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Learning Outcomes

After studying this Chapter, you shall be able to:

 Know the need for adjustments in the Final accounts
 Learn the fundamentals of accounting treatment of adjustments
 Understand the concept of Adjustment Entries.


In the previous Chapter 9, we have studied the manner in which the final accounts are
prepared. The two components of final accounts reveal the financial performance
(through Income Statement) and the financial position (through Balance Sheet). These are
prepared on the basis of information available in Trial balance.
At the end of the accounting period, there are many transactions and events that remain
unaccounted like outstanding expenses, prepaid expenses, accrued income, etc. These
transactions and events need to be adjusted so that the final accounts give true and fair
view of results as well as the financial position. The journal entries, passed to incorporate
these adjustments, are called as Adjustment Entries. When these are given outside the
Trial Balance, usually two accounts are affected:
(a) Trading and Profit and Loss A/c
(b) Balance sheet
These adjustments have been discussed in the current chapter. The comprehensive
problems are also given, after discussion of these adjustments.


The purchase and sale of goods are entered in the books through “Purchases A/c” and
“Sales A/c” respectively. Similarly, returns are incorporated through “Returns Inwards”
and “Returns Outwards” A/c. Therefore, as such, there is no account which automatically
discloses the value of stock, at the end of the year. The valuation and incorporation of
closing stock is required due to two reasons:
(i) The Trading A/c is debited with Opening Stock and Purchases. The sales are credited.
Now, in order to find out the gross profit, there is a need to compare the sales with
Cost of Goods sold (COGS). When the amount of closing stock is credited, the Trading
A/c finally gets COGS to the debit side.
(ii) The closing stock is an item of Current asset. It is disclosed in the Balance Sheet so
that the positional statement may reveal information about all the assets.


The following is the adjustment entry to be passed with the value of closing stock.

Basic Accounting CA. (Dr.) K. M. Bansal& Dr. Ritu Gupta

Final Accounts (Without Adjustment) 2 Chapter 9

Closing Stock A/c Dr. XXX

To Trading A/c XXX
(Being closing stock incorporated)
It may be noted that this closing stock is valued at lower of Cost or Net Realizable Value.
The following is the impact of above adjustment entry:
(a) The amount is credited to Trading account.
(b) It is also disclosed on the Asset side of balance sheet.
Trading account
For the year ended ………..
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
By Closing Stock XXX

Balance Sheet
As on ……………..
Current Assets
Closing Stock XXX


If closing stock is given in the Trial Balance, it implies that the value of closing stock has
already been adjusted from Purchases, through the following adjustment entry:
Closing Stock A/c Dr. XXX
Entry already passed
To Purchases A/c XXX
(Before preparation of Trial Balance)
(Being closing stock incorporated)
In this case, the closing stock will be shown on the Asset side of Balance Sheet only.

Illustration 10.1
The following information is given in the Trial Balance:
Trial Balance
Particulars Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount
Opening stock 30,000
Purchases 2,95,000
Closing Stock 15,000
Show the relevant disclosure in Trading A/c and Balance Sheet.
Trading Account
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Opening Stock 30,000
To Purchases 2,95,000
Balance Sheet
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Closing Stock 15,000


“Adjusted Purchases” mean that opening stock and closing stock have been adjusted in
the amount of Purchases, in the following manner:

Adjusted Purchases = Purchases (Net) + Opening stock – Closing stock

When “adjusted purchases” is given in the Trial balance, opening stock will not appear in
the Trial Balance as it has already been adjusted in purchases.
In this case:
(i) Adjusted Purchases are shown on the debit side of the Trading A/c.

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Final Accounts (Without Adjustment) 3 Chapter 9

(ii) Closing stock is shown on the asset side of the Balance Sheet under current assets.

Trading account
For the year ended ………..
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Adjusted Purchases XXX

Balance Sheet
As on ……………..
Current Assets
Closing Stock XXX

Illustration 10.2
The following information is given in the Trial Balance:
Trial Balance
Particulars Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount

Purchases (Adjusted) 7,45,000

Closing Stock 12,000
Show the relevant disclosure in Trading A/c and Balance Sheet.
Trading Account
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount

To Purchases 7,45,000
Balance Sheet
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Closing Stock 12,000

Illustration 10.3
Consider the following information:
Trial Balance
Particulars Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount
Opening Stock 2,00,000
Purchases 18,00,000
Direct Expenses 1,20,000
Indirect expenses 90,000
Sales 21,10,000
If the closing stock is Rs. 4,20,000, prepare Trading A/c.
Trading Account
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Opening Stock 2,00,000 By Sales 21,10,000
To Purchases 18,00,000 By closing Stock 4,20,000
To Direct Expenses 1,20,000
To Gross Profit 4,10,000
25,30,000 25,30,000
Tutorial Note:
1. Indirect expenses will be debited to Profit and Loss a/c.
2. Closing Stock Rs. 4,20,000 will be shown in Balance sheet also.

10.3 Outstanding Expenses

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Final Accounts (Without Adjustment) 4 Chapter 9

These are the expenses incurred in the current accounting period but remain
unpaid up to the end of the period. It may be outstanding wages, outstanding rent,
outstanding salary, etc. The following adjustment entry is passed for outstanding
expense given as an adjustment.
Expenses A/c Dr. XXX
To Outstanding Expenses A/c XXX
(Being unpaid expenses provided)


It means that the “outstanding expense” is already included in the “Expenses”
given in the trial balance, through the following adjustment entry:
Entry already passed Expenses A/c Dr. XXX
(Before preparation of To Outstanding Expenses A/c XXX
Trial Balance) (Being unpaid expenses provided)
In such a case, outstanding expenses are shown only in the Balance Sheet as
current liability.

