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Exploring Foreign Language Learning among Bachelor of Arts in Communication Students at

Isabela State University (Main Campus)


Background of the Study


Foreign language refers to a language not widely spoken within a specific group, society, or

country. Teaching and learning a foreign language pose significant challenges. Mastering a foreign

language is arduous due to various factors, including the current educational system's influence on

students' academic performance, unfamiliar pronunciations, intricate grammar rules, extensive

vocabulary, and the considerable differences between some native languages' writing systems and the

Roman alphabet. Additionally, students employ diverse learning strategies to comprehend and absorb the

subject matter.

Many international students today aspire to learn and communicate in one or more foreign

languages for scientific, cultural, political, and economic exchanges. However, physically interacting with

native language speakers can be difficult for students in numerous regions. The growing importance of

foreign languages has led to their inclusion in the new curriculum of various college courses in the

Philippines. The escalating demand for foreign language proficiency is largely attributed to globalization.

With workplaces becoming more globalized, cultures and languages are becoming increasingly diverse

(Lonsmann & Kraft, 2018). Higher education institutions in the Philippines are committed to facilitating

this transition. CHED Memorandum Order No. 23, Series 2010, established the teaching of foreign

languages in higher education curricula, aiming to produce graduates who are competitive globally and

employable locally.
According to the Oxford Taxonomy of Foreign Language Learning Strategies (1990), individual

differences play a crucial role in second language acquisition, encompassing factors such as motivation,

aptitude, learning strategies, and the importance of negotiation for meaning and various educational

approaches in language learning (Schmidt, 2001). Additionally, Wong (2015) highlighted that

understanding students' learning styles can address learning challenges, potentially enhancing learning

outcomes. Collaborative efforts between teachers and students in creating an environment that caters to

students' needs can significantly impact academic achievements.

Drawing on positive psychology in Wang et al. (2022), it is asserted that students in a positive

emotional state exhibit enhanced abilities to acquire foreign languages and are more resilient against the

negative impacts of emotions. Addressing these challenges requires innovative teaching methods,

inclusive resources, and personalized support. Tailoring approaches to diverse learning styles and needs

empowers learners to navigate obstacles and master Korean effectively. In essence, acknowledging these

challenges and offering targeted support fosters an inclusive and enriching learning environment,

propelling learners toward successful mastery of the Korean language. The thesis focuses on exploring

and understanding the specific challenges encountered by students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts in

Communication program at ISU Main Campus and aims to identify effective coping techniques utilized

by these students to overcome these challenges.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate the foreign language learning experiences of BA Communication

students. The primary objectives of this thesis are to address the following key questions:

1. What specific challenges do BA Communication students face while studying a foreign

2. How do these challenges impact the learning experiences and progress of BA Communication

students in acquiring a foreign language? What are the perceived consequences or effects?

3. What strategies or methodologies do BA Communication students employ to overcome

challenges and improve their learning outcomes in the study of foreign languages?

This thesis study seeks to delve into the intricacies of foreign language learning among BA

Communication students. By exploring these specific questions, it aims to uncover the hurdles, impacts,

and strategies utilized in the pursuit of learning a foreign language by students studying BA


Objective of the Study

The primary objective of this study is to comprehensively investigate the foreign language

learning experiences of BA Communication students. Specifically, this study aims to:

1. Identify and analyze the specific challenges encountered by BA Communication students while

studying a foreign language.

2. Assess the impact of these challenges on the learning experiences and progress of BA

Communication students in acquiring a foreign language, elucidating perceived consequences or effects.

3. Explore and evaluate the strategies or methodologies employed by BA Communication

students to overcome challenges and enhance their learning outcomes in the study of foreign languages.

Significance of the Study

Foreign Language Teachers: This study offers comprehensive insights into students' specific

challenges in learning foreign languages, clarifying the impact on their learning experiences. These
findings aid teachers in devising more effective teaching methods by better understanding student

strategies and aligning teaching approaches with their needs.

Students: Empowers students by fostering awareness of inherent language learning challenges,

understanding their impact on acquisition, and providing diverse strategies for improved adaptability and

language acquisition.

