Questions of Urology 200

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2. Anatomy and topography of the kidneys, ureters and bladder. State the
normal filtration capacity of the glomerular apparatus and the reabsorption
function of the kidney. Function of the ureters and bladder. Daily amount of
3. Causal factors of acute urinary retention, symptoms of first aid.
4. Urolithiasis disease. Etiology. Exo- and endogenous factors. Changes in the
kidneys and bladder with urolithiasis.
5. Urinary disorder. Dysuria, pollakiuria, nocturia. Incontinence and urinary
incontinence. Causes, clinical picture, diagnosis.
6. Benign prostatic hyperplasia. Etiology. Place of preferential growth.
Symptoms, diagnosis, additional studies.
7. Quantitative changes in urine: polyuria, oliguria, anuria. Examination
technique, diagnostics.
8. Urolithiasis disease. Etiopathogenesis, chemical composition of stones
(caloid-crystaloid theory and matrix theory).
9. Qualitative change in urine. Hyper-, hypo- and isosthenuria, urine color and
clarity, proteinuria (true, false) pyuria. Two-glass urine sample,
determination of latent pyuria, active leukocytes.
10.Bladder tumors: incidence of disease between men and women.
Etiopathogenesis, classification.
11.Survey urography. Goal and task. Indications and contraindications for
survey urography of the urinary tract.
12.Tumors of the kidney and renal pelvis. Etio-pathogenesis. Clinical stages (I,
II, III and IV). Features of the clinical course.
13.Excretory urography: indications and contraindications. X-ray contrast
agents. Possibility of complications during their use, and preventive
14.Uncomplicated and complicated forms of urolithiasis (pyelonephritis,
peripyelitis, periureteritis, pedinculitis, pyonephrosis, nephrogenic
hypertension, chronic renal failure. Treatment (conservative, surgical).
15.Prostate cancer. Variety. Clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
16.Pathological changes in sperm. Causes, factors, examination methods,
diagnosis and treatment.
17. Instrumental methods for examining the urethra and bladder. Features of
instrumental examination of women, men and children.
18.Hydronephrosis. Etio-pathogenesis. Clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
19.Features of the clinical manifestation of prostate adenoma by stages (I, II,
III). Diagnostics, conservative and surgical treatment.
20.Acute pyelonephritis. Frequency of distribution between men and women.
Clinical course, diagnosis and treatment.
21.Infusion urography: indications and contraindications. X-ray contrast
agents. Possibility of complications during their use, and preventive
22.Anomaly of development of the genital organs in men (epi- and
hypospadias, cryptorchidism). Diagnostics, methods of surgical treatment.
23.Acute renal failure. Etio-pathogenesis. Clinic. Diagnostics, treatment
24.Tuberculosis of the male genital organs. Etio-pathogenesis. Clinic,
diagnosis and treatment.
25.Tuberculosis of the kidneys and bladder. Clinical and radiological
classification of the stage of renal tuberculosis.
26.Acute prostatitis. Clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
27.Kidney tumors – benign and malignant. International classification
according to TNM. Clinical course, diagnosis, treatment.
28.Classification of kidney dystopia (homo- and heterolateral). Clinic,
29.The purpose and purpose of urethroscopy, diagnostic value, indications and
contraindications, the possibility of complications and preventive measures.
30.Chronic renal failure caused by an abnormality of the kidneys.
31.Damage to the urethra, mechanism of closed injuries. Symptoms.
Diagnostics, first aid.
32.Acute and chronic cystitis. Symptoms and course, treatment and prevention.
33.Urethritis. Etio-pathogenesis. Classification of clinical course, diagnosis
and treatment.
34.Damage to the scrotal organs. Testicular torsion. Diagnostics, ultrasound
scanning. Conservative and surgical treatment.
35.The essence and methods and value of renal angiography. Indications and
contraindications, possibilities of complications and their prevention.
36.Nephrogenic hypertension. Etiological factors of the parenchymal form.
37.Cryptorchidism. Classification. At what age is it advisable to operate?
38.Polycystic, multicystic and solitary renal cyst. Etiology, clinical picture,
diagnosis and treatment.
