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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a degree of


Submitted by:
Shreya Pal

February 2024


I hereby submit the seminar entitled OPTICAL CAMOUFLAGE in the School of Automation
of the Banasthali Vidyapith, under the supervision of Mr. Sumit Nema, School of Automation,
Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan, India.

Mauli Shrivastava


The seminar report is hereby approved for submission.

Mrs. Debasmita Ghosh Roy



The goal of this report is to provide a forum for discussion of the emerging topic IMAGE
ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION. A field like this plays a crucial role in securing sensitive
visual information during transmission and storage.

Encryption employs mathematical algorithms to transform the original image into an

unintelligible form, ensuring confidentiality. Subsequent decryption, using the appropriate key,
reverts the encrypted image to its original state.

Image encryption and decryption are pivotal aspects of modern information security, particularly
in the realm of visual data protection. There is a constant need for secure transmission and storage
of sensitive images becomes increasingly critical.
Encryption itself stands as the foremost line of defense. The stakes continue to rise as our reliance
on visual data burgeons across domains such as health care, finance, and personal
communication. In conclusion, the intricate interplay between image encryption and decryption
underscores their indispensable role in fortifying information security.

Mauli Shrivastava
The seminar abstract is hereby approved for submission.

Debasmita Ghosh Roy


Presentation inspiration and motivation have always played a key role in the success of any
First and foremost, I am deeply thankful to my college for providing me with this opportunity
and resources to undertake this project. I would like to express my gratitude to our teacher, Mr.
Kamal Jain sir for his unwavering support and invaluable insights throughout the report. His
guidance and camaraderie were truly invaluable. I am also thankful to my professors and
instructors with all the other panel members who have imparted their knowledge and wisdom
which significantly contributed to the foundation of this project. In conclusion, this report is the
result of the collective efforts, guidance, and support of many individuals.



Pg. No.

Image Encryption and Decryption
1.1 1.1.1 Basic Terms Utilized
1.1.2 DES & AES
1.2 Motivation 6
1.3 Theory 7

2.1 Key Challenges 12
2.2 Security
2.3 Objective




Fig. No. Figure Description Pg. No.

Fig. 1 Text Encryption 1
Fig. 2 How a block cipher works 2
Fig. 3 General Structure of DES 4
Fig. 4 AES Algorithm 6
Fig. 5 Steps of AES 6
Fig. 6 Original image and Encrypted image 9
Fig. 7 Secured Communication 10
Fig. 8 Asymmetric Encryption 11
Fig. 9 Symmetric Encryption 11
Fig. 10 Key Management 11
Fig. 11 Adversarial Attacks 12
Fig. 12 Data Encryption 20


Table No. Table Description Pg. No.

Table 1.1.3 Difference Between AES and DES 6
Table 2.2.1 Security Measures 12

Imagine being able to blend into your surroundings like a chameleon, where you become nearly
invisible to the naked eye. Sounds like the stuff of science fiction, right? Well not, now.
Introducing Optical Camouflage or cloaking, a ground breaking technology that has the potential
to revolutionize the way we perceive the world around us.
A cutting-edge technology that allows objects or individuals to become transparent or take on
the appearance of their surroundings, creating the illusion of invisibility.
It achieves this by using a combination of cameras, projectors, and special materials to
capture the background image and project it onto the object, effectively making it disappear
from view.
This can also be understood as to make the background more visible than the object in front
of it by the means of optical physics.
The concept of optical camouflage is inspired by the natural camouflage abilities of few
animals, such as chameleons and octopuses, which can change their appearance to match
their environment. The word “invisible” naturally implies the inaccessibility of an object to
waves with wavelengths perceivable by humans, which are so-called “visible light”.

