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Eiymology Defini on:

-Philia means “Love” and Sophia means “Wisdom”. Love of wisdom.
-general def. of love are EROS and AGAPE. In philosophy, love is strong desire for
ques on.

Philosophical Defini on:

-science, study of beings in their ul mate causes, reasons, principles/human reasons
-Beings Can Be Materials/Tangible, Immaterial/Intangible.

Free Will- doing anything regardless of the effects.

Freedom- doing anything as long as it is good.

Branches of Philosophy
1.) Metaphysics- “Meta” means beyond and “Physika” means physics.
2.) Epistemology- “Episteme” means knowledge and “Logos” means study.
3.) Logic- “logos” science of correct thinking, evaluates arguments.
4.) Ethics- “Ethos” means custom/habits; morality of human ac ons.

Statement- can be considered as true or false

Elements of logic
1.) Arguments- is a group of statements, one or more of which are claimed to provide support
for, reasons to believe, one pf the others.
2.) Premises- are the statements that set forth the reasons or evidence.
3.) Conclusion- is the statement that the evidence is claimed to follow the premises or imply.

Conclusion Follow Premises + Premises Support Conclusion = Valid Argument

A. Use of term
 Simple term
– one-word term.
 Complex term
– two or more words.
 Significant term
- use directly expressed in a concept.
 Non-significant term
– point a thing without signifying.
 Distribu ve term
– it shows the essence of the individual.
 Collec ve Term
- it shows the essence of a group

B. POV of its Meaning

 Univocal- has the same meaning when applied in different instances.
 Analogical- meaning is used in dis nct but related senses.
 Equivocal- used in en rely different senses.

C. Absolute and func onal Extension

 Absolute- refers to all the subjects that the term signifies.
 Func onal Extension- deals with those subjects that are set before one's thinking.

4 Kinds of Sentences
1.) Declara ve-These sentences make statements or declara ons
2.) Interroga ve- sentences ask ques ons.
3.) Impera ve- give commands or instruc ons.
4.) Exclamatory - express strong emo ons or feelings.
Quality of Preposi on
 Affi rma ve – Agree
 Nega ve- Disagree

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