Essay On Republic Day

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Essay On Republic Day

Writing an essay on the topic of Republic Day can be both challenging and rewarding. While the
subject is rich in historical and cultural significance, navigating through the vast array of information
and presenting it in a cohesive manner requires careful research and organization.

To begin with, one must delve into the history of Republic Day, understanding its origins and the
events that led to the establishment of a republic in a particular country. This involves studying
constitutional developments, political movements, and the struggles for independence. Once the
historical context is grasped, the challenge lies in articulating these complexities in a manner that is
accessible to the reader.

Furthermore, addressing the cultural aspects of Republic Day adds an additional layer of intricacy. It
involves exploring the traditions, celebrations, and symbols associated with the day. Balancing
historical facts with cultural significance requires a nuanced approach to ensure that the essay is both
informative and engaging.

Additionally, discussing the broader implications of Republic Day, such as its impact on national
identity, civic pride, and the functioning of a democratic society, demands a thoughtful analysis. One
needs to consider various perspectives, ideologies, and debates surrounding the concept of a republic
to present a comprehensive view.

Despite these challenges, crafting an essay on Republic Day can be a gratifying experience. It
provides an opportunity to contribute to the discourse surrounding a pivotal moment in history and
encourages a deeper understanding of the values that underpin a republic.

In conclusion, while writing an essay on Republic Day poses its challenges, the process allows for
personal growth and a deeper appreciation of historical and cultural nuances. It is an exercise in
intellectual exploration and expression. For those who find the task daunting, there are resources
available, such as , where similar essays and more can be ordered to aid in the
writing process.
Essay On Republic Day Essay On Republic Day
John Adams Integrity
Integrity, the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. John Adams had
integrity, an important aspect in his business. Integrity is important because if you are
true to your word you will be honest to your self, so what made John Adams have that
On March 5,1770, a large riot happened. Nine soldiers wer left to defend themselves
against all the peopl accidentally killing five of the citizens. John Adams helped by
protecting the soldiers for a false accusation
John Adams did the right thing
John Adams did the right thing because all people should have a fair trail
John Adams was true to his word by taking a job that people wouldn t take because
nobody liked the British. John Adams took the job of defending the King s soldiers
while loyal prosecutor, Samuel Quincy, of proving them guilty... Sons of Liberty had
launched a propaganda war trying to change people s minds and affecting public
opinion on the colony s relationship with Britain. Everyone, even John Adams hated
the soldiers and yet he still took the case. John Adams belived everyone should have a
fair trial and was true to his word. John Adams was against the soldiers and the other
sons of liberty, the group he was in, tried to change the mind of the people to go against
him more. It would be extremly dangrouse to do what John Adams did, this shows that
nobody like the british becase the sons of liberty tried to make people change their
opinion on their relationship with Britain. Still
Assignment ( Hatters ) ( Transthyretin )
B30001 Assignment (Hatters) Transthyretin

Benjamin Andrikopoulos759192

Introduction to TTR:

Transthyretin (TTR) is a protein in the blood (serum) and cerebrospinal fluid of

humans that functions in the transport of the thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4) and
retinol (also known as Vitamin A1). [1] It is secreted by the liver into the blood and
by the choroid plexus into the cerebrospinal fluid. [2] Studies have shown that as less
than 1% of TTR s T4 binding sites (T4BS) in the blood are in use and occupied, new
drug designs can be specialised and optimised to bind to these sites, thus preventing TTR
misfolding, dissociation, and aggregation. [4] Amyloid diseases are associated with the
misfolding and dissociation of the TTR tetramer and ... Show more content on ...
Figure 1.Three dimensional cartoon style structure of transthyretin (TTR) showing two
monomers/one dimer of the dimer of dimers quaternary structure (monomers pink and
orange) at the binding interface. Stick style top view of AG10 (blue) highlighting two
binding sites per tetramer and key binding serine and lysine residues S117 and K15 of
TTR (green). All monomers of TTR contain 1 α helix and an 8 stranded β sheet with
Greek key topology.

Interaction differences AG10 vs. tafamidis:

With AG10 binding to TTR, the dimethyl pyrazole like ring of AG10 sits deep within
the T4BS cavity, forming two H bonds to two Ser117 residues of subunits adjacent to
each other. The CH3 pair of the pyrazole ring are positioned into halogen binding
pocket 3 (HBP 3), which is considered a hydrophobic area. [4] The terminal COOH
group on the benzene ring allows for van der Waals interactions with the side chain
amino groups of the two Lys15 residues directly on different monomers at the edge of the
T4BS, with the F moiety in the para position fitting into HBP 1. These interactions close
to the binding environment surrounding AG10 are protected in part from the surrounding
solvent, leading to high affinity binding of AG10 to TTR. [4]