Illustration 10.4
The following information is given in the Trial Balance:
Trial Balance
Particulars Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount
Rent 50,000
Salaries 90,000
Outstanding salary (o/s) 10,000
In addition, Outstanding Rent (Rs. 5,000) is also given outside the Trial Balance. You are
required to answer the following:
(1) What is the amount paidtowards Rent in the current year?
(2) What is the Rent Expense to be debited to Profit and Loss Account of the Current
(3) What is the amount paid towards salary in current year?
(4) Show the extracts in Final Accounts.
(1) Rent Paid = Rs. 50,000
(2) Rent Expenses = Paid (Rs. 50,000) + Outstanding (Rs. 5,000) = Rs. 55,000
(3) Salary Paid = Rs. 80,000
(4) Extracts in Final Accounts:
Profit and Loss Account
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Rent 50,000
+ Outstanding 5,000 55,000
To Salaries 90,000
(including o/s Rs. 10,000)
Balance Sheet
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Current Liability
Outstanding Rent 5,000
Outstanding Salary 10,000

10.4 Prepaid Expenses

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Final Accounts (Without Adjustment) 5 Chapter 9

The expenses are charged to Profit and Loss A/c of the period to which they are related.
Therefore, if in the current period, some expenses have been paid in advance, then such
portion is treated as an asset in the closing balance sheet of the current year. The
adjustment entry is:

Prepaid Expenses A/c Dr. XXX

To Expenses A/c XXX
(Being expenses paid in advance)

Note: When prepaid expenses are given in the trial balance, then prepaid expenses are
shown in the balance sheet only as a current asset.
Profit and Loss Account
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Expenses XXXXX
- Prepaid (XXX) XXXXX

Balance Sheet
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Current Asset
Prepaid expenses XXX

Illustration 10.5
Trial Balance
Particulars Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount
Insurance 36,000
The insurance premium is prepaid to the extent of Rs. 6,000.
Show the extracts in Final Accounts.
Profit and Loss Account
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Insurance 36,000
- Prepaid (6,000) 30,000

Balance Sheet
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Current Asset
Prepaid Insurance 6,000

10.5 Accrued Income or Outstanding Income

These incomes are related with the current period but not yet been received. The
following is the adjustment entry in this regard:

Accrued Income A/c Dr. XXX

To Income A/c XXX
(Being outstanding income to be received)

The following is the treatment in the final accounts:

(a) It is added to the income in the profit and loss account.

(b) It is shown on the asset side of the balance sheet under current asset.

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Final Accounts (Without Adjustment) 6 Chapter 9

Profit and Loss Account

Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
By Income XXXXX
+ Outstanding XXX XXXXX

Balance Sheet
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Current Asset
Outstanding Income XXX

10.6 Income received in Advance

It is that portion of income which has been received in current period but is
actually related with next period. Such income received in advance is treated as a
liability. The following is the adjustment entry:

Income A/c Dr. XXX

To Income Received in Advance A/c XXX
(Being income received for next year)

Note: If any outstanding or prepaid item is given in Trial balance itself, then they
are taken to balance sheet only.

Illustration 10.6
The following information is given in the Trial Balance:
Trial Balance
Particulars Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount
Salaries 1,40,000
Outstanding salary 14,000
Rent 70,000
Insurance 20,000
Commission 24,000
In addition, following items are given outside the Trial Balance:
(a) Outstanding Rent Rs. 30,000
(b) Prepaid Insurance Rs. 4,000
(c) Commission received in advance Rs. 5,000
Show the extracts in Final Accounts.
Profit and Loss Account (extracts)
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To salary 1,40,000 By Gross Profit ??
To Rent 70,000 By Commission 24,000
+ Outstanding 30,000 1,00,000 - Advance (5,000) 19,000
To Insurance 20,000
-Prepaid (4,000) 16,000

Balance Sheet(extracts)
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Current Liability Current Asset
Outstanding Rent 30,000 Prepaid Insurance 4,000
Outstanding Salary 14,000

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Final Accounts (Without Adjustment) 7 Chapter 9
Commission in Advance 5,000

10.7 Depreciation

The depreciation is the expired utility of a fixed asset. It is charged to Profit and
Loss A/c. The entry depends upon the fact whether provision for depreciation a/c
is maintained or not.
(a) When depreciation is directly credited to Asset A/c:
Depreciation A/c Dr. XXX
To Asset A/c XXX
(Being depreciation provided)
Profit and Loss A/c Dr. XXX
To Depreciation A/c XXX
(Being the transfer of Depreciation)
(b) When Provision for Depreciation A/c is maintained:
Depreciation A/c Dr. XXX
To Provision for Depreciation A/c XXX
(Being depreciation provided)
Profit and Loss A/c Dr. XXX
To Depreciation A/c XXX
(Being the transfer of Depreciation)

Note: When depreciation is given in the Trial Balance, it means the firm has
already deducted the amount from corresponding Fixed Assets. So, in that
case, this depreciation will be debited to profit and Loss A//c only. (Refer
Chapter 11).

10.8 Bad Debts

Bad Debts are that amount that could not be realized from the debtors. The
following is the accounting treatment:

(1) If bad debts are given in Trial Balance, then it is simply taken to Profit and
Loss A/c only. No adjustment is required in the Balance sheet as it has already
been deducted from debtors.

Illustration 10.7
The following information is given in the Trial Balance:
Trial Balance
Particulars Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount
Debtors 2,70,000
Bad Debts 5,000
Show the extracts in Final Accounts.

Profit and Loss Account (extracts)
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Bad Debts 5,000

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Final Accounts (Without Adjustment) 8 Chapter 9

Balance Sheet (extracts)

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Current Asset
Debtors 2,70,000

(2) If bad debts are given as an adjustment (i.e. further bad debts given outside
the trial balance): The following adjustment entry is passed:

Bad Debts A/c Dr. XXX

To Debtors A/c XXX
(Being bad debts written off)

(a) On the debit side of Profit and Loss A/c, these further bad debts are
shown as addition to bad debts already written off.
(b) On the asset side of the balance sheet, these are deducted from sundry

Illustration 10.8
The following information is given in the Trial Balance:
Trial Balance
Particulars Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount
Debtors 2,15,000
Bad Debts 3,000
In addition, further bad debts Rs. 4,000 are given outside the Trial Balance.
Show the extracts in Final Accounts.
Profit and Loss Account (extracts)
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Bad Debts 3,000
+ Further Bad Debts 4,000 7,000

Balance Sheet (extracts)

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Current Asset
Debtors 2,15,000
(-) Further Bad Debts (4,000) 2,11,000

10.9 Provision for Doubtful Debts

On account of prudence concept, the expected losses are provided whereas the
expected profits are not anticipated in the books. It is followed at the time of
preparing the final accounts. As regards debtors at the end of the current year, the
realization will be made in the next year. Any bad debts will be reported in that
next period only. Therefore, as a matter of prudence, provision is required for such
expected bad debts. So that, if these may be charged to such provision account in
place of P & L a/c. The following adjustment entry is passed:

P & L A/c Dr. XXX

To Provision for doubtful debts A/c XXX
(Being amount provided for expected bad debts)

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Final Accounts (Without Adjustment) 9 Chapter 9

Treatment in Final Accounts:

(a) The amount of provision is debited in the P & L A/c.

