Module 3 - Activity

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Name: Melanie Mae A.

Almorado Date: November 13, 2022

Subject: Technical Writing Course & Year: BSED 2A


Answer the following:

1. Why is planning important in writing?

Planning is beneficial since it can assist you in prioritizing the material you give and
organizing your thoughts. Your performance will be greatly affected by your planning, which is
the blueprint for your task. When you have a plan, you can find supporting information to support
your work, giving your readers more useful information as well as a coherent or logical structure
that enables you to understand how your work relates to one another and how they will convey
your idea in a comprehensible way. Planning enables you to develop a coherent context for your
written output that will produce the best results, where your ideas will be organize and readers
won't be perplexed about the focus of your written output.

2. What new learning have you learned from this lesson? How will you enhance it?

I learned more about how to write objectively, clearly, and concisely as a result of
this lesson. I've discovered that technical writing comes in different formats and uses a
process to assist us in improving our writing abilities so that we can organize and present
ideas logically. Moreover, I've learned that technical writing involves a coherent body of
knowledge and planning, both of which serve as the foundation for creating a productive and
helpful result from that plan. I had no idea how frequently technical writing was utilized in
daily life, that it had a set procedure, and that it wasn't just writing whatever came to mind
without having a clear plan. This class has given me knowledge on how to write with
consistency, with navigable ideas, and to emphasize important information. Through this
lesson, I now know how to write in a logically organized, easily navigable manner and to
place emphasis on the ideas or information. I was able to identify areas where I could make
things simpler to traverse and design them in a way that was legible, accessible, and
understandable for readers. Another thing I learned was how to properly organize a sentence,
which involved adopting the proper grammar and punctuation rules that I will use more
frequently every day to make my sentences flow more smoothly. The readers would be able
to appreciate and understand your thoughts on what you wrote, which would help them in
their daily lives.

I will be able to improve on what I have learned through practice, wherein you can
have your own topics or ideas to plan out and try to apply the planning method, elements of
style, and the technical writing process. Once all of this is organized and planned out, it is the
time where I can write down all my thoughts and apply mechanics that would improve my
ability to write proficiently. I may assess my work after drafting to see what needs to be
changed, and if I have time, I can ask someone with higher writing expertise in writing so
that I can learn something new to hone my writing abilities.
3. Following the elements of style, write a short narrative on the challenges you encounter
while learning online.

The pandemic turns into a major storm for all of us, who find ourselves in a
vulnerable situation where we are either in a boat that is sinking or that is close to the
land. Because of this precarious situation, our lives have become more complicated, and
full of uncertainties, and only God's season can foretell what may happen to us. The
emergence of the pandemic was most pronounced in the sector of education, where we
reduced our social interactions. Online classes are now the most popular method of
instruction, which restricts our capacity to find and learn new things outside the walls of
our homes. The effects of this pandemic are felt by everyone who continues to pursue
education despite the difficulties this pandemic has brought about, not just the patients in
the hospital and our frontline workers.

For about two years during the extreme existence of COVID-19 in our country,
online classes were the most effective way to learn. It became a solid foundation for
learners and a motivator for us to continue learning despite the pandemic. It may be a
good reason and a good way to learn, but it also brings despair to many in an
environment where there is an increasing number of mental health problems, many are
also fighting physically, and we became aware that our economy rate was decreasing,
causing many learners to give up on studying and instead choose to find a stable job
where they can earn money. Online class is really hard based on my own experiences,
wherein I suffer from anxiety and frequently worry about my grades, and with that, I
almost fail to pursue what I have started at my tertiary level. Sometimes, I wasn’t able to
comprehend our lesson, but still, by the grace of our almighty Father, who has given me
the wisdom, knowledge, strength, and courage to pursue education, It was hard to adjust,
but I can’t fail my parents' dream for me, and that’s why, even if it is hard to learn in an
online class while battling with personal issues, I still make it to where I am now because
of Him, who never fails to guide me all throughout my journey.

Living like this for a long time is hard, and we can undoubtedly say that it was a
big "challenge" for all of us as learners. Online classes have been hard, but it is a battle
that we can overcome, and the pandemic is the assurance that no matter how big or small
the challenges are, we are able to pursue education because we know how important it is
to be an educated person and that it is a key to success in different aspects of our society.
It is hard, but it provides the realization that we can still learn and adopt different
methods just to learn and be an educated member of our society. It may be a big
challenge, but always remember that we also have a big God in the middle of the storm of
our lives.

Fill each blank with one word.

Hi! I am having a great time (1) in Rome. It's hot and sunny and the people (2) are very
friendly. Yesterday, we (3) went to the Coliseum. It was very old (4) yet really
interesting. This afternoon we're going shopping in the local markets. Tomorrow we're
(5) going to leave Rome (6) earlier in the morning and travel (7) by train to Venice.
We've got some friends there whom we (8) asked to fetch us at the (9) station. They're
going to take (10) us to St Mark's Square. I'd also like a trip on a gondola! See you soon.

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