Contested Ontologies of Software The Story of Gottschalk v.

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Contested Ontologies of Software: The Story of Gottschalk v.

Benson , 1963–1972

Gerardo Con Diaz

IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, Volume 38, Number 1, January-March

2016, pp. 23-33 (Article)

Published by IEEE Computer Society


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Contested Ontologies of Software: The
Story of Gottschalk v. Benson, 1963–1972
Gerardo Con Diaz
Yale University

In 1972, the US Supreme Court ruled in Gottschalk v. Benson that a

computer program developed at Bell Laboratories was ineligible for
patent protection. This article argues that the history of Gottschalk v.
Benson turned on a series of “ontological contests”—that is, clashes
among actors who advanced mutually incompatible conceptions of the
nature of software.

Few decisions by the US Supreme Court hold distinct and often incompatible stances on
a place as prominent in the canon of patent the nature of software. Central to these con-
law as Gottschalk v. Benson (1972).1 This case tests were the historical actors’ conceptions of
concerned the patent eligibility of an inven- the nature of software as an invention. These
tion created by Gary Benson and Arthur Tab- conceptions, each of which I call an “ontology
bot, two employees at Bell Laboratories who of software,” were not determined by the tech-
had devised a way of using a computer to nical specifications of any computer pro-
translate numbers from one number system grams.5 Instead, they were grounded on what
to another.2 The Supreme Court ruled that attorneys and federal agents identified as the
this program was ineligible for patent protec- characteristics of computer programs as inven-
tion because it amounted to a series of mathe- tions, the distinctions between programs and
matical calculations. This decision marked mathematical algorithms, and the relation-
the first arrival of software patenting to the ships between programs and the computers
Court. Forty-two years have passed since this that ran them. The unfolding of ontological
first contact, but Benson continues to serve as contests therefore demonstrates that software
an important precedent that informs the pat- has not been exempt from a process with
ent eligibility of computer programs.3 which historians of science and technology
The purpose of this article is to bring Ben- are becoming increasingly familiar: concep-
son and Tabbot’s struggle to obtain a patent tions about the nature of technologies have
into the historiography of computing. For the been shaped not just by the technologies
last four decades, legal scholars have studied themselves, but also by the social, political,
the legal history of Benson thoroughly, writing and cultural contexts within which they
hosts of works that examine the legal doc- circulate.6
trines and case law that preceded the ultimate In the hands of the attorneys and federal
rejection of Benson and Tabbot’s patent appli- agents who mediated between the comput-
cation.4 Despite this plentiful scholarly atten- ing industry and the patent system, computer
tion, the case has so far remained on the programs had unstable, manifold, and mutu-
fringes of the histories of computing and of ally contradictory natures. A program could
science and technology. However, it merits be a mathematical algorithm, a new kind of
introduction into both because its history process, or a machine in its own right. It
helped to shape the administrative, legal, and could be some of these things, or none of
conceptual underpinnings of the relationships them at all. This means that a program’s
between the computing industry and the law. nature was not inherent to it; it was attrib-
The journey of Benson and Tabbot’s inven- uted to it by patent attorneys, judges, and
tion from Bell Laboratories to the Supreme officers at the US Patent Office. The resulting
Court turned on a series of what I call ontologies of software were often mutually
“ontological contests”—that is, clashes between contradictory, but they were connected to
attorneys and federal agents who proposed one another by the problems that stood at

IEEE Annals of the History of Computing Published by the IEEE Computer Society 1058-6180/16/$33.00 c 2016 IEEE 23
Contested Ontologies of Software: The Story of Gottschalk v. Benson, 1963–1972

their cores: determining whether software ments in the patent system, they insisted that
was a machine, characterizing programming recent efforts to secure patents for designs,
as a practice, and assessing the differences plants, and computer programs placed an
between running a computer program and undue burden on the Patent Office.12 In par-
solving a mathematical problem. ticular, they ruled that programs—the “series
This article illustrates ontological contests of instructions which control or condition the
by analyzing both the Patent Office’s policies operation of a data processing machine”—
on software inventions in the 1960s and the should not be considered eligible for patents.
journey of Benson and Tabbot’s application This recommendation was not grounded on a
from the Patent Office to the Supreme Court. legal argument, but on an administrative one.
I begin by providing an overview of the Pat- In their view, the Patent Office was not in a
ent Office’s policies. This overview is neces- position to examine applications for software
sary to understand how and why patent because it lacked an appropriate classification
examiners rejected applications such as Ben- technique and because the “tremendous vol-
son and Tabbot’s. I then highlight the ontolo- ume of prior art being generated” by software
gies of software that attorneys and federal makers meant that assessing the novelty of
agents proposed as Benson and Tabbot’s pat- computer programs could become an almost
ent application travelled from the Patent impossible task.
Office to the Court of Customs and Patent The Commission also found that the prac-
Appeals (CCPA, the court to which applicants tice of presenting computer programs as
could turn if the Patent Office issued a final machine components had “confused the
rejection). Finally, I study the industry-wide issue” and that it should not be permitted.13
ontological contest that unfolded when the This recommendation was likely intended to
application reached the Supreme Court. ban a patent-drafting technique that in the
This argument shows how the questions late 1960s became known as “embodying
and methods in the history of intellectual software.”14 This technique dated back to the
property can yield new insights into the his- mid-1940s, and it consisted of claiming indi-
tory of computing.7 In recent years, historians vidual machines that functioned in accord-
of science and technology have begun to ance with the programs for which inventors
account for how patent agents and attorneys sought protection. These machines received
developed their own analytical frameworks patent protection in lieu of the program
with which to study the nature and patent eli- itself. Software embodiment had spread rap-
gibility of inventions.8 These frameworks idly during the 1950s in the hands of weap-
were usually meant to distinguish between an ons manufacturers, data-processing firms,
idea and its embodiments—that is, between and industrial research laboratories. By the
the principles that underlie a particular inven- mid-1960s, hardware firms had begun to
tion and the material artifacts and verbal apply this technique, and software firms were
descriptions that inventors submitted with starting do the same in order to make inroads
their patent applications.9 However, some pat- against IBM’s market dominance.15
ent applications unsettle the frameworks at The commission’s recommendations
play at the Patent Office and the courts, and sparked a half-decade of policy reform at the
they sometimes become the subject of fierce Patent Office. In 1966, the Commissioner of
battles that can culminate at Congress or the Patents, Edward Brenner, issued the office’s
Supreme Court.10 In particular, Benson and first set of guidelines for the examination of
Tabbot’s application shook software patenting computer programs. Unlike Johnson’s com-
to its core. missioners, Brenner did not intend to ban
patents on embodied software. On the con-
Computer Programs and trary, his examiners were considering the
the Patent Office applications that would become the first pat-
The mid-1960s was a turbulent time for the ents for embodied software ever to be issued
American patent system. A commission to software firms.16 For this reason, Brenner
appointed by Lyndon B. Johnson, the Presi- explained that software could arrive at his
dent’s Commission on the Patent System, doorstep in two forms. On the one hand, a
judged that the US Patent Office was not well program could be protected by claiming an
equipped to handle what they saw as the apparatus—a “physical device which is asso-
ongoing age of “exploding technology.”11 ciatable with the machine and becomes part
Although the commissioners identified sev- of that machine so as to cause the total com-
eral important bureaucratic and economic ail- bination to be capable of yielding the