39.Anomaly of the relationship between two kidneys (symmetrical and
asymmetrical fusion). Clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
40.Kidney damage - classification. What signs can be used to judge the
severity of the damage and the danger to life?
41.Paranephritis acute, chronic. Features of the clinical course, modern
methods of diagnosis and treatment.
42.The purpose and purpose of cystoscopy, diagnostic value, indications and
contraindications, the possibility of complications and preventive measures.
43.Anomaly of the urethra. Features of the act of urination depending on the
location of the external opening of the urethra.
44.Why is unilateral aplasia or hypoplasia of the kidney dangerous for life?
Features of symptoms, examination methods, preventive measures.
45.Anomalies in the development of the bladder. Clinic. Diagnosis and
46.The purpose and purpose of ureteroscopy, diagnostic value, indications and
contraindications, the possibility of complications and preventive measures.
47.Rehberg's test. Indications and rules for urine collection.
48. Urethragraphy. Indications and rules of implementation.
50.Dysuria occurs.
52.Strangury occurs
54.Nocturia occurs
55.Dysuria occurs
56.Pollakiuria occurs
57.Zeldovich's symptom.
59.Oliguria occurs.
60.Secretory anuria.
62.O-liguria occurs
63.Arenal anuria occurs.
64.Prerenal anuria occurs.
65.Renal anuria occurs.
66.Postrenal (excretory) anuria occurs.
67.Polyuria occurs.
69.Oppsiuria occurs
70.Urinary retention.
71.Urinary retention occurs.
72.Paradoxical ischuria.
73. The main symptoms of urological diseases (pain, changes in the nature of
urination and changes in the nature and properties of urine).
74.Additional laboratory and instrumental methods for diagnosing urological
75.Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system.
76. Features of urine examination in acute and chronic
77. Differential diagnosis of primary and secondary pyelonephritis.
78. Pathogenesis of pyelonephritis.
79. Features of the treatment of secondary acute and chronic
80. The main symptoms of bladder inflammation.
81. Symptoms of chronic cystitis.
82. Etiology of urethritis.
83. Features of the diagnosis of urethritis.
84. Pathogenesis of prostatitis.
85. Features of symptoms and clinical course of chronic prostatitis.
86. Symptoms characteristic of acute and chronic epididymitis.
87.Anomalies in the development of the genitourinary system. Features of
embryogenesis. Causes.
88.Abnormalities in the number of kidneys. Classification.
89.Features of diagnostics. Complete and incomplete doubling of the kidneys.
90.Third accessory kidney.
91.Types of kidney dystopia. Clinical picture. Features --k-blood supply.
Differential diagnosis of kidney dystopia and
92.Anomalies of structure. Polycystic kidney disease. Causes. Diagnostics.
93.Kidney cysts. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Kinds.
94.Varicocele, definition, classification, etiopathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis,
differential diagnosis, types of treatment, rehabilitation
95.Hydrocele (dropsy of the testicular membranes), definition, classification,
etiopathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, types of
treatment, prevention.
96.Phimosis and paraphimosis. Concept. Treatment. Prevention.
97.Abnormalities of testicular structure.
98.Monorchism. Cryptorchidism. Clinic. Diagnostics. Treatment.
99.Renal colic. The main causes of renal colic. Pathogenesis. Clinic.
Differential diagnosis. Emergency care (public, specialized).
100. Urinary disorders, concept, connection with diseases of the genital
organs in women and men. Kinds. Differential diagnosis.
101. Acute and chronic urinary retention, causes in children and adults. The
role of bladder catheterization in the differential diagnosis of ischuria.
Urgent Care.
102. Changes in the amount of urine.
103. Diuresis, concept. Types of diuresis disorders. Causes.
104. Anuria, oliguria, polyuria, concepts, types, causes. Difference
polyuria from pollakiuria.
105. Hematuria, causes, types. Doctor's tactics for profuse hematuria. The
meaning and methodology of conducting two and three glass tests. The
difference between hematuria and urethrorrhagia.
106. Changes in the specific gravity (density) of urine. Causes. Kinds.
Clinical significance and methodology for performing the Zimnitsky test.