(b) The provision for doubtful debts is shown as a deduction from debtors in the
Balance Sheet.

Illustration 10.9
The following information is given in the Trial Balance:
Trial Balance
Particulars Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount
Debtors 5,00,000
The provision @ 4% will be maintained for doubtful debts.
Show the accounting treatment.
P & L A/c Dr. 20,000
To Provision for doubtful debts A/c 20,000
(Being amount provided for expected bad debts)

Profit and Loss Account (extracts)

Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Provision for Doubtful Debts 20,000

Balance Sheet (extracts)

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Current Asset
Debtors 5,00,000
(-) Prov. for Doubtful Debts (20,000) 4,80,000

Did You Know Bad Debts vs. Doubtful Debts

Bad Debts: The portion of debtors which cannot be realized and therefore written off
is called as bad debts. It is a known loss and debtors are reduced by this amount.
Doubtful Debts: These are those debts which it may or may not become bad. Since, a
doubtful debt is an anticipated loss, these are not written off but provision is

Important points to be noted about Provision for Doubtful Debts

(1) The bad debts given in Trial Balance are transferred to Provision for Doubtful Debts:
Provision for doubtful debts A/c Dr. XXX
To Bad Debts A/c XXX
(Being transfer of bad debts to PDD A/c.)
(2) The additional bad debts are also taken to Provision for Doubtful Debts (PDD) A/c.
Bad Debts A/c Dr. XXX
To Debtors A/c XXX
(Being further bad debts written off.)
Provision for doubtful debts A/c Dr. XXX
To Bad Debts A/c XXX
(Being transfer of bad debts to PDD A/c.)
(3) The Provision for Doubtful Debts is calculated on doubtful debts. It is not
maintained on bad debts and on good debts.
(4) The Provision for Doubtful Debts A/c is prepared in the following manner;

Basic Accounting CA. (Dr.) K. M. Bansal& Dr. Ritu Gupta

Final Accounts (Without Adjustment) 10 Chapter 9

Provision for Doubtful Debts A/c

For the year ended ………..
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Bad Debts XXX By Balance b/d (Opening Bal.) XXX
(Incl. further Bad Debts) By Profit & Loss A/c XXX
(Balancing Figure)
To Balance c/d (closing Bal.) XXX

Illustration 10.10 [When Provision for Doubtful Debts is NOT given in Trial Balance]
The following information is the extract from the Trial Balance:
Trial Balance
Particulars Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount
Debtors 4,00,000
Additional Information: Create a Provision for Doubtful Debts @ 4% on sundry
debtors. Pass necessary journal entry and show these items in the Profit and Loss A/c
and Balance Sheet.
Solution: Adjustment Entry:
P & L A/c Dr. 16,000
To Provision for doubtful debts A/c 16,000
(Being provision made for doubtful debts)

Profit and Loss Account (extracts)

Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Provision for Doubtful Debts 16,000

Balance Sheet (extracts)

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Current Asset
Debtors 4,00,000
(-) Prov. for Doubtful Debts (16,000) 3,84,000

Illustration 10.11 [When Provision for Doubtful Debts is GIVEN in Trial Balance]
The following information is the extract from the Trial Balance:
Trial Balance
Particulars Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount
Debtors 4,00,000
Provision for Doubtful Debts 16,000
Additional Information: Maintain a Provision for Doubtful Debts @ 5% on sundry
debtors. Pass necessary journal entry and show these items in the Profit and Loss A/c
and Balance Sheet.

Provision for Doubtful Debts A/c

For the year ended ………..
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Bad Debts Nil By Balance b/d (Opening Bal.) 16,000
To Balance c/d (closing Bal.) 25,000 By Profit & Loss A/c 9,000
[5,00,000 x 5%] (Balancing Figure)
25,000 25,000

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Final Accounts (Without Adjustment) 11 Chapter 9

Adjustment Entry:
P & L A/c Dr. 9,000
To Provision for doubtful debts A/c 9,000
(Being provision made for doubtful debts)

Profit and Loss Account (extracts)

Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Provision for Doubtful Debts 9,000

Balance Sheet (extracts)

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Current Asset
Debtors 5,00,000
(-) Prov. for Doubtful Debts (25,000) 4,75,000

Illustration 10.12 [When Provision for Doubtful Debts is GIVEN in Trial Balance]
Consider the following Trial Balance:
Trial Balance
Particulars Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount
Debtors 2,00,000
Bad debts 19,500
Provision for Doubtful Debts 14,000
Additional Information: Maintain a Provision for Doubtful Debts @ 5% on sundry
debtors. Pass necessary journal entry and show these items in the Profit and Loss A/c
and Balance Sheet.

Provision for Doubtful Debts A/c

For the year ended ………..
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Bad Debts 19,500 By Balance b/d (Opening Bal.) 14,000
To Balance c/d (closing Bal.) 10,000 By Profit & Loss A/c 15,500
[2,00,000 x 5%] (Balancing Figure)
25,000 25,000
Adjustment Entry:
Provision for doubtful debts A/c Dr. 19,500
To bad debts A/c 19,500
(Being provision made for doubtful debts)
P & L A/c Dr. 15,500
To Provision for doubtful debts A/c 15,500
(Being provision made for doubtful debts)

Profit and Loss Account (extracts)

Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Provision for Doubtful Debts 15,500

Balance Sheet (extracts)

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Current Asset
Debtors 2,00,000
(-) Prov. for Doubtful Debts (10,000) 1,90,000

Illustration 10.13 [Excess Provision for Doubtful Debts to be written back]

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Final Accounts (Without Adjustment) 12 Chapter 9

Consider the following Trial Balance:

Trial Balance
Particulars Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount
Debtors 8,00,000
Bad debts 6,500
Provision for Doubtful Debts 49,000
Additional Information: Maintain a Provision for Doubtful Debts @ 5% on sundry
debtors. Pass necessary journal entry and show these items in the Profit and Loss A/c
and Balance Sheet.

