Essay Good Health

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Essay Good Health

Writing an essay on the topic of "Good Health" can be both challenging and rewarding. On the one
hand, it is a broad subject that encompasses various aspects such as physical well-being, mental
health, lifestyle choices, and the importance of preventive measures. On the other hand, the challenge
lies in presenting a comprehensive and coherent discussion that captures the essence of good health.

To begin with, researching and gathering relevant information about the different facets of good
health is essential. This involves delving into scientific studies, medical literature, and reputable
sources to ensure the essay is well-informed and backed by credible evidence. The complexity arises
when synthesizing this information into a coherent narrative that engages the reader and conveys a
clear message.

Addressing the multifaceted nature of good health requires a thoughtful organization of ideas.
Balancing between the physical, mental, and social aspects of well-being is crucial. Ensuring a logical
flow of arguments and transitions between different sections is another hurdle that writers need to
overcome. It's essential to maintain a focus on the main theme while exploring various subtopics
related to good health.

Moreover, crafting a compelling introduction and conclusion adds another layer of difficulty. The
introduction needs to grab the reader's attention, introduce the significance of good health, and
outline the key points to be discussed. The conclusion, on the other hand, should summarize the main
arguments, leave a lasting impression, and possibly suggest avenues for further exploration.

The challenge intensifies when trying to strike a balance between being informative and engaging. A
successful essay on good health should not only provide valuable information but also captivate the
reader's interest throughout. This requires a skillful use of language, persuasive writing techniques,
and an understanding of the target audience.

In conclusion, while writing an essay on the topic of "Good Health" may present various challenges,
the process can be immensely rewarding. It provides an opportunity to delve into a critical aspect of
human life, explore diverse perspectives, and contribute to the discourse on well-being. By
overcoming the hurdles of research, organization, and engagement, the writer can create a piece that
not only informs but also inspires readers to prioritize and maintain good health.

