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Problem Drill

925 St peter road

Miami /BBK3 XIIV
Tel/Fax 0825186

June 11 ,2023

Gilbran Patterson
Krisbow Comp
Burn Jameson Square
Miami / HSB3 XXXVI

Ref: Incomplete Delivery

Dear mr Gilbran,

I Hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my deep concern and disappointment regarding
the recent experience i had with your company, which has compelled me to bring this matter to your

I regret to inform you that my interaction with your business has been far from satisfactory. Despite my
initial in your company, I have encountered several issues that have significantly affected my overall
experience and left me dissatisfied.

Firstly, I buy drill in your store which is work on it. And than i bring it home the drills cannot works. And i
tired to back to back in your store. Even though is has been replaced with a new one. This incident
occurred on Wednesday 4 june 2023, and it greatly inconvenienced me. The lack of prompt resolution or
assistance from your staff further aggravated the situation, causing unnecessary frustration and wasted

Furthermore, I must express my disappointment with the overall level of customer service I received
throughout this ordeal. Despite my attempts to seek clarification and assistance, the responses I received
were often inadequate or completely ignored. This lack of communication and accountability reflects
poorly on your company's commitment to customer satisfaction.
As a valued customer, I believe it is only fair to expect a higher standard of service and resolution to the
issues I have faced. Therefore, I kindly request that you take immediate action to address and rectify the
problems outlined above. I trust that you will conduct a thorough investigation into these matters and
provide a suitable solution to ensure that such incidents do not occur in the future.

I hope to receive a prompt response from you detailing the steps you plan to take to resolve these
issues. Please consider this letter as an opportunity to improve your company's services and restore my
confidence in your brand.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a timely resolution.

Best Regards
Sales Manager

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