Provision for Doubtful Debts A/c

For the year ended ………..
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Bad Debts 6,500 By Balance b/d (Opening Bal.) 49,000
To Profit & Loss A/c 2,500
(Balancing Figure)
To Balance c/d (closing Bal.) 40,000
[8,00,000 x 5%]
49,000 49,000
Adjustment Entry:
Provision for doubtful debts A/c Dr. 6,500
To bad debts A/c 6,500
(Being provision made for doubtful debts)
Provision for doubtful debts A/c Dr. 2,500
To P & L A/c 2,500
(Being excess Provision written back)

Profit and Loss Account (extracts)

Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
By Provision for Doubtful Debts 2,500

Balance Sheet (extracts)

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Current Asset
Debtors 8,00,000
(-) Prov. for Doubtful Debts (40,000) 7,60,000

10.10 Provision for Discount on Debtors

Usually debtors are allowed cash discount for prompt payment by them before the
due date. This discount allowed is an expense. If the payment is received from
debtors in next year and discount is allowed at that time, the expense will be
booked in next year, instead of current year. Therefore, provision for discount is
also maintained for discount on debtors.
Important to note: The expected discount to be allowed is charged as expense in
current year and credited to Provision for Discount on Debtors A/c. In next year, the
actual discount allowed is debited to this Provision for Discount A/c and not to
Profit and Loss A/c. Since discount is allowed on debts making payment, it is not
calculated on bad debts. Therefore, Provision for Discount is calculated on the
amount of debtors after deducting further bad debts and Provision for Doubtful
Debts. When Provision for Discount A/c is created, the following entry is passed:

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Final Accounts (Without Adjustment) 13 Chapter 9

Profit and Loss A/c Dr. XXX

To Provision for Discount on Debtors A/c XXX
(Being creation of provision for discount.)

Accounting for Discount Allowed:

When Provision for Discount is When Provision for Discount is
NOT maintained maintained
1. For discount allowed to Debtors
Discount Allowed A/c Dr. Discount Allowed A/c Dr.
To Debtors A/c To Debtors A/c
2. For creation of Provision for Discount A/c
NO ENTRY Profit & Loss A/c Dr.
To Provision for Discount A/c
3. For transfer of discount allowed
Profit & Loss A/c Dr. Provision for Discount A/c Dr.
To Discount Allowed A/c To Discount Allowed A/c

10.11 Manager’s Commission

In order to motivate the manager to give their best performance, sometimes

managers are allowed commission on profit, in addition to a fixed salary. This
profit based commission may be given on two bases:

(a) Commission on Profits BEFORE charging such commission:

𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏
Commission = Net Profit before Commission × 𝟏𝟎𝟎
(b) Commission on Profits AFTER charging such commission:
𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏
Commission = Net Profit before Commission × 𝟏𝟎𝟎 + 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏

Illustration 10.14
The Net Profit before commission is Rs. 5,88,000. Calculate the manager’s
commission if it is payable at:
(a) 8% of Net Profit before charging any commission.
(b) 5% of Net Profit after charging such commission.

(a) 8% of Net Profit before charging any commission.
𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏
Commission = Net Profit before Commission × 𝟏𝟎𝟎
= Rs. 5,88,000 × = Rs. 47,040
(b) 5% of Net Profit after charging such commission.
𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏
Commission = Net Profit before Commission × 𝟏𝟎𝟎 + 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏
= Rs. 5,88,000 × 100+5 = Rs. 28,000

Miscellaneous Problems for Practice

Illustration 10.15
The following is the Trial Balance of Ritu Traders as on 31st December, 2018.

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Final Accounts (Without Adjustment) 14 Chapter 9

Dr. Amount Cr. Amount

(Rs.) (Rs.)
Cash in Hand 1,500 Sales 2,50,000
Cash at Bank 3,000 Returns Outwards 2,000
Purchases 1,10,000 Capital 56,000
Returns Inwards 1,500 Account Payable 30,000
Wages 20,000
Power and Fuel 8,000
Carriage Outwards 6,000
Carriage Inwards 5,000
Opening Inventory 6,000
Land 10,000
Building 80,000
Machinery 30,000
Patents 15,000
Salaries 12,000
Sundry Expenses 6,000
Insurance 1,000
Drawings 8,000
Accounts Receivable 15,000
Total 3,38,000 3,38,000
You are required to prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31.12.2018 and
Balance Sheet as at 31.12.2018. Adjustments to be made are given below :
1. Closing Inventory as at 31.12.2018, Rs. 20,000.
2. Provision for bad and doubtful receivable at 5% on debtors.
3. Outstanding Salary Rs. 5,000 outstanding wages Rs. 3,000.
4. Depreciation 10% on all fixed assets.
Ritu Traders
Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ending 31.12.2018
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Opening Inventory 6,000 By Sales 2,50,000
To Purchases 1,10,000 Less : Returns 1,500 2,48,500
Less : Return 2,000 1,08,000 By Closing Inventory 20,000
To Wages 20,000
Add: Outstanding 3,000 23,000
To Fuel and Power 8,000
To Carriage Inwards 5,000
To Gross Profit c/d 1,18,500
2,68,500 2,68,500
To Carriage outwards 6,000 By Gross Profit b/d 1 18 500
To Salaries 12,000
Add: Outstanding 5,000 17,000
To Sundry Expenses 6,000
To Provision for bad and
doubtful debts 750
To Depreciation on Building 8,000
To Depreciation on
Machinery 3,000
To Insurance 1,000
To Depreciation on Patents 1,500
To Net Profit c/d 75,250
118,500 118,500

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Final Accounts (Without Adjustment) 15 Chapter 9

Balance Sheet as on 31.12.2018

Liabilities , (Rs.) Assets (Rs.)
To Capital 56,000 Land & Building 10,000
Add: Net Loss 75,250 Building 80,000
Total 1,31,250 Less : Depreciation (8,000) 72,000
Less : Drawings (8,000) 1,23,250 Machinery 30,000
Accounts Payable 30,000 Less : Depreciation (3,000) 27,000
Outstanding Salaries 5,000 Patents 15,000
Outstanding Wages 3,000 Less : Depreciation 1,500 13,500
Accounts Receivable 15,000
Less : Provision for Bad and
Doubtful Debts (750) 14,250
Cash in Hand 1,500
Cash at Bank 3,000
Closing Stock 20,000
1,61,250 1,61,250