1.1.1 Basic Terms

Optical Camouflage is a more developed and advanced method of camouflage. So what
exactly is camouflage?
 Plain Image: It is the image that needs security while there is transmission over the
public network. It is also known as the original or input image.
 Cipher image or Encrypted image: The plain image converted into a nonreadable
form after encryption is called a cipher image.
 Key: the security of the encryption approach mainly depends on the key. It can be
numeric or alphanumeric. Both encryption and decryption need the key to perform
their respective operations. Strong keys are always needed for better security of

The model for encryption and decryption of an image is designed with some objectives:
 For transmission of an image based on data as well as storage it should have
confidentiality and security by using a suitable key.
 To study the architecture of the image file.
 To encrypt the image file by developing the application.
 Eventually, the image is focused on the most famous file type of image format i.e., JPG.
 The image is focused on JPG file type which is the most famous type of image format.
 The application must be simple, easy to use and powerful.
 Many factors have to be considered to develop the application such as the processing
speed of the image, the strength of encryption result, and ease of use to end users.
 Encryption Algorithm:
 Read the secret image (gray image) with size 256*256.
 Create the sequence of prime numbers, based on this, shuffle the image.
 Again, scramble the image with the help of a pseudorandom generator.
 Shift the resultant image right or left key times, then convert it into binary.
 Perform bitwise complement in each pixel, before that shuffle each bit in every
 Apply Cipher Block Chaining mode, then change it to decimal again.
 Once all the steps are performed, name the image as an encrypted image.
 Decryption Algorithm:
 Get the encrypted image, and shift it in the reverse direction of the encryption
 Apply Cipher Block Chaining mode with their private and public keys and change
every pixel into binary.
 Take the bitwise complement of every pixel and shuffle it as in the transmitting
 Describe the image using a pseudorandom generator and prime numbers.
 Finally, the original image is recovered.

1.1.2 DES & AES

DES (Data Encrypted Standard)
DES (Data Encrypted Standard) is based on the Feistel block cipher, developed in 1971 by
IBM cryptography researcher Horst Feistel. DES uses 16 rounds of the Feistel structure,
using a different key for each round. In 1978, a triple encryption method using DES with
two 56-bit keys was proposed by Walter Tuchman; in 1981 Merkle and Hellman proposed
a more secure triple-key version of DES.

Fig. 3 General Structure of DES [Research Gate]
Since DES is based on the Feistel Cipher, it can be specified as:
 Round Function
 Key Schedule
 Any additional processing- Initial and final permutation
AES performs operations on bytes of data rather than in bits. Since the block size is 128
bits, the cipher processes 128 bits (or 16 bytes) of the input data at a time.

 AES is a block cipher.

 The key size can be 128/192/256 bits.
 Encrypts data in blocks of 128 bits each.

 AES is a specification of the encryption of electronic data established by the U.S.
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001. It is widely used
today as it is much stronger than DES and triple DES despite being harder to

AES is widely used in many applications that require secure data storage transmission. Some
common use cases include:

 Wireless Security: AES is used in securing wireless networks, such as Wi-Fi networks,
to ensure data confidentiality and prevent unauthorized access.
 Database Encryption: AES can be applied to encrypt sensitive data stored in
databases. This helps protect personal information, financial records, and other
confidential data from unauthorized access in case of a data breach.
 Secure Communication: AES is widely used in protocols such as internet
communications, email, instant messaging, and voice/video calls. It ensures that the
data remains confidential.
 Data Storage: It is used to encrypt sensitive data stored on hard drives, USB drives,
and other storage media, protecting it from unauthorized access in case of loss or theft.

Fig. 4 AES Algorithm [Knowledge Factory]

 Strengths of AES:
 AES is extremely fast compared to other block ciphers.

 As the round transformation is parallel to the design, which makes important for
the hardware to allow it for fast execution.
 AES was designed to be agreeable to pipelining.
 There are no arithmetic operations for the cipher, so there is no bias towards the
big or little endian architectures.
 AES is based on obscure or not well-understood processes.

