Biod 210 Genetics Final Exam 2024 2025

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BIOD 210 Genetics Final Exam

Complete Questions and Answers

1. What is an example of early selective breeding ?

ANS : Domesticated wolves in to dogs were used for hunting,

herding, guarding , retrieving , tracking and companion.

2What year did genetics start to change in to what we know today?

Who proposed this theory ? What did this theory entail ?

ANS : 1600s , William Harvey

Proposed epigenesis that was a concept that is now known to have

correctly hypothesized that a fertilized human egg undergoes specific
developmental events and eventually leads to the formation of a human

3 :Before the theory of epigenesis, what theory was known about

genetics ?

ANS : preformation , in which a fertilized egg contained a tiny

completely developed adult termed homunculus.
4 : Who proposed the cell theory? What does this theory entail?

ANS : Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann proposed that all living
organisms were compost of organized structures called cells and that
these cells were derived from identical precursor cells.

5. What theory debunked spontaneous generation? What is

spontaneous gen-aration?

ANS : Cell theory.

Spotaneous generation states that living things could spontaneously
generate from non-living components.

6. Who published the book “THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES” 1859 What did it

ANS : Charles Darwin .

Proposed theory of natural selection that more offsprings are produced

than the environment can support . The strongest will survive, and
adaptive variates lead to evolution.
7. Example of evolution.

ANS : In a mountain climate , a mountain lion that has the ability to

climb well will pass it down to their offsprings and / or improve the
ability to climb.

Artic climate with thick fur and/ or white to blend in.

Overtime, the animals that have these specialized traits will continue to
survive and adapt and even create new species over time.

8. What is an example of evolution within humans that is still seen


ANS : Yes ,Humans still evolve . For example, the gene that allows up to
digest lactose (an enzyme that digests milk). However , a gene variation
exists that allows people to make lactase throughout their lives (usually
around the the time of domesticated animals and started to milk

9. What is the definition of genetics?

ANS: The study of heredity

Question 11

Not yet graded / 10 pts

Note: Essay answers must clearly be in your own words.

Answer the following essay question:

Describe parietal cells and chief cells: name their location, secretions and purposes.

Your Answer:

Parietal cells are located in the wall of the stomach body and they secrete hydrochloric
acid in order to kill bacteria ingested in food. Chief cells are located in the stomach and
secrete pepsinogen to break down protein in food.

The parietal cells (located in the wall of the stomach body) secrete
hydrochloric acid, generating a pH of 1.3-3.5. This very acidic pH kills
many of the bacteria ingested along with food. In addition, the low pH
stops the activity of salivary amylase. The secretion of hydrochloric acid
is essential in the activation of pepsin.

Chief cells: secrete pepsinogen. Pepsinogen (a pre-enzyme) is secreted

by the chief cells in the stomach. Hydrochloric acid converts the inactive
pepsinogen (secreted by the chief cells) into the active enzyme pepsin
which begins the breakdown of proteins.

Question 12

Not yet graded / 10 pts

Label the following bones of the skeleton from the figure below:




Your Answer:

2: nasal bone

4: zygomatic bone

6: concha
7: maxilla

8: mandible

2: Nasal bone

4: Zygomatic bone

6: Inferior nasal concha

7: Maxilla

8: Mandible

Question 13
Not yet graded / 5 pts

Label the bones in the figure below:





Your Answer:

A: pisiform

B: hamate

C: capitate
D: trapezoid

E: trapezium

A: Pisiform

B: Hamate

C: Capitate

D: Trapezoid

E: Trapezium

Question 14

Not yet graded / 5 pts

A patient has a diagnosis of osteoporosis. (1) In your own words, describe this
diagnosis and (2) What type of bone cell would they be lacking? Explain your answer.

Your Answer:

Osteoporosis is a bone tissue disease where bone tissue degenerates faster than it is
replaced, making the bones weak, brittle and more likely to fracture. A person with
osteoporosis would be lacking osteoblasts, which are responsible for bone repair. SInce
they are lacking osteoblasts bone repair is unable to keep up with the breakdown of
(1) Osteoporosis is a bone tissue disease. When bone tissue degenerates
faster than is replaced, the bones become weak. Brittle bones cause
increased pain and are more likely to fracture.

(2) They would have decreased osteoblasts which are responsible for
bone repair. The bone repair would be unable to keep up with the ongoing
breakdown of bone which is done by the work of osteoblasts.

Question 15

Not yet graded / 10 pts

Label the following five muscles:





Your Answer:

B: Temporalis

C: orbicularis oculi

E: zygomaticus major

G: buccinator

J: depressor labii inferioris

B: Temporalis

C: Orbicularis oculi

E: Zygomaticus major
G: Buccinator

J: Depressor labii inferioris

Question 16

10 / 10 pts

When flexor digitorum profundus contracts, what action(s) occurs?

A. Wrist flexion

B. Elbow flexion

C. Flexion of digits 2-5

D. Flexion of digit 1

E. A&C

F. B&C

Question 17

Not yet graded / 5 pts

Would you expect a male to have estrogen in their bloodstream? Explain why or why

Your Answer:

Yes, males and females produce both sex hormones. The ratio of estrogen in males is
much smaller than in females, however. In males the adrenal gland produces estrogen.

(1) Yes. Both male and female bodies produce “all” the sex hormones.
However, the ratios are different.

(2) The adrenal glands are largely responsible for producing this
“opposite” hormone that the testis would not.

Question 18

Not yet graded / 2.5 pts

List the hormone(s) that best describes the statement below:

I lower the level of calcium in the blood by depositing calcium into bone.

Your Answer:


Question 19

Not yet graded / 2.5 pts

List the hormone(s) that best describes the statement below:

I am secreted by the pituitary to stimulate the adrenal cortex.

Your Answer:



Question 20

Not yet graded / 10 pts

Explain in detail why the thyroid becomes enlarged during an iodine deficiency?
Your Answer:

When there is a low level of thyroxin in the blood the anterior pituitary continues to
produce TSH, but the thyroid cannot produce thyroxin without iodine. So the thyroid
responds by enlarging and becoming a goiter.

When there is a low level of thyroxin in the blood, the anterior pituitary
continues to produce TSH. The thyroid responds by increasing in size
and producing a goiter, but this increase in size is ineffective because
active thyroxin cannot be produced without iodine.

Question 21

Not yet graded / 5 pts

A- Identify the sensory cell receptor highlighted in blue, below, also indicated by the

B- What sensory information is detected by this type of receptor?

Your Answer:

The pacinian corpuscle which detect pressure applied to the skin.

A) Pacinian corpuscle

B) Detects pressure (mechanoreceptor)

Question 22
10 / 10 pts

Match the cell with its single best description, using each description only once.


Produces collagen


Produces a protein to protect the skin

Langerhans cells

Assists in immune responses


Produces a pigment that absorbs UV rays

Other Incorrect Match Options:

● Detects light touch

● Detects pain

Question 23

Not yet graded / 5 pts

What is the name and function of the structure below? (Highlighted in blue, also
indicated by the arrow)
Your Answer:

A sebaceous gland, responsible for producing sebum to help keep the skin and hair
from drying out.

Sebaceous gland (oil gland) produces oil (sebum) to protect the skin and
hair from drying.

Quiz Score: 25 out of 140

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