Contrasting with tafamidis hydrogen bonding is absent at the base of the binding pocket
like with AG10, but the Cl substituents are instead located in HBP 3, where
hydrophobically the subunits are bridged. [4] This absence of additional
Social Media And Protest Behavior
In Unpacking the Use of Social Media for Protest Behavior, Sabastina Valenzuela (2013)
investigated the link between the frequency of social media use and engaging in political
protests. He argued that there has been an established positive correlation between social
media use and civic engagement. Nevertheless, there has been no systematic explanation
proposed to account for this relationship. In this article, the authors tried to test three
different explanations connecting the frequency of social media use and civic
engagement, measured in protestbehavior. The article examined three possible
mechanisms by which frequency of social media use is linked to protest behavior. First,
it tested the proposition suggesting that social media... Show more content on ...
On a theoretical level, the Uses and Gratifications Theory in communications posits that
individuals use different media platforms to satisfy their own uses and gratifications. The
authors noted that social media used for different reasons, including identity construction,
participating in protest movements or simply looking for information are classic uses
and gratifications. Social media are found to provide individuals with an opinion
extension platform. This expression of opinions offer individuals a way to further
process information and increase their interaction with the news around them, which both
have been found to be positively correlated with protest behavior. Using classic political
science literature, the author posited that more use of social media leads to a higher
likelihood of political participation given the investment an individual puts into the
enterprise as a whole. Finally, the author suggested that consumers of social media may
use it as an instrumental platform where they can advance their own interests. By
advancing their interests, they are more likely to engage in political activity including
political protest. The content on social media outlets may be used for mobilization
making it possible for individuals to use it to serve their own interest by engaging in
further political action including political protest or social movements. To test the merits
of these explanations linking social media use and protest behavior, the
Persuasive Essay On Pit Bulls
Because there are no witnesses how Goochland, Virginia, resident Bethany Lynn
Stephens died, her two dogs are the suspects in her death. At a news conference on
Friday, investigators disclosed that when Bethany s father searched for her in an area she
often goes, he found her two dogs guarding something.

He thought it was an animal carcass, but he found out it was his daughter s body.
Goochland County Sheriff Jim Agnew said that Bethany was apparently mauled by her
two pit bulls whose combined weight was two times that of Bethany who was just about
100 pounds and stood at 5 foot and 1 inch.

Grisly mauling

Even if a friend of Bethany doubted the police theory, Agnew said that the dogs have
something to do with her death. It placed once more a stigma on the dog breed after other
cases involved Pit Bull attacks on people, including their owners.

Among the evidence that the investigators cited why they believe that it was the two
dogs that mauled the woman were defensive wounds on the hands and arms of 22 year
old Bethany. Agnew said that it indicated she was attacked while alive. He said she
apparently fell to the ground after the attack, lost consciousness, and the Pit Bulls mauled
her to death.

Agnew pointed out that there were no strangulation marks on Bethany, but she had
puncture wounds in the skull. The evidence made the probers rule out homicide.
However, Barbara Norris, a friend of Bethany, questioned the police theory because the
victims raised the two dogs as
The Basseri of Iran

The Basseri of Iran

Alejandra Garza
Ashford University
Introduction to Culture Anthropology
ANT 101
Wendell Johnson
Feb 13, 2011

The Basseri of Iran

The Basseri culture is one of the traditional Pastoral nomads who inhabit in Iran. The
Basseri speak dialect of Faris. But the majority knows only the Basseri dialect, but there
few that speak Turkish or Arabic. In these research paper I will be writing a little of the
aspects that identify the Pastoralism. I will also be writing about the Basseri culture and
the many aspects that identify their economy, social organization and religion.
Pastoralism is an economy based on herding. They mainly maintain herds of animals and
use their products to ... Show more content on ...
Labor is also divided among household members by sex and age, but few tasks are
allowed to only one sex or one age. Domestic tasks are mainly done by woman and
girls. They prepare food, wash and mend cloth, and do spinning and weaving. The men
and boys provide the wood and the water. They also participate in the repairs of the
equipment and their tents. The general level of nutrition and hygene among the basseri is
quite high. They are relatively healthy and robust, which contributes to a high fertility
rate in females of the tribe.The average of children a woman can have varies from three
to five.
Among the Baseri, each household has from 6 to 12 donkeys, and less than 100 sheep
and goats. Since their herds are very important to them they spend great amount of time
tending them. Sometimes two to five tents may combine their flock and entrust them to
a single shepherded. The shepherd is always a male and he is occupied with the flock all
day .
During the winter, groups of two or five tents associated in herding units make up local
camps that separate each tent three or four kilometers. At other time of the year the
camps are larger and usually number ten to forty tents. The members of the camp are
very clearly founded social group and their relationships to each other are continuing
neighbors. The maintance of the camp as a social unit requires daily agreement on
questions of migration, the selection of campsites, and other economically

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