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Example Rogerian Argument Essay

Crafting a Rogerian Argument Essay can pose both challenges and rewards for a writer. Unlike more
traditional persuasive essays that emphasize one's stance, a Rogerian argument strives for
compromise and understanding. The difficulty lies in striking a delicate balance between expressing
one's own perspective and acknowledging opposing views without alienating the audience.

To construct a successful Rogerian essay, a writer must thoroughly research and comprehend the
various perspectives surrounding the topic. This demands time and effort to delve into differing
opinions, understand the underlying motivations, and find common ground. The challenge is to
present the information in a way that fosters mutual understanding rather than fueling further

Furthermore, the tone of a Rogerian argument is crucial. Maintaining a respectful and empathetic
tone throughout the essay is challenging, especially when addressing conflicting viewpoints. Striking
the right chord between assertiveness and openness requires a nuanced approach, making the writing
process more intricate than conventional argumentative essays.

In essence, crafting a Rogerian argument essay involves not only presenting a compelling case for
one's viewpoint but also demonstrating a genuine effort to comprehend and appreciate opposing
perspectives. It requires intellectual flexibility, empathy, and the ability to articulate ideas in a way
that invites dialogue rather than confrontation.

As with any type of writing, the difficulty can be mitigated with practice and a thorough
understanding of the Rogerian argument structure. Ultimately, the reward lies in fostering a sense of
understanding and unity, even in the face of differing opinions.

For those seeking assistance with such essays or any other writing challenges, it's worth noting that
there are resources available. Similar essays and more comprehensive writing support can be obtained
through services like . They offer a range of professional writing services to guide
individuals through the complexities of various essay types, including the nuanced Rogerian
Example Rogerian Argument EssayExample Rogerian Argument Essay
Frank Narrative
The Most Aggressive Part of Frank
What was once an average daily commute to the office had become the place we hated
each other most. Our ritual ruined us. Every morning before our drive to our respective
offices, Frank brought me a slice of toast buttered on both sides for breakfast. I d adjust
his tie once he placed himself in the driver s seat. His hands always had smears of butter
on them, and neither of us wanted him to ruin his clothes.
On the morning of the accident, he wore the tie I gave him for our first anniversary,
before we were married. That morning, two years later, his golden eyes were still
illuminated by the matching threading. You re wearing my tie, I said. He replied, You
know it s my favorite, just like you. And ... Show more content on ...
Sometimes, like tonight, I find myself wishing it had at least lasted longer. If only he
would have eaten the pizza before he threw the eight pound bowling ball. Maybe then, he
could have slid out of it.... He told me the night in the hospital what had happened. On
the last frame of the late afternoon game, Frank trailed Joe From Accounting by eight
points with one more bowl. His competitive spirit took over his rationality. As he
walked to the lane, the waitress set down the pizza that he ordered 3 frames ago. The
pizza was the best in town. The greasiest, Frank would always brag. But, with the
looming possibility of a loss, the hunger escaped his mind. Grabbing the twelve pound
ball, he fired it down the lane, hitting seven of the ten pins. I couldn t wait to win, he
told me. Because of his stubbier fingers, Frank was the only man on the lane using the
heavier ball. With the hungry competition brewing in his body, his impatience led him to
grab the eight pounder. Long story short, he didn t win the game. Instead, we lost a
marriage. Who would have known that the most aggressive part of Frank was the most
genuine? When he lost it, we lost our averageness...and our
The Marxist Feminism Theory And The Social System
Health is a social construct system and health inequality is the result from social
dysfunction. Health determinants are the combined factors that influence an individual
or the community s health such as the social environment, economic environment and the
individual characteristics and behaviours (Germov, 2014). Firstly, the Marxist feminism
will be discussed. This theory believes social structure shapes the group s behaviours and
perspectives. People who have a higher socioeconomic status have better health.
Secondly, the Marxist feminism theory is a structure based theory and several debates
arose in regards to the theory. Thirdly, genderinequality is shown in the statistics and
males are more likely to experience physical health injuries and death compared to
females. Finally, the movie, Devils Dust highlighted the Marxist Feminism theory and it
will be discussed.

