Comp QP 1

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Code No:
B.Tech. I Year II Semester Regular Examinations, August/September 2023
Computer Organization and Microprocessor


Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60

Note: (i) This Question Paper consists of Part A and Part B.
(ii) Part A is compulsory, which carries 10 marks. Answer all questions of Part A at one place
(iii) In Part-B, Answer any ONE question from each unit. Each question carries 10 marks and may
have a, b as sub questions.
PART – A (10x1 = 10 Marks)
Question Marks Bloom’s
Q.No. Level
1 a) Determine four basic functions of CPU. 1M L3
1 b) Define Instruction Cycle. 1M L1
1 c) Explain Overflow Flag and Trap Flag in 8086? 1M L2
1 d) What are special processor activities in 8086? 1M L2
1 e) Define Macros. 1M L1
1 f) Explain timing and delay in 8086? 1M L2
1 g) What are Peripheral devices? 1M L2
1 h) Explain Input-Output Processor (IOP)? 1M L2
1 i) Define Cache Memory. 1M L1
1 j) What is pipelining? 1M L2

PART – B (5x10 = 50 Marks)

S.No Question Marks
2 a) Define and Explain Computer Organization, Design and Architecture. 5M L2
b) Give brief note on Instruction Code. 5M L3
3 a) Explain 16-bit Common bus system briefly? 5M L2
b) Give brief note on Interrupt cycle with flowchart. 5M L3
4 Draw and Explain 8086 microprocessor architecture? 10M L2
5 Explain read and write cycle with help of timing diagram for minimum 10M L2
6 a) Write an ALP program to find out 16 bit hexadecimal number is even or 5M L4
b) How to Push and Pop contents to stack memory. Explain in detail. 5M L3
7 a) What are the steps involved to execute ALP using MASM 5M L2

b) Explain Interrupt Cycle in 8086 and Demonstrate with a program 5M L2


8 a) Demonstrate Booth’s Algorithm for multiplication of sign magnitude 5M L5


b) Describe Asynchronous data Transfer. 5M L3


9 a) Demonstrate Algorithm for Addition and Subtraction of sign 5M L5

magnitude numbers.

b) Explain DMA in detail. 5M L2


10 a) What is Associate Memory? Why is it faster than main memory? 5M L2

Explain its hardware Organization in detail.

b) Give a brief note on RISC pipelining. 5M L3


11 a) What is Auxiliary Memory? Explain process in it. 5M L2

b) Give a brief note on Instruction Pipelining. 5M L3

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