24 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing

result.”17 This device-centered view of com- emerge a few years later, software was only eli-
puter programs corresponded to software gible for a patent if it was embodied in a
embodiment; it would distinguish the pro- machine or if it presented changes from one
gram from “the algorithm which the state of a machine to another.
machine is intended to solve as a result of its In 1968, as Brenner prepared to step down
functioning,” and it would allow inventors from his office, the new Acting Commissioner
to present their software as a patent-eligible of Patents Edwin L. Reynolds changed the offi-
machine.17 ce’s guidelines.21 His aim was not to reject soft-
On the other hand, a program could be ware patents altogether, but to impose an
claimed as one of two kinds of processes. The important limit on them: regardless of how
first kind, “algorithm processes,” carried out inventors claimed their software, a patent
functions such as processing data, performing would not be issued unless the software was
calculations, or otherwise producing informa- part of an invention that produced a tangible
tion such as numerical values based on what- result. In other words, software aimed at pro-
ever the user inputs into them.18 The second ducing numbers, statistics, or some “other
kind were the “utility processes,” which “deal informational result” would not be eligible for
with tangible things and substances.” Brenner a patent. However, if the software was
believed that this categorization was not per- “combined in an unobvious manner with
fect, but he hoped that it would at least pro- physical steps,” it was not necessarily barred
vide a way of thinking about programs: a from protection.
process defined as “a series of steps for the A year later, in 1969, yet another change
manipulation or evaluation of data” is an in the Patent Office’s guidelines took place as
algorithm process, whereas one defined as Reynolds’ interim term came to an end. This
“steps for causing a series of changes in state time, the new Commissioner of Patents Wil-
of components of the computer” is a utility liam Schuyler withdrew both the Reynolds
process. Only the latter kind were eligible for and Brenner proposals, leaving the Patent
patents. This meant that programmers seek- Office without any guidelines regarding the
ing protection for their programs would need patent eligibility of computer programs.22
to ensure that the patent application disclosed Schuyler had chosen to remove all guidelines
changes in a machine, not mathematical because the CCPA had become the Patent
manipulations of data. Office’s antagonist on the matter of software
Brenner’s distinctions between an appara- patents. Indeed, the CCPA had recently been
tus, a utility process, and an algorithm process advancing the idea that computer programs
were grounded on an analogy between com- were eligible for patent protection.23 It had
puting and weaving. In the early 19th century, finally taken a hard unyielding stance in a
a machine called the Jacquard loom had 1968 decision regarding one of Mobil Oil’s
become a common addition to textile facto- many patent applications, Prater v. Wei.24
ries. Able to produce intricate brocades and There it had ruled that the fact that a
damasks, these looms were controlled by a ser- machine performed mental steps such as
ies of punched cards in which rows of holes mathematical computations and data trans-
dictated the lines in a design.19 The cards lation did not preclude its patent eligibil-
could be connected to one another, so designs ity.24,25 Then, in a flurry of decisions issued
could become as large and intricate as their within a few months, the CCPA reversed any
users desired. In this century-old arrangement, rejections that aligned with any of the Patent
Brenner explained, there was an apparatus Office’s policy proposals.26 This lapse in the
and a program—respectively, a loom and the Patent Office guidelines put several patent
holes on the punched cards.20 Inventors in applications on hold, including the one for
the 19th century would not have been able to Benson and Tabbot’s invention, which had
secure patent protection on a specific been on file at the office since 1963.
sequence of holes, but they may have been
able to patent a loom or a way of operating it. From the Patent Office to the CCPA
In the same way, programmers in the mid- At Bell Telephone Laboratories in the early
1960s could not obtain a patent for the 1960s, Gary Benson and Arthur Tabbot were
sequence of instructions that characterized working on a kind of telephone switching
their programs, but they could attempt to pat- system called a private branch exchange
ent a machine that ran in accordance with the (PBX). This system enabled the creation of a
program’s instructions and a way of operating private network of telephones within a build-
it. In short, to use terminology that would ing and the connection of these networks to