Future Researchers: This study furnishes essential insights into student challenges, their impact,

and the strategies utilized in BA Communication students' foreign language learning, offering a credible

reference for future researchers in the realm of college-level foreign language acquisition.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual model depicted in Figure 1 encapsulates the distinctive yet interconnected elements of the

foreign language learning experiences of AB Communication students at Isabela State University Main

Campus. It highlights three primary components integral to the respondents' learning process:

1. Challenges Faced by Respondents:

This segment delineates the specific hurdles and difficulties encountered by AB

Communication students in the process of learning a foreign language. These challenges

represent the initial phase of their learning journey.

2. Perceived Effects of Challenges:

This facet focuses on expounding the perceived impacts and consequences resulting from

the encountered challenges. It explores how these challenges influence the learning experiences

and progress of AB Communication students in their pursuit of mastering a foreign language.

3. Strategies Applied in Foreign Language Learning:

This section delineates the diverse methodologies and approaches employed by AB

Communication students to navigate and overcome the identified challenges. These strategies

form an integral part of their learning process and contribute significantly to their language

acquisition endeavors.

The interconnectedness of these three components within the paradigm signifies their

interdependent nature within the AB Communication students' learning process at ISU. Understanding

and exploring these elements are vital to comprehensively grasp the intricacies of foreign language

acquisition among this specific student group.

Challenges Perceived
Faced by Effects of
Respondents Challenges

Strategies Applied
in Foreign

Design of the Study

The present study will employ a qualitative approach, aiming to gather comprehensive insights into the

issues, situations, or events under scrutiny (Arora and Stoner, 2009). The researcher will conduct

interviews utilizing thematic analysis, a qualitative method known for its in-depth and meticulous data

examination (Braun & Clarke, 2006). During data analysis, researcher will assume the role of analysts,

making decisions based on coded, themed, decontextualized, and recontextualized data (Starks &

Trinidad, 2007).

This study will focus on exploring the challenges, perceived effects of these challenges, and the strategies

employed by respondents in learning foreign languages. Thematic analysis will be chosen to ensure the

provision of comprehensive and detailed data for this investigation.

Respondents of the study and the scope

The respondents for the study will consist of 4th year BA Communication students who will have

completed the Korean language subject at Isabela State University-Main Campus for Academic Year

2022–2023. A total of twenty students will participate in this study. To determine the study's respondents,

the researcher will utilize a simple random sampling technique employing the fishbowl method.

Data Collection Instrument

The data for this study will be collected through one-on-one semi-structured interviews. The interview

questions will center on the challenges faced, perceived effects of these challenges, and strategies

employed by the respondents in learning foreign languages. To comply with research etiquette, the
researcher will seek permission from the respondents to record the interviews. The recordings will be

utilized by the researcher to guarantee the accuracy and reliability of the assessment.

Data Gathering Procedure

Before the data collection, the researcher will seek permission from the Dean of the College of Arts

and Sciences, Department Chair of the BA Communication Department, subject teachers, and the


The official BA Communication enrollment list for the academic years 2022–2023 will be

obtained from the registrar's office. Subsequently, the researcher will request permission from the

respondents to participate in semi-structured interview. Once their approval is obtained, the researcher

will conduct interviews. Follow-up interviews will also be scheduled.

Following research etiquette, a series of questions will be posed during the interviews, focusing on

the challenges expected to be encountered, perceived effects of these challenges, and strategies

anticipated to be employed by the respondents in learning foreign languages. After the interviews, data

will be collected, tabulated, and subsequently subjected to analysis and interpretation.

Data Analysis

The researcher will gather data through semi-structured interviews and proceed to transcribe the

recorded sessions for analysis using thematic analysis. Themes will be established based on the codes

created during the analysis process.

Thematic analysis has been chosen as it is advocated in psychology for its theoretical flexibility,

particularly when investigating patterns across languages, not requiring strict adherence to specific

language theories or explanatory frameworks for human experiences or behaviors (Guest et al., 2012).
Using thematic analysis, the researcher will systematically examine the most relevant data required for

this study, derived from the interview questions.

Furthermore, the themes obtained from the interviews will be used by the researcher in interpreting

the collected data, enabling a comprehensive understanding of the challenges, perceived effects, and

strategies employed by the respondents in learning foreign languages.

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