Monthly CAP Reporting

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Community Action Project Monthly Progress Report

Your Community Action Project (CAP) Completion monthly reporting template is created by
JAAGO Foundation Trust. You will use this template to submit the monthly progress of your
project, which is being implemented using the seed fund handed over to you.

Please complete and submit this document through the link given to you in the email.
Please share the following information accurately.

Particulars Information

Reporting Month (Ex- January 2024)

Team Code

Team Name


District (Implementation Area):

Team Leader’s Name

Team Leader’s Mobile Number

Team Leader’s Email

Describe the problem your Community Action Project addressed. Provide relevant
background information and context.

What were your project’s specific/SMART goals? Please number your goals.
Who were/are your project’s DIRECT beneficiaries/participants in the last month? Please
describe them (for example, Students 7- 11 years old from XYZ community; single
mothers from XYZ community; XYZ organisation staff.

How many DIRECT participants/beneficiaries (benefit due to your direct intervention)

benefitted from your CAP in the last month? (Share the numbers; they only happened in
the previous month.) If there is no data, please mention N/A in all the sections.
Total Individuals:

i. Female:
ii. Male:
Iii. Other:

In the last month, how many estimated INDIRECT participants (benefited directly from
direct participants or beneficiaries) were impacted by your CAP? (If there is no data here,
please mention N/A in all the sections)
Total Individuals:

i. Female:
ii. Male:
Iii. Other:

What activities were part of your CAP? Explain the actions you took last month to
achieve your goals and the strategies taken. (write N/A if not applicable)
What were the specific results of your project in the last month? What did you achieve in
the previous month? (you can also mention something in progress)

Share the total expenditure details of the last month against the funds received for the
project. (If it is the 2nd or 3rd monthly progress report, please add the cumulative amount of the
previous months you shared during the last monthly report. Please note that you should put all
the expenses in the “Debit” column, and feel free to add a row in between if required. After
mentioning the costs in the Debit column, please update the summation of expense/Debit
and Balance of Fund/ Credit in the last row named Total )
SL Particulars/Expenses Month Debit/Spent Credit

1 Seed Fund Transferred to the team January 1,04,000



Total 1,04,000

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