Fig. 5 Steps of AES [SIMPLILEARN]


1.) Used to encrypt plain text of 64- Used to encrypt plain text of 128-bit.
2.) The key is of 56-bit size. The key is of different sizes such as 128-
bits, 192-bits, and so on.
3.) Less secure than AES. More secure than DES.
4.) It can be broken by brute force To date, AES has not been attacked.
5.) It is based on the Feistel network. It is based on permutation and
substitution networks.
Table 1.1.3

In today’s digital age, security breaches and data leaks are a significant concern. Many
organizations are actively seeking ways to protect their visual data assets. Image
encryption can be a valuable topic for academic research. It can also open up career
opportunities in the fields of cybersecurity, information security, and cryptography, which
are in high demand.
1.) Image encryption aims to keep the content image confidential and prevent
unauthorized access. It ensures that only individuals with the appropriate decryption
keys can view the original image. This is crucial in scenarios where sensitive or private
images need to be transmitted or stored securely.
2.) Encryption also helps to ensure the integrity of the image. Unauthorized modification
or tempering with the encrypted image should be detectable, and decryption should
result in the original, unaltered image. This helps protect against tampering and
3.) It is often used to secure the transmission of images over insecure channels, such as the
Internet. Encrypting the image before sending it ensures that even if intercepted by
malicious parties, the image remains confidential and intact.
4.) In some industries and applications there are regulatory requirements for data security
and confidentiality. Image encryption can help organizations comply with these
regulations by safeguarding sensitive image data.
As the technology evolves, new challenges and opportunities arise in image encryption.
For example, with the growth of cloud computing and IoT, there is an increased need to
secure image transmission and storage. Some individuals are drawn to complex and
intellectually stimulating challenges. With growing concerns about privacy and ethical
considerations in data handling, image encryption can address these concerns by providing
secure ways to store and transmit sensitive visual information. Ultimately, it offers a rich
and evolving field with the potential for meaningful contributions to the world of
cybersecurity and data protection.

Image encryption is a technique used to secure digital images by transforming them in a
way that makes them unreadable to unauthorized users. The process involves manipulating

the pixel values of the image using cryptographic algorithms. The work done for image
encryption typically involves:
1.) Key Generation: Key generation is a fundamental aspect of image encryption and
plays a crucial role in ensuring the security of the encrypted images. The process of key
generation involves creating one or more cryptographic keys that are used to control
the encryption and decryption of the image.
2.) Pixel-Level Encryption: Various encryption algorithms can be applied to the pixel
values of the image. Common techniques include substitution-permutation networks,
and chaos-based algorithms based on the encryption algorithm and the encryption key.
3.) Security Analysis: Assess the security of the encryption scheme by performing
various cryptographic analyses and tests. This includes evaluating the resistance to
attacks such as differential and linear cryptanalysis.
4.) Authentication: It is often important to ensure the authenticity of the encrypted image.
Methods such as digital signatures or message authentication codes (MACs) can be
used to provide authentication.
5.) Robustness: The encryption scheme should be robust against common image
processing operations, such as resizing, rotation, and noise.



The scope of this report encompasses the encryption of various types of digital images to
enhance data security and privacy in a range of relevant applications.

 Types of Images:
 Digital Photographs: The primary focus of my study involves the encryption of
digital photographs. These images are commonly used for personal, professional,
and social purposes and often contain sensitive or private content.
 Medical Images: It also considers the encryption of medical images, such as X-
rays, MRI scans, and CT scans. Securing medical image is vital to protect
patient’s privacy and ensure the confidentiality of sensitive health-related data.
 Satellite Images: in addition, we address the encryption of satellite images,
which are used in applications like remote sensing, geospatial images, and
environmental monitoring. Protecting these images is crucial for national security
and scientific research.

Fig. 6 Original image and Encrypted image [Technium]

 Potential Applications:
 Secure Communication: My research extends to the application of image
encryption in secure communication. This involves encrypting images before
transmission over a public network, ensuring that only authorized recipients can
access and decipher the images.
 Data Storage: We explore the role of image encryption in secure data storage,
including cloud-based storage solutions and local device storage. Encrypted
images stored in these contexts remain confidential and immune to unauthorized
 Healthcare: Within the scope of medical images, I investigated how image
encryption can safeguard patient data in the healthcare environment. This includes
the secure transmission and storage of medical images in hospitals and medical
 Geospatial Analysis: For satellite images, I delved into their use in geospatial
analysis and remote sensing applications. Image encryption plays a pivotal role in
protecting sensitive geospatial information and maintaining the confidentiality of
geospatial data.