January–March 2016 25
Contested Ontologies of Software: The Story of Gottschalk v. Benson, 1963–1972

processes,” these steps comprised manipula-

tions of information such as mathematical
Computer programs computations, which a properly trained
human would be able to perform.32 The
were considered notion of a mental step had emerged into pat-
ent law as the opposite of what constitutes a
ineligible for patent patent-eligible process. In 1877, the Supreme
Court had explained in Cochrane v. Deener that
protection because they a process is a “mode of treatment of certain
materials to produce a given result.”33 This
lacked materiality. definition was tailored for industrial manufac-
turing techniques, and it restricted patent-eli-
gible processes to those that manipulate
“subject-matter to be transformed and
one another and to standard telephone lines. reduced to a different state or thing.”33 It had
A PBX worked by identifying and replicating provided the rationale for the Patent Office’s
dial signals; it would receive one such signal 1968 guidelines, and it made anything from
from a telephone, identify the telephone grinding and melting to fusing and distilling a
being called, and connect the caller to his tar- potential basis for a patent-eligible process. By
get. Benson and Tabbot hoped to create a the mid-20th century, federal courts had
PBX that performed these connections by affirmed the materiality at the core of the Dee-
directing the signals with the use of a com- ner decision by denying the patent eligibility
puter. This eliminated the need of employing of data manipulation. The most notable deci-
switchboard operators, the women who usu- sion in this vein was Halliburton Oil Cementing
ally operated PBX systems.27 In particular, Co. v. Walker (1944), wherein one of these
Benson and Tabbot had created a computer courts held that actions such as counting,
program that converted the signals that the observing, measuring, comparing, recording,
PBX received into signals that the computer and computing constituted ineligible mental
at its core could process. This program trans- processes.34
lated numbers written in one number system By the 1960s, the notion that mental proc-
into another one—from their so-called esses were ineligible for protection had
binary-coded decimal form to their binary become almost axiomatic to patent law.35 In
counterparts.28 this framework, mathematical computations
On 9 October 1963, Benson and Tabbot were ineligible for patent protection because
filed an application for a patent. They they lacked materiality. This is the rationale
claimed that their invention was a “highly that the patent examiner, Daryl W. Cook,
desirable” process because it made fewer mis- used to reject Benson and Tabbot’s pro-
takes and used less computing capacity than gram—that their invention was a mental
any of its predecessors.29 Their application process because it was no more than a soft-
included descriptions and illustrations of a ware implementation of a series of mathe-
computer that would perform the transla- matical computations that a person could
tions, but it was not intended to patent any perform.36 Indeed, Cook explained that a
particular apparatus. The two claims that mathematician would be able to accomplish
would prove most controversial were claims the same task by “carrying out a set of rules”
number 8 and 13, wherein Benson and Tab- and that, like the software, this mathemati-
bot described a “data processing method” of cian would perform “no physical act on a
“converting signals from binary coded deci- physical thing.”36
mal form into binary.”30 These claims were These views were as informed by the com-
directed toward processes, not embodied soft- mon law of patents as they were by the work
ware. Each of them described data manipula- of academic programmers. In an article pub-
tions such as storing a binary-coded decimal lished in 1967 in Datamation, the prominent
number in a shift register, adding a digit to programmer Donald Knuth had explained
the start of a specific number, and identifying that reading was never enough to understand
each number one digit at a time.31 how an algorithm works and that readers
These two claims sparked nearly a decade “should always take pencil and paper” and
of disagreement over whether Benson and work through an example for each algorithm
Tabbot’s program constituted what patent law they encounter in a text.37 This “simple and
called “mental steps.” Also called “mental painless” way of engaging with an algorithm

26 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing

was in Knuth’s view the only way of grasping circuit.” On the other hand, there were the
it. This essay was a promotional excerpt from mechanical and electrical processes that are
the first volume of Knuth’s landmark work, carried out when an explicative program is
The Art of Computer Programming, but in executed. Nimtz called these processes the
Cook’s hands it had an important legal conse- “extant program.” He explained that extant
quence: it justified the view that engaging programs “correspond to actual embodiments
with an algorithm required the use of tools. of a circuit which are merely represented by
To Cook, a programmable computer was the schematic diagram.” Their relationship to
just like paper and pencil in that a person the explicative program was similar to that of
could use it in order to grasp algorithms such an electrical circuit and its schematic diagram.
as the one that Benson and Tabbot had Whereas explicative programs were best
encoded into a program.38 This led him to understood as writings eligible for copyright
believe that storing data into a shift register protection, extant programs were just
amounted to writing, that transforming data “methods of processing signals.” In Nimtz’s
from one form to another amounted to view, the latter had been the subject matter of
manipulating “meanings and representations patents ever since the Supreme Court issued
made by signals,” and that no manipulation the so-called Telephone Cases in the 19th cen-
of tangible subject matter occurred at any tury, wherein the original patents for teleph-
step in the translation because the program ony had been assigned.42
was an algorithm as Knuth understood it. Nimtz believed that the coexistence of
From this, Cook had concluded that granting explicative and extant programs explained
patent protection to Benson and Tabbot’s software’s complicated relationship with
method amounted to creating “a restriction intellectual property law.43 In particular, he
on mental processes” that would in no way noted that Cook’s rejection confused the
help to “promote science or the useful arts.” extant and explicative components of Ben-
In 1967, Bell’s legal team appealed Cook’s son and Tabbot’s invention. Nimtz high-
decision to the Patent Office’s Board of Patent lighted what he considered to be evidence of
Appeals, but Cook’s views emerged victori- Cook’s confusion by annotating the exam-
ous. Data processing was not new to the iner’s text with bracketed words of his own.
Patent Office; seismography equipment, For instance, Nimtz contested Cook’s claim
weapons control systems, and flowcharting that one of Benson and Tabbot claims “is
programs all involved some form of data merely a program which is a set of instruc-
processing, and machines in each of these tions [explicative] to control the operation of
fields had received patents.15 However, these a computer [extant].”43 To Nimtz, Cook’s line
predecessors produced a physical outcome— of thought was analogous to rejecting a pat-
the printing out of a signal’s intensity, the ent for an electrical circuit on the grounds
creation of a flowchart on a piece of paper, or that the circuit’s schematic diagram is printed
the movement of an artillery system. Benson matter. The fact that explicative programs are
and Tabbot’s invention produced data out of texts did not mean that the extant programs
data, creating numbers in one form out of that they described were necessarily banned
numbers in another form, so the board from patent protection.44
insisted that it was ineligible for patent pro- In 1971, the CCPA embraced Nimtz’s argu-
tection. Still, Bell appealed once again, this ment for the patent eligibility of Benson and
time to the CCPA.39 It was at this point that Tabbot’s invention.45 It ruled that the pres-
Robert O. Nimtz, one of Bell’s more promi- ence of electrical signals and shift registers in
nent patent attorneys, proposed an ontologi- the claims was sufficient to demonstrate that
cal argument—that is, one grounded on his Benson and Tabbot’s claims were not directed
conception of the nature of software—to jus- to mental steps. The idea that the invention
tify the patent eligibility of Benson and Tab- was mental in character because it dealt with
bot’s invention.40 numbers was also inadmissible in the court’s
At the CCPA, Nimtz argued that software view, especially because inventions such as
had a dual nature.41 On the one hand, there cash registers were eligible for protection
was what he called the “explicative program,” even though they, too, dealt with numbers.46
which he identified as “merely a list of The court explained that the translation
instructions”—the program’s “purely descrip- process that Benson and Tabbot had invented
tive aspect.” These programs were “closely could, “in theory,” be performed with “any
analogous to” and no more patent eligible kind of writing implement and any kind of
than “the schematic diagram of an electrical recording medium.” However, this did not

