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my school holiday activities at home

During the holidays, I decided to spend time at home. This was a nice change from my usual routine of
going to school and doing homework.

I spent the first few days just relaxing and catching up on some much needed sleep. I also spend a lot
of time with my family, which is nice because we don't always get to spend as much time together as
we'd like.

One of the things I enjoy most about being at home is being able to cook my own food. I love cooking,
and I get to try some new recipes that I've wanted to try for a long time. I also make some of my
favorite dishes, like my mother's famous lasagna and my father's delicious roast chicken

Hal lain yang saya nikmati adalah bisa menonton beberapa acara TV dan film favorit saya. Saya dapat
menonton banyak rilisan baru yang saya lewatkan saat saya sibuk dengan sekolah. Saya juga
menghabiskan waktu bermain video game dan membaca buku, yang merupakan cara yang bagus
untuk bersantai dan melepas penat.

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