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Proposal on A comprehensive examination of the role of artificial intelligence

in mitigating cybercrime: prospects, challenges, and ethical implication


AI brings a paradigm shift to the cybersecurity landscape by leveraging machine learning,

natural language processing, and pattern recognition. Its ability to analyze vast amounts of data

in real-time enables the detection of anomalies, unusual patterns, and potential threats that may

elude traditional security systems. Moreover, AI-driven technologies such as behavioral analytics

and predictive modeling hold the potential to anticipate and mitigate cyber threats before they

manifest. Ndible N., (2016)

Despite its promise, the integration of AI into cybersecurity is not without challenges. The rapid

evolution of cyber threats requires AI systems to constantly adapt and learn, posing a challenge

for maintaining up-to-date defenses. Moreover, issues such as adversarial attacks, where

malicious actors intentionally manipulate Shandilya A. (2011) AI systems, and concerns

regarding the explain ability of AI decisions raise ethical and practical considerations.

The deployment of AI in cybersecurity introduces ethical considerations related to privacy,

transparency, and accountability. As AI systems collect and analyze massive amounts of data,

questions arise about the responsible use of this information and the potential infringement on

individuals' privacy. Ensuring transparency in AI decision-making processes becomes crucial, as

does establishing accountability for system failures or unintended consequences. To harness the

full potential of AI in mitigating cybercrime, a comprehensive and collaborative approach is

imperative. Okeshola F.B. and Adeta A.K, (2013) This involves interdisciplinary efforts among

cybersecurity experts, AI researchers, policymakers, and ethicists to develop robust frameworks

that address technological, legal, and ethical dimensions. Striking a balance between innovation

and ethical considerations is key to creating effective and responsible AI-driven cybersecurity


The digital revolution has ushered in a new era of connectivity and convenience, but it has also

opened the door to sophisticated cyber threats. Cybercrime has evolved from simple viruses and

phishing attacks to complex, orchestrated campaigns involving state-sponsored actors, organized

crime groups, and lone hackers. Aladasoro F.O, Wada F. and Odulaja G. O. (2021) As traditional

cybersecurity measures struggle to keep pace with these advancements, AI presents a promising

avenue for bolstering defense mechanisms.


Cyber-attacks have become the various forms of fraudulent activities taking place in larger part

of the world especially in Nigeria and also are becoming more and more intense. Some standard

organization and webpage is trying to adopt artificial intelligence to create cyber defense system

so that the unauthorized access and cyber-attacks would be minimized. Some standard

organization in the country Nigeria and also some civilised part of the world has acknowledged

the threat of cybercrimes and the role of cyber security in sustainable growth. Meanwhile. It

becomes important to understand the implications of such technologies as artificial intelligence

(AI) on the cyber security.

Cybercrime is the most prevalent crime playing a devastating role in this generation. Not only

the criminals are causing enormous losses to the society and the government but are also able to

conceal their identity to a great extent.

There are number of illegal activities which are committed over the internet by technically

skilled criminals. Taking a wider interpretation it can be said that, Cybercrime includes any

illegal activity where computer or internet is either a tool or target or both.

Cyber-crime is an uncontrollable evil having its base in the misuse of growing dependence on

computers in modern life. Usage of computer and other allied technology in daily life is growing

rapidly and has become an urge which facilitates user convenience. It is a medium which is

infinite and immeasurable. Whatsoever the good internet does to us, it has its dark sides too.

Some of the newly emerged cybercrimes are cyber-stalking, cyber-terrorism, e-mail spoofing, e-

mail bombing, cyber pornography, cyber defamation etc. Some conventional crimes may also

come under the category of cybercrimes if they are committed through the medium of computer

or Internet.


To examine the role of artificial intelligence in mitigating cybercrime.


I. How effective AI solutions in detecting and preventing cybercrime

II. The limitations of current artificial intelligence solutions in addressing cybercrime

III. Best practices for implementing artificial intelligence solutions to combat cybercrime


2.1.1 Definition of artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the Science and Engineering domain concerned with the theory and

practice of developing systems that exhibit the characteristics we associate with intelligence in

human behavior, such as perception, natural language processing, problem solving and planning,

learning and adaptation, and acting on the environment. Its main scientific goal is understanding

the principles that enable intelligent behavior in humans, animals, and artificial agents. This

scientific goal directly supports several engineering goals, such as, developing intelligent agents,

formalizing knowledge and mechanizing reasoning in all areas of human endeavor, making

working with computers as easy as working with people, and developing human-machine

systems that exploit the complementariness of human and automated reasoning.

Brief History Of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is as old as computer science since from the very beginning computer

science researchers were interested in developing intelligent computer systems. The name

“artificial intelligence” was proposed by John McCarthy when he and other AI influential figures

(Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell, Herbert Simon, a.o .) organized a summer workshop at

Dartmouth in 1956.

The Role of AI in Cyber Security

AI is becoming an increasingly important tool in the fight against cyber-attacks. By improving

the speed and accuracy of threat detection and incident response, using AI can help to reduce the

impact of cyber-attacks and malicious activities and improve the efficiency of cyber security

However, there are also several challenges and risks associated with the use of AI in cyber

security. As cybercriminals refine their AI based cyber-attack techniques, it may result in an

“arms race” between cybersecurity professionals and cybercriminals.


A brief presentation of the research, as well as the purpose of the study, is expressed within the

cover letter of the questionnaire. There are two parts to the survey. Part (1) contains questions

regarding the statistical data of respondents, comprising gender, age, and education using the

Likert scale, these comprise four questions in segment (1).

At that point segment (II) is with five points on a Likert scale questioning about the impact of

independent variables on dependent variables, (2) comprise of some questions. The respondents

of this study are provided with five options from the Likert scale from (1) strongly disagree, (2)

disagree, (3) Neutral, (4) agree and (5) strongly agree.

The result from the questionnaire will then be input into a statistical tool called statistical

package for the social science (SPSS) for the analysis of the result and also the chi square result

which will all be presented and analyzed in the chapter four of this study.
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available at:


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