January–March 2016 27
Contested Ontologies of Software: The Story of Gottschalk v. Benson, 1963–1972

essing machine in the form of electrical sig-

nals. Like flour, metal, or glycerin, these
Patent attorney Morton signals were the “proper work stuff for a proc-
ess patent.”48 Otherwise, the patents on teleg-
C. Jacobs argued that the raphy, telephony, and radio technologies that
the Patent Office had been issuing since the
“myth of the 19th century should not exist.49
The arrival of Benson and Tabbot’s patent
nonmachine” collapsed application to the Supreme Court prompted
several attorneys to submit amicus briefs—
under the weight of the that is, briefs wherein interested third parties
propose rationales to the court—on behalf of
fact that software is both several firms and trade associations. Three
years had passed since IBM had decided to
integral to hardware and sell its software instead of including it for free
with the purchase of its hardware.50 This so-
equivalent to it. called unbundling had catalyzed the growth
of the software industry, but the fledgling
firms dedicated to the making and sale of pro-
grams were minute in comparison with hard-
render the invention ineligible for protection ware manufacturers such as Burroughs or
because the hardware made the algorithm IBM.51
fast enough to be useful; it was improbable At the Supreme Court, the hardware giants
that any human being would ever be able to opposed granting Benson and Tabbot’s pat-
perform the data translations in the “milli- or ent, in part because they predicted that the
even micro- seconds” required to operate the production and marketing costs for their
computerized PBX. In Nimtz’s terminology, own software could rise if they had to pay
this amounted to ruling that the claims for licensing fees to the software firms and to one
the extant program were sufficient to issue a another.52 In contrast, software firms argued
patent that did not cover its explicative that denying Benson and Tabbot’s patent
counterpart. would make the patent system even more ill
prepared to encourage the growth of their
The Nonmachine’s Triumph fledging industry.53 In their collective wis-
A new Commissioner of Patents Robert Gott- dom, the hardware manufacturers’ support of
schalk appealed the CCPA’s decision, and the the Patent Office’s position illustrated how
Supreme Court agreed to hear the case in giants such as IBM attacked any “hope of
1972. Before the court, the Patent Office’s innovation and competition” and attempted
legal team focused on clarifying Cook’s and to terminate “the very existence of an inde-
the Board of Appeals’ rationales. However, pendent software sub-industry.”53
Bell’s lead attorney, Hugh B. Cox, changed Leading the software firms was the promi-
the strategy that had worked at the CCPA. nent patent attorney Morton C. Jacobs, who
Instead of advancing Nimtz’s argument wrote one brief for each of his main clients in
on extant and explicative programs, Cox the software industry—the software firm
insisted that Benson and Tabbot’s claims were Applied Data Research (ADR) and the Associa-
merely “directed to a process involving the tion of Data Processing Service Organizations
manipulation of electrical signals performable (ADAPSO).54 Jacobs’ take on the patent eligi-
only in a digital computer or other electrical bility of Benson and Tabbot’s invention relied
data processing apparatus.”47 He argued that on his notion that software was equivalent to
Benson and Tabbot’s creation was a type of hardware. He argued that “software program-
patent-eligible invention best understood as a ming is a machine device” and that the Patent
machine process—a way of arranging a data Office was just as well equipped to handle the
processing machine in order to elicit opera- search and classification of “inventions
tions such as the transfer and modification of embodied in software” as it was for those
electrical signals. This shifted the focus away “embodied in hardware.”55 In Jacobs’ view,
from the nature of software and toward that the Patent Office was attempting to perpetu-
of the data that it processed. Indeed, Cox ate what he had called the “myth of the non-
explained that numbers, text, and any other machine.”56 This is a phrase he had been
information would be stored in the data-proc- using for the past three years in reference to