Fig.7 Secured Communication [SPICEWORKS]

1. Encryption Techniques and Algorithms: Within the scope of image encryption, this
report examines various encryption techniques and algorithms that can be applied to the
aforementioned types of images and applications. We consider both established and
emerging encryption methods, emphasizing the need for a balance between security and
computational efficiency.

Fig 8 Asymmetric Encryption [Geek flare] Fig 9 Symmetric Encryption [SSL2BUY]

2. Key Management: My scope includes the discussion of secure key management

practices for image encryption. Effective key generation, distribution, and storage
methods are essential components of my study, ensuring the overall security of encrypted





Fig. 10 Key Management


Image encryption presents several key challenges due to the unique characteristics of digital
images and the requirements for maintaining both security and usability.
1.) Data Size and Complexity: Images can be large in size and contain intricate detail,
resulting in extensive computational requirements for encryption and decryption
processes. Maintaining real-time or near-real-time performance while encrypting
and decrypting images can be challenging.
2.) Image Quality Preservation: Encryption should not significantly degrade image
quality, especially for applications like medical imaging or remote sensing, where
details are critical. Balancing encryption strength with image fidelity is a delicate
3.) Adversarial Attacks: Attackers may attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in image
encryption schemes. Common attacks include brute-force attacks, differential and
linear cryptanalysis, and chosen-plaintext attacks. Developing encryption methods
that can withstand these attacks is essential.
4.) Real-Time Application: In applications where images must be processed in real-
time, such as video streaming or video conferencing, encryption algorithms must be
efficient and lightweight to avoid significant delays.

5.) Scalability: Encryption systems should be scalable to accommodate a growing
number of images and users. Ensuring scalability without compromising security
can be a challenge.
6.) User Experience: For user-friendly applications, the encryption and decryption
processes should be transparent and easy to use. Striking a balance between strong
security and a user-friendly interface can be challenging.

Fig. 11 Adversarial Attack [Data Conference]


1.) Confidentiality Encryption ensures that only authorized individuals or entities

can access the content of an image. Without robust encryption,
sensitive visual information, such as personal photos, medical
images, or classified documents, is vulnerable to unauthorized
viewing or theft.

2.) Data Privacy Many images contain private and personal information.
Robust encryption safeguards an individual’s privacy by
preventing intrusive access to visual data, helping to preserve
personal and sensitive information.

3.) National Security Government agencies and military organizations rely on

robust image encryption to protect classified and sensitive
visual information, including satellite imagery and
surveillance data. Encryption plays a critical role in national

4.) Commercial and In commercial and industrial contexts, robust image
Industrial encryption is vital for protecting proprietary designs,
Applications intellectual property, trade secrets, and other confidential
visual data. Encryption safeguards valuable assets and
sensitive information.

Table 2.2.1 Security Measures


 Analyze Performance Impact:

 The choice of encryption algorithm plays a significant role in performance. Some
encryption algorithms are computationally intensive, while others are faster.
 The key length of encryption keys directly affects the performance. Longer keys
generally provide higher security but may slow down the encryption and decryption
 The size of the image being encrypted will also impact performance. Larger images will
take longer to encrypt and decrypt than smaller ones.
 Modern CPUs and GPUs often have hardware support for encryption algorithms, which
can significantly speed up the encryption and decryption processes.
Before deploying image encryption in real-world applications, it's essential to perform
thorough testing and profiling.

 Explore Applications in Secure Communication:

 In the healthcare sector, medical images, such as X-rays and MRI scans, often contain
sensitive information about patients. Encrypting these images ensures that the patient’s
data remains confidential during transmission and storage.
 Image encryption can be applied to secure video feeds from surveillance cameras and
remote sensing devices. This is vital for protecting critical infrastructure and the
confidentiality of the documents.

