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Essay On Critical Thinking

Crafting an essay on the subject of critical thinking poses a substantial challenge, demanding not
only a comprehensive understanding of the topic but also a nuanced ability to analyze and evaluate
information critically. The inherent complexity of critical thinking requires the writer to delve into the
intricacies of logic, reasoning, and evidence-based decision-making, making it a task that necessitates
intellectual depth and clarity.

To begin with, one must navigate through the vast literature on critical thinking, sorting through
diverse perspectives and theories. The synthesis of these ideas demands a keen intellect, as it
involves integrating contrasting viewpoints into a coherent narrative. Moreover, constructing a
compelling argument necessitates the skillful use of evidence and examples to illustrate the principles
of critical thinking in real-world contexts.

Furthermore, the structure of the essay itself requires meticulous planning. Establishing a logical flow
of ideas, maintaining coherence, and ensuring a smooth transition between paragraphs are integral
aspects of conveying complex concepts effectively. This organizational aspect adds another layer of
difficulty to the writing process.

In addition to these challenges, expressing one's thoughts with clarity is paramount. The writer must
articulate intricate concepts in a manner accessible to a diverse audience, striking a balance between
academic rigor and readability. This aspect demands a high level of linguistic proficiency and the
ability to communicate abstract concepts in a comprehensible way.

Lastly, an essay on critical thinking should not only expound on theoretical frameworks but also
encourage the reader to engage critically with the presented ideas. Creating a piece that sparks
intellectual curiosity and prompts the audience to reflect on their own thought processes elevates the
difficulty of the task.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on critical thinking is a formidable endeavor that demands a blend of
intellectual acuity, research skills, organizational prowess, and linguistic finesse. It is an intricate
process that requires a deep dive into the complexities of critical thought, making it a challenging yet
intellectually rewarding task.

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Essay On Critical ThinkingEssay On Critical Thinking
A Case Study Analysis on the Strategic Alliances of Audio...
A Case Study Analysis on the Strategic Alliances of Audio Duplication Services, Inc.


Logistic strategy is vital part of company s goal to reduce cost, gain more profit and
improve supplier customer relationship. This paper studied the logistic process of Vanity
Products to have a grasp of how logistic works and affects the flow of supply chain.
Guide questions are answered to have a better understanding on the logistic and
warehousing; and how these decisions must be well thought. Evaluation, conclusions and
recommendation are done to know the best alternative for Vanity Products.


Background and Significance of the Study

The strategic decision with regards to alliances is an option for firms to ... Show more
content on ...

From the main discussion, Tom s proposal is the best course for Vanity Products. The
requirement of the customers that the products be delivered within five days will be
met. At the same time, the cost of VP will be lower compared to that of delivering less
than truckload quantities to a specific store or using a peddle run method to deliver a full
truckload quantities to a set of stores or customers. Thus, the best alternative or solution
to the problem is to implement Tom s proposal.


(1)J. Heizer and B. Render.(2010). Operations Management.Tenth Edition. New Jersey:

Prentice Hall, Inc.
(2) Truck Accidents Glossary.Retrieved February 4, 2013 at http:/
(3) Freight Costs.(2012) Retrieved February 4, 2013 at http:/
/ cost.html

Other Details A Case Study Analysis on the Strategic Alliances of Audio Duplication
Services, Inc. (ADS)
IE 191
Section: V
Date of Submission: March 21, 2013