28 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing

the idea that software is not a patent-eligible
machine. His goal was to debunk this myth—
that is, to lay to rest the idea that “computer In the Gottschalk v.
programs have a certain ephemeral character,
a non-physical or non-machine character.”57 Benson ruling, the US
Jacobs argued that the myth of the non-
machine collapsed under the weight of the Supreme Court
fact that software is both integral to hardware
and equivalent to it. He grounded this asser- established a new
tion on two observations. First, computer
programs “are control mechanisms of com- understanding of
puting machines.”58 By this, he meant that a
program stored into a general-purpose com- software patents.
puter gave the machine a special purpose.
Second, the installation of software had a
transformative power; a single program
would make a computer system become a claims” using “digital computer operations or
new device—perhaps a payroll accounting well-known hardware.”64 Their application’s
machine or one able to process airline reser- description of hardware was unnecessary,
vations or typeset text.58 which meant a patent for their program would
Jacobs’ views stood in stark opposition to grant “a monopoly as broad as the algorithm”
the one advanced by the Business Equipment that stood at the program’s core.65 This echoed
Manufacturers Association (BEMA), the pri- Cook’s original rejection back at the Patent
mary trade association for firms such as IBM, Office. The wording of the patent application
Honeywell, and Burroughs.59 BEMA’s attor- could “sound like a hardware component,”
ney, John S. Voorhees, explained that soft- but a countless number of hardware arrange-
ware was akin to text or music in that it ments other than the ones that they proposed
merited protection by copyrights, not pat- could perform the same function equally
ents. He insisted that a computer program “is well.65 Their claimed invention did not
nothing more than a set of instructions to a enhance or change the algorithm in any way;
computer as to how it should manipulate it was merely a transparent “façade of com-
information and data.”60 A computer runs a puter hardware” written with unnecessarily
program much like an automatic piano broad language.66
player runs the “code contained in a punched Finally, on 20 November 1972, the
paper or paper piano roll.”61 Regardless of the Supreme Court issued Gottschalk v. Benson,
complexity of a musical composition, a piano wherein it held that programs such as Benson
roll maker could translate musical notes into and Tabbot’s were ineligible for patent protec-
holes, and the piano will be able to operate it. tion. In the court’s view, there was no duality
In both the piano and the computer, there is between extant and explicative programs, and
“nothing more than a set of instructions for the nonmachine was no myth. Instead, soft-
the machine” to perform automatically “the ware was merely a “sequence of coded
mental processes or steps contained in the instructions,” a vehicle for an algorithm that
algorithm or musical composition.”62 Creat- was no more eligible for a patent than a for-
ing a program was akin to writing a book or mula or an electrical current.67 By issuing this
composing a song, inscribing the program in ruling, the Court established a new under-
some storage medium to punching holes on standing of software patents—patents for the
a piano roll, and running a programmed instructions encoded into a computer pro-
machine to listening to a music player.62 gram, not any machines that embody it. How-
IBM and Honeywell were keen supporters ever, at the same time, it sent a discouraging
of this argument.63 However, Burroughs took decision for any programmers who would be
Voorhees’ argument one step further by argu- interested in securing one. At least for a few
ing that the presence of hardware descriptions years, software that was not embodied would
in a claim for a computer program was remain ineligible for a patent.
improper. According to this firm’s lead attor-
neys, James Clabault and Edward Fiorito, Ben- Conclusion
son and Tabbot had attempted to mask their As Benson and Tabbot’s program travelled
invention, which was in essence an algorithm from the Patent Office to the Supreme Court,
or mathematical expression, by “garbing their it became the subject of a series of ontological

January–March 2016 29
Contested Ontologies of Software: The Story of Gottschalk v. Benson, 1963–1972

contests aimed at identifying a nature for soft- close the details of the invention in full. An
ware that could serve as a conceptual under- invention is eligible for patent protection (or
pinning for patent law. The contesting parties “patent eligible”) if it qualifies as one of the cate-
were attorneys and federal agents. Their argu- gories of inventions for which the Patent Office
ments were shaped by administrative consid- can grant protection under Title 35 of the
erations, the common law of patents, and the United States Code, section 101. The Code
views that circulated within trade associations establishes that the invention must be a “new
for the computing industry and the academic and useful process, machine, manufacture, or
programming community. These historical composition of matter, or any new and useful
actors repeatedly defined and characterized improvement thereof.” If the invention is eligi-
computer programs, making patent law a ble for a patent, the inventor must demonstrate
ground wherein they struggled with one diffi- that it is new, useful, and nonobvious in order to
cult question that could be asked in decep- secure a patent. US Code, Title 35, section 101.
tively simple manner: what is software? 2. A number system is a way of expressing quanti-
The history of software patenting invites ties using a specific set of symbols. The best-
further study of these ontological contests. known number system is the decimal system,
Since 1972, federal courts at all levels have which we use in the West and which expresses
been issuing decisions that deal either with quantities using the digits from 0 to 9. Com-
software patenting or with a practice that puters normally use the binary system, which
would become closely related to it during the expresses quantities using the digits 0 and 1.
late 20th century: business method patent- 3. For instance, the Supreme Court cited Gott-
ing.68 Many of these conflicts involved com- schalk v. Benson several times in its recent deci-
peting actors eager to identify and establish a sion, Alice v. CLS, in an effort to assess the place
nature of software, and together they formed of algorithms and data processing in patent law.
the web of ontological contests of which this Alice Corporation v. CLS Bank International, US
article provides a glimpse. Historians of com- Supreme Court, no. 13-298, 19 June 2014;
puting can continue to follow the trail of pat-
ents and applications that the history of 13-298 7lh8.pdf.
software has left behind. This will show us 4. P. Samuelson, “The Strange Odyssey of Software
how the natures of the technologies that con- Interfaces as Intellectual Property,” Making and
cern us were manifold, volatile, and pro- Unmaking Intellectual Property: Creative Produc-
foundly historically contingent. tion in Legal and Cultural Perspective, M. Biagioli
et al., ed., Univ. of Chicago Press, 2011; G.
Stobbs, Software Patents, Aspen Publishers,
Acknowledgments 2000; P. Samuelson, “Benson Revisited: The
I am indebted to my dissertation adviser, Case Against Patent Protection for Algorithms
Daniel Kevles, and to Naomi Lamoreaux, and Other Computer Program-Related
Mario Biagioli, William Rankin, Nathan Inventions,” Emory Law J., vol. 39, 1990, pp.
Ensmenger, Jeffrey Yost, Joanna Radin, and 1025–1154.
Eric Hintz for their advice and encourage- 5. I do not use the word “ontology” in the meta-
ment; to the Yale Program in the History of physical sense common among philosophers,
nor do I use it in the highly technical sense that
Science and Medicine, IEEE, the Charles Bab-
software engineers sometimes employ it.
bage Institute, and the Lemelson Center for
Instead, my phrase “an ontology of software” is
the Study of Invention and Innovation for a shorthand for the phrase “a conception of the
financial support; to Thomas Misa and Arvid nature of software.” My intention is not to
Nelsen at the Charles Babbage Institute for advance my own ontologies of software, but to
assistance in navigating the rich archives in show how competing ontologies helped to
their care; and to the editors and anonymous shape the history of software patenting.
peer reviewers at the IEEE Annals for their 6. See, for example, D. Nofre, M. Priestley, and G.
thoughtful feedback. Alberts, “When Technology Became Language:
The Origins of the Linguistic Conception of
Computer Programming, 1950-1960,” Technol-
References and Notes ogy & Culture, vol. 55, no. 1, 2014, pp. 40–75;
1. A patent grants an inventor the right to exclude D. Kevles, “The Genes You Can’t Patent,” New
others from making or selling his or her inven- York Rev. of Books, 23 Sept. 2013; W. Rankin,
tion for a limited period of time. In exchange for “The Reification of Sound: Technology and the
this limited monopoly, the inventor must dis- Changing Ontology of Music,” Open Space, 8/9,