Illustration 10.16
On March 31, 2019 the following Trial Balance was extracted from the books of Sharma and
Particulars Dr. Amount (Rs.) Cr. Amount (Rs.)
Capital A/c — 1,00,000
Plant & Machinery 1,00,000 —
Sales — 4,07,000
Purchases 2,60,000 —
Return 6,000 5,750
Opening Stocks 40,000 —
Discounts 350 —
Bank Charges 75 —
S. Debtors 45,000 —
S. Creditors — 35,000
Salaries 26,800 —
Wages 30,000 —
Carriage 1,950
Bad Debts Provision —
Rent, Rates & Taxes 10,000 —
Advertising 2,000 —
Cash in Hand 900 —
Cash at Bank 6,000 —
Furniture & Fitting 20,000 —
5,49,075 5,49,075
You are required to prepare final accounts for the year ended 31st March, 2019 and the Balance Sheet
as on the date. The following adjustments are required :
1. Closing Stock Rs. 35,000.
2. Depreciation on Plant and machinery @ 15% p.a., and on furniture and fittings @10% p.a., to
be provided.
3. Bad Debts provision to be adjusted to Rs. 500.
4. Interest on Capital to be allowed at 10% p.a.
5. 15% of the profit remaining after charging interest on capital to be carried to General Reserve.
Trading and Profit and Loss A/c of Sharma and company
for the year ending 31st March, 2019
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount

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To Opening Stock 40,000 By Sales 4,07,000

To Purchases 2,60,000 Less : Sales Returns 6,000 4,01,000
Less : Returns 5,750 2,54,250 By Closing Stock 35,000
To Carriage Inward 1,950
To Wages 30,000
To Gross Profit c/d 1,09,800
4,36,000 4,36,000
To Salaries 26,800 By Gross Profit b/d 1,09,800
To Advertising 2,000 By Provision for Bad Debt 1,325
To Rent, Rates & Taxes 10,000 Less : New Provision 500 825
To Discount 350
To Bank Charges 75
To Depreciation on Plant &
Machinery 15,000
Furniture & Fittings 2,000 17,000
To Interest on Capital 10,000
To General Reserve (15% of
Rs.44,400) 6,660
To Net Profit 37,740
1,10,625 1,10,625
Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2019
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Sundry Creditors 35,000 Plant and Machinery 1,00,000
General Reserve 6,660 Less : Depreciation (15,000) 85,000
Capital 1,00,000 Furniture & Fixture 20,000
Add: Net Profit 37,740 Less : Depreciation (2,000) 18,000
Add : Interest on Capital 10,000 1,47,740 Stocks 35,000
Sundry Debtors 45,000
Less : Provision 500 44,500
Cash at Bank 6,000
Cash in Hand 900
1,89,400 1,89,400

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Illustration 10.17
The following is the Trial Balance of Kamal Enterprises for the year ended 31st December,
2018. You are required to prepare a Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet after taking
into account the adjustments given below :
Debit Balances Amount Credit Balances Amount
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Cash in Hand 500 Sales 1,50,300
Cash at Bank 1,200 Purchase Returns 5,000
Office Furniture 6,000 Accounts Payable 12,000
Accounts Receivable 15,000 Bills Payable 8,000
Commissions 1,200 Discount Receivable 1,000
Bills Receivable 3,500 Dividend Received 2,000
Power and Fuel 6,000 Rent Receivable 3,500
Plant & Machinery 24,000 Capital 27,000
Office Expenses 2,000
Carriage Inwards 1,200
Carriage Outwards 3,500
Rent, Rates & Taxes 1,700
Leasehold Premises 25,000
Wages 30,000
Salaries 7,000
Opening Inventory 12,000
Sales Returns 2,000
Purchases 60,000
Drawings 7,000
2,08,000 2,08,000
(1) Closing Inventory as on 31.12.2018 Rs. 18,000.
(2) Depreciate Plant and Machinery at 10%.
(3) Salaries outstanding Rs. 1,000, Power and Fuel outstanding Rs. 2,000.
(4) Rs. 5,000 was spent on Plant and machinery but wrongly included in wages.
(5) Provide for bad and doubtful debts for Rs. 1,500.
(6) Discount earned but not received Rs. 100.
(7) Commission due but not recorded Rs. 200.
(8) Rent received includes Rs. 500 received in advance.
Kamal Enterprises
Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ending 31.12.2018
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Opening Inventory 12,000 By Sales 1,50,300
To Purchases 60,000 Less : Returns 1,48,300
Less : Return 5,000 55,000 By Closing Inventory 18 000
To Wages 30,000
Add : Spent on Plant &
Machinery 5,000 25,000
To Fuel and Power 6,000
Add: Outstanding 2,000 8,000
To Carriage Inwards 1,200
To Gross Profit c/d 65,100
1,66,300 1,66,300
To Office Expenses 2,000 By Gross Profit b/d 65,100
To Commission 1 200 By Discounts Received 1,000
Add : Outstanding 200 1,400 Add : Discounts earned but
not Received 100 1,100

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To Carriage Outwards 3,500 By Dividend Reed. 2,000

To Rent, Rates & Taxes 1,700 By Rent Received 3,500
To Salaries 7,000 Less : Received in Advance 500 3,000
Add : Outstanding 1,000 8,000
To Provision for Bad &
Doubtful Debt 1,500
To Depreciation on Plant &
Machinery (Calculated on
Rs. 29,000) 2900
To Net Profit c/d 50,200
71,200 71,200

Balance Sheet as on 31.12.2018

Liabilities (Rs.) Assets (Rs.)
To Capital 27,000 Plant & Machinery 29,000
Add : Net Profit 50,200 Less : Depreciation (2,900) 26,100
77,200 Office Furniture 6,000
Less : Drawings 7,000 70,200 Leasehold Premises 25,000
Account Payable 12,000 Account Receivable 15,000
Bill Payable 8,000 Less : Provision for Bad
Salaries Outstanding 1,000 and Doubtful Debts 1,500 13,500
Fuel And Power O/S 2,000 Discount Earned but not
Commission due 200 Received 100
Rent Received In Advance 500 Bills Receivable 3,500
Closing Inventory 18,000
Cash in Hand 500
Cash at Bank 1,200
93,900 93,900