 When visual documents, such as passports, driver’s licenses, or identity cards, are shared
or stored electronically, image encryption can ensure the authenticity and confidentiality
of the documents.
 Governments and military organizations use image encryption for secure communication
of sensitive visual data, including satellite imagery, reconnaissance photos, and classified
 Securely transmitting images of financial documents, signatures, or transaction receipts is
crucial for e-commerce and banking applications. Image encryption safeguards these
visual records.
 Researchers may need to share or collaborate on sensitive images and visual data. Image
encryption can ensure the confidentiality and integrity of research materials.

 Address Geospatial and Remote Sensing Needs:

 Encryption allows for granular access control, ensuring that only authorized personnel
can decrypt and view specific geospatial data. This is crucial for managing data within
research teams or organizations.
 Encryption can include digital signature or message authentication codes (MACs) to
verify the integrity of remote sensing data. If the data is tampered with with transmission
or storage, the recipient can detect unauthorized modifications.
 When multiple organizations need to share geospatial or remote sensing data for
collaborative efforts, encryption ensures that the data remains confidential and only
accessible to authorized parties.
 Organizations involved in environmental monitoring can use image encryption to protect
sensitive data related to ecosystems, natural resources, and wildlife, preventing
unauthorized access and data manipulation.

 Consider Compliance with Regulations:

 Image encryption should align with data retention and deletion policies required by
regulations. Once images are no longer needed for their intended purposes or according
to legal requirements, they should be securely deleted or decrypted, as appropriate.

 Many regulations require organizations to notify authorities and affected individuals in
the event of a data breach. Image encryption can limit the impact of a breach by
protecting the confidentiality of the data, but organizations must still have procedures in
place for breach notification and response.
 When images are transferred across international borders, regulations may apply, such as
GDPR’s restrictions on data transfers outside the European Economic Area.
Organizations should ensure that image encryption complies with these regulations when
dealing with cross-border data transfer.
 Compliance often necessitates comprehensive auditing and logging of data access and
encryption activities. Organizations should implement logging mechanisms that capture
relevant details of image encryption events for compliance monitoring and auditing

 Enhance User Experience:

 Providing clear information about how image encryption works and what it protects can
enhance user trust. Transparency about encryption practices can improve the overall
perception of an application or service.
 Some image encryption systems offer secure data recovery and backup solutions. This
reassures the users that even if they lose access to their encryption keys, their images can
still be recovered, enhancing the overall experience.
 Ensuring that encrypted images can be securely accessed and decrypted across various
platforms (e.g., web, mobile apps, desktop) contributes to a seamless and positive user
 Soliciting user feedback on the image encryption process and incorporating user
suggestions for improvements can lead to a more user-friendly and effective encryption

The image which has to be encrypted is chosen from the folder and the encrypt button is clicked.
The original input image was taken in the form of. GIF file. Once the image is encrypted
successfully then the message is displayed. And when the image is viewed it shows that the
image is encrypted. For the decryption of the image that has been encrypted, the encrypted image
has to be selected and then the decrypt button is clicked, then the successful decryption message
is shown. When the image is viewed it shows the original image.

Image encryption ensures the confidentiality of the image content. Encrypted images are less
susceptible to data breaches. Even if an attacker gains access to the encrypted images, they
would require the encryption key to decipher and make sense of the data. The use of image
encryption enhances trust between users and organizations, particularly in applications where
privacy and data security are paramount. It also allows secure collaboration without
compromising data privacy and security.

 Data Integrity:
 Cause: Image encryption also helps to protect the integrity of visual data during
transmission and storage. It ensures that the image data has not been tampered
with or altered by unauthorized parties.
 Mechanism: some encryption methods incorporate data integrity checks, such as
message authentication (MACs) or digital signatures, to verify that the encrypted
image has not been modified. Any tampering would be detected during
 Compliance with Regulation:
 Cause: Various data protection laws and regulations, such as GDPR and HIPAA,
require organizations to safeguard sensitive visual data. Image encryption helps
ensure compliance with these regulations.
 Mechanism: implementing image encryption practices that align with regulatory
requirements ensures that the handling of visual data complies with legal
standards, reducing the risk of non-compliance.
 Selective Access Control:

 Cause: Image encryption allows for selective access control. Users can choose
who can decrypt and view their encrypted images, giving them control over who
can access their sensitive visual data.
 Mechanism: The encryption and decryption keys provide a mechanism for
controlling access to encrypted images. Only individuals with the correct
decryption key can view the image.