30 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing

Fall 2006–Spring 2007; H. Nissenbaum, vol. 50, July 2009, pp. 519–548; M. Biagioli,
“Hackers and the Contested Ontology of “Patent Republic: Representing Inventions,
Cyberspace,” New Media & Society, vol. 6, no. 2, Constructing Rights and Authors,” Social
2004, pp. 195–271; G. Con Diaz, “The Text in Research, vol. 73, no. 4, 2006, pp. 1129–1172.
the Machine: American Copyright Law and the See also W. Rankin, “The Person Skilled in the
Many Natures of Software,” Technology & Art Is Really Quite Conventional: US Patent
Culture, forthcoming Oct. 2016. Interest in Drawings and the Persona of the Inventor,”
ontological matters is also gaining momentum Making and Unmaking Intellectual Property: Cre-
among scholars in science and technology ative Production in Legal and Cultural Perspective,
studies, albeit from a much more theoretically M. Biagioli et al., eds., Univ. of Chicago Press,
inclined viewpoint than the one I adopt in this 2011, pp. 55–78.
article. See S. Woolgar and J. Lezaun, eds., 9. M. Biagioli, “Patent Republic”; Pottage and
“Special Issue: A Turn to Ontology in Science Sherman, Figures of Invention; P. Samuelson,
and Technology Studies?” Social Studies of “The Story of Baker v. Selden: Sharpening the
Technology, vol. 43, no. 3, 2013. Many historians Distinction between Authorship and Invention,”
of medicine have also been concerned with Intellectual Property Stories, J. Ginsburg and R.
similar phenomena for several years. See C. Dreyfuss, eds., Foundation Press, 2006, pp.
Rosenberg, Framing Disease: Studies in Cultural 159–193.
History, Rutgers Univ. Press, 1992. 10. This is an important subject in the history of
7. The intersection of the histories of software and intellectual property and biotechnology. J.
intellectual property is crystallizing as a site for Gabriel, Medical Monopoly: Intellectual Property
interdisciplinary study. See, for instance, G. Con Rights and the Origins of the Modern Pharmaceut-
Diaz, “Embodied Software: Patents and the ical Industry, Chicago Univ. Press, 2015; D.
History of Software Development, 1946–1970,” Kevles, “New Blood, New Fruits: Protections for
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, vol. 37, Breeders and Originators, 1789–1930,” Making
no. 3, 2015, pp. 8–19; P. Samuelson, “The and Unmaking Intellectual Property: Creative Pro-
Strange Odyssey of Software Interfaces as duction in Legal and Cultural Perspective, M. Bia-
Intellectual Property”; C. Kelty, “Inventing gioli et al., eds., Univ. of Chicago Press, 2011,
Copyleft,” Making and Unmaking Intellectual pp. 253–269; D. Kevles, “Protections, Privileges,
Property: Creative Production in Legal and Cultural and Patents: Intellectual Property in American
Perspective, M. Biagioli et al., ed., Univ. of Horticulture,” Proc. Am. Philosophical Soc., vol.
Chicago Press, 2011; A. Bonaccorsi, J. Calvert, 152, June 2008, pp. 207–213; D. Kevles and A.
and P. B. Joly, “From Protecting Texts to Protect- Berkowitz, “The Gene Patenting Controversy: A
ing Objects in Biotechnology and Software: A Convergence of Law, Economic Interests, and
Tale of Changes of Ontological Assumptions in Ethics,” Brooklyn Law Rev., vol. 67, 2002, pp.
Intellectual Property Protection,” Economy and 233–248; K. Swanson, “Biotech in Court: A
Society, vol. 40, no. 4, 2011, pp. 611–639; C. Legal Lesson on the Unity of Science,” Social
Kelty, Two Bits: The Cultural Significance of Free Studies of Science, vol. 37, no. 3, 2007, pp.
Software, Duke Univ. Press, 2008; M. O’Rourke, 357–384; D. Kevles, “Ananda Chakrabarty Wins
“The Story of Diamond v. Diehr: Toward Patent- a Patent: Biotechnology, Law and Society,” His-
ing Software,” Intellectual Property Stories, J. torical Studies of the Physical and Biological Scien-
Ginsburg and R. Dreyfuss, eds., Foundation ces, 1994, pp. 111–135.
Press, 2006, pp. 194–219; M. Campbell-Kelly, 11. Commission on the Patent System, To Promote
“Not All Bad: An Historical Perspective on Soft- the Progress of Useful Arts: Report of the Presi-
ware Patents,” Michigan Telecommunications dent’s Commission on the Patent System, Govt.
and Technology Law Rev., vol. 11, 2005, pp. Printing Office, 1967, p. 1.
191–249. 12. The quoted words in this sentence and the rest
8. See D. Kevles, “Inventions, Yes; Nature, No: The of the paragraph are found in Commission on
Products-of-Nature Doctrine from the American the Patent System, To Promote the Progress of
Colonies,” Perspectives on Science, vol. 23, no. Useful Arts, p. 20.
1, 2015, pp. 13–34; M. Biagioli, “Between 13. In the early 1960s, all software inventions,
Knowledge and Technology: Patenting Meth- embodied or not, were classified as inventions in
ods, Rethinking Materiality,” Anthropological the arts of electrical computing and data proc-
Forum, vol. 22, 2012, pp. 285–300; A. Pottage essing. US Dept. of Commerce, Development
and B. Sherman, Figures of Invention: A History of and Use of Patent Classification System, Library of
Modern Patent Law, Oxford Univ. Press, 2010; K. Congress Catalog no. 65-62235, 1966. Com-
Swanson, “The Emergence of the Professional mission on the Patent System, To Promote the
Patent Practitioner,” Technology and Culture, Progress of Useful Arts, p. 21.

