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Maths Notes by Vasumitra

18. Curve graphs

18.1 Drawing quadratic graphs (the parabola)

Step 1 → make a table

Step 2 → plot a graph

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Graph for positive coefficient of X form valley. Graph with valley have minimum

Graph for negative coefficient of X form hill. Graph with hill have maximum

The axis of symmetry and the turning point

The axis of symmetry is the line which divides the parabola into two symmetrical
halves. In the two graphs above, the y-axis (x = 0) is the axis of symmetry.

The turning point or vertex of the graph is the point at which it changes direction or
gradient = 0. For both of the graphs above, the turning point is at the origin (0, 0).

Equations in the form of y = x2 + ax + b

complete the table of

rule the axes and label


plot the (x, y) values

join them with a smooth


label the graph with its


Sketching quadratic functions

1. Identify the shape of the graph → Positive coefficient of X gives valley, negative
coefficient of X gives hill.

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2. Find the X intercept → make the y = 0, in the quadratic equation.

If there is only one X intercept then the graph just touches the x axis.

3. Find the Y intercept → if the equation is in standard form then the value of C in the
equation is the Y intercept

4. Find the turning points → if the equation is in standard form y = ax2 + bx + c

then use the equation x = −b/2a. this will give the x-coordinate of the turning
Substitute this value of X into the equation to get the value of y.

Find the turning point by completing the square

To find the turning point by completing the square, change the quadratic equation
from the standard form ax2 + bx + c = 0 to the form a(x + p)2 + q. In this form
the turning point have a coordinates (−p, q).

Completing the square method :

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In the above example, the coordinate of the turning point are (- -2, 7) = (2,7).

18.2 Drawing reciprocal graphs (the hyperbola)

Equations in the from of y = a/x (where a is a whole number) are called

reciprocal equations.

The graphs of reciprocal equations are called hyperbolas.

To plot a hyperbola:

1. Make a table

2. Plot the graph

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An asymptote is a line that a graph approaches but never intersects. Draw
asymptote using dotted line.

Sketching graphs of reciprocal functions

1. Identify the shape of the graph → if a>0, then graph forms in the first and third
quadrant. if a<0 then the graph forms in the second and fourth quadrant.

2. Work out whether the graph intercepts the x-axis → if q≠0 , the graph will have
one x-intercept. Make y = 0 in the equation to find the value of X-intercept.

3. Determine the asymptotes → The graph never intersects the y-axis (in IGCSE).
The other is the line y = q. If q = 0, the x-axis is the other asymptote.

4. Using the asymptotes and the x-intercept, sketch and label the graph.

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18.3 Using graphs to solve quadratic equations

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In summary, to solve a quadratic equation graphically:

read off the x co-ordinates of any points of intersection for the given y-values

you may need to rearrange the original equation to do this.

18.4 Using graphs to solve simultaneous linear and

non-linear equations

18.5 Other non-linear graphs

Plotting cubic graphs
If the coefficient of the x3 term is positive, the graph will
take this shapes.

If the coefficient of the x3 term is negative, the graph will

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take this shapes.

Sketching cubic functions

1. Determine the orientation of the graph → use the technique given above.

2. Find the y-intercept → substitute x =0 in the equation.

3. Find the x-intercept → When the cubic equation is given in factor form (for
example y = (x + a)
(x + b)(x + c), you can let y = 0 and solve for x.

4. Find the turning point of the graph → you’ll learn this later when using

Exponential graphs
They have a general formula of y = ax . The graph always intersect the y-axis at
the point (0,1) because a0 = 1 for all values of a.

Recognising which graph to draw

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18.6 Finding the gradient of a curve
To draw the gradient of a curve at a certain point, draw a tangent to the curve, make
a right angled triangle out of it, find the gradient of the triangle.

18.7 Derived functions


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Special case

Equations of Tangents
1. Find the gradient → use dy/dx to find the gradient. Substitute the value of x given in
the question

2. If y coordinate is not given then find the y-coordinate by substituting the value of x in
the equation.

3. Now you have the gradient(m) the x and y coordinate, substitute all three into the
standard form equation y = mx + c and find the value of c.

4. Now you have the equation of tangent, write the final answer.

Turning Points
1. Find the dy/dx of the given equation.

2. Find the value of x where dy/dx = 0. this value of x is the x-coordinate of the turning

3. Find the y-coordinate of the turning point, by substituting the value of x-coordinate
of turning point into the equation.

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4. Now you have the coordinates of the turning point. Remember when dy/dx = 0 it is
the turning point.

Maximum and Minimum Points

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