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Illustration 10.18
. The following is the Trial Balance extracted from the books of Mohan as on 30 September,
Particulars Dr. Amount (Rs.) Cr. Amount (Rs.)
Capital Account — 1,00,000
Plant & Machinery 78,000 —
Furniture 2,000 —
Purchases and Sales 60,000 1,27,000
Returns 1,000 750
Opening Stock 30,000 —
Discount 425 800
Sundry Debtors/Creditors 45,000 25,000
Salaries 7,550 —
Manufacturing wages 10,000 —
Carriage outwards 1,200
Provision for doubtful debts —
Rent, rates, Taxes 10,000 —
Advertisements 2,000 —
Cash 6,900 —
2,54,075 2,54,075
Prepare trading and profit and loss Account for the year ended 30 September 2018 and a balance sheet
on that date after taking into account the following adjustments:
(a) Closing stock was valued at Rs. 34,220.
(b) Provision for doubtful debts is to be kept at Rs. 500.
(c) Depreciate plant and machinery @ 10% p.a.
(d) The proprietor has taken goods worth Rs. 5,000 for personal use and additionally distributed
goods worth Rs. 1,000 as samples.
(e) Purchase of furniture Rs. 920 has been passed through purchases book.
Trading and Profit and Loss Account
For the Year ended 30 September, 2018
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Opening Stock 30,000 By Sales 1,27,000
To Purchases 60,000 Less : Returns 1,000 1,26,000
Less : Returns 750 By Stock at the end 34,220
Less : Drawings 5,000
Less : Samples 1,000
Less : Furniture purchased 920 52,330
To Manufacturing wages 10,000
To Gross Profit c/d 67,890
1,60,220 1,60,220
To Salaries 7,550 By Gross Profit b/ d 67,890
To Rent, rates and taxes 10,000 By Discount 800
To Carriage outwards 1,200 By Provision for bad debts (525-500) 25
To Advertisement 2,000
To Depreciation on Plant and
Machinery (10% of Rs. 78,000) 7,800
To Discount 425
To Advertisements (Samples) 1,000

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To Net Profit transferred to

Capital Account 38,740
68,715 68,715

Balance Sheet of Mohan as on 30 September 2018

Liabilities (Rs.) Assets (Rs.)
Capital 1,00,000 Fixed Assets :
Add : Net Profit 38,740 Plant and Machinery 78,000
1,38,740 Less : Depreciation 7,800 70,200
Less : Drawings 5,000 1,33,740 Furniture 2,000
Sundry Creditors 25,000 Add : Purchased 920 2,920
Current Assets :
Cash in hand 6,900
Sundry Debtors 45,000
Less : Provision 500 44,500
Stock at the end 34,220
1,58,740 1,58,740

Illustration 10.19
From the following Trial Balance of Shri Shivam as on 31st March, 2019, You are required to
prepare a Trading and profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st march, 2019 and
Balance Sheet as on that date, after making the necessary adjustments as mentioned
Particulars Dr. Amount (Rs.) Cr. Amount (Rs.)
Shivam’s Capital — 1,60,000
Shivam’s Drawings 24,000 —
Furniture and Fixtures 8,000 —
Plant & Machinery 60,000 —
Patents (Ten years from 01.4.2018) 40,000 —
Stock on 1.4.2018 40,000 —
Purchases 1,70,000 —
Salaries 14,800 —
Wages 30,000 —
Sundry Debtors 20,400 —
Sales — 2,64,000
Cash in Hand 13,250 —
Land 28,350 —
Loan from Shyam (at 6% from 01.10.2018) — 20,000
Postage and Fax 3,000 —
Rent, Rates and Taxes 7,200 —
Bad Debts 800 —
Sundry Creditors — 24,000
Discount — 1,200
Carriage Inward 400 —
Interest on Loan 300 —
Insurance 1,600 —
Travelling Expenses 1,000 —
Sundry Expenses 600 —
Cash at Bank 20,500 —
Bank Overdraft — 15,000
Total 4,84,200 4,84,200
(i) Stock as on 31.3.2019 is valued at Rs. 30,000.

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(ii) A new machine was installed on 1st April, 2018 for Rs. 3,000. No entry in this respect was
passed in the books. Wages of Rs. 1,000 paid for installing the machine were debited to
Wages Account.
(iii) Of the sundry debtors, Rs. 200 are bad and are to be written off. You are required to maintain
a provision for doubtful debts @ 5% on debtors and provision for discount on debtors @2%.
(iv) Goods costing Rs. 2,000 were given away as free samples for publicity.
(v) Depreciate Plant & Machinery at 20% per annum and Furniture and Fixtures at 10% per
(vi) On 01.4.2018, Machinery of the value of Rs. 10,000 was destroyed by fire and the insurance
claim settled at Rs. 8,000 was credited to Machinery Account.
(vii) Goods costing Rs. 1,000 were sent to a customer for Rs. 1,200 on 30th March 2019 on sale
or return basis. This was recorded as actual sales.


Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2019

Particulars Amount Particulars Amount

Opening stock 40,000 Sales 2,64,000 2,62,800
Purchases 1,70,000 Less : Goods sent for approval 1,200
Less : Free samples 2,000 1,68,000 Closing stock 30,000
Carriage inward 400 Add : Stock with customer
Wages 30,000 (at cost) 1,000 31,000
Less : Installation charges 1,000 29,000
Gross profit c/d 56,400
2,93,800 2,93,800
Rent, rates and taxes 7,200 Gross profit 56,400
Salaries 14,800 Discount received 1,200
Postage and fax 3,000
Sundry expenses 600
Travelling expenses 1,000
Interest on loan 300
Add: Accrued interest 300 600
Advertising 2,000
Insurance 1,600
Loss of machinery by fire 2,000
Bad debts 800
Add: written off 200
Add : Provision for doubtful
debts 950 1,950
Provision for discount on debtors 361
Plant and machinery 12,400
Furniture and fixtures 800
Patents 4,000 17,200
Net profit 5,289
57,600 57,600
Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2019
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Capital account: Land 28,350
Opening balance 1,60,000 Plant and machinery 60,000
Add: Net profit 5,289 Add: Purchased 3,000
1,65,289 63,000
Less : Drawings 24,000 1,41,289 Add : Installation charges 1,000
Loan from Shyam @ 6% 20,000 64,000
Add : Accrued interest 300 20,300 Less : Loss by fire 2,000