January–March 2016 31
Contested Ontologies of Software: The Story of Gottschalk v. Benson, 1963–1972

14. R. Kurtz, “Examples of Inventions Embodying 27. Gottschalk v. Benson, “Brief for Respondents,”
Software,” Software Protection by Trade Secret, no. 71-485, US Supreme Court, Aug. 1972, p. 2.
Contract, Patent, I. Kayton, ed., Patent Resources 28. The binary system, which all computers use, uses
Group, 1969, p. 160. only the digits 0 and 1, and each digit represents a
15. Con Diaz, “Embodied Software.” power of two. In this system, the number indi-
16. M. Goetz, Sorting System, US patent 3,380,029, cated by 34 would be expressed as 100010. Read
Patent and Trademark Office, filed 9 Apr. 1965, from right to left, this expression indicates the
issued 23 Apr. 1968; M. Goetz, Automatic System presence of zero ones, one two, zero fours, and so
for Constructing and Recording Display Charts, US on. The left most digit denotes one fifth power of
patent 3,533,086, Patent and Trademark Office, two, or 32. The number 34 is therefore expressed
filed 24 Dec. 1968, continuing application as the sum of 32 and 2. In contrast, the binary
512,113 filed 7 Dec. 1965, issued 6 Oct. 1970. coded decimal (BCD) consists of writing down the
17. US Patent Office, “Guidelines to Examination of binary form of each digit in a decimal expression.
Programs,” Official Gazette of the United States A literal digit-by-digit translation, BCD notation
Patent Office, vol. 829, no. 3, 16 Aug. 1966, p. creates long sequences of zeroes and ones. In this
866. case, the number 34 would be expressed as
18. The quoted words in this sentence and the rest of 00110100. In this expression, the first four digits
the paragraph are found in US Patent Office, (0011) are the binary expression for 3, and the last
“Guidelines to Examination of Programs,” p. 865. four digits (0100) are the binary expression for 4.
19. J. Essinger, Jacquard’s Web: How a Hand-Loom 29. Gottschalk v. Benson, “Brief for Respondents,”
Led to the Birth of the Information Age, Oxford no. 71-485, p. 8.
Univ. Press, 2004. 30. G. Benson and A. Tabbot, “Application,” Patent
20. US Patent Office, “Guidelines to Examination of Appeal Docket no. 8376, Transcript of Record in
Programs,” p. 865. the Matter of the Application of Gary R. Benson
21. The quoted words in this sentence and the rest and Arthur C. Tabbot, Court of Customs and
of the paragraph are found in “Examination of Patent Appeals, 1969, p. 10.
Patent Applications on Computer Programs,” 31. Daryl W. Cook, “Examiner’s Answer,” Patent
Federal Register, vol. 33, no. 206, 22 Oct. 1968, Appeal Docket no. 8376, Transcript of Record in
p. 15610. the Matter of the Application of Gary R. Benson
22. US Patent Office, “Examination of Patent Appli- and Arthur C. Tabbot, Court of Customs and
cations on Computer Programs,” Official Gazette Patent Appeals, 1969, p. 122.
of the United States Patent Office, vol. 868, 11 32. Stobbs, Software Patents, pp. 49–52.
Nov. 1969. 33. Cochrane v. Deener, 94 US 780, US Supreme
23. A series of cases dealing with patents filed in the Court, 1877, p. 788.
early 1960s led to important precedents. First, a 34. Halliburton Oil Well Cementing Company v.
process claim was not necessarily ineligible for a Walker, 146 F.2d 817, 9th Circuit, 1944.
patent just because the application disclosed an 35. In re Venner, 262 F. 2d 91, Court of Customs
apparatus that inherently carries out the steps. and Patent Appeals, 1958; In re Yuan, 188 F. 2d
In re Tarczy-Hornoch, 397 F.2d 856, Court of 377, Court of Customs and Patent Appeals,
Customs and Patent Appeals, 1968; In re Bekey, 1951; In re Abrams, 188 F.2d 165, Court of Cus-
397 F.2d, Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, toms and Patent Appeals, 1951; Ex Parte Jenny,
1968. Second, an inventor claiming a pro- 130 USPQ 318, Board of Appeals, 1960.
grammed machine need not provide enough 36. D.W. Cook, “Examiner’s Answer,” Patent Appeal
information to teach people how to program a Docket no. 8376, Transcript of Record in the
computer; he may instead provide sufficient Matter of the Application of Gary R. Benson and
information to enable a person skilled in the art Arthur C. Tabbot, Court of Customs and Patent
of programming to reproduce his programmed Appeals, 1969, p. 122.
machine. In re Naquin, 398 F.2d 863, Court of 37. The quotes in this sentence and the rest of this
Customs and Patent Appeals, 1968. paragraph are taken from D. Knuth, “What Is an
24. In re Prater and Wei, 415 F.2d 1378, Court of Algorithm?” Datamation, Oct. 1967, p. 31.
Customs and Patent Appeals, 1968. 38. The quoted words in this sentence and the rest of
25. In re Prater and Wei, 415 F.2d 1393, Court of the paragraph are found Cook, “Examiner’s
Customs and Patent Appeals, 1969. Answer,” Patent Appeal Docket no. 8376, p. 122.
26. Two of the most important decisions are In re 39. “Decision of the Board of Appeals,” Patent
Bernhart, 417 F.2d 1395, Court of Customs and Appeal Docket no. 8376, Transcript of Record in
Patent Appeals, 1969, and In re Musgrave, 431 the Matter of the Application of Gary R. Benson
F.2d 882, Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, and Arthur C. Tabbot, Court of Customs and
1970. Patent Appeals, 1969, p. 136.

