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Do My Essays

Writing an essay on the topic "Do My Essays" can be quite challenging for several reasons. Firstly,
the topic itself is somewhat ambiguous, and one might struggle to decipher whether it refers to the
act of writing essays on behalf of someone else or if it's a personal reflection on the process of
composing essays. The lack of clarity can make it challenging to structure the essay and convey a
coherent message.

Moreover, if the essay is meant to explore the ethical considerations surrounding the practice of
someone else writing essays on your behalf, one may need to delve into the realms of academic
integrity, plagiarism, and the consequences that such actions might entail. Crafting a balanced
argument that considers different perspectives on the matter requires thoughtful analysis and critical

On a more personal note, reflecting on one's own experiences with essay writing and the challenges
faced can add another layer of complexity. Articulating thoughts on the struggles, breakthroughs,
and lessons learned in the essay-writing journey demands a level of introspection that can be both
demanding and rewarding.

Balancing the technical aspects of essay writing, such as structure, grammar, and coherence, with the
need for originality and a unique perspective on the topic can be a delicate task. Additionally, the
writer must maintain a consistent tone throughout the essay, ensuring that it aligns with the intended
message and purpose.

In conclusion, tackling an essay on the topic "Do My Essays" requires a careful navigation through
potential ambiguities, ethical considerations, personal reflections, and technical writing skills. It
demands a writer's ability to think critically, express ideas coherently, and engage the reader
effectively. For those seeking assistance with essays or similar academic endeavors, there are
platforms like where a variety of essays and related services can be conveniently
Do My Essays Do My Essays
Pnl Explain
P amp;L Explain Bonds and Swaps
Tony Morris


1. Bond Pricing basic concepts

2. P amp;L sensitivities of a bond

i. PV01 ii. CS01 iii. Theta iv. Carry

3. Extension to interest rate swaps

1. Bond Pricing basic concepts

Let s say you have a 4 year 10% annual coupon bond, with a yield ( yield to maturity or
yield to redemption ) of 12%. From this information, the price can be calculated as
The price is calculated by pricing each of the bond s cash flows using the yield to
maturity (YTM) as a discount rate.
Why? Because the YTM is defined as the rate which, if used to discount the bond s cash
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Theta and Carry are independent of any change in the market and reflect different aspects
of the sensitivity to the passage of time.


The PV01 of a bond is defined as the present value impact of a 1 basis point (0.01%)
increase (or bump ) in the yield curve.

In the derivation below, we will refer to a generic discount curve . As noted earlier, this
discount curve, from which are derived the discount factors for the bond pricing
calculation, can itself be considered as the sum of two curves: the underlying yield
curve (normally Libor), and a credit curve (reflecting the risk over and above the
interbank risk incorporated in the Libor curve).

The PV01 calculates the impact on the price of bumping the underlying yield curve.

For simplicity, consider the case of a zero coupon bond i.e. where there is only one cash
flow, equal to the face value, and occurring at maturity in n years. Note, though, that the
principles of the following analysis will equally apply to a coupon paying bond.
We start by defining:

P = price or present value today

R(t) = discount rate, today, for maturity t
FV = face value of the bond

Then, from the above, we know:

P = FV/(1+r(t))^n

Now consider the impact a 1bp bump to this curve. The discount rate becomes:

R(t) = R(t) + 0.0001

The new price of the bond, Pb(t), will be:

Pb = FV/(1+[r(t)+.0001])^n

Therefore, the
Ned Kelly Villain
Ned Kelly was a Villain This man is truly the worst criminal that Australia has ever
seen in its entire history. Ned Kelly robbed banks, murdered three men and stole
horses and cattle. Ned was part of the Kelly gang. There is no doubt he was the worst
of them, he schemed all the villainous plans, he was the one who killed all three
policemen and before the gang was even created he stole many farming families
horses and cattle. If you don t think this man is a villain from what I have said so far I
don t know what to say. He shot three men dead with no mercy (pg52), he attempted to
derail a police train (pg102) with no care how many men where on that train and he
stole hundreds possibly thousands of horses and cattle. (pg1). Ned Kelly was
definitely a villain. This man didn t care about anything accept himself and crime. He
lived for crime that s all he thought about robbing, stealing and murdering. If he didn t
get caught when he did, then Australia may have become extinct. Ned murdered three
men, (pg52) not caring if they had families to return home to. Ned didn t care if they
were a friend or foe. They even killed one of their best friends. (pg103) Do you think Ned
cared about this or not? He didn t even care that one of their... Show more content on ...
If you can think of a more horrible person I would like to know who they are. Ned
Kelly was hungry, hungry for blood, human blood. He thought of the ruthless plan so
far. A normal human being wouldn t even think of this evil plan even if they tried their
hardest it they wouldn t even come close to this plan. The Kelly gang were going to
attempt to derail a police train this may not seem like much but part of the plan was to
take hostages. I am not talking about 1 or 2 hostages I am talking about 40 odd
hostages. (pg105) Would you have like to have been 1 of those hostages? Just think
being locked in a room with 4 disgusting bushrangers. But Ned didn t stop at murdering
he had a different trade as
Battle of the Alamo Essay
Introduction The siege, fall and ensuing massacre of nearly two hundred Alamo
defenders at the hands of Mexican General, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna y Perez de
Lebron s army of over five thousand was a defining moment in both Texan, and
American history. For 13 days against insurmountable odds, a small, but very
determined Texan garrison force fended off an equally determined Mexican Army
ordered to capture it. I ll discuss the events and political climate leading up to the siege,
key historic figures involved on both sides, the siege itself, along with events
immediately following the battle. The iconic phrase, Remember the Alamo! would later
go on to become a rallying cry at the Battle of San Jacinto. On that fateful... Show more
content on ...
Moses Austin would not live to see it come to fruition as he was attacked my highway
men and died shortly thereafter. That would fall on his son, Stephen F. Austin, who is
often referred to as the Father of Texas . Austin and the other settlers were drawn to the
territory by grants and deferred taxation provided by the Spanish government; however,
in 1821 Mexico declared independence from Spain. Austin was concerned that the new
independent Mexican government would not recognize the previous arrangements made
with his father. He would have to travel all the way to Mexico City to make his case, and
in 1823 the Mexican Congress confirmed Austin s grant. In 1824 the Mexican
government ratified the country s first Constitution, but in doing so split the country into
two diametrically opposed political ideologies. On one side you had the centralists, who
favored the central government possessing much of the authority. The other was the
federalists, who were in favor of states rights. In 1834, Santa Anna emerged as a military
dictator and overturned the Constitution of 1824. In October 1835 the centralist congress
dissolved the state legislatures and transformed the former states into military
departments. When the federalists resisted the centralist coup, Mexico descended into
civil war. December 1835 marked the first major victory of the Texan militia in open
The Greatest Commissioner National Football League
Introduction: Pete Rozelle was the greatest commissioner National Football League
had, and he was not even the first or second choice for the job, but before being named
commissioner Rozelle had a distinguished youth. Officially named Alvin Ray Rozelle,
was nicknamed Pete by his favorite uncle, who just like his father, always supported
Pete s interest in sports and the outdoors. As a high school student he played basketball
and tennis and was the sports editor of his school paper, and worked at the Long
Beach Press Telegram newspaper. He also left his home to serve our country in the
U.S. Navy in WWII, when he returned home to Los Angles he enrolled to Compton
Community College in 1946. During his time there he worked part time for the Los
Angeles Rams as a public relations assistant, which lead him to meet and impress Pete
Newell, head coach of the University of San Francisco Dons basketball team. Pete
Newell was so impressed by Pete Rozelle he was able to help arrange for him to get a
full time scholarship to work at USF. At USF, Pete Rozelle worked as an
undergraduate athletic news director, where he was able to draw attention to the
basketball team winners of the 1949 basketball Tournament. And after graduating in
1950 he was soon hired as the new full time Athletic News Director, as well as the
assistant director of the school s sports programs. After severing as the Athletic News
director for two years, Rozelle was soon contacted by the Los Angeles Rams offering
Essay on The Market Revolution
American History I
The Market Revolution During the late 1700 s, the United States was no longer a
possession of Britain, instead it was a market for industrial goods and the world s major
source for tobacco, cotton, and other agricultural products. A labor revolution started to
occur in the United States throughout the early 1800 s. There was a shift from an
agricultural economy to an industrial market system. After the War of 1812, the domestic
marketplace changed due to the strong pressure of social and economic forces. Major
innovations in transportation allowed the movement of information, people, and
merchandise. Textile mills and factories became an important base for jobs, especially
for women. There was also widespread ... Show more content on ...
They would connect cities, such as the Erie Canal, which covered the area between
Albany and Buffalo and connecting New York City to the area of the Great Lakes
(Roark, 261). Railroads also came into the picture with the first railroad, the Baltimore
and Ohio in 1829 (Roark, 262). There was an abundance of natural resources during
this time period. The forests provided the wood needed to heat the rising growth of the
factories and to supply paper for the increase of books and newspapers. The
transportation growth provided people with a way tp receive literature in distant areas.
Sawmills had to use the waterwheel for power. The steamboats pummeled a pathway
through the rivers, but also deforested the land in their pathway. This brought about
America s first issue with air pollution. Textile mills grew because of new inventions
that would make the product and people willing to work for a living. In the 1790 s,
Samuel Slater built the first factory in Rhode Island, which had a machine that could
spin thread and yarn. This allowed an increase in the New England area of spinning
mills. In Lowell, Massachusetts, factories were created on the Merrimack River
combining all parts of cloth production, such as combing, spinning, shrinking, weaving,
and dyeing (Roark, 262). This also brought the change in the workforce by using girls as
employees. These young women would work at the mill until they got married, and
replacements were always
A Dog Named Asthma
Everybody has had a dog at one point in his or her life. Most people have gone through
the naming process for a dog. They can t think of anything, so they just choose something
random, such as Asthma, AskHim, or AskHer. Yes, these are actual names. Would you
want to be named Asthma? Don t just say, No, that s a strange nameand it has no
relevance. Think about this, would you really want to have a dog named Asthma?
Would you say that name every day and think it is normal? Every dog has to have a
good name that has relevance, easy to say, and one you like. Every dog name has to
have meaning to it. Something that you will remember why you named it that. We
named our dog Ali. Because the night we got her we were watching a show and the...
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The dog could look like a Max, but you don t feel Max is a name that suit you. The dog
won t really care if it looks like a Max, only if the name is a respectable, noble name. A
few dog names that people use a lot is Max, Bailey, Belle, Rocky, Buddy, and much
more. Many people name their dog haphazard things or stupid things, but I guess they
like that name. There is nothing wrong with that. The name may be unpleasant to
others nonetheless and they will most likely will judge you and that dog name. Admit
it, while reading the names that I have indicated, in your head you adjudged the name.
By either saying how stupid it was, how crazy, and how strange they are. Maybe you
liked that name, but most people would see that as a debauched excuse for a name.
Everyone has a reason why they named their dog something, and that s okay. I would
still be able to argue why they shouldn t have named them that though. Everyone could
argue both sides as well. A dog might have been named for a specific purpose, or just
for fun even. I can also agree with people wanting to name their dog something diverse.
Something that is original, a name people wouldn t really think of. But, that still doesn t
give you a reason to name your dog Butter, Pork Chop, or Sushi. All infrequent names, so
if that is what you want, name your dog

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