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Name : Safitri Widiawati

NPM : 2311078

Clas/Major : B 2.1 Management

Hi everyone, my name is Safitri Widiawati

My first goal is to graduate from college with good grades and Second goal I want to

learn English to be able to take the certified IELTS test because I hope to be able

to work in Australia.

My third goal If my hopes don't come true, the most important thing is that I

have mastered English to apply for work in Indonesia because In my opinion, if you

have mastered English then it is likely that you will be more easily accepted in any


All my goals in the future are just to make my mother proud and happy, just to

see her relaxing in the living room of the house that I have made for her in the

future.I just want to see my mother stop working for Supporting me and my younger

brother alone

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