32 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing

40. R.O. Nimtz, “Brief for Appellants,” Patent George Washington Univ., 1968, B-77. Cited in
Appeal Docket no. 8376, Transcript of Record in Jacobs, “Brief Amicus Curiae for Applied Data
the Matter of the Application of Gary R. Benson Research, Inc. (ADR).”
and Arthur C. Tabbot, Court of Customs and 57. Jacobs, “Patentable Machines,” B-77.
Patent Appeals, 1969, p. 12. 58. Jacobs, “Patentable Machines,” B-78.
41. The quoted words in this sentence and the rest 59. Voorhees, “Brief Amicus Curiae on Behalf of the
of the paragraph are found in Nimtz, “Brief for Business Equipment Manufacturers
Appellants,” Patent Appeal Docket no. 8376. Association.”
42. See C. Beauchamp, “Who Invented the Tele- 60. Voorhees, “Brief Amicus Curiae on Behalf of the
phone? Lawyers, Patents, and the Judgments of Business Equipment Manufacturers
History,” Technology and Culture, vol. 51, no. 4, Association,” p. 6.
2010, pp. 854–878. 61. Voorhees, “Brief Amicus Curiae on Behalf of the
43. Nimtz, “Brief for Appellants,” Patent Appeal Business Equipment Manufacturers
Docket no. 8376, p. 28. Association,” p. 8.
44. Nimtz, “Brief for Appellants,” Patent Appeal 62. Voorhees, “Brief Amicus Curiae on Behalf of the
Docket no. 8376, p. 13. Business Equipment Manufacturers
45. “Application of Benson,” 441 F.2d 682, Court of Association,” p. 9.
Customs and Patent Appeals, 1971. 63. Hanson and Allegretti, “Brief Amicus Curiar for
46. The quoted words in this sentence and the rest Honeywell Inc,” and Cutler, “Brief for Amicus
of the paragraph are found in “Application of Curiae International Business Machines
Benson,” 441 F.2d 682, p. 688. Corporation.”
47. “Respondent’s Brief,” Gottschalk v. Benson, no. 64. J. Clabault and E. Fiorito, “Brief Amicus Curiae
71-485, US Supreme Court, 1971, p. 23. for Burroughs Corporation,” Gottschalk v. Ben-
48. “Respondent’s Brief,” Gottschalk v. Benson, no. son, no. 71-485, US Supreme Court, 1971, p.
71-485, p. 20. 13.
49. “Respondent’s Brief,” Gottschalk v. Benson, no. 65. Clabault and Fiorito, “Brief Amicus Curiae for
71-485, p. 19. Burroughs Corporation,” p. 14.
50. S. Usselman, “Unbundling IBM: Antitrust and 66. Clabault and Fiorito, “Brief Amicus Curiae for
the Incentives to Innovation in American Burroughs Corporation,” p. 16.
Computing,” The Challenge of Remaining Inno- 67. Gottschalk v. Benon, 409 U.S. 63, US Supreme
vative, N. Lamoreaux et al., eds., Stanford Univ. Court, 1972, p. 65.
Press, 2009, pp. 249–279. 68. The most prominent Supreme Court decisions
51. M. Campbell-Kelly, From Airline Reservations to in the vein are Parker v. Flook, 437 US 584, US
Sonic the Hedgehog: A History of the Software Supreme Court, 1978; Diamond v. Diehr, 450
Industry, MIT Press, 2003. US 175, US Supreme Court, 1981; Bilski v. Kap-
52. J.S. Voorhees, “Brief Amicus Curiae on Behalf of pos, 561 US 593, US Supreme Court, 2010;
the Business Equipment Manufacturers Alice v. CLS, no. 13-298, US Supreme Court,
Association,” Gottschalk v. Benson, no. 71-485, 2014. A textbook account of the procedural his-
US Supreme Court, 1971; H. Hanson and D.D. tory of these decisions and the ones issued by
Allegretti, “Brief Amicus Curiar for Honeywell the lower courts can be found in S. Lundberg, S.
Inc.,” Gottschalk v. Benson, no. 71-485, US Durant, and A. McCrackin, Electronic and Soft-
Supreme Court, 1971; L. Cutler, “Brief for Ami- ware Patents: Law and Practice, BNA Books,
cus Curiae International Business Machines Cor- 2013.
poration,” Gottschalk v. Benson, no. 71-485, US
Supreme Court, 1971.
Gerardo Con Diaz is a his-
53. M.C. Jacobs, “Brief Amicus Curiae for the Associ-
torian of science and technol-
ation of Data Processing Service Organizations,
ogy with a special interest in
Software Products and Service Section
(ADAPSO/AISC),” Gottschalk v. Benson, no. 71- law and public policy and a
485, US Supreme Court, 1971. PhD candidate at Yale Univer-
54. M.C. Jacobs, “Brief Amicus Curiae for Applied sity’s Program in the History
Data Research, Inc. (ADR),” Gottschalk v. Ben- of Science and Medicine. His
son, no. 71-485, US Supreme Court, 1971. dissertation is a history of
55. Jacobs, “Brief Amicus Curiae for Applied Data software patenting in the United States. Con Diaz
Research, Inc. (ADR),” p. 1. has an MPhil from the Department of History and
56. M.C. Jacobs, “Patentable Machines—Systems Philosophy of Science at University of Cambridge,
Embodiable in Hardware or Software (The Myth Trinity College. Contact him at gerardo.condiaz@
of the Non-Machine),” Proc. Law of Software,

January–March 2016 33

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