By 2019, cybersecurity threats increasingly included encryption data on IoT and mobile
computing devices. While devices on IoT often are not targets themselves, they serve as
attractive conduits for the distribution of malware. According to experts, attacks on IoT devices
using malware modifications tripled in the first half of 2018 compared to the entirety of 2017.

Meanwhile, NIST has encouraged the creation of cryptographic algorithms suitable for use in
constrained environments, including mobile devices. In the first round of judging in April 2019,
NIST chose 56 lightweight cryptographic algorithm candidates to be considered for
standardization. Further discussion on cryptographic standards for mobile devices is slated to be
held in November 2019.

In February 2018, researchers at MIT unveiled a new chip, hardwired to perform public key
encryption, which consumes only 1/400 as much power as software execution of the same
protocols would. It also uses about 1/10 as much memory and executes 500 times faster.

Because public key encryption protocols in computer networks are executed by software, they
require precious energy and memory space. This is a problem in IoT, where many different
sensors embedded in products such as appliances and vehicles connect to online servers. The
solid-state circuitry greatly alleviates that energy and memory consumption.

In todays time of innovations and creative minds, growth plays a main concern, growth means
change and change starts when we think of an innovative concept. In this study, we introduce
one in the field of physics under the optical camouflage topic. This process, though somewhat
complicated, is very effective, and easy implementation is the added feather to the advantage
crown of already established camouflage techniques. Though the image visible projector through
projector might be slightly distorted the ultimate output i.e., the cipher text can be extra modified
with the help of the key in picturing a more aesthetic image for the hacker which, when deeply
checked, will not leave a single trace of the randomization that has been introduced to the image.

Analytical results show that this proposal brags about its creation having improved security and

I am very excited by the vast future possibilities that my report has to offer. Future
improvements in image encryption are essential to keep pace with evolving technology and
address emerging security challenges.

 It should enable computations on encrypted image data without the need for decryption.
Homomorphic encryption techniques can enhance privacy and security in applications
that require data analysis on encrypted images.
 It should optimize image encryption algorithms for efficiency and speed, particularly for
real-time applications like video streaming and secure communication.
 Image encryption should develop protocols that allow multiple parties to collaboratively
perform computations on encrypted image data without losing the data to any party, thus
enhancing privacy and security in collaborative image analysis.
 It should improve user interfaces for image encryption tools, making them more intuitive
and accessible to non-technical users.
 It should also continuously test image encryption methods against emerging attack
techniques, such as adversarial attacks, and enhance their robustness.
 Image encryption should investigate how it can be adapted and integrated into various
domains, including healthcare, finance, IoT, and more.

Future improvements in image encryption should not only address security concerns but also
focus on usability, efficiency, and adaptability to meet the ever-evolving needs of users and
organizations in an increasingly digital and interconnected world.

As a result, the industry is pushing encryption on several fronts. Some attempts are being made
to increase key sizes to prevent brute-force decoding. Other initiatives are investigating novel
cryptography algorithms. For example, the National Institute of Standards and Technology is
testing a quantum-safe next-generation public key algorithm.

The issue is that most quantum-safe algorithms are inefficient or traditional computer systems.
To overcome this issue, the industry is concentrating on inventing accelerators to accelerate

algorithms on *86 systems.

Homomorphic encryption is a fascinating notion that allows users to do computations on

encrypted data without first decrypting it. As a result, an analyst who requires it can query a
database holding secret information without having to seek permission from a higher-level
analyst or request that the data be declassified.

In addition to securing data in all states, homomorphic encryption also protects it in motion,
while in use, and while at rest (on a hard drive). Another advantage is that it is quantum-safe, as
it uses some of the same arithmetic as quantum computers.

Fig. 12 Data Encryption [Simplilearn]

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