Assessment of Learning 1 - Unit 1 Topic 1 Basic Concepts

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of Learning 1
Presented by:
Unit 1: Preliminary
Concepts and
Recent Trends
Topic 1: Basic Concepts
Learning Outcomes
• Upon the completion of this topic, you are expected to:
• Differentiate the different terms such as test, measurement,
assessment and evaluation;
• Identify the different modes of assessment according to
authenticity; and
• Classify the different types of assessment according to purpose.
• Directions: Identify whether the following demonstrates
• If measurement, raise your right hand.
• If assessment, raise your left hand.
• If evaluation, raise both hands.
Item 1
• Teacher Dora is assigning numbers to reflect the performance of
her students.
Item 2
• Teacher Fidel is quantifying what the students have learned
based on the test results.
Item 3
• Teacher Ibarra is gathering information about the students by
asking questions.
Item 4
• Teacher Clara is interpreting whether the students have attained
a desirable test result or not.
• Item 1: Measurement
• Item 2: Measurement
• Item 3: Assessment
• Item 4: Evaluation
• Mrs. Ventura is teaching Science and wants to assess the
knowledge of her students about phases of matter. However,
her purpose is not to include the results in the computation of
grades. Is this possible? Is there such kind of assessment that can
be used in this purpose?

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Terms Used in Assessment
• Measurement
• Assessment
• Test
• Testing
• Evaluation

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• A process of quantifying the degree to which someone or
something possesses a given trait i.e. quality, characteristics or
• The assignment of numbers to certain attributes of objects,
events or people according to rules to create ranking that
reflects how much of the attribute different people possesses.

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• The quantification of what students learned through the use of
tests, questionnaires, rating scales checklists and other devices.
• Measurement refers to the quantification of students’
performance and assessment as the gathering and synthesizing
of information.

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• Measurement answers the question how much does a student
learn or know.

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• A process of gathering and organizing quantitative data into an
interpretable form to have a basis for judgment or decision-
• It refers to all activities teachers use to help students learn and to
gauge student progress.

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• It refers to the full range of information gathered and synthesized
by teachers about their students and their classrooms.
• It is a perquisite to evaluate.
• It provides the information which enables evaluation to take

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• Assessment looks into how much change has
occurred on the students’ acquisition of a skill,
knowledge or value before and after a given
learning experience.

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• An instrument designed to measure any characteristic, quality,
ability, knowledge or skill.
• It comprised of items in the area it is designed to measure.
• It may vary according to function, content, form, administration,
procedures, scoring and interpretation.

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• Is defined as the administration of test and use of test results to
determine whether the learners can be promoted to the next
grade/year level or must be retained in the same grade / year
level and will undergo a restudy of the same lesson (Calmorin,

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• A process of systematic interpretation, analysis, appraisal or
judgment of the worth of organized data as basis for decision-

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• It refers to the process of systematically analyzing, interpreting
and giving judgment on the value or worth of a set of organized
data or quality if the behavior or performance demonstrated by
the learners.
• It involves judgment about the desirability of changes in
students’ performance.

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Modes of Assessment According to
their Degree of Authenticity
Traditional The objective 1. Standardized 1. The scoring is 1. Preparation of the
paper-and-pen test objective instrument is time
test which usually 2. Teacher-made 2.Administration is consuming
assesses low level test easy because 2. Prone to cheating
of thinking students can take
the test at the
same time

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Modes of Assessment According to
their Degree of Authenticity


Performance A mode of 1. Practical Test 1. Preparation of 1. Scoring tends to be
assessment that 2. Oral test the measurement subjective without
requires an actual 3. Projects, etc. is relatively away rubrics
demonstration of 2. Measures 2. Administration is
skills or creation behaviors that time consuming
of products of cannot be
learning deceived

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Modes of Assessment According to
their Degree of Authenticity


Portfolio A process of 1. Working 1. Measures 1. Developing is time
gathering multiple Portfolios students’ growth consuming
indication of 2. Show and development 2. Rating tends to be
student progress Portfolios 2. Intelligence- subjective without
to support course 3.Documen-tary fair rubrics
goals in dynamic, Portfolios
ongoing and

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Types of Assessment According to
• Assessment FOR Learning
• Assessment OF Learning
• Assessment AS Learning

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Assessment FOR Learning
• It includes three types of assessment done before and during
• Under it are:
1. Placement
2. Formative
3. Diagnostic

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• It is done prior to instruction.
• Its purpose is to assess the needs of the learners to have basis in
planning for a relevant instruction.
• Teachers use this assessment to know what their students are
bringing into the learning situation and use this as a starting point
for instruction.

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• The results of this assessment place students in specific learning
groups to facilitate teaching and learning.

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• It is done during instruction.
• It is this assessment where teachers continuously monitor the
students’ level of attainment of the learning objectives.
• The results of this assessment are communicated clearly and
promptly to the students for them to know their strengths and
weaknesses and the progress of their learning.

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• It is done during instruction.
• This is use to determine students’ recurring or persistent
• It searches for the underlying causes of students’ learning
problems that do not respond to first aid treatment.
• It helps formulate a plan for detailed remedial instruction.

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Assessment OF Learning
• This is done after instruction. This is usually referred to as the
summative assessment.
• It is used to certify what students know and can do and the level
of their proficiency or competency.
• Its results reveal whether or not instructions have successfully
achieved the curriculum instruction.

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Assessment OF Learning
• The information from assessment of learning is usually expressed
as marks or letter grades.
• The results of which are communicated to the students, parents
and other stakeholders for decision making.
• It is also a powerful factor that could pave the way for
educational reforms.

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Assessment AS Learning
• This happens when students assess themselves (self-evaluation).
• For teachers, this is done to understand and perform well their
role of assessing FOR and OF learning.
• It requires teachers to undergo training on how to assess learning
and be equipped with the following competencies needed in
performing their work as assessors.

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Standards for Teacher Competence in
Educational Assessment of Students

• Teachers should be skilled in choosing assessment methods

appropriate for instructional decisions.
• Teachers should be skilled in developing assessment methods
appropriate for instructional decisions.

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Standards for Teacher Competence in
Educational Assessment of Students

• The Teacher should be skilled in administering, scoring and

interpreting the results of both externally-produced and teacher-
produced assessment methods.
• Teachers should be skilled in using assessment results when
making decisions about individual students, planning teaching,
developing curriculum and school improvement.

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Standards for Teacher Competence in
Educational Assessment of Students

• Teachers should be skilled in developing valid student grading

procedures which use student assessment.
• Teachers should be skilled enough in communicating assessment
results to students, parents, other lay audiences and other

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Standards for Teacher Competence in
Educational Assessment of Students

• Teachers should be skilled in recognizing unethical, illegal and

otherwise inappropriate assessment methods and uses of
assessment information.

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What is your answer to the problem?
• Mrs. Ventura is teaching Science and wants to assess the
knowledge of her students about phases of matter. However,
her purpose is not to include the results in the computation of
grades. Is this possible? Is there such kind of assessment that can
be used in this purpose?

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• In one sentence, tell me what
you have learned from the

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