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Argument Essay On Gun Control

Crafting an essay on the subject of gun control can be a challenging task, as it requires navigating
through a highly sensitive and polarized topic. The difficulty lies not only in presenting a coherent
and well-structured argument but also in addressing the emotional and deeply held beliefs that
surround the issue.

One of the challenges is to maintain a balanced perspective while acknowledging the diverse
viewpoints that exist. Striking the right balance between presenting facts, statistics, and ethical
considerations can be intricate. Additionally, ensuring that the essay is well-researched and up-to-date
with the latest information is crucial, given the evolving nature of the gun control debate.

Moreover, the writer must carefully consider the cultural and historical context surrounding the topic.
Gun control is often deeply rooted in a nation's history and cultural identity, which adds layers of
complexity to the discussion. Understanding and addressing these nuances while maintaining
objectivity is a demanding aspect of writing on this subject.

Another hurdle is avoiding oversimplification of the issue. The multifaceted nature of gun control
demands a nuanced approach, considering various aspects such as constitutional rights, public safety
concerns, and the socio-economic factors that contribute to the debate.

Lastly, the writer must be prepared to encounter strong opinions and potential backlash from readers
with differing viewpoints. Crafting an essay on gun control requires not only intellectual rigor but
also a certain level of emotional intelligence to navigate the diverse and passionate perspectives that
surround the topic.

In conclusion, tackling an essay on gun control is a demanding undertaking that requires careful
research, critical thinking, and a nuanced approach to the complexities of the subject. Writers must be
prepared to navigate the sensitive nature of the debate, balancing facts and emotions to construct a
compelling and well-rounded argument.

If you find yourself struggling with similar essays or need assistance, various resources are available.
Services like offer support in crafting well-researched and professionally written
essays on a wide range of topics.
Argument Essay On Gun Control Argument Essay On Gun Control
The Iran Contra Affair Was A Shocking Incident
The Iran contra affair was a shocking incident nonetheless, two covert operations that
took place under the Ronald Reagan administration. It was a secret operation that
involved an agreement to provide funds or assets to the Nicaraguan contra fighter to aid
them to overthrow their Marxist government. However, it was money gained from Iran
weapons deals. The affair took place around the year 1980s and had two initiatives. First,
was the agreement to help Contrasthat were at war with the Sandinista Government of
Nicaragua. Secondly, was the use of placating moderators within Iran government to
make deals with us to extend the hold of American hostages and influence foreign policy.
This conspiracy would alter the general public... Show more content on ...
What they predicted came to live.The united states congress enacted a law named
Boland Amendments. The Boland Amendment was a law that prohibited the C.I.A,
Defense Dept., and other government facilities to aid the Nicaragua war going on.
From December 1983 to September 1985. With no funds continue the Reagan
administration decided they would keep a hidden profile from the public, Congress,
and the nation. They were able to go around the law by also using the national security
council. The NSC (national security council) directed by John Poindexter and Robert
McFarlane used private funds to help the contras succeed in their plans. Nonetheless,
in 1985 while Iran and Iraq were at each other s throats, Iran proposed a request to buy
weapons from the united states. The general Mcfarlane needed confirmation from
Ronald, despite the law prohibiting sales weapons to conflicted nations, such as Iraq
and Nicaragua. Mcfarlane believed that establishing a bond with Iran would not only
lead to better relations with the U.S but also a greater relations with Lebanon,
increasing U.S influence. In august 20,1985 around 100 bgm 71 tow missiles made by
the U.S were sent to Iraq as the first arms deal trade. In addition, on September 14,
1985 408 tow missiles were sent to Iraq. These were the first of many arms deals going
on behind the country s back
Nevertheless, Reagan had another agenda in mind. He felt conflicted and frustrated by
his incompetence of
Isolation and Analysis of Essential Oils Using Gas...
Isolation and Analysis of Essential Oils using Gas Chromatography

Lyndon Justin T. Guzman

Institute of Chemistry, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City
Date Performed: February 2; February 4, 2011
Date Submitted: February 18, 2011


The purpose of this experiment is to isolate the essential oil from eucalyptus leaves as a
pure compound; moreover, the components of the essential oil, camphor and limonene,
will be then separated using gas chromatography technique, identify the components by
their retention times, and compute for the concentration and percentage content of each
component by their peak areas and peak heights. The volatile oil from eucalyptus leaves
was isolated with the use of steam distillation setup, ... Show more content on ...
Since the total vapor pressure is the sum of the individual vapor pressures, the total vapor
pressure must become equal to atmospheric pressure at a temperature below the boiling
point of either pure substance (Ault, 1983). The mixture thus distills at a temperature
below the boiling point of either pure component. This can be explained using a
combination of Dalton s and Raoult s Law:

Patm = XAP°A + XBP°B

where Patm is the atmospheric pressure, XA and XB are the mole fractions of
compounds A and B, and P°A and P°B are the vapor pressures of pure liquids A and B.
Their individual contributions are dependent on their respective mole fractions, and both
liquids contribute to the vapor pressure of the system (Institute of Chemistry, UPD, 2010).

In this experiment, a major constituent of volatile oils from eucalyptus leaves will be
isolated as a pure compound with high purity via steam distillation. These essential oils
are camphor and limonene and by using the gas chromatography technique, the different
components of the eucalyptus essential oil will be separated. This experiment also aims
to manipulate the gas chromatography system and change conditions in order to
effectively and efficiently separate the components, and therefore achieve a good
resolution. The components will be identified by determination of their retention times
The Magic Flute Short Story
The Magic Flute is an opera with two acts by W.A. Mozart. The story of this opera
begins with a handsome prince, Tamino, is fighting with a serpent. Three ladies
attendants of the Queen of Night kill the serpent, save Tamino, and show him the
portrait of the daughter of the Queen of Night, princess Pamina. Tamino, instantly falls
in love with Pamina. Tamino and the birdcatcher, Papageno, leave to save Pamina,
who was captured by Sarastro, the Queen of Night give them a magic flute and a
magic bell. With three boys leading, Tamino arrives Sarastro s temple. An old priest tell
Tamino that Sarastro is not the evil man that told by the Queen of Night, and Pamina
was entrusted to Sarastro before her father s death because Pamina s father thinks that
there were too many evil things such as revenge in the Queen of Night s mind. Then,
Tamino and Pamina embrace while their first meet. To save the world, Tamino need to
accomplish three challenges. Tamino passed the first challenge by keeping ignore three
ladies, who trying to frighten Tamino and Papageno and make them speak. When
Pamina want to talk with Tamino, he is during the second challenge which is keeping
silence. However, Pamina thinks that Tamino does not love her anymore, so she sing the
Aria, Ach, ich fühl s, es ist verschwunden (Ah, I feel it, it is vanished) with sorrow.
Later, three boys tell Pamina the truth, so she go for Tamino and claim to accomplish the
rest of the challenge with him. The happy ending of the

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