsion.

b. They foam up to perform their function.

c. They are highly viscous compared to others.

d. They have liquid viscosity and limited flow properties.

What cosmetic ingredient is used to enhance the products’ smell or to mask

undesirable odor?
a. Colorant c. Preservative
b. Fragrance d. Surfactant
11. What is the skin conditioning agent that retards moisture loss by holding
water within the skin’s surface layers and drawing in moisture from the air?
a. Astringent c. Humectant
b. Emollient d. Occlusive
12. What cosmetic ingredient prevents the separation of oil and water in a
a. Chelating agent c. Opacifying agent
b. Emulsion stabilizer d. Solvent
13. What cosmetic ingredients can improve the stability and shelf life of a product?
a. Added Extra c. Structural ingredients
b. Functional ingredients d. Supportive ingredients
14. Which of the following is NOT a functional ingredient of 2-in-1 shampoo and
a. Cleansing agent c. Hair conditioning agent
b. Fragrance d. Surfactant
15. Which of the following is the added extra ingredient of toothpaste?
a. Abrasive c. Opacifying agent
b. Chelating agent d. Surfactant

To check the extent of your understanding of commercially available processed and preserved foods, answer
the simple activity below. Write chemical compositions that you can relate to the given terms below.
Food preservatives

Food additives

Artificial sweeteners

Answer the following questions:

1. If you have a very tight budget for your daily necessities, would you still include cosmetic products on your
grocery list?

2. If yes, what cosmetic product would still be included on your list?

3. Do you think cosmetics are essential? Do you consider them as necessities? Why or why not?

4. Based on the graph presented, how will you compare the consumption of cosmetics and toiletries in the
Philippines to those in Asia-Pacific and global regions?

5. Why do you think there is a significant demand for cosmetics among Filipinos?

Answer the following guide questions:

1. Give three reasons why people used cosmetics during the early times.

2. Describe the cosmetic ingredients used by people during the early times
. 3. How can you compare the cosmetic ingredients used in early times with the available cosmetic products you see
in the market?

1. What is the importance of considering viscosity in formulating cosmetic


2. What ingredient can be added to produce a highly viscous cosmetic product?

3. What ingredient can be added to hold oil and water together in a cosmetic

Our Cosmetics at Home

Cleanliness should always start at home and with one’s self. This activity will
help you practice identifying the different cosmetic product forms. So let us start by
looking around your house. List down the available cosmetic products and identify
their cosmetic product form
Let us check if you already know the different cosmetic product forms. Identify
the best product form (liquid, gel, foaming gel, serum, lotion, cream, powder, balm,
mud, scrub) and uses of the different cosmetic items below. Note: Choose only 5 items
to answer.

Direction: Analyze the following situations below. Then, answer the following
1. Ana has had a skin problem since she was in high school. Her facial skin is
dry, and lots of acne starts to appear. What should be the main ingredients in
her skincare products to help solve her problem?

2. Cristina wants to achieve a fair complexion while protecting her skin to direct
sunlight. What cosmetic ingredients should her face cream and lotion

3. Whenever Robert shops in the market, he sees that the cosmetics he buys do
not expire quickly. What ingredients should be included in cosmetic product
labels to ensure the shelf-life and prevent microorganisms’ build-up in the

Cosmetics are composed of different ingredients that ensure function and

maintain marketable quality. (1)________________________ (Functional/Supportive)
ingredients are the chemicals that perform the main function of the cosmetic
product. Those chemicals that improve the shelf life of the product are called (2)
____________________ (supportive/structural) ingredients. (3)______________
(functional/added extra) are chemicals in small amounts that make the product
more presentable and marketable to the consumers.
Antioxidants and (4) ____________________ (abrasives/preservatives) lengthen
the shelf life of a product. (5) _______________________ (Astringent/Exfoliant) can be
found in whitening products because it can remove dead skin cell layers. The
cosmetic ingredient that can prevent the separation of oil and water in the emulsion
is called (6) ________________________ (emulsifying agent/emulsion stabilizer).
(7)__________________________ (Chelating agent/Opacifying agent) prevents the
deterioration of the foam and binds ions in the hard water. The skin conditioning
agent that can make skin soft is called (8)______________________
(emollient/humectant). (9)____________________ (Colorant/Fragrance) can improve
product’s odor while (10) ______________________ (viscosity increasing
agent/opacifying agent) makes the product becomes thicker.

12. What is the cosmetic ingredient that can be used to mix oil and water?

a. Chelating agent c. Opacifying agent

b. Emulsifying agent d. Viscosity Increasing agent

13. What is the cosmetic ingredient that can bind ions in hard water?

a. Chelating agent c. Opacifying agent

b. Emulsifying agent d. Viscosity Increasing agent

14. If you want to make your cosmetic product more presentable and marketable

to target customers, what cosmetic ingredient category should you consider?

a. Added Extra c. Structural ingredients

b. Functional ingredients d. Supportive ingredients

15. If you would design the cosmetic product form giving emphasis to viscosity,

what cosmetic ingredient category should you plan carefully?

a. Added Extra c. Structural ingredients

b. Functional ingredients d. Supportive ingredients

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