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1. True or False. The slope of the function is the average rate of change of the function.
2.True or False.The derivative of sin3x with respect to x is 3cos3x.
3.True or False.The instantaneous rate of change of a function can be calculated using an expression of limits even if the
limit does not exist.
4.True or False.Differentiability of a function exists at a point x = xo when the derivative of the function exists at that point.
5.True or False.When motion is described by the function s = t3 - 3t2, the velocity is 3 ft/s when the time is at 2 seconds.
6.True or False.A function is said to be differentiable on an interval if and only if it is not differentiable at every point of the

7.True or False.The limit exists for

8.True or False.The fifth derivative of the function y = x4 - 2x3 + 5x2 - 4 is 0.
9.True or False.The chain rule is also known as the composite function rule.
10.True or False.The tangent of the curve y = f(x) passes through two points on the curve with a slope of y’or f’(x).

1. Find the first derivative of f (x)=x5 + x 3 +6 x

ANS. 5 x 4 +3 x 2+ 6
2. Find the first derivative of f (x)= 2
2( 4 − x )
ANS. 2
4− x

3. Find the first derivative of y=− 8 x 5+ √ 3 x 3 +2 π x 2 − 12

4. Find the first derivative of f (x)=(2 x − 3)2

ANS. 8x -12
5. Find the 4th derivative of y = sinx
ANS. sinx
6. Find the 3rd derivative of f(x) = cosx
ANS. sinx
7. Find the derivative of y=sin(x +4)cos (x − 4).
ANS. cos2x
8. Find the derivative of y=xsinx
ANS. xcosx+sinx
9. Differentiate f ( x)=52 x+1
ANS.52 x+1 ln 25
10. Differentiate y=ln √ x

Given the angular motion represented by θ = (t3-2t2)/25 - 6 (θ = radians; t = sec),

Calculate the following after t =5 s:

1. angular displacement, θ
2. the angular velocity, ω
3. and the angular acceleration, α

ANS. (1) -3 rad; (2) 1.1 rad/s; (3) 1.04 rad/s2

4. Sand is poured into a cylindrical tank with radius of 3.05 meters. It is being filled at a rate of 6.65 x 10 5 cubic meter per
hour. How fast is the depth of the filled sand increasing?

ANS. 2,117.25 m3/hr

5. From a strip of tin 14 in. wide a trapezoidal gutter is to be made by bending up the sides at an angle of 45 0. Find the width
of the base for greatest carrying capacity.
ANS. 3.17 in
6. If a motion is defined by the relation a = 2t, where a is in ft/s2 and t is in seconds, and if it is known that s = 4 ft and v = 2
ft/s when t = 1 sec, determine the velocity and displacement of the body after 2 sec.
ANS. 5 ft/sec and 7.33 ft

7. If a motion is defined by the relation s = 5t + 4t3 where s is in feet and t is in seconds, determine the velocity and
acceleration of the body after 3 seconds.
ANS.113 ft/s and 72 ft/s2

8. Water is flowing into a vertical cylindrical tank at the rate of 24 cu. ft. per min. If the radius of the tank is 4 ft., how fast is
the surface rising?
ANS. 0.18 ft3/min

9. A man 6 ft tall walks away from a lamp post 16 ft high at the rate of 5 mi per hr. How fast does the end of his shadow
ANS. 8 mi per hr

10. A ladder 20 ft long leans against a vertical wall. If the top slides downward at the rate of 2 ft per sec, find how fast the
lower end is moving when it is 16 ft from the wall.
ANS. 1.5 ft/s

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