For assistance with similar essays or other writing needs, one may explore resources such as , where professional writers can provide support and expertise on a variety of
Essay Good Health Essay Good Health
Jennings Burch Summary
How much misery do you think you could go through without losing your mind? In the
beginning of this novel Jennings Burch is taken to an orphanage with no idea why he
is being put there. In the orphanage, he was not aware of the rules, so he was starved
the first few days for not following the commands made by a clicker. Jennings
eventually made a friend named Mark, who teaches him the rules and keeps him
company. Jennings is adopted and brought back in the span of a week. His mom
eventually came to pick him up, but his stay at home did not last long because his
mom broke her back and he was sent to the orphanage. Jennings is in and out of
numerous homes, getting abused and embarrassed along the way, but meets many
loving people. In one home, he reunites with Mark, but a few weeks later Mark passes
away from a disease and Jennings runs away. A police officer takes him in and his old
bus driver Sal, who becomes a father figure, takes him in and he lives the rest of his
childhood with Sal and his mom. Jennings survival in this story is due to his immense
psychological strength.
Jennings Burch had started out as your normal everyday city child who knew his family
loved him and was stable, until that fateful day when his mother took him to the subway
station and brought him to his ... Show more content on ...
The companionships with Mark and Stacy in the beginning of his journey through the
foster care system enhanced Jennings comfort with other children going through the
same ordeal. Jennings held on for the love of his mom through the abandonment, then
transmitted that love to his stuffed animal named Doggie, and finally to Sal, his foster
father. The desire to have a happily ever after with a traditional family was the ultimate
survival technique for Jennings. Jennings Burch discovered in himself the innate ability
to survive and flourish through the hardship and
Honeycomb Tires
Mi Zhou
ECE 444V
Dr. John R. LaCourse
2016 5 5
Honeycomb tire
Getting a flat tire is never convenient. When we find our car s tire is broke in the street,
it is hard for us to do something for it. We may call some towing companies to towing
our car to some place safe. But it need cost a lot of money. Why the tire can flat, because
inside of the tire is air. We using a lot of air inside of the tire, so we can hold our car. The
hub will not touch the ground. So if we want to have a tire that will never flat, we need
find a way to replace the air.
Modern tire is Honeycomb tire is kind of tire that mimic the honeycomb shape. an
ingenious honeycomb design by a Wisconsin engineering company may be the key to a
new airless tire that could keep military vehicles running faster and longer after an attack.
When engineers began working on tire designs, they settled on one of the most resilient
natural structures the six sided ... Show more content on ...
Millions of unsafe tires could be on the road right now. When the owner felt a vibration
and pulled over to check the tire, he saw nothing. Because the defective portion was
inside the tire wall and not visible to the naked eye.
Even the tire is safe, but it may also be broken by the ground. In military, when the
truck try to sent the stuff to the front, if the tire broke, they may lost the battle. So the
enemy will try to broken the tire of the Resource truck. And it is very easy to do it, just
broke the tire. Using a small nail that is hard enough to broken the tire. So the battle
may lose because of a small nail. So a tire that is strong enough to hold the truck and
hard to be broken is necessary. Even the tire is broken, the tire need to be strong enough
for the truck to go to a safe place.
Not just the resource truck. In the battlefield, we need truck or car to sent our solider into
battleground. And we need sent the wounded into hospital. If the tire is broken, it may
cause a huge
Contrasting Cultures in Tan s Mother Tongue and Nguyen s...
The teenage years and transition to adulthood is in itself a very difficult period. Blending
or fitting in are omnipresent issues that must be dealt with. For children of immigrants,
this difficulty is only intensified through language. Both Amy Tan and Khang Nguyen
strategically use narrative anecdotes and employ several rhetorical devices to illustrate
this struggle in their works, Mother Tongue and The Happy Days, respectfully. Amy Tan
chooses her childhood home as the primary setting of her work. This allows her to focus
primarily on her conversations and interactions with her mother. However, she also gives
several anecdotes in which her mother s background and improper English negatively
affected her, outside the home. Through... Show more content on ...
However, the setting of the bathroom with the mirror provides Khang with a means of
reflection. Both Tan and Khang describe the struggle of fitting in with the added
difficulty of growing up as a child of immigrants. Both compare and contrast their
relationships inside and out side the home in order to clearly demonstrate the differences
and difficulties. As the stories develop, so do their characters, allowing for subtle
At hoe, Amy Tan maintained a loving relationship with her mother. There, they were able
to speak to each other the same way and understand each other perfectly. It was only
outside the home that communication became a problem. She recalls how people
disrespected her mother in department stores, restaurants and other places. Her mother,
on a daily basis, received a constant condescending attitude from people. Tan became
very uncomfortable with such attitudes. When her mother is disrespected or treated
unfairly, Tan would simply sit there red faced and quiet . She never felt angry toward
her mother, like Khang did. However, she did feel that her mother s informal English
limited her perception of her.
As an adult, Tan understands that her mother s English is the language of intimacy. She
now understands that her mother s expressive command belies how much she actually
understands Her mother reads The Wall street Journal and converses with their
stockbroker on matters Tan doesn t comprehend. It becomes evident that her initial
Green Architecture and the Environment

