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1- Open google earth-> find a suitable location for your project, considering all requirement-> save

as the point as .KML extension.

2- Open ArcMap-> Firstly add editor toolbar

Click on add data, find and select your DEM file

3- The DEM file should to located at it coordinate location , so:

Right click on opened DEM map-> data frame properties -> coordinate system-> projected coordinate
system-> UTM-> Zone 42 /or World->WGS 1984

4- To add the google earth point on GIS DEM :

Arc Toolbox-> conversion tools-> from KML- KML to layer, than the point will be visible

5- Save the project -> file -> save

6- To create a shapefile
Catalog -> Location-> select a location where you want -> right click on file and new and than shapefile->
select name and select the type of shapefile as polygon->select coordinate and ok

7- Go to editor -> start editing -> select -> continue->

Catalog -> location -> new - > Shapefile

Than got to Create feature->

Now go to create feature-> construction tools-> select one of them-> editor -> save edit-> again go to
editor and stop it.

8- Clip the DEM

Are toolbox-> data management tools -> raster-> raster processing-> Clip-> select input and out put data

And Save , You can use the clipped DEM in Hec-Ras

9- Change it to contour

Arc toolbar -> spatial analyst tools -> surface -> contour -> double click on and save

Smooth contour too

10- Export to CAD

Contour -> measure and note the length

Arc toolbox -> conversion tools -> to CAD -> Export to CAD

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