The University I Would Prefer To Enter

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The University I

would prefer to
by Ciubotaru Nona
What I like to do?
I like to...
so me th in g talk with
inno va t ive different
sing dance people
I would choose
The University of Bucharest
The University h It participates
as D e p ar t m e nt
19 faculties, It has in Technolog y
t m e nt
European a rnin g D e p a r
ce L e
covering variou Dis ta n t fo r
s programmes su a r t m e n
fields such as na t s ch as UNESCO Dep
tural a g r e em en ERASMUS, Ling inte rcu lt u r a l a nd
sciences, humanit 5 0 ua, e x c ha n ges
ies, w it h o v e r Leonardo da Vi interrelig io us
t io n
social sciences, a nci, o f E d u ca
nd univ er s it ie s in Department
theology UNICA, Pedagogy
40 c o u n t rie s Do ct o r a l S c hool
Francophone ie n c es
of S o c i a l S c

The advantages
The motives of choosing it

It is near to It has a lot of

E u ro p e, faculties, so,
Moldova, so i It is in by 12th grade,
ill h a ve
will can come so i w I will be able to
back easily more choose one of
e ct iv e s
persp them
What i will do
for that?
I will do all the things that are possible to
reach my goal, i really want to move out
from Moldova for starting a new life and
get a good experience in other country.

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