Marxist Feminism was presented in the movie. Marxist feminism theory allies with Karl
Marx s philosophical and economic theories. It explains gender inequality via the
capitalism and social institutions of private property (StudyMode, 2013). Capitalism
is a social system (World Socialist Movement, 2014). There are two classes, the
capitalist class and working class. The capitalist class is the people who own a
business and produce and distribute goods. The working class is the people who use
their ability to work and receive a wage or salary in return. Social institutions of private
property refer to the
The Man In The Water By Roger Rosenblatt
How hard is it to do the right thing? In the article, The Man in the Water , many people
did the right thing right until the end. The Man in the Water takes place in Washington
D.C., where there was a blast of winter. It was a chaotic disaster that caught the nation s
attention. In reality, not everyone is willing to be the good guy . Everyone have once,
thought of themselves more than others but, in this article, not everyone was selfish. Not
being selfish, showed heroism and bravery. In the article The Man in the Water , Roger
Rosenblatt uses conflict and setting to develop moral courage. In this article, the author
uses conflict to show guts. There are many problems and situations in this article. One of
the problems in this article is a plane crashing. Last Wednesday, the elements, indifferent
as ever, brought down flight 90 (Rosenblatt, 273). Nature has brought down a plane in its
winter wonderland. Many people were injured and cannot aid themselves. Despite this
incident, the humans worked together to overcome this obstacle to help help others that
needed it. Instead of doing nothing, they risked their lives to make sure the people on the
plane lived.. Another conflict is, the humans having a chance to go home. The men who
helped out was given numerous chances to leave the disaster site. They had a choice to
stay... Show more content on ...
The conflicts in this article is man versus nature and man versus self. The setting also
affected heroism by being in winter and in an important city called, Washington.
Moral courage is trying to not be greedy but to help each other and not for personal
gain. Just like the unidentified man who did not want to reveal himself. He did it out
of the heart and not to receive awards or fame. The theme of Moral Courage related to
the real world because if everyone helped each other then, the world will be a better
The Pros And Cons Of Quarterbacks
There have always been stiff arguments between sports team devotees as to who s
quarterback really brings the goods to the table. The argument for who truly clenches
the crown of being named the GOAT, or great of all time, is surely not one to be taken
lightly by any means whatsoever. After all, this is the title any quarterbackin history has
ever labored their entire life for just the chance to claim. While Peyton Manning, Drew
Brees, and Joe Montana are all pretty high on the totem pole, a totem pole that stands
colossal and robust, only one Quarterback can truly be named the GOAT. The only
Quarterback who truly possesses the firepower to claim this title is none other than the
most prominent; Tom Brady. Now for one to sit upon such a high
Selena Quintanilla Research Paper
Selena Quintanilla was the daughter of Marcela and Abraham Quintanilla, Jr. She
was born April 16, 1971, in Lake Jackson, Texas. Selena was the youngest out of three
children. Her older siblings were Abraham III, and Suzette. Selena s father discovered
her talent one day while he sat in the living room playing the guitar and she came over
and began to sing. Her voice was pure and perfect. I could see it from day one , her father
said. Selenas father quit his job in the plant he worked for and opened a restaurant
where Selena performed every weekend with her brother and sister calling themselves
Selena y Los Dinos . The restaurant went down after the Texas oil bust, putting Texas in
a recession. Selena and her familythen started touring all over Texas and the US
performing at weddings and honky tonks.... Show more content on ...
Roberts Elementary School. She was known to try really hard at everything she did
and always eager to learn. She was remembered for her big smile. She had a real perky
personality and participated in everything. Selena was well liked by all the children
and was very easy to get along with. Once their family restaurant went down they
moved to Corpus Christi, where Selena attended to Oso Junior High School. During
Selena s 8th grade year she was forced to stop going due to the fact she was always on
the road with her family. She did finish school through home school. Selena felt she
missed out on a lot in her teen years, she felt like she was way more mature than the
kids her age. She later became an advocate of all children completing their high school
Examples Of Foreshadowing In Night By Elie Wiesel
In Night by Elie Wiesel there were many quotes that stuck out to me, or had meaning
that aligned with my personal experiences. The first quote I chose came from when
Elie and his family and friends were in the cattle care and Mrs. Schachter started
yelling about a fire, no one could see the fire and just assumed that she was going mad.
Standing in the middle of the wagon, in the pale light from the windows, she looked
like a withered tree in a cornfield. She pointed her arm towards the window,
screaming: Look! Look at it! Fire! A terrible fire! Mercy! Oh, that fire! some of the men
pressed up against the bars. There was nothing there; only darkness. (Wiesel 33 34) This
is obvious foreshadowing as Mrs. Schachtner was yelling about seeing a fire, referencing
the crematorium. Those in the cattle car with her brush off her warnings as she
continously warns them about fire. They refuse to awknowledge the danger ahead, and
choose to beat her. When the train arrives at Auschwitz, they smell burnt flesh, and they
can see the smoke. They know now that it is too late and that Mrs. Shachtner was right
about the fire.... Show more content on ...
Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one
long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed... Never shall I forget those
moments which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. Never
shall I forget these things, even if I am condemned to live as long as God himself. Never.

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