Lecture 02b

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To Civil Engineering (Geo info/Engg)

Lecture No. # 02
Introduction to Remote Sensing

Afed Ullah Khan, PhD

CED, UET Bannu
1. Data Modelling

2. Remote Sensing

3. Data Sources

4. GIS Applications
Data Modeling
1. Data Modeling

1. Data Modeling

 Linkage between Spatial data and Attribute data

1. Data Modeling

 Big data and Spatial big data

• Big data are defined as datasets which are so large that traditional data processing are
inadequate to deal with.
• Spatial big data can be defined as spatial data with big data characteristics, or the
opposite way around, big data with spatial context.
• Example
• Taxi trajectory
• Card transaction data with location
• A collection of sensor data with location
• Weather data for a single country or the world
• Earth-observing satellite images
• Landsat 7 system can theoretically downlink 17 terabyte of satellite image data per
1. Data Modeling

 Big data and Spatial big data

1. Data Modeling

 Data science

Data science is the field of study that combines

domain expertise, programming skills, and
knowledge of mathematics and statistics to
extract meaningful insights from data.
1. Data Modeling

 Spatial data science

Spatial data science (SDS) is a subset of Data Science

that focuses on the unique characteristics of spatial
data, moving beyond simply looking at where things
happen to understand why they happen there.

SDS treats location, distance & spatial interactions as

core aspects of the data using specialized methods &
software to analyze, visualize & apply learnings to
spatial use cases.
Remote Sensing
2. Remote Sensing

 Remote sensing

Passive remote sensor Active remote sensor

2. Remote Sensing

 Principle of remote sensing

 Detecting and recording reflected data

 Different objects reflects different amount of energy in different bands of the
electromagnetic radiations
2. Remote Sensing

Reference Title Data sources

Khan et al., 2017 How Do Terrestrial • Socioeconomic Data and
Determinants Impact the Applications Center
Response of Water Quality to (anthropogenic biomes)
Climate Drivers?—An Elasticity • World harmonized soil
Perspective on the Water– database (soil)
Land–Climate Nexus • Shuttle Radar Topography
Mission (DEM)
Ahmad et al., 2020 How Vegetation Spatially • National Oceanic and
Alters the Response of Atmospheric
Precipitation and Air Administration(NDVI)
Temperature? Evidence from • Pakistan Meteorological
Pakistan Department (Air
temperature and
2. Remote Sensing

Reference Title Data sources

Jiang et al., 2014 A global assessment of climate • Global Environment
– water quality relationships in Monitoring System for
large rivers: An elasticity Freshwater (water quality)
perspective • Global Historical
Climatology Network (Air
temperature and
Khan et al., 2017 Influence of watershed • Socioeconomic Data and
topographic and socio- Applications Center
economic attributes on the (population, GDP,
climate sensitivity of global Fertilizer)
river water quality • Global Environment
Monitoring System for
Freshwater (water quality)
• Global Historical
Climatology Network (Air
temperature and
Data Sources
3. Data sources

3. Data sources

3. Data sources

 Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC)

3. Data sources

 Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC)

3. Data sources

 Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC)

3. Data sources

 Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC)

3. Data sources

 Harmonized World Soil Database

3. Data sources

 Global Water Quality database and information system GEMStat

3. Data sources

 Global Water Quality database and information system GEMStat

3. Data sources

 Global Water Quality database and information system GEMStat

3. Data sources

 Global Water Quality database and information system GEMStat

3. Data sources

 Global Runoff Data Centre

3. Data sources

 Global Runoff Data Centre

3. Data sources

 Global Runoff Data Centre

3. Data sources

 Global Runoff Data Centre

3. Data sources

 Global Runoff Data Centre

3. Data sources

 USGS Earth Explorer

Free global DEM data sources:
• Space Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)
• Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER)
Global Digital Elevation Model
• Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Global Advanced Land Observing
Satellite (ALOS) 3D World
• Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)
• Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA)

• https://gisgeography.com/free-global-dem-data-sources/
3. Data sources

 USGS Earth Explorer

3. Data sources

 USGS Earth Explorer

3. Data sources

 USGS Earth Explorer

3. Data sources

 USGS Earth Explorer

3. Data sources

 Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN)

3. Data sources

 Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN)

3. Data sources

 Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN)

3. Data sources

 Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN)

3. Data sources

 NASA Earth Observations (NEO)

3. Data sources

 NASA Earth Observations (NEO)

3. Data sources

 NASA Earth Observations (NEO)

3. Data sources

 NASA Earth Observations (NEO)

3. Data sources

 NASA Earth Observations (NEO)

3. Data sources

 NASA Earth Observations (NEO)

3. Data sources

 Copernicus Open Access Hub

 https://land.copernicus.eu/
3. Data sources

 NASA Earth Observations (NEO)

3. Data sources

 NASA Earth Observations (NEO)

3. Data sources

 NASA Earth Observations (NEO)

3. Data sources

 NASA Earth Observations (NEO)

3. Data sources

 NASA Earth Observations (NEO)

3. Data sources

 NASA Earth Observations (NEO)

Draw a polygon on
an area of interest
3. Data sources

 NASA Earth Observations (NEO)

3. Data sources

 NASA Earth Observations (NEO)

Click on the dataset you are interested
3. Data sources

 Open Street Map

3. Data sources

 Open Street Map

3. Data sources

 Open Street Map

3. Data sources

 Open Street Map

3. Data sources

 Open Street Map

3. Data sources

 TIGER/Line Graphic Data

Geospatial resource for vector data
3. Data sources

 TIGER/Line Graphic Data

3. Data sources

 TIGER/Line Graphic Data

3. Data sources

 TIGER/Line Graphic Data

3. Data sources

 Global Weather Data for SWAT

3. Data sources

 Global Weather Data for SWAT

3. Data sources

 Satellite Land Cover

The best global land cover data sources:
 Landsat

 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)

 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)

3. Data sources

 World Bank

 American Fact Finder

 National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS)

 US Census

 National Map
GIS Applications
4. GIS Applications

 Why We Use GIS

4. GIS Applications

 Role of GIS in decision making

4. GIS Applications

 Applications of GIS
4. GIS Applications

 Watershed analysis
4. GIS Applications

 Rainwater harvesting
4. GIS Applications

 Disaster management
4. GIS Applications

 Land surface temperature

4. GIS Applications

 Land use classification

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