Green Architecture
Definition and Origin
Green architecture or Sustainable building is the practice of building homes which are
environment friendly and resource efficient throughout its life time. It is a way of
reacting to the global economic crisis, environmental issues, growing human population,
destruction of natural resources and the loss of biodiversity. While it may seem that this
practice started only a few decades ago when environmentalists and conservationist were
given life, the ancient people put it up to use already way back in their own times. The
Anasazi Indians, for example, had built their homes in oriented in the path of light during
the day. This provided them with enough heating and sunlight for their ... Show more
content on ...
And one way to do this is by having a good water and waste management. Through this
management water usage would be efficient and at the same time effective. And one
way to manage water is by applying grey water system. This system says that used water
is not totally useless, and thus can be used for something else like gardening. About 28%
of the freshwater are used for toilets. To lessen this, composting toilets can be used.
Composting toilets aerobic decomposition. Another way of utilizing water is by
rainwater harvesting. Rainwater Harvesting is a process that accumulates and stores
freshwater from the rain and the accumulated water is then used for other household
purposes such as gardening.
Building placement and size are also considered in Green Architecture. Although manyt
may envision a green building in a rural, forested environment, this building placement
may be detrimental to its surrounding. The wastes that the household produces end up
lying around their home. Plus, the cost of energy required for transportation is higher
when you are away from the suburb. This may cause higher carbon emissions too. Green
buildings are also preferably small in size. This is to minimize the waste produced by the
household from cleaning, air conditioning etc. Also, architects suggest that green houses
be one storey to maximize space and lessen wastes.
Benefits of Green Architecture Not using high VOC containing
Essay Summary of Thoreau
Synopsis Economy: This is the first chapter and also the longest by far. Thoreau
begins by outlining his project: a two year and two month stay at a crude cabin in the
woods near Walden Pond. He does this, he says, in order to illustrate the spiritual
benefits of a simplified lifestyle. He easily supplies the four necessities of life (food,
shelter, clothing, and fuel). He meticulously records his expenditures and earnings,
demonstrating his understanding of economy, as he builds his house and buys and grows
food. For a home and freedom, he spends a mere $25. Complementary Verses: This
chapter consists entirely of a poem, The Pretensions of Poverty, by seventeenth century
English poet Thomas Carew. The poem criticizes those who... Show more content on ...
To him, the railroad symbolizes the destruction of the good old pastoral way of life.
Following is a description of the sounds audible from his cabin: the church bells
ringing, carriages rattling and rumbling, cows lowing, whip poor wills singing, owls
hooting, frogs croaking, and cockerels crowing. Solitude: Thoreau rhapsodizes about
the beneficial effects of living solitary and close to nature. He loves to be alone, for I
never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude, and he is never
lonely as long as he is close to nature. He believes there is no great value to be had by
rubbing shoulders with the mass of humanity. Visitors: Thoreau writes about the
visitors to his cabin. Among the 25 or 30 visitors is a young Canadian woodchopper,
whom Thoreau idealizes as approaching the ideal man, and a runaway slave, whom
Thoreau helps on his journey to freedom in Canada. The Bean Field: Thoreau relates
his efforts to cultivate two and a half acres of beans. He plants in June and spends his
summer mornings weeding the field with a hoe. He sells most of the crop, and his
small profit of $8.71 covers his needs. The Village: Thoreau visits the small town of
Concord every day or two to hear the news, which he finds as refreshing in its way as
the rustle of the leaves. Nevertheless, he fondly but rather contemptuously compares
Concord to a gopher colony. In late summer, he is arrested for refusing to pay
Informative Essay On Paintball
Ethan Parrott
Professor Thompson
English Comp 1020
11 February, 2015
Paintball Safety
People tend to think that paintball is a violent and unsafe sport in which people shoot
each other with intent to hurt. Well they are wrong paintball is a very safe sport and
non violent. There are a lot of rules, regulations and also gear that paintballers have to
follow. A lot of injuries involved are due to human error and plain stupidity. Due to this
it gives paintball a lot of negative vibes. But as people realize that paintball is really not
that unsafe it is gaining its popularity back.
Statistics show that you re more likely to get injured playing another sport like football
than you are playing paintball. I mean safety is a huge issue for parents ... Show more
content on ...
Paintball field owners do a lot to help prevent these injuries on their fields by training
staff to remove the people from the field if the remove their mask or if the violate one
of the other rules. Most paintball owners will have their players sign a waver when
they first go to the field to play. This protects them from getting sued due to the player
s stupidity if they get injured while playing. But it is not only the field owner s that
should be trying to prevent injuries it should be everyone that plays. Because if you
play even if it is out in the woods you and the other people your playing against should
be wearing eye protection. When you start to play paint ball always buy your mask
first only because it is the most important piece of equipment you will ever buy. Its
either have a fancy marker and no vision or a really good mask and an alright marker and

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