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What inspired you to pursue a career in UI design, and how has your journey
evolved over time?
2. Can you share details about a recent UI project you were involved in? What were
the challenges and key achievements?
3. Walk me through your typical design process from concept to final product. How
do you ensure the usability and effectiveness of your designs?
4. Could you describe an existing app that you believe exemplifies your ideal UI
design principles? What specific aspects do you admire about it?
5. How do you stay updated with the ever-evolving design trends and emerging
technologies in UI design?
6. In your opinion, what constitutes a UI design failure when a new product is
launched, and how can it be prevented?
7. Share an experience when there was a breakdown in communication between design
and development teams. What steps would you take to improve this collaboration?
8. What strategies do you employ to advocate for usability and user-centered design
within your organization?
9. If given the opportunity to redesign our current app or website, what initial
steps would you take, and what key improvements would you suggest?
10. Is there a design trend that you strongly dislike, and what are the reasons
behind your disapproval?
11. Define your understanding of UI design and its core principles.
12. Could you describe a mobile application that, in your opinion, embodies
exceptional user interface design? What sets it apart?
13. Identify a recently launched product and point out a UI design aspect you
perceive as a failure. What could have been done differently?
14. Take a look at our current app or website. Outline your approach to redesigning
it, highlighting key areas for improvement.
15. Are there any design trends you find particularly irksome, and what leads to
your negative perception of them?
16. Share your go-to sources for design inspiration, whether they are websites,
apps, or other platforms.
17. In your design process, what element do you consider the most crucial for
achieving a successful outcome?
18. Reflect on the most challenging task you've encountered in UI design and how
you addressed it.
19. Before initiating a UI design project, what UX-related information or research
do you believe is essential to gather?
20. Do you have experience conducting usability testing, and can you describe a
specific project where it played a vital role?
21. Define your understanding of UX design and its significance in the overall user
22. What motivated you to pursue a career in UX design, and how has your background
influenced your approach to it?
23. Discuss your familiarity with "design thinking" and what it means to you in the
context of UX design.
24. Walk me through your typical workflow or design process, emphasizing key stages
and methodologies you follow.
25. Can you provide a glimpse of your portfolio, highlighting a few projects that
showcase your UX and UI design skills?
26. Share a UX challenge you encountered and successfully resolved. Describe your
problem-solving approach.
27. Where do you seek UX design inspiration? Are there specific websites or apps
whose UX design you admire and why?

‫ المهم فهمك لشغلك وطريقتك مش مجرد كالم هتقوله وخالص انت ممكن تكون فاهم جدا وبعض التوتر يضيع عليك شغل كتير‬:‫ملحوظة‬
‫او غلط فى وصف او شرح حاجه يضيع عليك الفرصه وده حصل معايا ومبسوط ان هو حصل معايا الن هو جهزنى لفرصه كويسه جدا‬
‫وصلت ليه والحمدلله ولكن ده ميمنعش انك تجهز نفسك للمقابله بكل الطرق وتفهم طبيعة الشركه وهى محتاجه ايه بالضبط وهل ده تقدر‬
‫تقدمه ازاى وهكذا‬

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