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A guide to having open and honest

communication between the sheets

Good sex is a lot more than an enjoyable physical act. It’s a mood (or shall
we say a ‘vibe’) that’s achieved with the right level of trust, intimacy, safety,
and most of all, consent. And there’s just one thing you need to do in order
to hit the mark - communicate.

Communication is a big part of everything we do. Online and IRL, we’re all
about voicing our opinions, needs, and wants - but when it comes to sex…
why do we often clam up?

How is communication
related to our sex lives?
Why do we expect our partner(s) to
just ‘know’ what gets us off? Why do
we insist on scrambling in the dark
for what makes the other person
tick, instead of just asking them?

Hesitation to communicate could lead to
reduced interest in playtime, lower sexual
TAKEAWAY satisfaction, and overall decreased intimacy.

Does talking about sex actually help?

While conversations about your sex life can be awkward, they’re essential.
And truth be told, they’re only awkward in the beginning. With time and
regular communication, you’ll realise that talking about sex makes the
actual act better… and hotter! issue: 01 1
What to expect from this guide?
We’ll walk through different types of communication, a few things to keep
in mind while talking about intimacy, and a quick list to help you on your
way to the best, most satisfying sex of your life!

According to a 2019 study, better communication

around sex was connected to increased sexual
satisfaction—and even fewer faked orgasms.

So, why don’t we talk about sex more openly?

Embarrassment Insecurities about

Fear of rejection appearance

Conditioned to think
of sex as ‘taboo’ Discomfort in Self-Consciousness
voicing thoughts

The same study observed more than half the women said
they had wanted to communicate about sex with a
partner but decided not to. The most common reason?
Not wanting to hurt a partner’s feelings. issue: 01 2
Before we begin…
We cannot stress enough how crucial consent is to every aspect of a
healthy, sexual partnership. Without consent, there cannot be a
pleasurable sexual experience, no matter how much you communicate.
In other words:

“ consent is
“ communication
is sexy. issue: 01 3
Verbal Communication You’re
Definition: using words to convey a the Best !
message; can be oral or written.

Don’t be afraid to initiate
The first rule of effective 3.
communication is knowing what Normalise talking about
you want to say. This simply means EVERYTHING
that before you speak to your
Be curious. Fantasies, fetishes, kinks,
partner about your deepest desires,
turn ons, and turn offs - everything
you must know what they are. Being
is on the table. When your partner
clear on the objective of the
is speaking, be attentive, ask
conversation also helps both of you
questions, and give suggestions. If
have a more meaningful and
nothing else, your curiosity will rub
fruitful dialogue.
off on your partner and make them

Take the conversation out 4.
of the bedroom Talk about sex and then some
Your living room, a restaurant, over Practice makes perfect, right? Well,
a coffee, or during a nighttime walk the same rule applies to improving
- these are all perfectly acceptable conversations around intimacy.
situations for the talk. Talking about Talking about what pleasures you is
such intimate details in a neutral, a process that evolves as you do.
relaxed, and open environment will So, the more you talk about it, the
help make you and your partner better you’ll get at it. And talking
more comfortable and keen on about sex, especially things that
sharing. It also dispels the myth that arouse you or your partner, are a
talking about ‘these things’ should great turn on. Don’t believe us? Give
only occur in the bedroom. it a try! issue: 01 4
5. 6.
Check your bias at the door Be crystal clear
In order to communicate without Now is not the time for ambiguity.
inhibitions and for conversation to Give your honest, unfiltered
flow organically, it’s imperative that opinions and responses to
you both create a safe space for questions in the nicest way
each other. This means no possible. Not telling the truth about
judgement, no knee-jerk reactions, how you feel about something,
no dismissing ideas or suggestions because you want to spare your
inconsiderately. Empathy is key. partner’s feelings, won’t help
anyone and could lead to
resentment later. Making a “Yes, No,
Maybe” list can help get things off
in the right direction.

Pi p

Do your individual research and share your findings with

your partner; to be discussed together, maybe over a
glass of wine? issue: 01 5
Non-Verbal Communication
Definition: Everything besides the spoken or written
word. Includes body language, gestures, facial and
auditory expressions.

Let your body do the talking
Learn to give feedback during the act without saying too much. For
example, you can move in sync when your partner does something you
like. You could also use gestures and facial expressions to relay your
thoughts. And since it’s a two-way street, be attentive of signs your partner
is sending you as well.

2. 3.
Turn up the volume Be hands-on in your own
Whenever you’re loving a particular pleasure
sensation or action by your partner, Don’t be afraid to show your partner
make yourself heard. This can be exactly what gets you going and
done through murmurs, moans, how. Slight nudges to steer them in
words of encouragement, and the right direction or even taking
compliments. Be sure to make them by the hand and gently
what you really like easily showing them how it’s done - it’s
distinguishable. This way, your completely normal and acceptable.
partner will know exactly what you Remember, a little hand-holding
want and do more of it. goes a long way!

Pi p
If your partner is doing something that’s not
working for you, try subtly asking them to do
another thing that you love. Don’t forget to
make your approval known! issue: 01 6
Tips for communication that work
Learn to give feedback during the act without saying too much. For
example, you can move in sync when your partner does something you
like. You could also use gestures and facial expressions to relay your
thoughts. And since it’s a two-way street, be attentive of signs your partner
is sending you as well.

Do’s Don’ts
- Create a safe space Get in your head

- Practise good listening Agree when you don’t

mean it

- Be perceptive Seem disinterested in

what your partner has to

- Make your partner feel Dismiss any suggestion

comfortable without talking it out

- If you like something, Keep shut about what

tell them! you like/don’t like

- Be empathetic Respond with judgment

or criticism

- Have a post-coitus Keep mum about your

feedback sesh sex life! issue: 01 7
ese cues are all you need to up your
communication game:

Be curious Give feedback Don’t judge


Be open to listen Communicate Be appreciative,

non-verbally perceptive, and

Conversation Starters
There’s usually a right and a not-so-right way to broach sensitive topics.
Try some of these conversation starters next time you’re stuck - they can
help communicate your intention positively and give your partner an
opening to share their thoughts.

What are your

What are your Do you like absolute Maybe not now, but
go-to turn-ons? it when I turn-offs? we could surely try
_______? this in the future.
I get really I love it
aroused when we when you…
Yes, we _______, what I’ve always been curious
could about you? about ______. What do
definitely you think about it?
try that! No, that’s not
How do you feel something I’d be
about me comfortable doing Does this feel
_______ you? good? issue: 01 8

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