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Sundry creditors Creditor 24,000 62,000

for machinery 3,000 Less : Depreciation @ 20% 12,400 49,600
Bank overdraft 15,000 Patents 40,000
Less : Depreciation @ 10% 4,000 36,000
Furniture & Fixtures 8,000
Less : Depreciation @ 10% 800 7,200
Closing stock 30,000
Add : Stock with customers 1,000 31,000
Debtors 20,400
Less : Goods sent on approval
basis 1,200
Less : Bad debts written off 200
Less : Provision for doubtful
debts @ 5% 950
Less : Provision for discount
@2% 361 17,689
Cash at bank 20,500
Cash in hand 13,250
2,03,589 2,03,589

Illustration 10.20
On 31.12.2018 the following Trial Balance was prepared from the books of Rohit :
Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)
Sundry Debtors 50,600
Sundry Creditors — 10,000
Bills Receivable 5,000 —
Plant & Machinery 75,000 —
Purchases 90,000 —
Capital — 70,000
Freehold Premises ! 50,000 —
Salaries 11,000 —
Wages 14,400 —
Postage and Stationery 750 —
Carriage In 750 —
Carriage Out 1,000 —
Bad Debts 950
Bad Debts Provisions —
General Charges 1,500 —
Cash at Bank 5,300 —
Cash in Hand 800 —
Bills Payable — 5,000
Reserve — 20,000
Sales — 2,31,700
Closing Stock 30,000 —
3,37,050 3,37,050

The following adjustments are required :

(i) Rohit gets a salary of Rs. 9,000 p.a.
(ii) Allow 5% interest on capital.
(iii) Bad Debts provision to be adjusted to 214% on sundry debtors.
(iv) 214% of the net profit to be credited to Reserve.

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(v) It was discovered in January 2018 that stock sheets as on 31.12.2017 were overcast by
Rs. 1,000
You are required to prepare Trading and Profit and Loss account for the year ended 31st
December, 2018 and a Balance Sheet as at that date.
Solution :
Trading and Profit and Loss A/c for the year ending 31st December, 2018
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Purchases 90,000 By Sales 2,31,700
Less : Overcast Stock 1,000 89,000
To Wages 14,400
To Carriage Inward 750
To Gross Profit 1,27,550
2,31,700 2,31,700
To Salaries 11,000 By Gross Profit 1,27,550
Add : O/S 9,000 20,000
To Post & Stationery 750
To Carriage out 1,000
To Bad Debts 950
Add: New Provision 1,265
Less : Old Provision 350 1,865
To General Charges 1,500
To Interest on Capital 3,500
To Net Profit transferred 98,935
to Capital Account
1,27,550 1,27,550

Balance Sheet as at 31st December, 2018

Liabilities (Rs.) Assets (Rs.)
Capital 70,000 Plant & Machinery 75,000
Add : Interest on Capital 3,500 Freehold Premises 50,000
73,500 Sundry Debtors 50,600
Add: Net Profit 94,462 1,69,962 Less : Provision 1,265 49,335
Sundry Creditors 10,000 Bills Receivable 5,000
Bills Payable 5,000 Closing Stock 30,000
Reserve 20,000 Overstated 1,000
Add : 2.5% of NP 2,473 22,473 Stock' 2012
O/S Salaries 9,000 C ash at Bank 5,300
cash in Hand 800
2,16,435 2,16,435

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Objective Type questions

State whether the following statements are True (T) of False (F).
(1) Loss of stock by fire, given in additional information is credited to Profit and Loss
(2) If closing stock is given in Trial Balance, it is taken to Balance Sheet only.
(3) Discount allowed to debtor is an expense.
(4) Prepaid Insurance given as additional information is deducted from Insurance in
Profit and Loss A/c.
(5) Salaries and wages are shown in Profit and Loss A/c.
(6) Bad debts are debited to P & L A/c, if Provision for Doubtful Debt is maintained.
(7) Indirect expenses are debited to Profit and Loss A/c.
(8) Depreciation given in Trial Balance is shown in Balance Sheet as a deduction from
fixed assets.
[Answers: True:-2,3,5,7 False:- 1,4,6,8]
Theoretical Questions
1. What is meant by Adjustment Entry? Why is it necessary to pass the Adjustment
2. What is meant by outstanding expense? Explain its treatment in final accounts if
(a) Given in Trial balance.
(b) Given in additional information.
3. Explain the term “Adjusted Purchases”. How it is calculated?
4. What adjustment entries will you pass for the following:
(i) Depreciation
(ii) Further Bad Debts
(iii) Managers commission
(iv) Provision for doubtful Debts
Practical Questions

Q.1 From the following Trial Balance prepare Trading, Profit & Loss Account and Balance
Sheet as on 31st December 2018.
Dr. Balances Cr. Balances
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Capital — 25,000
Loans — 5,000
Sales — 35,000
Account Payable — 4,000
Bills Payable — 5,000
Purchase Returns — 2,000
Dividends Received — 3,000
Plant & Machinery 13,000 —
Buildings 17,000 —
Receivable 9,650 —
Purchases 18,000 —
Discount Allowed 1,200 —
Wages 7,000 —
Salaries 3,000 —
Travelling Expenses 750 —
Freight 200 —
Insurance 300 —

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Commission paid 100 —

Cash in Hand 100 —
Bank 1,600 —
Repairs 500 —
Interest on Loans 600 —
Opening Inventory 6,000 —
79,000 79,000
Additional Data
(a) Closing Inventory Rs. 8,000.
(b) Depreciation on Plant and Machinery at 15% and 10% on Building.
(c) Provision for doubtful
(d) Insurance prepaid Rs. 50.
(e) Outstanding rent Rs. 100.
[Ans. G.P: Rs. 14,000; N.P.: Rs. 6150; Balance sheet Total: Rs. 45,250]

