Obgyne Finals

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OBGYNE - form due to slowing down of maternal

blood flow leading to stasis & fibrin

1. cord inserts b/n 2 placental lobes – either
into a connecting chorionic bridge or
- -layer of fibrin diminishes O2 to villus
intervening membranes? 1:350 deliveries
- ---syncytiotrophoblast necrosis
a. Other names?
11. Types of Hematoma
2. Smaller version of bilobate placenta?
a. b/n placenta & its adjacent decidua?
- 2fold higher incidence in twin
b. b/n chorion & decidua aka
“subchorionic hemorrhage”?
- vascular connections of fetal origin
c. along roof of intervillous space &
- -if retained in the uterus after delivery
beneath chorionic plate? Aka
“Breus mole”
3. All or large part of fetal membranes are
d. b/n placenta & amnion; of fetal
covered by functioning villi? -may give
vessel origin?
rise to serious hemorrhage because of
- acute events during 3rd stage labor when
associated placenta previa or accreta
cord traction ruptures a vessel near cord
4. Placenta is annular in shape?
- variant of placenta membranacea
- chronic lesions, asstd. w/ fetomaternal
- tissue atrophy in a portion of the ring, a
hemorrhage or fetal growth restriction
horseshoe shape is more common
- confused with chorioangioma
- antepartum and postpartum bleeding and
12. Calcium salts may be deposited
throughout placenta but are most
5. Central portion of a discoidal placenta is
common on maternal surface in basal
- actual hole in the placenta, more often
- Asstd. w/ nulliparity, higher
defect involves only villous tissue with
socioeconomic status & greater maternal
chorionic plate intact
serum calcium level
6. -when the chorionic plate is smaller than
- Seen in sonography
the basal plate --- placental periphery is
13. Striking enlargement of chorionic
villi commonly seen in severe
7. -fetal surface presents a central
erythroblastosis & fetal hydrops
depression surrounded by
- maternal diabetes, fetal congestive
- a thickened, grayish-white ring
- heart failure & maternal-fetal syphilis
- -ring is composed of a double fold of
14. Resemblance of their components
amnion and chorion, with degenerated
to the blood vessels & stroma of the
decidua and fibrin in between
chorionic villus?
8. -when the ring does not have the central
- Only BENIGN tumors of the placenta
depression with the fold of membranes?
- Well-circumscribed , rounded,
- less well defined adverse clinical
predominantly hypoechoic lesion near
chorionic surface & protruding into
9. -deposits dense fibrinoid layer on
amnionic cavity
placental basal plate?
- > 5 cm, asstd w/ significant AV
- Blockade to normal maternal blood flow
shunting w/in placenta leading fetal
10. -small yellow white nodules w/in
anemia & hydrops
placenta are normal part of placental
aging? 15.4 most common metastatic cancers in
the placenta? M,L,L,Bc
16. What type of cancer can metastasize to the 28. –marked focal dilatation that develop w/in
fetus? intra-amnionic part of the umb. vein w/in its
fetal intra-abd’l portion?
17. Inflammation of the fetal membranes?
29. rare congt’l thinning of vessel wall w/
a. -leukocytes in amnionic fluid? diminished support fr Wharton jelly?
- most form at or near cord insertion into the
b. -umbilical cord? Placenta
18. a condition in which the umbilical cord is asstd w/ single umb. artery, trisomy 18, fetal
inserted at or near the placental margin rather growth restriction & stillbirth
than in the center? 30. Good contractions, frequency?
31. After the expulsion of the baby and
19. insertion is normal but umbilical vessels placenta and membranes, what stage of labor?
lose their protective Wharton jelly shortly 32. How many cotyledons of the placenta?
before insertion? 33. Causes uterine contraction and peripheral
- covered only by amnion & prone to vasodilation? --> hypotension and tachy
compression, twisting & thrombosis 34. Not given to women with a history of
20. umbilical vessels spread w/ in membranes bronchial asthma?
at a distance from the placental margin, which 35. Cautiously given to women with
they reach surrounded only by a fold of amnion hypertension?
–- vessels vulnerable to compression –- fetal 36. Keeps the fundus low?
anoxia? 37. A physiologic pain experienced during
21. placental vessels overlie the cervix, lie b/n postpartum in the uterus (lower abdomen)
cervix & presenting fetal part, & supported only when the baby suckles?
by membranes? 1:5200 pregnancies 38. From expulsion of membranes up to 1 or 2
22. knobs protruding from cord surface hours post-partum, what stage?
-focal redundancies of a vessel or Wharton jelly 39. From delivery of the membrane up to 6
-w/ no clinical significance weeks post-partum?
23. active fetal movements, -high in 40. Rarely exceeds 39celsius and usually lasts
monoamnionic twins, risk of stillbirth increased <24 hours?
5-10fold, in live fetuses, increased FHR 41. What are the three complications of uterine
abnormalities but cord blood acid base values and pelvic infections?
usually normal? 42. A common cause of persisitent fever in
24. UC may be the presenting part in labor & women treated for metritis?
asstd w/ fetal malpresentation; cord prolapse or a) Begins at what day?
FHR abnormalities is an asstd labor finding? 43. A serious complication, bowel evisceration
25. focal narrowing of cord diameter that can be a morbid, surgical emergency, presents
develops in area of fetal umbilical insertion ? w/in 7-10 post-op days, high mortality risk,
26. -Found along the course of the cord; usually caused by infections?
a. epithelium –lined remnants of the allantois; 44. Uncommon severe wound infection
co-exist w/ persistently patent urachus? a) Risk factors?
b. form fr local degeneration of Wharton jelly; b) Symptoms noted until 3-5 days after
asstd w/ structural & chromosomal defects delivery
(trisomy 18 & 13 )? 45. Organs outside the uterus such as fallopian
c. found in1st tri tend to resolve completely? tube and ovary located bilaterally?
d. may portrend miscarriage & aneuploidy? 46. Intense parametrial cellulitis forming a
27. have lower perinatal morbidity & phlegmon within the leaves of the broad
mortality than those in the artery? ligament, fever persist longer than 72 hours
despite IV antimicrobial therapy, fever resolves
in 5-7 days?
47. Frequent complication in the pre-antibiotic
era, septic embolization was common, ovarian
veins may become involved?
a) Chills, occasional lower quadrant pain,
usually asymptomatic
48. An acute febrile illness w/ severe
multisystem derangement, 10-15% case-
fatality rate?
a) Caused maternal mortality
49. Post-partum incidence of mastitis?
a) Suppurative mastitis seldom appear
before the end of the 1st week
postpartum seen usually at 3rd or 4th
week, unilateral
b) Engorgement first followed by
c) Sonography (diagnostics)
50. Immediate source of mastitis-causing
organisms is almost always caused by?
a) Resolves within 48hours
b) Dicloxacillin 500mg 4x a day
c) Erythromycin
d) Vigorous milk expression maybe be a
sufficient treatment alone
e) Continue breastfeeding

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