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Nama : Ambar Indraswari

NIM : 952023105
Kelas : A PPG Prajabatan Gel. 1 Th. 2023


1. What is the important thing that you put in the text?

The important things I present on the first topic are how to introduce myself and also family
to others properly, create a family tree chart then create a description of the chart by using
a simple present tense, and conducting an interview with friends to find out information
related to themselves and their family. On the topic two I learned about job and hobby. In
this topic I told my hobby is cooking and also singing. In addition, in this topic, I also make
a procedure text on how to make mango juice, ranging from tools and materials until tell
about its steps. On the topic three, I learned about the school that include about the issue
of bullying. In this topic I also learn to make an essay about past stories or recount text that
use simple past tense. I also conducted an interview with my colleague about their
experience when she/her first day went to school. On the topic four I learned about the
environment. On this topic I learned a lot of environmental problems and I also learned to
create a persuasive text that eradicates about the environment as well. On this topic I made
a persuasive text entitled “the importance of saving water”.
2. Why is it important to discuss in the text?
In my opinion, it is important because this knowledge will be very useful so that we can
use the provisions or references to teach English. If we are currently able to master the
material that we will teach our students later, hopefully that students will also be easier to
understand what we are saying. From the first topic I can use to teach my students later
how to introduce themself well, how to properly compile description texts. Based on
experience on the second topic expectations, I can help my students to bring up their hobby
and help her to make text procedure properly. On the third topic I can invite my students
to tell you how their first school experience is in the form of a recount text. And the last of
the fourth topic I will teach students to compile a persuasive text according to their
correctly structure.
3. What impact do you want to make of the writing?
The impact I want to make of course is that I want to share the knowledge I have with
others or in this case are my students later. The hope is that with that knowledge I have can
be useful and may be applied in daily life.
4. What will you do to improve the quality of the writing?
What I will do to improve those qualities of course I have to learn more about, develop my
English language skills to get better, and also ask people who have more knowledge than
me regarding the things I don't know yet.
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