107. Change in reaction and type of urine, causes. Proteinuria, its types.
Cylindruria. Pyuria.
108. Nechiporenko's test. Indications for use. Clinical significance
109. Instrumental examination methods in urology. Cystoscopy.
Chromocystoscopy. Urethrocystoscopy. Ureteropyeloscopy. Methodology
for their implementation and diagnostic value.
110. Therapeutic and diagnostic value of bladder catheterization. Features
of bladder catheterization in men and women.
111. Catheterization of the ureter. Indications, errors, dangers,
112. Ultrasound (ultrasound) examination of the retroperitoneum, adrenal
glands, kidneys, upper urinary tract, bladder, prostate, external genitalia.
113. Survey urography. Diagnostic value. Preparing patients for x-ray
114. The concept of excretory urography, its diagnostic value, technique,
indications and contraindications for the technique.
115. Retrograde ureteropyelography. Concept. Indication. Execution
116. Antegrade ureteropyelography. Concept. Indication. Execution
117. Vascular studies in urology: abdominal aortography, selective renal
arterio and venography.
118. Total renal function. Concept. Determination methods.
119. Acute pyelonephritis, concept, classification. Routes of infection into
the kidney. Types of pathogens. The role of reflux (vesicoureteral, pelvic-
renal) in the pathogenesis of pyelonephritis.
120. Pathological anatomy of acute and chronic pyelonephritis.
121. Clinic of acute pyelonephritis (primary and secondary). General and
local symptoms of the disease. Diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis.
122. Basics of conservative treatment of acute pyelonephritis.
Indications for surgical treatment in acute pyelonephritis.
123. Acute obstructive pyelonephritis. Concept. Causes. Diagnostics.
Therapeutic tactics.
124. Paranephritis. Concept. Kinds. Causes. Clinic, treatment tactics.
125. Acute prostatitis, causes, forms, diagnosis, clinic, treatment tactics
126. Acute urethritis, classification, diagnosis, clinic, treatment
127. Pyelonephritis in pregnant women. Causes. Features of the course and
diagnosis of pyelonephritis in pregnant women, treatment, prevention.
128. Bacteriotoxic shock: causes, clinical features, clinical features and
129. Acute diseases of the scrotal organs. Clinic. Differential diagnosis.
Principles of treatment.
130. Balanitis and balanoposthitis. Concept. Causes. Clinic. Treatment.
131. Epididymitis, orchitis. Concept. Causes. Clinic. Diagnostics.
Treatment. Complications.
132. Tuberculosis of the kidney and urinary tract. Etiology and
pathogenesis. Pathanatomy. Classification. Symptoms and clinical course.
Diagnostics. Differential diagnosis. Treatment: conservative, surgical.
133. Kidney stones, clinic. Diagnostics. Prevention of stone formation
134. Urate nephrolithiasis. Diagnosis of X-ray negative stones. Treatment
of urate lithiasis. Normalization of purine metabolism disorders. Litholysis.
135. Conservative treatment of kidney and ureteral stones. Indications for
136. Open surgical interventions for stones of the kidneys, ureter, bladder.
137. Remote nephro-, uretero- and cystolithotripsy. Indications, essence of
138. Bladder and urethral stones, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment
139. Ureteral stones. Clinic, diagnosis, treatment tactics.
140. Types of kidney tumors (benign, malignant).
141. Renal and extrarenal manifestations of kidney cancer. Pathogenesis
metastasis. The role and sequence of diagnostic stages. Therapeutic tactics.
142. Bladder cancer. Etiology, pathogenesis, metastasis.
Classification. Symptoms. Clinic. Diagnostics. Treatment.
143. Testicular tumors. Kinds. Clinic, diagnostics. The importance of
cryptorchidism in the early detection of testicular cancer. Therapeutic
144. The mechanism of hormonal regulation of the prostate gland.
145. Stages of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and their symptoms.
146. IPSS scale. Diagnostics. The role of PSA (total, free, ratio, density) in
the differential diagnosis of hyperplasia and prostate cancer.