Q.2 From the following Trial Balance prepare Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year
ended 31st December, 2018 and Balance Sheet as on that date :
Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)
Drawings 10,000 —
Stock on 1,1,2018 46,000
Purchases and Purchases Returns 1,50,200 600
Cash in Hand 3,400 —
Bank Balance 22,660 —
Freehold Premises 38,600 —
Trade Expenses 840 —
Printing, Stationery and Advertising 1,640 —
Professional Charges 280 —
Commission Received — 3 300
Investments as on 1st Jan. @ 10% 4,000 —
Interest on above — 200
Sundry Debtors and Creditors 36,000 29,000
Wages 25,000 —
Salaries 14,000 —
Capital — 1,14,000
Income Tax 1,600 —
Discount allowed and Received 6,300 4,600
Sales Returns and Sales 550 2,08,950
Bills Receivable / Bills Payable 3,200 10,000
Office Furniture 3,050 —
Rent, Rates and Insurance 4,000 —
Bad Debts Provision — 670
Total 3,71,320 3,71,320
(а) Provide for wages Rs. 5,000.
(b) Write Off 5% depreciation on freehold premises and 10% on office furniture.
(c ) Insurance to the extent of Rs. 200 relates to 2019.
(d) Stock on 31.12.2018 is l 5,20,000.
(e ) Charge interest on capital 5% and on drawings Rs. 300.
(f) Further bad debts are Rs. 1,000.
(g) Provide for doubtful debts @ 5% on sundry debtors.
(h) Make provision for discount on debtors and reserve for discount on creditors @ 2%.
[Ans. G.P: Rs. 34,800; N.P.: Rs. 4,840; Balance sheet Total: Rs. 1,57,660]

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Q.3 Mr. Neel had prepared the following Trial Balance from his Ledger as on 31st March,
Particulars Dr. Amount (Rs.) Cr. Amount (Rs.)
Stock as on 1st April, 2018 5,00,000 -
Purchases and Returns 31,00,000 45,000
Sales and Returns 55,000 41,50,000
Cash in Hand 2,50,000 —
Cash at Bank 5,00,000 —
Trader’s Capital — 22,59,200
Rates and Taxes 50,000 —
Drawings 45,000 —
Salaries 95,000 —
Postage & Telegram 1,05,000 —
Insurance 90,000 —
Salesman Commission 78,000 —
Printing and Stationery 95,500 —
Advertisement 1,70,000 —
Furniture and Fittings 5,50,000 —
Motor Car 48,000 —
Discounts ' 50,000 75,000
General Expense 65,700 —
Carriage Inward 10,000 —
Carriage Outward 22,000 —
Wages 50,000 —
Sundry Debtors/Creditors 10,00,000 4,00,000
Total 69,29,200 69,29,200
You are required to prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended on
31st March, 2019 and Balance Sheet as on that date after making the necessary
You are provided with the following information :
(i) Closing Stock as on 31st March, 2019 Rs. 1,45,000.
(ii) Neel had withdrawn goods worth Rs. 50,000 during the year.
(iii) Purchases include Purchase of furniture worth Rs. 1,00,000.
(iv) Debtors include Rs. 50,000 bad debts.
(v) Sales include goods worth Rs. 1,50,000 sent out to NN & Co., on approval and
remained unsold as on 31st March, 2019. The cost of the goods was Rs. 1,00,000.
(vi) Provision for Bad Debts is to be created at 5% of Sundry Debtors.
(vii) Depreciate Furniture and Fittings by 10% and Motor Car by 20%.
(viii) The salesman is entitled to a commission of 10% on total sales.[CA 2004]
[Ans. G.P: Rs. 7,25,000; N. Loss.: Rs. 5,02,300; Balance sheet Total: Rs. 23,78,400]

Q.4 Prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2019:
from the following balance :
M. Mirza’s Capital A/c 1,19,400
M. Mirza’s Drawings A/c 10,550
Sundry Creditors 59,630
15% Loan A/c (Cr.) 20,000
Cash in Hand 3,030
Cash at Bank 18,970
Sundry Debtors (Including Badri Das for Dishonoured bill of Rs.
1,000) 62,000
Bills Receivable 9,500

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Provision for doubtful Debts 2,500

Fixtures & Fittings 8,970
Plant & Machinery 28,800
Stocks, April 1, 2018 89,680
Purchases 2,56,590
Manufacturing Wages 40,970
Sales 3,56,430
Returns Inwards 2,780
Salaries 11,000
Rent & Taxes 5,620
Interest and Discount (Debit) 5,870
Travelling Expenses 1,880
Repairs and Renewals 3,370
Insurance (Including Premium of Rs. 300 p.a. Paid up to Sept, 30,
Bad Debts 3,620
Commission Received 5,640

Stocks in hand on March 31, 2019 was Rs. 1,28,960. Write off half of Badri Das’s
dishonoured bill. Create a provision of 5% on Sundry Debtors. Charge 10% interest on
Capital. Manufacturing Wages include Rs. 1,200 for erection of new machinery purchased
last year. Depreciate Plant and Machinery by 15% and Fixtures and Fittings by 10% per
annum. Commission earned but not received amount to Rs. 600- Interest on loan for the
last two months is not paid.
[Ans. G.P: Rs. 96,570; N. Profit.: Rs. 52,313; Balance sheet Total: Rs. 2,53,233]

Q.5 Shri Patit Bansali submitted to you the following Trial Balance, which he has not been
able to agree. Rewrite the Trial Balance and prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account
for the year 31.12.2018 and a Balance Sheet as on that date after giving effect to the under
mentioned adjustments:
Particulars Dr. Amount (Rs.) Cr. Amount (Rs.)
Capital — 16,000
Opening Stock 17,500 —
Closing Stock — 18,790
Drawings 3,305 —
Return Inward — 550
Carriage Inward 1,240 —
Deposit with X 1,400
Return Outward 840 —
Carriage Outward — 725
Rent Paid 800 —
Rent Outstanding 150 —
Purchases 13,000 —
Sundry Debtors 5,000 —
Sundry Creditors — 4,000
Furniture — 29,000
Sales — 29,000
Wages 850 —
Cash 1,370 —
Goodwill 1,800 —
Advertisement 950 —
48,305 70465

Basic Accounting CA. (Dr.) K. M. Bansal& Dr. Ritu Gupta

Final Accounts (Without Adjustment) 28 Chapter 9

(i) Write off Rs. 600 as Bad Debts and make Reserve for Bad Debts on Sundry Debtors at
(ii) Stock valued at Rs. 2,000 was destroyed by fire on 25 December, 2018 but Insurance
Company admitted a claim for Rs.1,500 only and paid the sum in January, 2019.
(iii) Depreciate Furniture by 10%.
[Ans. Correct Total of Trial Balance Rs. 49,990; G.P. Rs. 17,490; N.P. Rs. 13,545; Total
of B/S Total Rs. 30,390.]

Basic Accounting CA. (Dr.) K. M. Bansal& Dr. Ritu Gupta

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