Contributors Signature
Josol, Patricia Beatriz| ___________| Palomar, Romelyn Mae| ___________| Tena, Mara
Alyssa| ___________
United States Tax Court Addressed The Issue Of...
In the recent case Hawse, T.C Memo 2015 99, The United States Tax court addressed the
issue of misinterpreting section 446(e), and distinguishing between correction of an error
and change in method of accounting. The court upheld a $5.4 million tax deficiency
judgement against a California auto dealership, JHH Motor Cars Inc. and denied a claim
for a refund. According to the judgement of the court, the taxpayer had not received
automatic consent from IRS for change of its accounting method from LIFO to specific
identificationmethod. But as the taxpayer used the specific identification method for
valuing his vehicle inventory for seven years, there was a change in method of
The taxpayer was the sole shareholder and president of ... Show more content on ...
1.472 6.
The sale did not occur in 2001 and JHH continued to use the specific identification
method for its inventory for 2001 through 2007. But later it tried to amend the tax return
for the corresponding years to correct an error of using the specific identification
method and reverting back to LIFO inventory method, and requested a refund. After JHH
received its refund, IRS sent a notice of deficiency for the years covered under amended
returns. JHH filed a petition with the Tax Court.
Issues involved in the case:
i.Whether JHH received automatic consent from IRS to change its method of accounting
for its vehicle inventory from LIFO to specific identification method for the tax years in
issue. ii. If not, whether JHH changed its method of accounting for 2001 through 2007
notwithstanding its failure to obtain IRS consent. iii. If so, whether there was a second
change in its method of accounting when JHH attempted to revert to LIFO method of
accounting for its vehicle inventory by filing amended tax returns for 2002 and 2003.
Section 446(a) states that the taxable income of a taxpayer shall be computed on the
basis of the accounting method under which he/she computes his/her income regularly in
keeping his/her books. Under section 446(e), if the taxpayer desires to change his/her
method of accounting, he/she must obtain the consent of IRS before computing his/her
taxable income under the new method.
In analyzing the first issue, the
Pericles Lion And The Sea-Onion Analysis
he Lion and the Sea Onion. Most self respecting artists would pick the former as the
subject for a monument and dismiss the latter. Yet, the man behind the moniker of Sea
Onion cannot be so easily dismissed. Pericles, the great Athenian statesman, was
, or Sea Onion, by contemporary poets because of the large size of his head ( Pericles , The Lion of Justice, in this case, refers to King Henry II of England ( King
Henry II Biography ). On the surface, both Henry II and Pericles appear to be equally
great leaders who made lasting impact on Western civilizations. Henry II established the
English Common Law, which ensured the same laws applied everywhere in the country
(Hinds 60). He also laid the foundation for a unified Britain by claiming Scotland and
Ireland as parts of his realm (Morgan 143). Pericles united the Greek city states into an
empire known as the Delian League with Athens at its center ( Pericles , University
Press Inc). Under his leadership and patronage, arts, literature, and philosophy
flourished, creating a cultural legacy that shaped all areas of Western thinking. Pericles
also led the restoration of the Acropolis and the ambitious construction of the Parthenon
(Nardo 10). But looking beyond their accomplishments, these two historical figures
differ greatly in their motivations and personal conducts. Arguably, two of the most
essential traits of a good leader are integrity and dedication to the common good. Using
these qualities as a metric for comparison, we will see that Henry II falls short while
Pericles is clearly deserving of a monument in his honor
Both Henry II and Pericles were highly driven and ambitious. But while Henry was
fueled by the desire to glorify himself and his reign, Pericles wished to glorify Athens
and its people. Henry II wanted to reclaim lands that were previously under his
grandfather s rule. He used force and threats to claim lordship over Wales, Scotland, and
Ireland (Hinds 12). In his mind, it was his birthright. As a general and statesman, Pericles
also helped reclaim land (noticeably Delphi) for Athens ( Pericles , Bio). But rather than
conquering neighboring poleis
, Pericles chose to focus on making Athens a city
Accidental Statesman Analysis
The Accidental Statesman: General Petraeus and the City of Mosul, Iraq
General Petraeus was a career military officer whom graduated from the US Military
Academy at West Point. He was always very competitive and would always strive for
the best. According to a news feed, Petraeus always told his soldiers Life is a
competitive endeavor (Bowmen, 2010). General Petraeus held many commands, but
gained most of his knowledge when selected as the deputy commander of a counter
terrorism joint task force. His position taught him the crucial importance how excellent
intelligence was to effective military operations and learned the mechanics of
multinational operations. In 2002, Major General Petraeus assumed command for the US
ARMY s 101st Airborne Division. In 2003, tasked with the mission to stage the division
in Kuwait, Petraeus was to occupy the Nineveh province, a sector of Iraq stretching over
75,000 square kilometers. In the direct center and having the best tactical advantage,
the capital city of Mosul was where he would occupy first. Soon after the occupation of
the city of Mosul, Major General Petraeus was successful during the occupation of
Mosul, Iraq because he was able to direct his key leaders, lead his troops, and assess
situations to accomplish the mission.
General Petraeus is the type of leader whom relies on commander s insight and sound
judgements. The city Mosul, reconnoitered by the commander of the 2nd Brigade, as the
center of the city was
Soviet Constructivist Architecture...and Its Influences
Soviet Constructivist Architecture ...and its influences The Russian architectural
profession was relatively intact after the revolution in October 1917, at least
compared to the other arts in this unstable time. Foreign architects worked freely in the
larger cities and the demand for private building was relatively high. This period was
short lived as civil war wreaked havoc with the economy and infrastructure of the
country. A major turning point for the profession, and the Russian people as a whole,
was Act passed by the Bolsheviks, repealing the right for private ownership of urban
real estate. This socialisation of Soviet soil set the framework for the ill prepared
architects of the time, with a new regard for projects not as just... Show more content on ...
It was only later, in the mid 20 s that resources were made available for architects to
design suitable constructions for the workers to broaden their horizons within. The
Zuyev Workers Club (1927, left) in Moscow is an ideal example of this design
movement embracing the society they help to create. Housing an 850 seat auditorium
that could be divided up for multiple uses the building was, and still is used for in
many ways by the community. Designed by Ilya Golosov, the building had his
trademark style, with his simple use of volumes, such as the cylinder and cube etc.
Refurbished in 1966, the building now looks tired, with poor restoration work
hampering the striking presence an iconic piece of Soviet avant garde architecture. What
I find most impressive about this building is glass cylinder used to house the spiral stair
case. Another, if somewhat more famous, example of the soviet workers clubs, is the
Rusakov club in Moscow. Built at the same time as the Zuyev, the Rusakov had an even
more impressive presence to it. Designed by Konsantin Melnikov, and originally intended
for the Union for Municipal Workers. The three cantilevered structures housed the seating
for the auditorium, and are constructed out of reinforced concrete. The vertical glass
shafts that separate the three massive projections are not only visually

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