147. Features of the results of rectal examination. The value of transrectal
ultrasound in the diagnosis of BPH.
148. Therapeutic tactics of BPH by stages.
149. Prostate cancer. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Pathanatomy. Metastasis.
Stages of cancer.
150. Prostate cancer: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment tactics.
151. Mechanisms of closed kidney injury. Classification of kidney injuries.
Clinical picture of closed kidney injury
152. Local and general symptoms for various types of damage
kidneys Diagnostics. Therapeutic tactics.
153. Damage to the bladder, classification, clinical picture, treatment
tactics for intraperitoneal and extraperitoneal ruptures.
154. Urethral injury. Mechanism of urethral injury. Clinical picture of
urethral injuries. Management tactics for patients with urethral rupture.
155. Trauma to the scrotal organs, therapeutic tactics.
156. Distribution of urological diseases in the world and in Tajikistan.
157. Features of the regulation of copulatory function in men.
158. Visual and manual diagnosis of diseases of the external genitalia in men.
159. Urethrography (indications, technique, interpretation of images).
160. Methods of clinical diagnosis of urological diseases (questioning,
examination, palpation).
161. Features of drug treatment of urological patients with chronic renal
162. Acute renal failure in urological diseases. Mechanisms of development,
163. Treatment for acute renal failure caused by urological diseases
164. Chronic renal failure in urological diseases. Classification, diagnosis,
principles of treatment.
165. Hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, kidney transplantation for renal failure
166. Urinary incontinence in women. Types, diagnosis.
167. Conservative treatment for urinary incontinence in women. Overactive
168. Surgical treatment for urinary incontinence in women.
169. Principles of drug treatment of neurogenic bladder disorders (groups of
drugs, mechanism of action).
170. Drug treatment of BPH (indications, groups of drugs, mechanism of
171. Emergency care for acute, inflammatory diseases of the scrotum (orchitis,
epididymitis, testicular torsion).
172. Principles of antibacterial therapy of urological diseases. The main groups
of antibacterial drugs used in urology.
173. Principles of drug treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis (groups of
drugs, possible treatment regimens).
174. Chronic pyelonephritis. Etiology. Pathogenesis: factors in the transition of
acute pyelonephritis to chronic. Classification by inflammatory activity.
Pathanatomy. Symptomatology. Diagnostics. Treatment.
175. Urogenital fistulas in women. Diagnosis, treatment.
176. Traumatic injuries to the penis. Classification, features of clinical
manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis.
177. Iatrogenic ureteral injury. Diagnosis, treatment.
178. Complications of tuberculosis of the urinary and genital organs.
Diagnosis, treatment. Forecast.
179. Complications of urolithiasis. Diagnosis, treatment.
180. Diagnostic methods for urolithiasis and bladder stones.
181. Ureteroscopy and contact ureterlithotripsy. Types of contact lithotripters,
indications and contraindications for use.
182. Percutaneous nephrolithotripsy. Indications for use, technique.
183. Bilateral and recurrent urolithiasis. Features of diagnostics. The role of
parathyroid hormone determination in diagnosis. Therapeutic tactics.
184. Abnormalities of the ureter. Vesicoureteric reflux. Ureterocele. Dystopia
and ectopia of the ureteral orifice. Diagnosis and surgical treatment.
185. Bladder abnormalities. Diagnostics. Surgical treatment for exstrophy.
Surgical treatment for bladder diverticulum.
186. Abnormalities of the urethra. Surgical treatment for hypospadias and
epispadias. Complications.
187. Principles of treatment of patients with male infertility.
188. Copulative disorders in men. Prevalence, classification.
189. Conservative and surgical treatment for erectile dysfunction.
190. Diagnosis and treatment of ejaculation disorders.
191. Hypogonadism. Clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment.
192. Male infertility. Prevalence, diagnosis.
193. Interpretation of spermograms.
194. Methods of conservative and surgical treatment for male infertility.
195. The role of assisted reproductive technologies.
196. Aspermia.
197. Diagnosis and treatment of aspermia.
198. Pyelolitomy.
199. Adenomectomy.
200. Opened paranephritis.
201. Opened kidney abscess.

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